Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 461 Fortunately not

The centaur marksman bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot through the heart!

The last group of corpse witches fell miserably.

Another brilliant victory!

[System prompt: Rewards are being settled...]

[System prompt: Congratulations, player, your fourth career, Wealth Apostle level, has been raised to 21. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for unlocking the professional skill: Keeping Money. 】

[Shou Cai: Avoid the loss of gold coins caused by death.

Explanation: The goddess of wealth personally guards your little treasury]

Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

After killing fourteen teams of wild monsters in a row, plus the experience rewards from the previous Chaos Treasure Houses, Qi Ge finally caught up with the level of the Wealth Apostle.

From now on, the levels of Qige's other professions can finally be improved.

"Brother Savior, you are so amazing!"

Ziyuan stared at Qige with bright eyes.

“Fourteen wonderful battles, each fought in a different way, but always with the weak defeating the strong.

You haven't lost any troops yet.

Brother savior, you must be the best commander in the world of Yasha. "

Qige smiled and touched Ziyuan's head and said:

"It's not that powerful. It's just that after playing it a lot, you'll naturally be able to use it skillfully."

In my last five years of gaming, more than 3/4 of the time was spent fighting. How can I not be familiar with it?

"Brother Savior, do we want to continue?"

"Let's not fight for now. Let's go back to the territory. News came from over there that Qiuzhi has copied [gunnery skills]."


"confidential! Experience in destroying the world and destroying Yasha's artillery skills! 》

Effect: Consume 1 skill point to learn the auxiliary skill [Basic Gunnery].

"confidential! Experience in destroying the world and destroying Yasha's artillery skills! 》(Qiuqi Transcription Edition)

Effect: Consume 1 skill point and 4000 experience to learn the auxiliary skill [Basic Gunnery].

Qi Ge held two books of experience in his hands and couldn't help but sigh:

"It's really good!

Qiu Zhi, your skills are amazing.

[Legendary Scroll Technique] If you want to create an auxiliary skill scroll, you must also need the corresponding auxiliary skill.

You don't need anything, just copy it.

This racial talent is equivalent to half a legendary level auxiliary skill. "

"Hmph!" Qiuzhi waved his lion's tail triumphantly.

“Now I know you’ve made a lot of money!

When it comes to the inheritance of knowledge, there is no race in the Yasha world that can compare with our Wisdom Rakshasa. "

Qi Ge was extremely moved and said softly:

“With great power comes great responsibility.

I want to know, let's discuss something. "

Hearing Qige's gentle voice, Qiuzhi immediately trembled on his back and his tail trembled.

She didn't give Qi Ge a chance to continue talking and refused decisively: "No need to talk! No need to talk!"

Qi Ge:......

"I haven't spoken yet."

"No matter what you want to say, don't talk about it! My tail knows that it's definitely up to you to talk so softly!"

Yo. It seems you know me very well.

Qi Ge smiled disdainfully and sighed melancholy.

"Oh, what a pity.

I just recently obtained some confidential information about the Purple Dragon.

I originally wanted to share it with you.

It doesn't seem like you're very interested.

Then forget it. "

The ears that were seeking knowledge twitched, and his face immediately changed.

"Purple dragon! Is it the fairy dragon, one of the four ancient dragons?

Qige, what confidential information do you have?

Did you go archeology again? Could it be a purple dragon fossil? ! "

Qi Ge smiled sinisterly and said:

“Since you’re interested, that’s easy.

This artillery skills experience is a bit lacking.

If there were ten copies, it would be about the same. "

Seeking knowledge makes a sad face:

“Where can the legendary hero’s experience be copied casually?

It’s not that I won’t help you.

I can only copy one copy a day a week. "

Qi Ge waved his hand very generously:

"I'm not in a hurry. You can copy it slowly. When you get ten copies, you can come to me for a deal."


Qiuzhi reluctantly let out a whimpering sound from his throat.

"But, what if you lied to me? Then didn't I give you the copy in vain?"

Qige took out a bottle of purple water from his backpack, showed it to Qiuzhi, and said:

"Am I the kind of person who prostitutes for free?

Soaked in purple dragon water. Understand? "

【Purple Secret Spring

Strange object

(Named by: Qi Ge)

Long-term drinking of the hot spring water soaked by the fairy dragon has a chance to increase the charm value and magical adaptability. 】

If you have quick eyes and quick hands when seeking knowledge, reach out and grab it immediately!

Qi Ge was faster and put the water bottle back into the space backpack with a whoosh.

Qiuzhi clicked his tongue angrily and said:

"You are so arrogant! Looks like I'm going to take off my skirt and have a good showdown with you!"

Qige:? ? ?

"Don't take it off, don't take it off. Even if you knock me out, you won't be able to get anything from my space backpack."

Seeing that Qiuzhi had already put his hand on the skirt and was about to lift it, and the bright holy light began to loom, Qi Ge said quickly:

“Discount, I’ll give you a discount!

5 copies. As long as you copy 5 copies, I will give you the [Purple Secret Spring]. "

"If you have five books..."

Qiuzhi hesitated and put down her skirt.

“Five books would be fine.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime research opportunity that cannot be missed.

If I can't beat it, I'll contact my tribe and ask them to copy it for me. "

Qiuzhi looked at Qi Ge reluctantly and said:

"Qi Ge, you must never give the [Purple Secret Spring] to others!

Now all existing purple dragons are in the kingdom of the goddess of magic, and we have no way to study them.

Such precious research materials can only be of value in the hands of our Zhiraksha clan! "

precious? How much do you want? I'll hold Ziyuan and soak it right away.

Qi Ge was having fun and said:

"Of course, I know how precious the [Purple Secret Spring] is, so I kept it specially.

Don’t worry, when your goods arrive, I’ll pay and there won’t be any delays. "

Qi Ge was very happy to successfully trick Qiu Qi into using him as a tool for transcribing [artillery skills].

"If Qiuzhi can really trick her fellow Zhirakshas into copying books, I can produce all kinds of [auxiliary skills experience].

After Sir Mulak is resurrected, even ultra-rare auxiliary skills like [Training Technique] will be produced.

In this way, the appeal of the daily tasks in the Goblin Tavern to players will be greatly increased. "

Qi Ge knows very well how difficult it is to obtain auxiliary skills.

“The stronger the auxiliary skill, the harder it is to obtain it.

Some powerful auxiliary skills often require hundreds of rings.

Players can lick NPCs until their tongues become inflamed.

Instead of letting players lick NPCs, let them lick me. "

[Artillery Skills Experience] was obtained, Qi Ge learned it without hesitation.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining the auxiliary skill Primary Gunnery. 】

9 skill points, full.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining the auxiliary skill Advanced Gunnery. 】

【Advanced gunnery

Effect: The hero can manually control [War Machine: Ballista] to attack the target, and increase the number of attacks and damage of [War Machine: Ballista].

Attack 2 times, causing double damage. 】

[System prompt: Your career apostle of destiny is triggered! You have a lucky realization. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for possessing both advanced gunnery and advanced tactics.

Lucky realization triggers.

You can spend 1 skill point to learn the [Gunnery] branch auxiliary skill [Ballista Maneuver]. 】

[Crossbow motor:

Allows your ballista to move in turn-based mode. Your ballista has +3 speed. 】

"It's actually a crossbow maneuver..."

Qige's mood was complicated.

[Crossbow Maneuver] is a legendary branch that can only be learned by [Legendary Gunnery].

Under normal circumstances, in the turn-based mode, war machines such as ballistas and catapults cannot move.

Unless it’s a top-level ballista like [Leroy King] that comes with the [Mobile] attribute.

With [Crossbow Maneuvering], the crossbow can run around and adjust its position like a troop type, and all crossbows will also have a fixed 3-point speed bonus.

Originally, Qi Ge should be happy that [Crossbow Mobile] was released.

Unfortunately, he needs to forget [gunnery], [first aid], and [ballistics] before he can learn [tactics].

[Crossbow Maneuvering] is a branch of [Gunnery]. Without [Gunnery], even learning [Ballista Maneuvering] will not be effective.

"No matter what, it's just a few skills anyway. Let's learn it first. What if there is a solution in the future?"

If it were in the past, this 1 skill point would definitely be saved.

But now Qi Ge has the profession of [Apostle of Wealth], and relying on [Wealth can communicate with the gods], he can use 50,000 gold coins to buy 1 skill point every day.

Fifty thousand gold coins are exchanged for a legendary branch that is temporarily unavailable. Qi Ge feels that even if it is wasted, it will not be a loss.

Bet on the future.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for obtaining the branch auxiliary skill [Crossbow Maneuver]. 】

[Advanced first aid], [Advanced gunnery], and [Advanced ballistics] are all obtained. Next, as long as you find an NPC who knows [tactics], you can learn [tactics].

As for NPCs who can [make tactics], Qi Ge happens to know one person.

Water Gate, let’s go!

Go back to Thunder City!

[Yongshuang City] The biting cold wind cannot affect the warmth in the main castle at all.

On the first day that Trossa moved in, he sent someone to purchase a total of 30 [Super Giant Warm Stones] worth ten thousand gold and two sets of [Magic Crystal Charging Equipment] from Thunder City.

It's winter outside, but it's warm spring inside the castle.

If Trotha wished, he could even turn the castle into a summer.

In Bracada, if you have money, you can do whatever you want.

If not, then you must not be rich enough.

Trossa tapped the teacup with her fingers, making a crisp tinkling sound.

He raised his head and glanced at the opposite side in confusion.

Qi Ge sat upright, with sincerity written on his face.

Trossa thought for a while and asked:

"Xingfeng, you want to learn [tactics] from me?

I didn’t expect you, Xingfeng, to even know such a rare skill as [tactics].

I'm very strange, Xingfeng, how do you know that I can [make tactics]?

If I remember correctly, I probably never told you. "

"Your Majesty Trossa, the whole of Bracada knows that you don't know how to [gunnery].

You have always claimed that you can't learn.

However, I feel that with your talent and talent, there is no way you can learn [gunnery].

So I guess you must have some kind of restriction that prevents you from learning [gunnery].

Just by chance, I found an introduction to [Combat Tactics] from an ancient book.

[Tactics] and [Gunnery], [Ballistics] and [First Aid] are mutually exclusive.

If you want to learn [tactics], you must first learn those three auxiliary skills and then forget them.

After learning [tactics], there is no way to learn [gunnery], [ballistics], [first aid] again.

Therefore, I think you may have learned [operational tactics]. "

After hearing this, Trosa laughed.

“Sure enough, it’s you, Xingfeng.

You guessed it right, I do know how to [make tactics].

My legendary specialty is that I can put more [ballista-type war machines] in one war machine slot.

And [Combat Tactics] can increase the number of war machine grids.

Compared to [gunnery], [tactics] is more suitable for me.

I learned [Combat Tactics] because it can form a good match with my strengths.

Xingfeng, you are an architect, why do you want to learn [tactics]? "

Qi Ge raised his head slightly, with a deep melancholy in his eyes.

His Adam's apple rolled and tears welled up in his eyes.

Even bloodshot eyes slowly covered the corners of his eyes.

This reaction shocked Trossa.

"Xingfeng, what are you doing? I just asked casually. If it's inconvenient, just don't tell me."

Qi Ge shook his head sadly and said:

"Your Majesty Trossa, you misunderstood, I just remembered some past events.

Your Majesty Trossa, I can tell you the truth, my father is of the Black Iron blood of Erathia.

He is an excellent war machine craftsman.

My father met my mother when he was studying war machinery knowledge at Bracada [Ballista Factory].

My mother is the daughter of the owner of the [Crossbow Factory], and she is a noble silver-blooded mage.

Between black iron and silver, it is destined to be a tragedy.

After my mother secretly gave birth to me, my father took me back to Erathia to raise me.

Although my father is of dark iron blood, his fanaticism and devotion to war machines are definitely no less than anyone else.

I would often wake up in the middle of the night and see my father immersed in studying design drawings.

My father told me that you have always been his idol and his dream is to become a [machinery manufacturing] expert like you.

He said that you single-handedly changed the entire era and made expensive items like war machinery popular. You are a teacher for all [war machinery manufacturers] in the world.

Influenced by my father, I have always been interested in [war machinery].

I grew up reading my father's [War Machine Books], and I also learned about [Tactics] while reading those books.

I have always wanted to be a glorious [war machine builder] like my father.

But unfortunately, my talent is too poor and I have never been able to get started.

Later, my father overworked and became ill due to overwork, and unfortunately died of illness.

Even before he died, he was holding on to his unfinished drawings of the ballista.

Because my father passed away, I had no choice but to come to Bracada, wanting to seek refuge with my mother.

Unfortunately, it was only after I arrived in Bracada that I found out that my mother had passed away from depression and my grandfather had moved away with his family.

At that time, I was desperate, hesitant, helpless, lonely and helpless.

If I hadn't been lucky enough to meet Teacher Agede, I might have froze to death in the heavy snow of Silver Snow City.

Mother Yasha favored me, and I unexpectedly had the talent of an architect, which is why I am what I am today. "

Hearing this, the fingers of the teacup that Trossa was holding turned white.

Although he is a staunch supporter of the Brakada blood theory, like Starwind, he is actually a half-blood.

His father was an alchemist, but his mother was just a mechanical apprentice from Erathia.

Having been successful for so many years, he has almost forgotten the suffering he suffered as a child.

When he looked at Xingfeng now, he seemed to see himself when he was a child.

A feeling of empathy arose in his heart.

Qi Ge sniffed and continued:

“Although I became an architect, I never forgot my father’s dream.

Since I don’t have the talent to design war machinery, I will work hard to learn auxiliary skills related to war machinery, and then design more [War Machinery Workshops].

In this way, my father's dream can continue in me. "

Qi Ge's tone suddenly became excited:

"Your Majesty Trossa.

You don't know.

I was so moved when I saw the letter you wrote to me.

Your dream is so great.

It is also my dream to have manufacturing factories all over Bracada!

I made up my mind at that time that I would support you in the Grand Council.

It's just that the teacher didn't come back before, so I couldn't discuss it with the teacher.

Your Majesty Trosa, I sincerely want to learn [tactics] from you.

As long as you are willing to teach me, I am willing to pay no matter how big the price is.

Whether it's helping you build a building or designing architectural drawings for you, or even the factories you gave me, I can return them to you. "

Trosa stretched out her hand and gently touched Qi Ge's head, her eyes full of care.

"No wonder, when I first saw you, I thought you looked particularly pleasing to the eye.

Xingfeng, your past life was not easy.

You haven't taken over the factory I gave you during this period. I thought you didn't like it.

It turns out that you have had such thoughts for a long time.

Don't mention it again. There is no reason to bring back the things I gave away.

[Operation tactics], I can teach you, as long as I ask you to build buildings in the future, you just don't shirk. "

Seven Pigeons were overjoyed:

"Really? Your Majesty Trossa, thank you very much."

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for completing the mission: Sympathy of Trossa]

[System prompt: Trossa’s favorability towards you is +20, currently 78 (care)]

Trossa smiled with satisfaction, took out three notebooks, and said:

"Xingfeng, if you want to learn tactics, you must first learn [advanced gunnery], [advanced ballistics] and [advanced first aid].

Come on, this is the auxiliary skill book. You can take it back and learn it first. "

Qi Ge:......


If I had known you had it, why would I be running around so much!

Qi Ge didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and pushed back the three skill books.

"Your Majesty Trossa, no need, I can do it all."

[System prompt: You have shown your auxiliary skills [advanced gunnery], [advanced ballistics], and [advanced first aid] to Trossa. 】

Trossa was stunned.

"You know all? Okay. Xingfeng, your talent in war machinery is not as bad as you said."

Qige's face turned red:

"I'm ashamed to say that I only learned it after my teacher helped me find three books on legendary heroes."

"Oh!!" Trossa suddenly realized. "No wonder. Okay, then all you need is your [strategic] experience."

[System prompt: Trossa gives you "Detailed Explanation of Operational Tactics\

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