Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 441 Shilipo Sword God

A strange busy tone came from Qi Ge's ears.

"What's going on?! The system is offline?!"

Just as Qi Ge was shocked, suddenly, three voices that seemed familiar to him sounded in his ears one after another.

[Magic Tip: The difficulty of [Demon Lord’s Territory] has been modified to the final stage. 】

[Destiny reminder: Current difficulty level: Dragon Kingdom. 】

[Wealth Tip: Special mode has been turned on, current mode: Demon King Mode]

Qi Ge:! ! ! !

What the hell is Demon King Mode?

I've never heard of it.

[Magic Tip: Due to Chaos' forced increase in the difficulty of the [Demon Lord's Territory] Treasure House, we have obtained the same support authority. 】

[Magic Tip: Chaos changes the rules. You are the defender and Chaos is the attacker. 】

[Destiny Tip: You can use [Demon King Coin] to set up the [Demon King Territory] maze.

Chaos' ultimate goal is: to break into the Demon King's treasure room.

Your ultimate goal is to destroy all Chaos invaders.

Chaos has a total of 13 attack waves, and each wave gradually becomes stronger.

The last three waves will be led by True Chaos troops.

Before each wave of Chaos attacks, I will help you predict the type and number of Chaos troops. 】

Qi Ge:! ! !

broken! I have become the devil!

[Wealth Tip: You initially have 500+1000+1000+1000=3500 [Demon King Coin].

Among them, 3000 [Demon King Coins] are for our support]

[Magic Tip: The first wave of attacks will begin in half an hour. 】

[Fate reminder: The first wave of attack is

Chaos Demon Dog (number 1800~2200),

Crawling pus monster (300~400),

Demon Dog Bone Master (300~400)]

[Fate Tip: You can use 100 Demon King Coins to purchase an additional half hour of preparation time. 】

Only half an hour? So fast? !

The crawling pus monster is a high-output long-range unit, the devil dog ghost master is a summoning unit that casts spells, and the chaos devil dog is a melee cannon fodder.

All the tactics were fired.

Even more frightening is the quantity.

Qi Ge did some mental calculations and found that the strength of Chaos's first wave of attack was about 10 times his total strength.

Damn it, the first wave is hard to deal with.

Qige's eyes narrowed, and Destiny's wife specifically told her that it would definitely not be useless.

You can’t save the 100 initial coins, just exchange them!

"I will exchange 100 [Demon King Coins] for half an hour of extra preparation time."

[Wealth Tip: Transaction successful. Chaos attack delayed for half an hour]

[Wealth Tip: The initial maze size is 8 small rooms.

You can use [Demon Coins] to purchase traps and defensive buildings to place in the room. 】

Qi Ge quickly checked and found that in addition to the [Demon King's Treasure Room] where he was, he had eight rooms that could be used to form a maze.

[Wealth Tips:

The buildings you can build in the room are divided into 4 types:

[Trap], [Logistics], [Support], [Between Myths].

[Trap] can cause direct damage to Chaos' attacking forces and reduce the difficulty of defense.

[Logistics] can provide you with [Demon King Coins] that you need to keep your battery alive.

[Support] can provide you with a variety of buff effects.

[Between Myths] requires 10 waves to build, consumes a large amount of Demon King coins, and summons mythical troops that do not require command points to help.

When a built room is demolished, no [Demon King Coins] can be returned.

Please study carefully before building with caution. 】

"That's it." Qi Ge thought thoughtfully.

According to the rules of the [Demon King's Territory], once an intruder enters the [room], he must eliminate all [traps], [equipment], and [guards] in the [room] before he can leave.

Therefore, it is definitely most cost-effective to arrange the eight rooms into a long snake formation and put [traps] on them all to consume Chaos' troops.

In this way, you can rely on the traps in the first eight rooms to annihilate most of the chaotic invaders.

Then I will gather all my troops, wait for work in the [Demon King's Treasure Room], and annihilate the remnants of Chaos that were destroyed by traps in one fell swoop.

Perfect plan!

[Wealth Tip: [Demon Lord’s Territory] rules are still in effect, you can only use troops within your command value.

But you can use [Demon King Coins] to purchase temporary command points.

Please note that you cannot obtain [Demon Coin] by defeating Chaos Attack.

Therefore, the building that produces [Demon King Coins] is very important, so please build it first. 】

Qi Ge took a look and found that most of the [Demon King Coin] buildings could not be built by themselves now, and they needed to be defended for a certain number of waves before they could be unlocked.

Now we can only build the most basic [Demon King’s Mine]

[Demon King’s Mine:

Cost: 30 [Demon King Coin]

After the chaos attack starts, you will get 10 [Demon Coins] every ten minutes.

When the Chaos attack is repelled, if the mine still exists, eliminate the [Mine] and immediately obtain 500 [Demon Coins]. 】

Tsk, I take back what I just said.

Understand, this is not a tower defense game, this is Plants vs. Zombies.

If you want to create more plants, you must first create sunflowers to collect sunlight.

Then, the most greedy way to play is to defend the Chaos attack in the first room and build [Demon King's Mine] in all the remaining rooms.

Qi Ge studied the price list for a while, made an estimate in his mind, and immediately gave up this very tempting idea.

1 point of [Demon King Coin] can only buy 1 point of command point. Even if you buy them all, you can only increase your troops by about 2 times. You are definitely not an opponent of the first wave of chaos.

To defeat the strong with the weak, you must also pay attention to the basic laws.

Being greedy and bankrupt, Qi Ge can only study "traps".

[Thorn bush:

Deals 70 damage to all units entering the room.

It disappears after taking effect 30 times.

Purchase price: 20 [Demon King Coin]]

[Landmine Array:

Causes 150 points of damage to troops entering the room.

It disappears after taking effect 15 times.

Purchase price: 20 [Demon King Coin]]

【Lava pool

Causes 90 points of damage to troops entering the room.

It will not disappear after taking effect.

Every 15 times it takes effect, it will enter a 3-minute cooldown.

Purchase price: 40 [Demon King Coin]]

[Bramble Bush], [Lava Pool], [Mine Array], [Bone Field], [Boiling Oil Pit], [Dog Array], [Tar Pit], [Moat].

Isn't this the basic city defense of the nine major forces?

If you say so...

Qi Ge quickly rummaged for the trap equipment that had not yet been unlocked.

[City tower and arrow tower]

【Ghost Cloud Corpse Witch Tower】

【Maghuo Tower】

“Sure enough, there are also arrow towers from the nine major forces.

It seems that these traps are modified from the city defense equipment of the nine major forces. "

After realizing this, Qige immediately started searching for the [trap].

[Dead wood shooting wall

Remote troops can be stationed in the room, and when the remote troops shoot, they will shoot an additional shot.

The shooting wall is not destroyed and ranged units are not affected by the enemy.

Armor value: 6000

Price: 300 Demon King Coins

Unlock condition: Kill 2,000 invaders. 】

"Found it! This is it! It really exists!!"

Qige's eyes were bright and he was very excited.

The most important city defense building in the early stage of the barrier force is the [Deadwood Shooting Wall] that can protect long-range troops.

Relying on the [Deadwood Shooting Wall], the early city defense strength of the barrier force can even compete with the city defense strength of the fortress force.

"The conditions for unlocking such a powerful trap are unexpectedly simple?

Can you unlock it directly if you defend the first wave? "

Qi Ge reacted immediately.

"No, that's not right.

It should be that there are too many troops in the Chaos attack, so this originally very difficult condition can be completed in the first wave. "

Chaos relied on cheating to increase my strength, but in the end, it helped me find a way to break the game.

snort! It's true that you're shooting yourself in the foot!

After confirming the idea of ​​breaking the game, Qige didn't panic anymore.

There were still forty minutes left, so he carefully studied all the contents of [Support] and [Logistics] from beginning to end, and then started to arrange it with confidence.

Chaos had made such a big noise and even forcibly modified the rules of the [Demon King's Territory], so he would definitely not let him go so easily.

Even if he successfully defended the first wave, the difficulty increase in the second wave would definitely be exaggerated.

The strength of Chaos's first wave of attack alone was already ten times that of his own.

The second wave of Seven Pigeons simply didn’t dare to think about it.

If you want to conquer [Demon King’s Territory], you must take advantage of the first wave to accumulate enough advantages.

Qi Ge arranged the eight rooms in a straight line and used the last 6 rooms to place the [Devil Mine].

In the entrance room, Qige set up a trap [Bone Field].

In the second room at the entrance, Qige placed the [Thunder Elemental Altar] in [Support].

An hour of preparation time flies by!

[Magic Tip: The Chaos Invasion Begins! 】

As the prompt sounded, a large cloud of black smoke burst out of the entrance.

The smoke slowly condensed, and one after another Chaos Monsters continued to form!

1,800 Chaos Demonic Dogs bared their teeth and stared fiercely;


400 crawling pus monsters were lying on all fours, and the pus from their bad habits was constantly leaking from the ulcerated skin on their backs.

As the crawling pus monster screamed, huge pustules immediately appeared on its back.

The pustule was stretched to the limit, and the surface was almost transparent, and the dirty fluid continuously flowing in the pustule could even be clearly seen.


400 demon dog bone masters wore huge dog-head masks and held bone staffs in their hands, jumping around in circles.

All the chaos monsters gathered at the entrance. They didn't give Qi Ge any time to breathe, and immediately launched an attack on the maze.

The moment they entered the [Bone Field], pairs of translucent palms stretched out from the ground of the [Bone Field]!

[Bones Field] can cause 20 points of damage to each non-undead invader entering it.

And the Chaos Demon Dog's health is only 8 points!

A pair of ghost hands dragged the Chaos Demon Dog that acted as the vanguard into it, transforming the Chaos Demon Dog into a part of the [Bone Field].

The Chaos Demon Dog without vocal cords could not even whimper, and was devoured by the [Bone Field].

All 1,800 Chaos Demon Dogs were wiped out!

The attack of [Bone Field] is not over yet.

The ghost's hands kept stretching out from the ground, grabbing at the crawling pus monster.

The crawling pus monster has 26 health points and cannot be killed by [Bone Field].

But if touched by a fool's hand, the health of the crawling pus monster is like a candle in the wind.

The ghost's hand stretched out again, this time reaching out to the Demon Dog Bone Master.

The red light in the Demon Dog Bone Master's eyes flashed, instantly flicking away all the ghost hands.

【Devil Dog Bone Master

Level: Level 3

Level: Level 4

Quality: Chaos Herald (hidden)

Attack: 14

Defense: 10

Damage: 6~12

Life: 25

Speed: 6

Ability Power: 3

Knowledge: 3

Casting distance: 10


Undead, spellcasting troops

Possess magic:

Turn bones into wolves: Turn the dead Chaos Demon Dog into a Chaos Bone Wolf according to 10:1.

Mana supply: Every time a Chaos Demon Dog dies, you will immediately gain 1 mana point, which can exceed the upper limit.

Level 1: Fireball

Level 2: Undead Death Cloud, Skeleton Ground Thorn]

The Demon Dog Bone Master is an undead creature and will not be affected by the damage from the [Bones Field].

The Chaos Demon Dogs were destroyed, and the Demon Dog Bone Master raised the bone staff in his hand high, trying to resurrect the Chaos Demon Dogs into Chaos Bone Wolves.

【Chaos Bone Wolf

Special skill: After being summoned, if it is not killed within 3 rounds, it will immediately consume itself and become 10 Chaos Demon Dogs. 】

The Chaos Demon Dog and the Demon Dog Bone Master cooperate with each other.

If our side does not have strong enough output, the Chaos Demon Dog and the Chaos Bone Wolf can be resurrected in turn, forming a permanent cause.

The bone staffs of the Demonic Dog Bonemasters emitted bursts of black energy and sank into the ground of the [Bone Field].

Immediately afterwards, 180 skeleton soldiers emerged from the ground and raised their bone swords towards the crawling pus monster with residual blood!

Slash with the wind!



There were sounds of bone blades piercing the body, and the crawling pus monster, which was already seriously injured, was slashed by the skeleton soldiers at close range!

Unfortunately, the skeleton soldier's damage is only 1~3, while the crawling pus monster still has 6 points of health no matter how disabled it is.

Only the crawling ichor monsters that are unlucky enough to be caught in fire can be killed by skeleton soldiers.

The heroic skeleton soldiers only managed one round of damage, and then they all died tragically under the counterattack of the crawling pus monster, and were shattered into white bones and dregs on the ground.

But they have accomplished their mission.

【Original Field

Causes 20 points of damage to non-undead units entering the room.

It will not disappear after taking effect.

The Boneyard can be passed through without being destroyed.

The corpses of enemy soldiers who die in the [Bones Field] will be converted into skeleton soldiers at a rate of 10%.

Each death of a skeleton soldier will deduct 1 point of durability from the corpse field.

Durability: 200

Purchase price: 60 [Demon King Coin]. 】

[Bones Field] consumes the corpses of the Chaos Demon Dog so that the Demon Dog Bone Master cannot resurrect the troublesome Chaos Bone Wolf.

As a result, the only enemies that Qi Ge needs to deal with are the crawling pus monsters with residual health and the demon dog bone master.

[Bones Field] is a special trap and has no function of blocking enemies.

Even if the [Bone Field] is not destroyed, the crawling pus monster and the demon dog bone master can still enter the second room.

At this moment, the only people guarding the second room were a half-elf, a purple dragon, and a shape-shifting elemental.

Yes, Qi Ge did not bring a single soldier!

"It's coming, it's coming!"

Wei Chengfeng, who was in the form of a true Thousand Sword Dancer, squeezed Qi Ge's arm nervously.

"Don't pinch, don't pinch, I know you're coming."

Wei Chengfeng:? ? ?

"Why am I coming, and you are still in the mood to joke at this time.

The Chaos Monster is coming! So many chaos monsters are coming! "

Qi Ge gently patted Wei Chengfeng's shoulder and comforted:

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, follow the plan."

Ziyuan raised her neck and said: "Brother savior, chaos is coming!"

As soon as Ziyuan finished speaking, a thick black fog poured in from the entrance of the second room.

Qi Ge's eyes narrowed and he shouted loudly:

"Thunder element, summon!"


The [Thunder Elemental Altar] behind the Seven Pigeons immediately moved at high speed, and twenty thunder elements that had been prepared were immediately summoned.

"Ride the wind and transform into a thunder-accumulating element!"

[Thunder gathering element

Level 5 1st Miracle

Speed: 10

Life: 90

Defense: 16

Attack: 20

Range: 13

Ammo: 12

Damage: 12~22


Ranged arms, elemental arms

Thunder: You can lose your long-range attack ability and gain thunderstorm special skills.

Thunderstorm: All air elemental units within 5 blocks around itself will have a +10 range when attacking remotely, and gain a range effect (7 blocks). 】

"Thunderstorm opens! Thunder elements fire indiscriminately, killing them."

Following Qige's command, Wei Chengfeng immediately turned into a giant surging thundercloud.

All thunder element attacks were swallowed up by the giant thunder cloud, and then, endless thunder instantly struck the Chaos Monster that had just appeared.

Under Wei Chengfeng's control, all thunderstorms were dispersed as much as possible to ensure that the thunderstorms could cover the opponent as far as possible.

The damage of the thunder element is 2 to 8 points. This damage is not fatal to the Demon Dog Bone Master with 25 points of health, but for the crawling pus monster with only 6 points of health left, it is the last thing that breaks the camel's back. straw.

From the time the crawling pus monster and the demon dog bone master appeared to the time they adjusted their formation and appeared, the thunder element bombarded them for a total of three rounds.

In these three rounds, all the crawling pus monsters were killed by the thunderstorm.

The Chaos Allied Forces, which originally had all the tactics and techniques, now only had the Demon Dog Bone Master left.

And this is the ultimate goal that Seven Pigeons want to achieve!

"That's enough, stop."

Qi Ge gave an order and all thunder elements stopped attacking.

At this moment, Qi Ge rode Zi Yuan and rushed towards the Demon Dog Bone Master army alone!


The moment Qi Ge entered the range of the Demon Dog Bone Master's army, a total of 400 magic spells were thrown towards Qi Ge.

Fireball, Undead Death Cloud, Skeleton Ground Thorn.

From the moment he entered the maze, the Demonic Dog Bone Master, who had been restrained everywhere, unleashed his power to his heart's content.

"Hahaha! It's so cool! That's it! Shoot like me!"

However, the Seven Pigeons, bathed in magic, were unscathed!

In the [Demon King’s Territory], Qi Dove’s treasures can still be used, which means that the [Girl’s Attachment] set effect can still take effect.

Qi Ge: I am free from all evil!

The Demon Dog Bone Master obviously couldn't judge why his magic had no effect on Qi Pigeon. They would just follow the established rules and keep throwing magic at Qi Pigeon.

In the room of [Demon King's Territory], whether it is the defender or the attacker, if you just run away, you will be judged as fighting passively and die directly.

In other words, it is useless to try to delay time by escaping.

But now, the Demon Dog Bone Master is beating Seven Pigeons, and Seven Pigeons are being beaten.

The two sides were literally fighting back and forth, in full swing.

Therefore, the judgment of passive combat will not take effect at all.

This also means that Qi Ge can delay time by being beaten.

[Demon King's Mine] not only provides 500 [Demon King Coins] when the guard is successful.

As long as the Chaos invasion starts, [Demon King Mine] will provide 10 [Demon King Coins] every ten minutes!

As long as you persist for more than 8.4 hours, the output of the battle in [Demon King's Mine] will exceed the income from the explosion.

[Wealth Tip: The battle has been going on for 10 minutes, and [Demon King’s Mine] has earned a total of 60 [Demon King Coins]. 】

[Wealth Tip: The battle has been going on for 20 minutes, and the total income from [Demon King Mine] is 120 [Demon King Coins]. 】

6 [Demon King Mines] make money together. Every ten minutes of beating the seven pigeons, you can earn 60 [Demon King Coins], which is so exciting!

It's quite boring to be beaten like this all the time.

Qige simply lay on Ziyuan's back, took out two [Sugar Coconuts], and drank them with Ziyuan.


Qi Ge stretched out comfortably and looked at the Demon Dog Skeleton Master opposite with pity.

"Keep fighting, don't stop, I will make a fortune from you."

[Wealth Tip: The battle has been going on for 30 minutes, and the total income from [Demon King Mine] is 180 [Demon King Coins]. 】

Hearing this reminder, the lazy Qi Ge instantly cheered up.

The critical moment is coming.

"Hoo ho!"

With a sound of wind, the thunder elements behind Wei Chengfeng turned into airflow and disappeared. At the same time, the [Thunder Element Altar] lit up.

【Thunder Elemental Altar

Support buildings

After the battle begins, 20 thunder elements are immediately generated to help guard the battle.

Thereafter it will be called every half hour.

The summoned thunder element can only exist for half an hour.

After half an hour, every time a thunder element survives, all spell-casting units on the battlefield will gain 10% of their current magic value. 】

The death of 1,800 Chaos Demon Dogs in the previous room caused the Demon Dog Bone Master's magic value to soar to 1,820 points.

In the battle room of [Demon King's Territory], releasing magic is the same as in the big battlefield mode, and both have CDs.

The magic on the Demon Dog Bone Master is all low-level magic, and the magic value consumption is not much.

After fighting for half an hour, they still had more than 1,000 magic points left.

20 thunder elements will disappear if they are all alive, allowing them to restore 200% of their current magic value!

It was originally 1820 points, but now it is 3000 points.

The magic value of the Demon Dog Bone Master is getting higher and higher!

There is no limit to the number of summons of [Thunder Elemental Altar]. As long as the battle is not over, you can keep summoning it.

This means that Qi Ge can delay time until the end of time!

[Wealth Tip: The battle has been going on for 12 hours, and the total income from [Demon King Mine] is 4320 [Demon King Coins]. 】


The demon dog bone masters waved the bone staffs in their hands vigorously, and their hands were already shaking a little from twelve hours of continuous casting.

If they were conscious, they must have understood by now that they were being ruthlessly played by Seven Pigeons.

Seeing this scene, Qi Ge couldn't help but worry about the army of demon dog bone masters.

“Damn it, aren’t you undead?

Will the undead be tired too?

Tsk, don’t lie to me, you’re just pretending!

Keep throwing magic at me and don't stop!

Demon Dog Skeleton Master, please don't give up. I just spent more than 4,000 [Demon King Coins].

It’s impossible for me to leave the mountain without earning 10,000.

Whether I can be a Shilipo Sword God is up to you.

You have to hold on.

Persistence, persistence is victory! "

ps: It’s the last two days at the end of the month, book friends who still have monthly votes should hurry up and vote.

There are only two days left, why don’t you stuff your monthly tickets into the hamster’s cheek pouches?

What are you waiting for?


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