Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 321: Attendant of the God of Blazing Sky, come to my bowl quickly

Qi Ge pretended to think hard, and finally decisively chose the ultra-rare special scroll.

This kind of thing is something that can only be encountered but cannot be sought. I don’t know when I will wait for the next time I encounter it.

Even if I can't use the special mission scroll I randomly get, there are still Le Meng, Li Xiaobai, and Zhang Fu.

[System prompt: Selection completed]

[System prompt: Rewards are being distributed]

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining:

Skill points +3

Arms: Level 5 and Level 3 Hidden Arms Cold Flame Djinn

Miraculous Architecture: Prayer Wick

Mythical Architecture Fragments: Sky Boat 1

Natural Wonder Poké Ball (Disposable Treasure)

Specialty: Blood Recommendation Xuanyuan Quest Scroll

Specialty: Behemoth Commander’s Quest Scroll]

Qige took a deep breath.

He suppressed his desire to read the special scrolls and checked the military units and miracle buildings first.

【Leng Yan Deng Shen

Power: Tower

Level: 5

Rank: 3

Quality: hidden

Attack: 13

Defense: 12

Damage: 16

Ability Power: 15

Knowledge: 40

Casting distance: 20

Life: 100

Speed: 11


elemental creature

Flying arms.

The mortal enemy of the fire elves.

Prayer Casting: Give up the opportunity to act and randomly cast beneficial magic on allies (no magic value is consumed, lasts 3 rounds).

Frost Prayer: Give up the opportunity to act and randomly cast ice magic on the enemy (no magic value is consumed, the possession magic lasts for 3 rounds, and the maximum damage magic cannot exceed level 5).


Possess magic: teleportation, ice magic, ice thunder. 】

how to say.


A decent spell-casting unit.

I would say weak, but not weak. After all, there are two spell-casting skills that do not require magic points.

To say it is strong, there is nothing that can make people shine.

Enduring the disappointment, Qige inspected the miracle building.

【Prayer wick

miracle building

Building requirements:

City size: Acropolis

Terrain requirements: Snow

Resource requirements: 30,000 gold coins, 50 wood, 50 stones, 60 gems, 6 crystals

Effect: Provides an upgrade to the level 5 miracle weapon, the Cursed Death Monster.

Djinn units that kill more than 20 fire elves can advance. 】

Qi Ge took a look at the attributes of the Cursed Death Monster and found that it was actually not as good as the level 3 Cold Flame Djinn.

Are there any good stunts?

Qi Ge curiously checked

【Curse the monster to death


Special Skills: Flying Troops. When attacking actively, there is a 5% chance of directly destroying half of the enemies. 】

5% chance to directly destroy half of the enemies! ! !

Hiss, good guy.

Man Niu is called the Little Djinn, right?

In addition to the somewhat harsh triggering conditions, the stunts of this unit are still terrifying.

The sky boat needs to collect the myth fragments before you can see the attribute values, and you can only save them in the package first.

【Natural Wonder Poke Ball

disposable treasure

Effect: Based on the consent of the natural wonders, the natural wonders can be collected into the elf ball and released to any location at any time.

Natural wonders can be made to agree through communication or combat. 】

Qi Ge:......

Although Qi Ge guessed that it was to obtain a naturally strange prop, he did not expect that Mother Goddess Asa would have such a good time.

Natural wonders can be made to agree through communication or combat.

God TM fights.

Hit it to the end of your health, right?

Doesn’t Mother Goddess Asa have any creativity of her own?

Copy everything?


I am the man who will become a master of the wonders of nature!

Let’s go, Pika Elements Climbing Tower?

It's you, Bulbasaur Sphinx?

Little Fire Mountain Fortress, get out of the way!

Is this true? !

After finishing his rant, Qi Ge took a deep breath and checked the two special scrolls.

[Specialty: Blood Recommendation Xuanyuan Quest Scroll

Conditions of use: Race: Human

Effect: After opening, you will get the task chain. The mission reward is Specialty: Blood Recommendation Xuanyuan.

Blood Recommendation Xuanyuan: Active Specialty.

It can be turned on during battle. After it is turned on, the defense of all human troops will be reduced to zero, the upper limit of health value will be halved, double-click will be obtained, and the counterattack will be counterattacked twice and unlimited counterattack.

Explanation: The message is sent to Hanxing Tsuen Bu Cha, and I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood. 】

Hiss, it is indeed a perverted specialty! !

Qi Ge was shocked.

Double click, counterattack twice plus unlimited counterattack.

The effect is too powerful.

As for the cost, it doesn't matter if the defense is reduced to zero or the maximum life limit is halved. There are ways to avoid it.

For example, magic shield and the like.

It's a pity that it's limited to humans, otherwise Qi Ge himself would want to use it.

[Specialty: Behemoth Commander Quest Scroll

Conditions of use: Race: Barbarian, Beamon

Effect: After opening, you will get the task chain. The mission reward is Specialty: Commander Beamon

Commander Beamon: Passive Specialty

The Behemoth he leads gains all attributes +20%.

After defeating level 7 wild monsters, you can sacrifice the enemy's corpse to summon the Behemoth heroic soul troops. The ratio is: 20/1. If there is insufficient, it cannot be summoned.

Description: The powerful and great Behemoth, save us barbarians. I am willing to dedicate all the descendants and future of our family to you!

As long as you can help us, revenge! ! ! 】

Damn it.

Bringing your own Behemoth Spiritualism? !

This is no longer a question of being strong or not.

The most indispensable thing in the Yasha world is wild monsters.

Once the basic primitive accumulation is completed, it will snowball. Who can bear it?

This specialty comes at a good time!

Qi Ge's mind began to spin wildly.

Those barbarian players who were relatively famous in their previous lives were constantly recalled by Qi Ge.

It was impossible to sell this special scroll to them, and they couldn't afford it.

We must find a barbarian player to join the studio.

First of all, the character must be reliable and the skills must be excellent.

Several candidates quickly flashed through Qi Ge's mind, but he suppressed them again.

Don't be in a hurry, think long term.

After sorting out the harvest, Qi Pigeon breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't worry, there is still a pile of loot waiting for you to receive.

Team 409 has wandering wild monsters. After entering the battle, it becomes the enemy of Team 510.

This shows that there are 101 teams guarding wild monsters.

If there are wild monsters to guard, there will naturally be resources to be guarded.

Qi Ge opened the map, rode on Zi Yuan, and started a happy shopping trip.

Level 30 treasure chest, open, 3,000 gold coins, guaranteed, bah!

Pile of gold coins, pick them up, 1,000 gold coins, not bad, small profit.

Um? treasure! Tree Elf Bow!

Damn it, this is fate.

Magic Well, take a sip, it’s great!

[System prompt: If you drink the water from the magic well, your magic value recovery speed will double within 24 hours.

Fishing in an enchanted well? 】

Qige looked at the dark well mouth and couldn't help but feel itchy all over.

You annoying little goblin, do you really want to suck me in?

It's a pity that I don't have time to fish today, there are still a bunch of treasures waiting to be picked up in the wild, so I'll let you go for now.

That is impossible!

A real fisherman has to cast his pole even when crossing the Naihe Bridge!

I jump!

[System prompt: Magic Well has rejected your fishing application. 】

[A voice came from the deep well:

Sir, your territory is already connected to the Magic Sea. Please give up your spot in the Magic Well to those in need. 】

Um? !

Qi Ge was shocked.

What does this mean? If you build a magic fish pond, you can no longer fish in the magic well?

By the way, it seems that I haven’t fished in the magic fish pond yet.

Misstep, it's all because I've been too busy lately.

Since the magic well was unable to fish, Qi Ge did not stay long and continued to plunder various supplies.

After the Chaos Mist is illuminated by the Sun God, the materials generated are still mostly gold coins and basic resources, and there are relatively few buildings.

After picking up 6 gold coin points in a row, Qi Ge came across another building.

Summoning Stone.

Huge boulders formed a ring, and the ground in the center of the ring was carved with circles of complex magic lines.

Hexagram, octagon, semicircle...

Qi Ge stood in the middle of the magic lines, and the magic lines on the ground lit up.

[System prompt: The Summoning Stone has sensed your presence, and it feels strongly satisfied that it can serve you.

Its power allows you to visit any building in your territory. 】

Qi Ge's consciousness seemed to have crossed countless distances and floated directly to the City of God's Choice.

The light of Yasha's fire in the great temple of God's Chosen City flashed, pointing the way for Qige's consciousness.

The battle just now made all the thousands of sword dancers in Qige meet the advancement conditions of 100 wins.

In one battle, more than 500 teams of wild monsters were defeated. In the calculation of the system, it was naturally counted as 500 victories.

Qi Ge thinks this is very scientific.

Just like a chapter of 2,000 words, then 10,000 words should naturally be counted as 5 chapters.

[System prompt: You have a total of 42 [Thousands of Sword Dancers].

Each [Thousands of Sword Dancers] needs to advance to [True Thousands of Sword Dancers]:

4000 gold coins, 14 wood, 14 ore, and 7 of all level 2 resources. 】

Hiss, so expensive!

No matter how expensive it is, it has to be upgraded. Real Thousands of Sword Dancers is a qualitative change.

The massive gold coins and resources on Qi Ge's body turned into light liquid and flowed into the magic circle.

The magic circle under the summoning stone emitted a burst of bright and gentle light, and the dazzling orange color blurred Qige's eyes.

In the House of Decision in the City of God’s Choice, many characters of names floated.

These runes were taken away by a burst of orange light, passed through the endless void, and disappeared into Qi Ge's troop card.

[System prompt: Advanced successfully. 】

[The summoning stone exhausted all its energy and became dim. 】

Seven Pigeons were teleported out of the summoning stone, and the huge stone of the summoning stone turned into powder and scattered in the wind.

Qi Ge looked at the real thousands of sword dancers in the package and laughed silly.


Continue to pick up supplies.

Qige divided the map into 100 small grids and carefully searched each grid to make sure nothing was missed.

Gold coins, gold coins, gems, wood, gems, gems, gems,

Um? Something's wrong, why are there so many gems around here?

Qige immediately rode Ziyuan and started searching around.

But nothing seemed to be found nearby.

If you can't see it when looking down, it may be blocked by something.

Ziyuan landed on the ground, and Qi Ge looked around.

Directly in front of him was a volcano that was slowly erupting.

The volcano roared like a huge monster, like the legendary fire-breathing Tyrannosaurus Rex, which spewed out blazing thick smoke and rushing brown flames.

The surrounding mountains seemed to be on fire;

White-hot stone hail, dark red smoke clouds, and rocket-like lava intertwined into a huge kaleidoscope.

The ground is constantly shaking due to volcanic eruptions.

This is?

At this moment, Qige noticed a magma waterfall not far away.

When this magma waterfall flows down, it is almost vertical.

This is not normal.

Magma is different from water flow. It is more viscous and will slide down the mountain wall.

Qige's mind moved, she put away Ziyuan and walked around to the side of the magma waterfall.

He was surprised to find a cave behind the magma waterfall, with several piles of sparkling gems placed at the cave's exit.

It was exactly what I expected.

The gap between the waterfall and the cave is too narrow. If you ride Shion, you will easily get burned by the lava waterfall.

The seven pigeons used hooks to cling to the mountain wall and cautiously moved towards the cave.

The strong smell of sulfur penetrated Qi Ge's nostrils, and Qi Ge's back was burned by tongues of fire, and soon became hot.

The stone wall that had been burned for a long time was extremely fragile, so Qi Ge had to concentrate.

Qi Ge soon ran into trouble. A broken wall was longer than Qi Ge had imagined, and there was no way to cross it directly.

He took out a piece of rope from his backpack, tied it to himself, tied the other end to the stone, and jumped!

When it was in the air, Qi Ge took out the [False Griffin Heart Blade] and thrust it into the stone wall with all its strength.

Suspended in the air, Qi Ge did not panic at all.

He took out a knight's light sword, used the two swords as climbing objects, and climbed up step by step.

Qi Ge was extremely lucky to have chosen a half-elf when choosing a race. The half-elf had a very standard body shape and had flexible hands and feet.

If it were a hellhound like Xiaotian, it would be troublesome.

Of course, if you are a fire elf, you will be born with the ability to fly and fire magic, and you can even climb up the lava waterfall.

After successfully climbing into the cave, Qi Ge untied the rope on his body, tied it to a nearby stone, and entered the cave.

At the entrance of the cave, Qi Ge picked up 3 piles of gems, totaling 36 gems.

This made him extremely excited.

There is probably a gem mine inside!

Following the traces of gems, Qi Ge soon discovered a gem lake deep in the cave.

[System prompt: You have discovered a beautiful gem lake, but a group of little monsters are stationed in the gem lake.

They saw you and raised their steel forks angrily.

If you try to force your way in, they will definitely fight you to the death to defend their homeland.

Do you want to continue your visit?

whether? 】


I want to play?

Qi Ge chose No first, then took a step back, flicked his finger, and changed the battle team in the unit card to 42 True Thousand Thousand Sword Dancers.

Visit again.

[System prompt: Intermediate diplomacy takes effect. 】

【system hint:

"Outsiders! Get out of here!"

Just as the little monster in the gem lake is about to take action, an extremely powerful army stands out behind you.

The true thousands of sword dancers are entangled with powerful magic, and their swords exude cold light and intimidation.

Under the gaze of thousands of sword dancers, the little monsters immediately realize that there is something wrong with their attitude towards you.

"Misunderstanding! Hero, it's all a misunderstanding!"

After a heated discussion among the little monsters, they sent a representative to communicate with you. 】


Above the gem lake, a gem imp jumped out.

Different from ordinary monsters, its two horns and eyes are made of bright gems.

Adds/Monsters/Imps/Gem Imps.

Contrary to Qi Ge's expectation, level 4 troops were actually born in this gem lake!

No wonder the neighborhood is filled with gems.

The gem kid said nervously: "Great hero, we are just a group of poor little monsters.

Unlike the little monsters in hell, we never do anything harmful to nature.

We hate struggle and just want a peaceful life.

My lord, if you promise not to harm us, we are willing to serve you. "

The gem imp has a cunning and cunning personality.

Qi Ge didn't want to believe a word of what it said.

He looked at the little gem ghost faintly and threatened:

"Do you think you have room to bargain with me?

If you surrender obediently, I'll save you some trouble.

If you are unwilling to cooperate, we will just kill a group of people and replace them with a new group.

Give you another chance to organize your language.

What should I say? Think about it, I don’t have that much patience. "

[System prompt: You chose deterrence. 】

[System prompt: Diplomacy judgment passed, strength judgment passed. 】

[System prompt: Deterrence successful. 】

The gem kid trembled all over, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed:

"Sir, I am willing to surrender, please don't kill me."

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining a high-level gem lake. 】

[System prompt: All 122 little monsters and 1 gem imp have joined the player's territory. 】

All 122 little monsters?

Wait, why is base loyalty so low?

Qi Ge took a look and found that most of the little monsters, including the little gem monsters, had loyalties between 40 and 50, with only a few exceeding 60.

This is unreasonable.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster, and when things come out of nowhere, there must be a reason.

Qi Ge's heart was moved, but on the surface he remained calm as he walked towards the gem lake and said:

"Come on, take me to see my mine."

"Yes, yes, yes, sir."

The little gem immediately relaxed knowing that Qi Ge would not kill him.

It quickly ran to the seven pigeons and said:

"Sir, I will lead the way for you!"

It jumped into the gem lake, and the seven pigeons also jumped in.

In an instant, the entire gem lake expanded rapidly in front of Seven Pigeons!

By the time the seven pigeons landed on the ground, the gem lake that was originally only a small pond had turned into a huge lake.

Sumerna mustard seeds.

Under the power of Mother Goddess Asa, huge buildings like the high-end gem lake will be compressed.

Only by entering it can you see its true appearance.

The surface of the gem lake is sparkling, reflecting colorful light, and at the bottom of the gem lake, there are many beautiful gems immersed in it.

On the lake, many little monsters supported rafts and held fishing nets, throwing them hard into the lake.

When a fishing net is brought up, 99% of the lake water will leak out, and only 10% will be caught in the fishing net.

This 10% of the lake water will be converted into gems after being collected.

Like the fairy waterwheel, this strange pattern is itself part of the magical ritual.

If you change to another race, you may need to fish for gems, or pick the gem lotus that occasionally blooms in the gem lake, in order to create gems.

When the gem kid arrived at Gem Lake, he immediately became arrogant and shouted arrogantly:

“All bastards!

Come all over here! "

Qi Ge noticed that all the little monsters on the entire gem lake suddenly trembled.

They immediately slid the oars and rowed towards the shore as hard as they could.

In the cave on the shore and in the small pool where gems were refined, all the little monsters rushed over immediately and stood trembling in front of the gem imp.

There were two little monsters who had just cast the net. They hurriedly raised the net and came back a little slower.

The little gem kid flew up and landed on the little monsters hard, knocking several little monsters to the ground.

The little monster didn't dare to resist at all.

The little gem kid kicked the little monster on the ground with a left kick and a right kick, and pushed him into the team.

Qi Ge watched this scene with great interest and observed the reactions of other little monsters.

He found that most of the little monsters were injured, and a dozen of them even had broken wings.

Only the nine little monsters standing at the front were unscathed.

Before the gem imps returned to the team, they stared at the team fiercely.

The little monsters didn't dare to move under their eyes.

Seeing that all the little monsters obeyed his words, the little gem devil seemed to have courage. It looked at Qi Ge ferociously, and happened to meet Qi Ge's eyes that were half-smiling but not smiling.

This instantly calmed him down, he ran to Qi Ge with a fawning smile, and said obscenely:

"Sir, all the little monsters are here.

As you can see, they are both down-to-earth and capable monsters.

I promise that as long as I am here, there will be a bumper harvest of gems every day! "

Qi Ge nodded and took out the Scepter of Tranquility.

The power of the Scepter of Silence was activated in Qi Ge's hand, causing all the little monsters to focus their attention.

Qi Ge did not hesitate to use the Scepter of Silence to hit the gem kid.

No matter how high-level the gem imp is, it is just a soldier, and it was suddenly smashed to the ground by Qi Ge.

In an instant, the entire little monster group was in panic.

[System prompt: The loyalty of the little gem Zach to you is -20, currently 26]

[System prompt: The little monster’s loyalty to Gore is -12. Current 38】

A row of system prompts popped up, and Qi Ge noticed that only 9 little monsters in total had lost their loyalty.

The loyalty of other little monsters has not decreased at all, but on the contrary, a few have increased!

This made Qi Ge even more determined in his inner speculation.

Qi Ge watched the gem kid get up from the ground and asked:

"Does it hurt?"

The little gem asked at a loss:

"Sir, is there something I did that dissatisfied you?"

Seven Pigeons said in a deep voice:

"I'm asking you, does it hurt? Answer me."

"Sir, it hurts."

"It hurts you and you hit them!"

The gem kid was stunned and quickly explained: "Sir, it's those little monsters who are late."

"Oh, is it so?"

Qi Ge stretched out his staff, pointed at the little monsters, and asked:

"If any of you have been beaten by it, come forward."

The gem imp immediately stared at those little monsters.

Qi Ge struck the gem imp on the stomach with his scepter and said viciously:

"How dare you do something small in front of me!"

The gem kid clutched his stomach and lowered his head in pain.

Qi Ge turned to the little monster and asked:

“You have to stand, don’t kneel.

Now that I'm here, I won't let you kneel.

If anyone has been beaten by it, come forward! "

The little monsters looked at each other, and no one dared to move.

Qi Ge stared at a little monster with broken wings and nodded vigorously towards it.

It has the highest initial loyalty to itself among all the little monsters, with a full 76 points.

Under the watchful eyes of the seven pigeons, it took the first step and shouted:

"My lord, I was beaten by it."

"Very good!" Qige nodded approvingly and then asked:

"Why did it hit you? Tell me."

“I was beaten twice yesterday.

One time it was because when I got on the raft, I stepped with my left foot first.

One time was because when I saw it, I didn’t lie down low enough to salute.

The day before yesterday was because my wing was broken.

Three times the day before yesterday, my tail was too short, my voice was unpleasant, and it was in a bad mood.

By the way, my wings were broken by it the day before yesterday.


"That's enough for now."

Qi Ge gave the gem imp without hesitation, knocked it to the ground, pointed at it and asked:

"Is this how you treat your own kind?

Since you think you are better than them, you can make up rules arbitrarily and punish them in clever ways.

Now that I'm better than you, don't blame me for punishing you in the same way! "

Qi Ge turned to the little monster and continued:

"From today onwards, no one is allowed to abuse others of their own race.

This is my first rule here.

Violators will die.

Whoever agrees, step forward! "

The little monster just now was the first to take a step forward, but the other little monsters still stood still.

"That's too much! I'll fight you!"

The gem kid's loyalty had long since dropped to zero. He stretched out his hand, took out a gem, and threw it at Qi Ge.

Qi Ge deliberately did not dodge and was hit by him.

[System prompt: There is a rebellion in your gem lake and it has entered combat mode. 】

The scene turned, and the gem kid stood opposite Qi Ge with 9 little monsters.

It looked around and found that only the nine men who had been following it entered the battle with it. It suddenly panicked and shouted;

"Where are the people?! Where are you people?! Why don't you join me in fighting the outsiders?!"

Qige looked at him and said leisurely:

"Don't you understand yet?

They won't help me, and they won't help you.

They help whoever wins. "

The blood light flashed across, like a red rose blooming in the dark night.

In front of thousands of real sword dancers, the little gem devils and little monsters have no power to resist.

[System prompt: The little monster Pique’s favorability towards you is +20, and his loyalty is +40]

A row of favorability and loyalty points were quickly displayed, and the little monsters cheered and knelt down to worship the seven pigeons.

They seemed to have found a backbone in an instant, beating and kicking the gem imp's body.

Qi Ge watched with cold eyes.

This is the nature of the little monster, fearing power but not being immoral.

They cheered not because the Seven Pigeons punished the gem imp who hurt them, but because they had a more powerful new master,

"grown ups!!"

Piqué stood in front of Qi Ge excitedly and said, "Sir! We are willing to serve you."

Among a bunch of stupid little monsters, it's not easy to have someone as smart as Pique.

Qi Ge nodded and said:

"Very good, Pike, you will be the new leader of Gem Lake from now on."

He tossed a handful of gold coins in front of Piqué and said, "Advance!"

Piqué was ecstatic and immediately grabbed the gold coins and started to advance.

Two rays of light flashed in succession.

Pique directly advanced from a small monster to a level 3 imp, and his loyalty instantly soared to 100.

It seems that Pique has accumulated enough experience points for a long time, but has been lacking the resources to advance.

Also, given the personality of the hell troops, even if the gem imps have resources, they will not share them with their own kind, let alone having no resources.

Peak held the remaining gold coins respectfully, bent down and said, "Sir, this is the remaining gold coin."

Qi Ge glanced at the gold coin bag, which contained a total of 20,000 gold coins. Piqué only used 600 to advance to level 2.

He said in a deep voice:

"Pique, I have a mission for you.

Starting today, Gemstone Lakes will start performance evaluation.

All little monsters can participate.

Based on the number of gems collected, the little monster that ranks first in the weekly assessment can receive 2 gold coins.

The monster that ranks first in the evaluation can receive 3 gold coins.

The kid who ranks first in the assessment can receive 4 gold coins.

In addition, if the little monster can turn in twenty fish nets every day this week, even if he is not first, he can still receive 1 gold coin.

Similarly, even twenty fish nets cannot be turned in, and even if you are first, you will not get any reward.

I'll leave this bag of gold coins to you for safekeeping. I'll come back and replenish it for you after it's distributed.

Every once in a while, I'll come over and check.

If you dare to embezzle money or deduct gold coins from your own clan, do you know the consequences? "

Pique was overjoyed. He was the only kid now. Doesn't that mean he could get a reward of 5 gold coins every week?

It was grateful, nodded repeatedly, and shouted loudly: "Sir!! I will never betray your trust!"

Qi Ge calculated in his previous life that it would take almost 40 minutes for the little monster to hit a net.

20 network, the little monster works almost 14 hours a day.

There are still a full 10 hours for them to rest.

However, first there are gold coins.

With the character of the little monster, I hope a few of them will die from exhaustion.

Chaohua has a little secret in her heart that she has never told anyone.

She likes the Seven Pigeons.

Chaohua admitted that she was just lustful at first.

The Seven Pigeon Master has quite good looks.

Later, as the deeds of the Seven Dove God became more and more, her heart gradually changed from lust to worship.

Ever since she got the AR phone number from Master Qi Ge last time, Chaohua has been in a happy mood.

Although she never called Qi Ge, she still felt that she was very close to Qi Ge!

It is a rare opportunity for the Angel Faith Guild to cooperate with the Seven Doves.

Chaohua felt that she had to show her gentle and considerate side to the Master Qi Ge.

So, she said hello to Xuanmen and quietly came to the area where the Seven Pigeons master was playing jungle, preparing to create a chance encounter.

Chasing stars, how can you do it without some awareness?

Chaohua knew what she was doing, and knew that with her own strength, it was basically impossible to move forward in monster areas above level 4.

But for the sake of the Seven Pigeons, she was willing to risk being killed by wild monsters and return to the city.

Anyway, she only had one spearman with her, so she could kill them at will.

But the further we walk toward the flowers, the stranger they get, where are the wild monsters? ?

Why didn't I see a single wild monster after walking for a long time?

Not only did he not see any wild monsters, Chaohua also saw a bunch of scattered resources on the ground.

Is there a wild monster hiding?

Chaohua hid behind the stone and looked around.

But after observing for a long time, she still didn't see any wild monsters.

Looking at the pile of gold coins and the treasure chest in front of her, Chaohua could no longer restrain her curiosity.

She took a deep breath and tiptoed up.

Take two steps towards the flower, take one step back, take three steps, look around and show caution.

But until Chaohua walked to the treasure chest, she didn't see any wild monsters.

Oh my God, what the hell is going on?

It can't be that the Seven Pigeons master killed monsters and didn't pick up resources, right?

Give it a try.

Chaohua thought for a moment.

The treasure chest may be a trap treasure chest, and it is safer to pick up gold coins!

She stretched out her hand, and as soon as she touched the gold coin, a system prompt popped up.

[System prompt: The resource you are picking up is already occupied.

Countdown: 1 hour and 20 minutes. 】

Wow! It’s really seven pigeons that I didn’t pick up.

Could it be that the Seven Pigeon Master forgot to pick it up?

Chaohua touched the treasure chest and found that it was actually a level 40 treasure chest.

"Level 40 treasure chest!

It’s possible to find level 4 real treasures! "

Chaohua's sense of responsibility suddenly rose.

"This is not okay, I have to remind the master.

Otherwise, it would be a pity to be wiped out by the system after a long time. "

Suddenly having a valid excuse to find Qi Ge, Chao Hua felt much better. She would jump from time to time while riding the white horse, which tired the little white horse.

The further I walked toward the flowers, the more I realized something was wrong.

Gold coins, sulfur, mercury, treasure chests, and supplies that have not yet been picked up are everywhere.

She saw a garden of truth that could add knowledge!

The guards in the garden have been cleared out by the Seven Pigeons.

This is not right!

The more Chaohua thought about it, the less she understood.

Forget about the gold coins in the treasure chest, maybe the Seven Pigeon Master missed it, or even the Seven Pigeon Master was too lazy to pick it up.

But what is going on with this Garden of Truth? !

The guardian of the Garden of Truth is inside the garden.

It can't be that Master Qi Ge has missed this.

Moreover, no matter how powerful and wealthy the Seven Dove God is, he cannot leave the Garden of Truth, which can increase knowledge, without visiting it!

A garden can add a lot of knowledge and experience. This is the basic attribute experience!

Which professional player would be willing to give up?

Chaohua felt that her brain was overloaded and she couldn't understand what was happening now.

She then thought, no, other resources don't matter, I have to help the Master Qi Ge occupy this Garden of Truth.

What if another player comes over and pays a visit while Master Qi Ge is away?

So Chaohua Qige stopped looking for her, and just stood at the door of the Garden of Truth like a watcher's stone, constantly debating whether or not to make an AR call to Qige.

Qi Ge had just finished picking up a wave of resources when he saw Chao Hua.

Chaohua wore a little angel nurse costume with wings and walked back and forth at the entrance of the Garden of Truth.

This little angel nurse's skirt is slightly shorter, and she wears Chaohua's pure white bubble socks that only reach her knees.

There is a hint of charm in the purity.

What is Chaohua doing here?

Qi Ge was a little curious. He landed on the ground, put Zi Yuan away, and walked towards Chao Hua.


Qi Ge said hello, which startled Chao Hua.

When she turned around and saw Qige, she immediately became happy and shouted:

"Master Seven Pigeons, you are finally here, so great!"

"What's wrong? Did you encounter something? Don't be in a hurry. Speak slowly."

Chaohua shook her head and said:

“Ah, no, that.

I saw that you left out some resources and the Garden of Truth. I was afraid that other players would access them, so I helped you occupy the spot. "

Qi Ge:......

So that's it.

Of course, Qi Ge would not be so confused about Feng Qing. He told Chao Hua that he had not had time to visit her.

With a snap, he threw Chaohua into a team.

Chao Hua was stunned for a moment, blinking his eyes, looking at Qi Ge, feeling a little at a loss.

Qi Ge smiled and explained: "You are here, just do me a favor, can you?"

Chaohua suddenly understood and chose to join the group.

Qige took a look at Chaohua's career and was extremely satisfied.

【Maid of Paradise】

Sure enough, Chaohua successfully completed the hidden mission.

The butterfly effect is not too serious.

[Heaven Maid] is a auxiliary profession, and its effect is very average.

There is only one stunt:

The morale of the human troops led by them is +1, and the angel troops gain an additional 20% health boost.

This stunt looks good.

But where can players get angels in the early stage?

In her previous life, if Chaohua hadn't randomly picked up the level 2 hidden unit [Pure Priest] at the beginning, she would have been tricked into the second tier by this profession.

But in the fourth year of the current life, when Chaohua’s [Heaven Maid] finally changed her profession to the legendary profession [Blazing God’s Maid], she shined in the entire human camp.

【Servant of Seraph】As the name suggests, the divine attendant of Seraph.

Seraph Michael, the true god behind all of Erathia.

Chaohua can obtain 5 recruitment quotas for archangels every week. The combat power of her angels is doubled, and they have 6 resurrection times.

Coupled with the angel specialties that Chaohua obtained in the later stage, Chaohua simply changed from the leading lady of the Angel Faith Guild to the goddess of the entire player camp in one fell swoop.

The first time Qi Ge saw Chao Hua, he set his sights on her.

But Qi Ge has never dared to interfere too much with Chao Hua.

The Butterfly Effect.

Who knows if Qi Ge's meddling will destroy Chao Hua's career.

After all, Qi Ge doesn’t know what the quest line is for Chao Hua to obtain [The Maid of Heaven], and he can’t help even if he wants to.

Judging from the situation in the past life, [Heaven Maid] is probably the only hidden profession.

But now, since Chaohua has successfully changed her job, Qi Ge will take action on this little fat sheep.

If you can help Chaohua accelerate her growth, you will have a super powerful resurrected wet nurse when you fight Chaos in the future.

Let me think about how to fool her.

When Chaohua saw Qi Ge in a daze, she quickly said: "Oh, by the way, Master Qi Ge, I will share my attributes, professions, and arms with you."

[System prompt: Chaohua has shared some of her information with you. 】

Why is this kid so honest? !

Qi Ge blinked and said: "Chao Hua, players' attributes and arms cannot be shown to others casually.

This is all confidential information.

Especially a professional player like you.

If I were hostile to you, it would be easy to think of a way to target you. "

Chaohua stared at Qige with her big eyes and said:

"Master, I know.

But I trust you, so it doesn't matter. "

Qi Ge:......

Before I even started fooling her, she grabbed the crutches, stretcher, and wheelchair and walked away.

You showed it to me yourself, so I won’t be polite.

Qige opened Chaohua's attribute panel and looked at it carefully for a while.

He nodded and said to Chaohua:

"Okay, I understand.

Your offensive and defensive attributes are pretty good, but your spellcasting attributes are a bit worse.

This should be because you mainly rely on [Pure Priest], Lancers, and Marksmen to clear the jungle in the early stage.

First, bring up the knowledge.

It just so happens that there is a Garden of Truth here.

Visit first. "

Chaohua blinked, tilted his head, and softly uttered:



ps: The monthly ticket is almost over 1,000, everyone is so strong, hamsters are scared

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