Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 458 Fallen leaves return to their roots

In the trading floor, Jenny’s series of questions about the death of the seven pigeons continued:

Jenny: Don't challenge my patience, pirate.

Jenny: You should know that although our elves are lonely, we are still one of the strongest races in the world of Yasha.

Jenny: If you rob the survivors of the Sea Elf, we elves will never tolerate it!

Jenny: I suggest you confess the truth to me as soon as possible and return the Sea Elf. As long as you have not harmed the elves, you will be our elves’ forever friend.

Let's just talk, why are you threatening and tempting?

Qi Ge was keenly aware that the Silver Spirit was definitely not that simple.

Although Jenny is a wood elf, she has a very good relationship with the golden elf royal family.

After the fall of the Elf Empire, it was Jenny who escorted the still young Malodia to defect to the Golden Dragon King.

Malodia is the little princess of the Elf Empire and the last royal bloodline of the Golden Elf clan in the Elf Empire.

If Marodia is compared to Liu Chan, then Jenny is Zhuge Liang!

The late emperor was not halfway through his business, but the middle path collapsed...

It’s broken, it’s on the surface!

Jenny attaches so much importance to the Silver Spirit and the Sea Elf, so she probably knows something.

Qi Ge started to test carefully.


(Seven Doves): Under the crown of Jenny, the wind of happiness will always blow over the subcontinent.

I was originally a druid monk.

In order to escape the dispute between the gold elves and the silver elves, I left the elven subcontinent and have been wandering.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but I heard that the Elf Empire is in crisis.

Just when I decided to return to the Elf Empire and fight to the death for the Elf Empire, the empire died.

I haven't even found my way home yet.

After the empire fell, I continued to wander in the world of Yasha and worked hard to improve myself.

This Sea Elf was accidentally found by me on the border of the Chaotic Sea.

When I found the Sea Spirit, it was stranded on the beach, its hull in disrepair.

I could only make out its name from the magical inscriptions on its hull.

After I repaired the Sea Elf, the Sea Elf has been by my side for more than two hundred years now.


This ambiguous statement left himself with a way out for explanation, which was perfect.

Jenny replied almost instantly.


Jenny: Druid monk? Druid monks are only female, are you a girl?

Anonymous (Qi Ge): Yes, I am a girl.

Jenny: Sister, I have suffered so much for you for so many years.

Jenny: I can’t even bear to send a message of 1,000 gold coins. I can even imagine what kind of life you are living, sister.

Qige:? ? ?

Who can't afford it? Who do you look down on? !

I just save a little bit.

Why send one sentence at a time when you can send all the messages together?

Saving is glorious, waste is shameful, do you understand?


Jenny: Good sister, our Elf Empire has failed to fulfill its promise to protect you.

You, a weak druid, have turned into a pirate and can only make your home in the sea.

We are sorry for you.


Yo, was it so easy to be deceived?

Is Jenny trusting others so easily?

Could it be that my lies were too reasonable?

Just when Qi Ge felt strange, Milola, the God of Luck, suddenly appeared in front of Qi Ge and shouted:

"Seven Pigeons!! You've finally found me!"

Qi Ge was shocked:

"This is the trading floor of astronomy. Milola, why did you get in?"

At this moment, Qi Ge had a lot on his mind.

Damn it, is the divine space of astronomy really safe?

If Mirola can come in, will Jenny also be able to come in?

Could she come along the network cable and hit me?

Milola flapped her little wings, made a face at Qi Ge, and then said:

"You're stupid!

This is a divine power network built outside the Kingdom of God, and the divine power of our dream world is also an integral part of this divine power network.

I am the envoy of the goddess of destiny. I can directly feel the context of the dream world. How could I not enter? "

"Yes!" Qi Ge suddenly realized. "You are the envoy of the great and merciful goddess of fate, so it makes sense to have a backdoor."

Milola flew onto Qi Ge's shoulders, shaking her little feet, and asked:

"Qige! Did you provoke someone?

There is a powerful legend who predicts information about you thirteen times in a row.

Fortunately, I stopped it for you, otherwise someone would have predicted what color underwear you were wearing! "

"Haha. Laughing to death. Impossible.

I don't wear them at all, it's more convenient. "

After subconsciously responding, Qi Ge suddenly realized what Milola was talking about.

"Huh? Wait, someone predicted my message?"

"Yes!" Mirola nodded and explained in detail:

“Not long ago, someone predicted your message through the river of destiny.

Something happened on the Chaos battlefield that time, and the goddess didn't have time to stop it for you, so a little bit of your information was leaked.

In order to prevent this from happening again, the goddess has given me the authority to manage your information.

There are many people predicting you during this period.

However, they all made predictions through the name "Star Wind".

Don't worry, I stopped them all, they can't predict anything.

And just now, someone predicted you thirteen times through the "Sea Elf".

The failure of such predictions will lead to backlash.

After failing thirteen times in a row, you must be a life-and-death enemy to fight so hard, right?

Qige, have you offended any prophet recently? "

Qige's eyes became sharp.

there is only one truth!

Qi Ge glanced at the message sent by Jenny.


Jenny: Our elven empire has failed to fulfill its promise to protect you.

You, a weak druid, have turned into a pirate and can only make your home in the sea.

We are sorry for you.

Jenny: Good sister, are you still there?

Jenny: Good sister, don’t ignore your sister. My sister means no harm.



Qi Ge sneered in his heart.

Co-author Jenny had no intention of talking to herself.

While intimidating and tempting her, and playing tricks to delay time, she approached Malodia and directly predicted me thirteen times.

So cruel!

He calls her "good sister" and holds a knife in his hand. He will stab her if he disagrees with her, right?


(Qi Ge): My dear sister, what are you doing?

Is Sister Malodia not injured?

Thirteen times of backlash, it’s really hard work for the two sisters.

It's all my sister's fault. I forgot to tell her.

Sister, I am not affected by the prophecy.

Jenny: Good sister, you really already know.

You can actually block the prophecy. Sister, you are amazing.

Jenny: Let me tell you a secret, good sister. The Druid Monk clan has been completely wiped out, so you cannot be a Druid Monk.

Jenny: Well, I'm not really interested in who you are, as long as the Sea Elf can come back.

Jenny: My dear sister, don’t you want the experience of [Plague Tent] and [First Aid]? Come to the conference room to discuss the price.


After reading Jenny's message, Qi Ge asked strangely: "Conference room? Are there any conference rooms in the Shenli Network?"

Milola shook her feet and said:

"Of course.

When you have the legendary [Astronomy], you can expand the [Meeting Room] and bring people who also have astronomy in for a meeting from thousands of miles away. "

Qige asked with some worry: "Then if I enter the conference room, will the other party know my true identity?"

"No. As long as you don't take the initiative to disclose it, no one can be sure who you are.

The [Conference Room] was a dark shadow unless it was disclosed to the public.

Whether it's voice or body shape, you can freely adjust it according to your wishes. "

"I can rest assured that."

Qi Ge opened the message and responded.


(Qi Ge): Okay, let’s talk about it.


[System prompt: Jenny requested that you be brought to the conference room. Do you accept it? 】


The moment Qi Ge accepted it, a dazzling white beam of light fell from the sky and shone on Qi Ge.

"Wait, I'll go with you."

Milola hugged Qi Ge's neck and turned into light together with Qi Pigeon, rising all the way along the white beam.

Qige's eyes were dazzled, and when he reappeared, he had arrived in a strange room.

Thick brown soil covered the floor of the room, and a huge blue rock lay comfortably on the ground as a conference table.

Next to the huge blue rock, there is a circle of red hard-earth chairs neatly arranged.

[System prompt: During the meeting preparation stage, the meeting will be held after all meeting members are ready]

[System prompt: Please set your race, voice and image. 】

Um? Is this still possible?

"A racial elf, a little girl with a beautiful body and a melodious voice."

[System prompt: Setting completed. 】

A flash of white light flashed, and Qi Ge was surprised to find that she had turned into a cute little girl with twin tails just as she had set.

"Damn it, it's really good!"

As soon as the words came out, the delicate voice made Qi Ge himself tremble in disgust.

"Abnormal!" Milola flew in front of Qi Ge, her expression full of disdain.

"I didn't expect you to have such a hobby!"

“Go, go, what do you know, these are all necessary sacrifices to hide your identity.

Look at my sweet and frail appearance, who would have guessed that underneath this appearance is a tough guy with strong bones and a chivalrous heart? "

Milola's eyes were very cold:

"Ha. Don't put too much pressure on your face. You are a pervert with strong bones and strong bones.

You must be the kind of super pervert who would peek under other people's skirts while they're sleeping! "

Qige:? ? ?

"Slander! You are slandering my character! How could I, such an upright gentleman, do such a thing!"

"Hmph! ╭(╯^╰)╮"

Milola tilted her head proudly.

"Wait a minute, Milola, why are you still the same?

Won't the other party see you like this? "

"Of course not. I have a privilege here.

They can't see me as long as I don't want to.

Don't be afraid even if I talk to you, no one can hear me but you. "

"I can rest assured that."

[System prompt: The preparation phase is about to end, please prepare as soon as possible. 】

"Here we come!" Qige took a deep breath and said:


[System prompt: All members are ready and the meeting has begun. 】

In the conference room where there were only seven pigeons, two figures suddenly appeared.

Jenny and Malodia.

They did not hide anything and entered the [Conference Room] directly.

Jenny's hair is emerald, as green as the young leaves that have just stretched out on the branches in early spring.

She wore a cyan hood, and a purple translucent veil hung from the top of the hood, slightly covering her raised eyebrows.

Malodia has standard long blond hair.

Her hair has the signature curls of golden elf royal women.

This beautiful blond wavy long hair spreads down on her chest, making people unable to take their eyes away.

On Malodia's forehead, there is a beautiful golden headdress.

The semicircular golden horseshoe on the headdress was exactly in the center of her forehead.

"Hey! Malodia!"

Milola screamed in surprise when she saw Marodia.

"you know?"

Qi Ge lowered his voice and asked.

"Yes. She is the goddess's candidate for apostle.

No, it should be said that she had already won before you came to Yasha World.

She almost became the goddess's apostle of destiny. "

Qi Ge:......

So, another sufferer?

Malodia, your Apostle of Destiny is awesome!

I, Qi Ge, am an old tauren, please invite the next ntr victim.

At this moment, Qi Ge straightened his back.

Marodia, you have become the master of suffering, are you worthy of the yellow hair on your head?

"Mirola, you know her, but does she know you?"

"I don't know her. I haven't met her."

Milola bit her finger and suddenly realized something. She looked at Qi Ge and asked:

"It must be Marodia who predicted you just now!"

"should be."

"No wonder, let me just say, how can anyone bear the backlash of 13 failures.

It wouldn’t be surprising if it was Marodia.

She has been blessed by the goddess, and has a professional skill that allows her to be immune to the price and backlash of the prophecy for a period of time. "

Milola continued to ask doubtfully:

“Qi Ge, why did you have a conflict with Marodia?

If you need it, I can ask the goddess to help you mediate. "

Qi Ge shook his head and said:

"No need for the time being, it's not necessarily a conflict. Wait and see what Jenny and Marodia are going to do."

Although Qi Ge and Milola talked a lot, Qi Ge stood still and did not move in front of Jenny and Marodia.

Jenny carefully scanned the seven pigeons up and down for a long time before speaking:

"Are you actually pretending to be a young elf to gain favor with me and Malodia?

Crafty guy. "

Qi Ge responded with a smile:

"You will look more friendly this way, won't it?"

Jenny pulled up the red chair and sat across from Qi Ge. Marodia also sat next to Jenny.

Jenny said coldly:

"How do you want to return the Sea Elf? Make a price."

Qi Ge also pulled up a chair and sat down, saying:

“I think restitution is the wrong word.

The Sea Elf that once belonged to your golden fleet has sunk in the Sea of ​​Chaos. This Sea Elf is mine.

If you don't even agree with this prerequisite, then there is no need to talk. "

Jenny’s eyes turned cold:

"The way you talk reminds me of someone I really hate.

Sandro, could it be you? "

Oh, Sandro cheated on Jenny once.

He also deceived Gru, York, and Kenlo Hager by the way.

Later Sandro was beaten badly by the four of them.

Among them, Gru and Kenlo-Hage are now demigods, and York is almost there.

Although Jenny is a legend, she has lived long enough and has terrible fighting prowess.

Ahem, there is a reason why Sandro has not taken a step out of Diya for so many years.

Sandro's scapegoat was too big for Qi Ge to bear.

He quickly explained:

"Your Majesty Jenny, I can swear to the great Mother Yasha that I am not Sandru.

I'm not the kind of liar who likes to come up empty-handed.

I have been honest since I was a child, and I will say whatever I have to say.

My father often said that my biggest problem is that I can't lie.

Sandro is different. He is a master of lying. I despise his kind of ghost the most!

Pooh! "

After expressing their hatred for each other, Qi Ge quickly changed the topic and tried to take the initiative.

“Your Majesty Jenny, actually, it’s not impossible for you to want the Sea Elf.

But can you tell me why you want the Sea Spirit? "

Jenny snorted coldly and said:

"Are you very curious?

It's none of your business, so stop asking.

Directly ask the conditions, how can you give me the Sea Elf? "

Yo, Jenny is anxious.

The seven pigeons were even less anxious.

"My first condition is, tell me why you want the Sea Elf.

If you don't even want to tell me this, then don't talk about it. "

Jenny was a little angry:

"The Sea Elf is a battleship of our Elf Empire. Do we need any reason to recycle our former battleship?"

Qi Ge blinked and said:

"Your Majesty Jenny, your attitude towards the Sea Elf is not as simple as recycling the battleship."

"Believe it or not."

"I don't believe it, so I won't talk about it anymore. Your Majesty Jenny, see you again when we are destined."

"Wait a mininute."

Just as Qi Ge was about to get up and leave, Marodia suddenly spoke.

"Please wait a moment and I can tell you why."


Jenny pulled Marodia’s hand anxiously.

Marodia shook his head and said:

“Sister Jenny, it’s been so long ago.

Actually, that's not a great secret. "

"Alas." Jenny's expression darkened visibly.

She put down Marodia's hand and said with some disappointment:

"Princess, if you think so, what can I say?"

Malodia pursed her lips and said softly:

“The long river of fate tells me that our way out is not in this era.

The elves will eventually be revived, but not now.

We should not force it. "

Malodia took a deep breath and said to Qige:

"My lord, the mysterious man, you are actually a bit wrong.

The Sea Elf is not a battleship of the Gold Fleet, but a battleship of the Mithril Fleet.

Our elven empire prospered because of the construction of the [Soul Guardian Statue], and also declined because of the shattering of the [Soul Guardian Statue].

After the [Soul Guardian Statue] was broken, the fragments of the statue were scattered throughout the world of Yasha.

Among them, three fragments were swallowed by the sea of ​​chaos.

In order to retrieve the [Guardian Statue of the Soul], the Elf Empire, which was already at the end of its war effort, used its last bit of power and left many means behind.

Mithril Fleet is one of them.

At that time, our golden elves no longer have the ability to build a large-scale fleet.

Fortunately, in the [Golden and Silver Age], we helped the Silver Elves build many shipyards.

In order to form a mithril fleet, the Silver Elf clan removed the heart of a dead mithril tree and built the Silver Spirit, the flagship of the mithril fleet.

The Silver Spirit is not just a battleship, it is also a complete living base.

Even if it does not carry any supplies, the Silver Spirit can supply the daily consumption of the entire Mithril fleet.

From food, to weapons, even crew replenishment and ship repair, the Silver Spirit can do it all.

You may have guessed it.

The reason why the Mithril Fleet has a flagship like the Silver Spirit is to survive in the Sea of ​​Chaos for a long time without any support or supplies.

The Mithril Fleet is tasked with retrieving three fragments of the [Guardian Statue of the Soul] from the Sea of ​​Chaos. "

Marodia put his arm on his heart, his voice firm and painful.

“The Sea of ​​Chaos is strange and unpredictable, full of crises.

Those three fragments are the most difficult to recover among all the fragments.

The Mithril Fleet undertakes the most arduous task and also shoulders the expectations of the entire Elf Empire.

Every one of the crew members of the Mithril Fleet knew very well that they would have a narrow escape from death during this trip.

But they still said goodbye to their tribe and family and embarked on the journey resolutely.

However, on the third day after the Mithril Fleet entered the Sea of ​​Chaos, they completely lost contact with us.

Until the fall of the Elf Empire, until the rise of the Undead, until Chaos invades again, until now.

There was no news from them. "

With tears in her eyes, Malodia looked at Qi Ge with tenderness and said:

“As of today, we no longer have any expectations.

Mysterious man, but you told us the news about the Sea Elf.

thank you very much! "


It turns out that the Silver Spirit has such a big background.

Seven Pigeons said thoughtfully:

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. I didn't find any traces of the fragments of the [Psychic Guardian Statue] on the Sea Elf.

I don't have to lie to you.

The architectural fragments of this myth are all unique.

There’s no point holding the pieces in my hands if I can’t put all the pieces together. "

Malodia shook her head and said softly:

"Yes. Your Majesty the mysterious man.

The fall of the Elven Empire has become a reality.

We didn’t even expect the fragments of the [Guardian Statue of the Soul].

I'm also not afraid to tell the truth.

In fact, the [Guardian Statue of the Soul] was broken into thirteen pieces in total.

And we have only collected 4 fragments so far.

Even if those three pieces were really brought back by the Sea Elf, there would still be 6 pieces left.

As you said, even if one fragment of the myth is missing, the rest will be scrap. "

Qi Ge was a little surprised:

"Since you are not after the fragments of the [Psychic Guardian Statue], then why are you so obsessed with the Sea Elf?"

"If you can ask this question, it means you are not an elf."

Jenny’s voice was a little sad:

"Our elves have a tradition that every elf will leave his name before he dies.

If a tribesman finds it, these names will be burned in the tribe's ancestral hut.

Before the battleship of the Mithril Fleet sets off, each elf should have his or her name engraved on the battleship.

They were prepared to die from the beginning. "

"Actually, we just want to take back the names of those elves and engrave them on our ancestral temple."

Marodia and Jenny said at the same time:

"Let them return to their roots as fallen leaves."

Marodia’s voice was gentle and firm, while Jenny’s voice was cold and clear.

When the two voices came together, an indescribable power burst out, making Qi Ge's back numb.

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