Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 469: Honest Sneaking


Hearing the word "Titan", the [Dark Infinite Dragon] body under Qi Ge shook twice, feeling slightly restless.

Moriel stamped her feet and comforted:

"Don't worry, Infinite, you will have a chance for revenge."


[Dark Infinite Dragon] responded and calmed down.

Moriel looked at Qi Ge and asked:

"Little strategist, can you guess where they are going?"

Qi Ge took out the big map of Brakada and said:

“If it is indeed the main force led by Somra, they should be heading towards [Pingdi City].

But to go to [Pingland City], you should head south from Thunder City.

If they go east specifically, the place they are going to is most likely the magma city located in the easternmost part of Brakada!

Magma City borders the hell force Orver and is close to the magma sea.

They want to cross the magma sea, join up with Brakada's main naval force, and proceed by sea. "

Qi Ge's mind was spinning rapidly:

“Armed airships don’t fly very fast, and they can’t fly too high.

If they rely on armed airships for the entire journey, it will take them about 14 days to reach Pingdi City.

You can take a detour around Magma City, and if you take the sea route, you can use the maelstrom to cross a long distance.

You can land in Falling Moon Territory in 5 days.

If the Falling Moon Territory has prepared an armed airship, it only takes one day for them to arrive at Flatland City from the Falling Moon Territory! "

"Did you save 8 days of travel?"

Moriel was lost in thought.

"I understand. I will notify them immediately and let them prepare in advance."

"Your Majesty, please be patient."

Qi Ge continued:

“These are just the circumstances when Somla is going to Flatland City.

There is another situation.

Qi Ge pointed at the border between Over and Brakada on the map and said:

"If it were me, I would not go to the sea, but set out directly from Lava City, enter Over, storm the two main cities, and occupy the Flame Mountain.

On the Flame Mountain, there is an entrance to the underground world.

That underground world..."

"It's Black Dragon City!"

Moriel woke up suddenly and almost broke into a cold sweat.

She quickly denied: "No, this is impossible. Brakada has already started a war with our Negan, how dare he provoke Ofer again?

Fighting on two fronts is a taboo for military strategists. "

"Of course. It's really impossible under normal circumstances."

Qi Ge pointed at Ofer and said:

“It’s a pity that Ofer has already committed a military taboo.

The Church of Poseidon joins the holy war between Erathia and Over.

Now the east and south sides of Ofer were being attacked simultaneously.

Even if Brakada takes advantage of the situation, Ofer will most likely not be able to spare the troops to fight back.

Fighting on the third front is not a taboo, it is courting death.

If Black Dragon City is captured, this war will evolve into a divine war.

What if that one wins. "

Qi Ge pointed at Thunder City.

"If Ofer dares to fight back, the man with the power of two Tears of Asa can take advantage of Ofer's situation.

I will never underestimate his ambition. "

Moriel did a quick calculation in her mind, and finally had to admit that Xingfeng was right.

She glanced at Xingfeng approvingly and said:

"Little strategist, it's all thanks to you this time.

If it weren't for you, maybe our Negan would suffer a big loss. "

Basilei asked nervously:

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?

Should we go back to defend Black Dragon City immediately? "

Moriel shook her head and smiled confidently.

"no need.

If Somra really wants to do what Starwind says, the most important thing is the intelligence gap.

With the defensive ability of the entrance and exit of the underground passage, as long as we know the opponent's attack direction in advance, let alone Somla, even ten demigods can only stare on the ground. "

Qi Ge quickly calculated in his mind and then said:

"Your Majesty the Dragon Queen, I have a proposal."

He pointed at the map and said:

“Now we already know the location of the opponent’s main force and have an insight into the opponent’s possible goals.

Then we might as well be bolder and more aggressive.

We will first carry out sabotage inside Bracada as usual to reduce pressure on the front line.

If Somra wants to go to Flatland City.

We fought all the way from north to south, and on the day he arrived, we attacked the troops on the front line from front to back!

If Somra wants to attack Black Dragon City, we will give him a little loophole and trick some of his troops into going underground.

Then we suddenly burst out from behind him, killed his troops on the ground, cut off his retreat, and left him in a dilemma in the underground world.

If we're lucky, we might even be able to keep Somra and all the Titans he brought out! "

Moriel's eyes sparkled when she heard this.

Qi Ge's plan sounds very unreliable, just like a gambler's.

But if you think about it carefully, it has many feasibility.

And once successful, the benefits will be even greater than those from looting all the mines in Bracada!

"That's it!"

Moriel clapped her hands and agreed:

"Starwind, I like your courage and tactical sense. It suits my taste.

However, the two plans you mentioned, Xingfeng, both require us to reach the hinterland of Brakada as soon as possible to complete the destruction.

Now there are so many armed airships on the other side forming a long queue. How can we get there? "

Qi Ge's eyes were blazing and his voice was loud: "Go straight over!"

"Oh! Oh!"

The high-pitched and shrill, yet clear, loud and inspiring seagull calls echo in the air all the time.

A large group of seagulls followed the Silver Spirit, tentatively trying to land on the Silver Spirit and enjoy the abundant magic baptism in the Silver Spirit.

Unfortunately, the Silver Spirit's magic shield firmly blocked them out, causing the seagulls to return without success again and again.

In desperation, the seagull could only dive into the sea, bite and swallow the fish following the Silver Spirit.

The Seagulls, who had fought repeatedly after repeated defeats, followed the Silver Spirit, preparing to recover a little strength and continue fighting.

Yinghe lay on the deck of the Silver Spirit, watching the group of silly seagulls keep bumping into the wall, curling his lips in sympathy.

"It's clear that there's no way in, but they still don't give up. These seagulls are really stupid.

Well, just as stupid as the stupid rich uncle. "


With a large box of magic bread on her head, Ke Ruoke walked up to Yinhe and shouted:

"Yinhe, the new batch of [Miracle Gold Beans] have been planted, and I'm asking you to sing again."

"Okay~~Little Galaxy takes the lead in attacking!"

After resting, Yinhe cheered up and ran towards the planting area of ​​[Miracle Gold Coin Beans] with full firepower.

Ke Ruoke looked at Yinhe running fast and smiled happily.

This little girl, Yinhe, is growing up so fast. She is already so sensible in less than a month.

[Miracle Gold Coin Beans].

This level four strategic magic has extremely powerful effects.

After casting this magic, you can turn a gold coin into a Miracle Gold Bean.

Plant the Miracle Gold Coin Bean, and after two months, the gold coins will randomly grow into:

Bread Tree: Obtain 10,000 units of magic bread.

Money Tree: Get 2000 gold coins.

Duobao Tree: Obtain 1000 units of random level 1~2 resources.

Miracle Tree: Get 10 random attribute points or 1~2 skill points.

With the powerful magic power of Galaxy and Silver Spirit, the two-month growth time of [Miracle Gold Bean] can be shortened to 5 to 15 days depending on the type of final tree.

The most valuable among them is undoubtedly the Miracle Tree.

But the probability of a miracle tree appearing is very low. Even with the Milky Way, the probability of a miracle tree appearing is only about 1 to 5%.

Under normal circumstances, [Miracle Gold Bean] can only be cast once a day. With advanced magic auxiliary skills, [Miracle Gold Bean] can only be cast three times a day.

Moreover, the magic value consumption of [Miracle Gold Bean] is astonishing, a full 80 points. Even if Ke Ruoke now has up to 21 points of knowledge, it is not enough to release the magic value 3 times in a row.

Originally [Miracle Gold Coin Bean] was just an ordinary magic that could be used [if you have nothing to do, it consumes magic points, a little bit is nothing].

But all this changed drastically after Koruoke reached level 20.

Keruoke's profession is [Mass Summoner]. After he reaches level 20, he will gain a professional skill.

[Wealth is like flowing water]: Change a magic to the summoning system to strengthen the magic effect.

And there is no need to consume magic points when casting, instead consuming 100 times the gold coins.

(It can only be changed once a month, and you can only have one changed spell.)

After discussing with Qi Ge, Ke Ruoke finally chose to put [Miracle Gold Coin Bean], a big mana consumer, on it.

Then, an unexpected surprise comes.

[Miracle Gold Bean] There is no way to strengthen this magic. The only thing that can be strengthened is the limit on the number of times it can be released per day.

Ke Ruoke itself possesses [Advanced Summoning Technique], which can enhance the effects of all summoning magic, plus the enhancement of [Wealth Like Flowing Water].

The number of releases of [Miracle Gold Bean] has been abruptly enhanced to 10 times a day!

Without the Milky Way, this magic would still be a cheating magic.

But if you want to make a [Miracle Gold Coin Bean], you need to consume 8001 gold coins.

If you plant a money tree, you can only get 2,000 gold coins.

Net loss was 6001 gold coins.

10 times a day, theoretically you can lose 60,000 a day.

This money-losing efficiency perfectly explains what wealth is like running water.

But with the Galaxy, it's different.

Although Galaxy cannot guarantee that [Miracle Gold Coin Bean] will grow a miracle tree.

But if you want to make a bread tree, Galaxy’s success rate is 1000%!

Even with the Duobao Tree, Galaxy has a 40% chance of success.

Buying 10,000 magic bread for 8,000 gold coins is a waste according to common sense. After all, although 300 magic bread can be eaten at one time, the magic bread still only has 1 unit of food attribute.

If it is food for the Heroic Soul troop, 1 gold coin can buy 100 pieces of marching rations.

Food that NPCs can eat. As Qi Ge, if he goes to Potato City to buy potatoes, 1 gold coin can buy 15 potatoes, which is 45 units of food.

But the price of food is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Once something changes, the volatility is very strong.

Just like now, Negan and Brakada are at war.

In some underground cities where there is not enough food, the price of potatoes has risen to 4 gold coins each.

If food can only feed 80% of the people, the price of food will rise until 20% of the people cannot afford it and starve to death.

What's more, the magic bread is fluffy, sweet and delicious, and tastes very good, even better than the bread baked in many high-end bakeries.

Delicious food is more important than being full when you have plenty of food and clothing.

This gives Qige a lot of room for maneuver.

In the Goblin Tavern, a piece of magic bread with caviar was sold for 15 gold coins (a profit of 13 gold coins), and it was often sold out of stock.

In addition, the growth cycle of breadfruit is the shortest, only 5 days.

After Qige and Koroko discussed it, 90% of the Miracle Gold Coin Beans were used to grow magic bread.

In addition to leaving part of the territory for their own use, most of the magic bread was sold by Qi Ge at high prices using various means to achieve profits.

In the entire industry chain, the hardest worker is actually Little Galaxy.

She had to spare several hours every day to lead the flower demons to sing to the bread tree to ensure that the [Miracle Gold Coin Tree] would not evolve into a [Money Tree].

He was supposed to be an innocent and romantic age, but he had to work as a coolie taking care of the bread trees, but little Yinhe never complained.

"What a good boy!"

Just as Ke Ruoke was sighing, Le Meng came over with one in hand.

"Hey, brother Ke Ruoke! Come and take a look at this."


Ke Ruoke quickly put the bread box on her head into her backpack and ran to Lemeng's side in small steps.

"What's wrong, Brother Fantasy?"

“Look, this is where we are now, this is where the boss told us to be.

Originally, if we walked in a straight line, we could arrive there in three days.

But if you walk in a straight line, you will definitely pass through this high-level wild monster area. Considering the time required for the battle, the exact time is not yet certain.

My idea is, should we just take a detour.

You see, if you take a detour from here, you can add up to a day and a half to your flight, and you can avoid the high-level wild monster area. "

Ke Ruoke nodded first, and then said:

"Brother Huanmeng, your idea is good.

But I chose this route for a reason.

If you go from here, you can indeed avoid the wild monster area, but there are general routes that will be close to Avili and Erathia.

The lord has specifically stated that merchant ships should be avoided at sea during this period to reduce the possibility of the Silver Spirit showing up.

Especially avoid the merchant ships of the elves. "

"I see."

Le Meng was thoughtful.

"That's because I kept things simple."

Le Meng thought for a while and then asked worriedly:

"Brother Ke Ruoke, how is our food reserve now? Can it support the boss's plan?

If this plan goes well, our territory may welcome more than 100,000 people at a time. "

Hearing this, Ke Ruoke also seemed a little worried.

“It would have been enough.

However, it's hard to say when the 50,000 centaurs are coming.

The rich brother said that those centaurs are very hardworking and courageous.

After the lord built the magic spring, he has taken the centaurs and is working hard to build the Netherland Farm.

But after all, it takes time for the Netherland Farm to build, sow, and mature the crops.

It just so happened that during this period, we bumped into our scheduled plan again.

Whether the food that had been hoarded before was enough to eat became a question mark. "

Lemeng took out a stack of drawings and touched his chin to help analyze:

“It would be a good thing to bring those war refugees like goblins, cavemen, and harpies back to God’s Chosen City.

But if they starve to death, that would be a bad thing.

You can't follow the example of a certain country and bring them back and then drag them to the Chaos Zone to grow potatoes, right?

Is that something humans do?

I don’t know how many people the boss will bring back, but I think it’s over 150,000.

Including the centaurs in the territory and the original residents of God's Chosen City, the number is 200,000.

That’s 200,000 units of food consumed in that day.

We currently have a total food reserve of only 890,000 yuan. If we eat it openly, we won't be able to survive for five days.

Solving the food problem is nothing more than increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.

If open source.

The Tudou City side is besieged and we can't help for the time being, so we can only find a way ourselves.

I can ask the rich brother to find the mermaid, and ask the mermaid to mobilize the murloc tribe to help with seafood. This should bring 60,000 to 70,000 to 70,000 food a day.

And then there’s the bread tree on your side…”

Ke Ruoke immediately added: "Stable 100,000 per day!"

“In this way, there is a food production of 160,000 people.

Now the daily amount of food in God's Chosen City is about 10,000.

There is still a shortfall of 30,000.

If you buy something in the Fortune Hall, you should be able to hold on. "

Le Meng calculated and calculated, and then he realized that unknowingly, God's Chosen City could already support a full 200,000 citizens.

"No wonder the boss would choose this time to launch the plan. I guess he has already figured it out."

Keruoke shook his head and added:

“The Lord’s foresight may be far beyond our imagination.

Brother Fantasy, do you still remember that there has always been a large open space on the seaside of the rich brother's undead territory?

The Lord could have placed the natural wonder [Great Sulfur Mountain] there, but the Lord did not.

He would rather build the [Great Sulfur Mountain] farther out to sea to free up that large open space.

I never figured out why before. It wasn’t until the construction of the [Underworld Farm] started that I realized that the lord had probably already thought about leaving that open space to the [Hell Volcano Spirit].

The Lord Lord has said that the volcanic ash or volcanic rock soil left over from the eruption of Hell Volcano contains rich magic power of earth, fire, air, etc., and the crops grown are rich in beneficial nutrients needed by a large number of soldiers.

Digging volcanic ash can greatly improve the quality of crops in the territory.

With the blessing of destiny, the damage to our territory from the volcanic eruption will be minimal.

The volcanic ash after the volcanic eruption, coupled with the fertile Hades soil.

The lord wants to solve the food problem in the territory once and for all. "

"That makes sense!"

Lemeng nodded with deep understanding.

"With such a strong boss, we can't hold back!"


The lord is thinking so hard, could it be for himself?

Certainly not!

He must be helping me realize my dream of making all goblins no longer hungry.

I want to find a way to make goblins self-sufficient in food as soon as possible.

Best, it can be completed before level 30.

In this way, I can become a master in the shortest possible time so that I can serve the Lord. "

Ke Ruoke looked at Lemeng and said firmly:

"My lord, my lord, is very kind to me and treats me like a brother. I will do my best to help him.

This is not only my idea, but also the idea of ​​thousands of goblins in the territory. "

The first snow in the Everfrost Icefield came later than last year.

Just as the [Dragon Scorpion Eagle] troops arrived near the armed airship, the snow fell.

Snowy weather is not good for flying, especially for armed airships that are prone to snow.

This caused all the armed airships to stop and adjust.

When the armed airships took off again, they all lowered their flight altitude and speed.

On the surface of each armed airship, there are more than a dozen goblins carrying simple life-saving ropes.

The goblins were busy clearing the snow on the armed airship with engineering shovels in hand.

The surface of the armed airship is very smooth, and the goblins will slip and fall if they are not careful.

The fairies with better luck will be suspended in the air by the rescue rope and pulled back by their companions.

The unlucky goblin could only scream and fall from the sky, watching in despair as the rope broke and fell to pieces in the snow.

Qi Ge is calmer than anyone else, and he will naturally not be stupid enough to attack the armed airship force just to save those goblins.

That would only kill both yourself and the goblin.

Meaningless sacrifice, just stupid self-impression.

Only by solving the source of the oppression of goblins can the situation of goblins be changed.

Qi Ge flew down from the back of [Dark Infinite Dragon] riding Zi Yuan, and summoned Wei Chengfeng in the air.

"Chengfeng, it's up to you!"

"Well, leave it to me!"

Wei Chengfeng, who had the same feelings as Qi Ge, suddenly changed her body shape.

Her body suddenly swelled up and soon turned into a huge ball of cotton!

Level 6 and 1 hidden unit [Cumulonimbus Element]!

[Cumulonimbus Element] itself is just a giant unit, but like normal clouds, it can be infinitely stretched and deformed!

A thick cloud covered the figure of the [Dragon Scorpion Eagle] troops and floated slowly over the head of the armed airship.

A cloud was mixed among the clouds in the sky, drifting slowly and furtively forward.

In addition, there were many snow clouds in the sky, so this cloud did not attract any attention at all.

No one could have imagined that above the clouds, there was a group of ferocious and brutal dragons.

"And this one! This little strategist has so many tricks up his sleeve."

Moriel's eyes were shining brightly, and the more she looked at Qige, the more she felt that it suited her.

Basilray didn't understand very much:

"Obviously he is just an ordinary hero, why do you think he is more useful than the two legends Silica and I?"

Silica was also convinced.

"Your Majesty the Queen, you are right. Xingfeng is indeed an outstanding talent."

Ernie and Hora covered their mouths and laughed without saying a word.

The most powerful thing about Qi Ge is that they haven't seen it yet.

The armed airship unit looks like the east, and the [Dragon Scorpion Eagle] unit looks like the south.

Moriel and Somra, two demigods from opposing forces,

The black dragon and the titan were sworn enemies upon meeting, just passing each other in the sky above the Everfrost Icefield!

The [Dragon Scorpion Eagle] troops passed through the main marching force of Brakada without anyone noticing and left the Everfrost Icefield!

Wei Chengfeng escorted the [Dragon Scorpion Eagle] troops until they arrived at the ice and snow plateau.

At this time, even Ziyuan, who had the farthest field of vision, could not see the shadow of the armed airship.

Wei Chengfeng could no longer hold on, her body quickly shrank and turned back into the breeze element.

With a bang, she transformed into the [Real Beautiful Lady with Thousands of Sword Dances] again and sat on Ziyuan's back.

"Oh, I'm so exhausted!"

Wei Chengfeng was panting and hugging Qi Ge.

"Quick, energy value, I want to enter your body to restore energy value.

Suck you dry! ! "

ps: It’s the end of the month, I, the hamster, am going to suck up all your monthly ticket potions.

( ̄ii ̄;) Suck! !

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