Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 494 Ring of Truth

Qi Ge looked in the mirror, then reached out and touched the two thick, dark, hard goat horns on his head, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh, no wonder it's the 13th day. I'm really in hell."

Qi Ge had already guessed what was going on.

Just a while ago, he just passed through the territory of the hell forces.

It was probably at that time that he was targeted by the Will of the Abyss.

The Will of the Abyss followed him into the Chaos Treasure House.

[Hanye Village] in the Chaos Treasure House is a world powerful enough to give birth to gods.

Even if there is only one dead god body left in this world, it will still be a great help to Abyss.

It just so happened that Yasha and Chaos were fighting for the remaining rules of this world.

Abyss looked at it and said, Wow, you two are having so much fun playing.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Go on, you two, I just took away these rules that no one wanted.

Therefore, Abyss used itself as a springboard to sneakily control the remaining rule carriers (villagers).

“I was the last one to act at night.

The true identity can be verified by a casual check.

It turns out that I am Abyss. No wonder I, the evil god, have no cards. "

Qi Ge laughed at himself.

"There's nothing wrong with the Abyss. Although it's a little weaker, it still allows me to become an evil god, which does give me some face.

But unfortunately, I am used to being the dog of Mother Goddess Asa, not the horse boy of the abyss.

Well, dog men's dogs. "

After closing the task panel written in Abyss, Qi Ge already knew what was going on.

Once you have figured out the specific situation, what you have to do is very simple.

Help the old man and sacrifice all the villagers to Mother Goddess Asa.

Years of cooperation have convinced Qige that Mother Goddess Asa is a God with conscience.

At the very least, it is much better than Chaos and Abyss.

The method is actually very simple.

During the day, make equal votes, and at night sacrifice the villagers one by one.

But there are two problems here.

First of all, the Abyss mission panel shows that once a villager is sacrificed or exiled, the mission will immediately fail.

Qi Ge’s current strength has been confirmed by Qi Ge to be given by the abyss.

Judging from the fact that the power around him has not yet been taken back, Abyss's control over himself should be limited.

But once he betrays the enemy and sacrifices the villagers, Abyss will most likely see through immediately.

Even if the abyss cannot be penetrated, there is another problem.

To sacrifice all the villagers to Mother Goddess Asa, the sacrifice must include Qi Dove himself and four player teammates.

It can be clearly stated in the system prompt:

[Treasure House Rules: You need to attack the Treasure House with a new identity.

You and the four Yasha Chosen who entered together are teammates.

The death of each teammate will greatly increase the difficulty of the treasure house.

Protect your teammates and beat up your enemies. 】

Qi Ge guessed that if this treasure house rule was not lying, then it is very likely that every player who is sacrificed will attract the attention of Chaos.

Maybe after the sacrifice of four teammates, the glorious sun will fall from the sky and hell mode will be started directly.

That would be tragic.

The safest way is to sacrifice all the villagers to Mother Goddess Asa in an instant.

But, how can it be done?

Qi Ge touched his chin and carefully recalled all the rules in the village.

Xiaotian walked around the village carelessly, his movements extremely domineering.

As more and more villagers are controlled by Qi Ge, the four players who followed Qi Ge into [Han Ye Village] are no longer too lazy to act.

We are followers of Lord Ouroboros, what's wrong?

So are you!

Far away, Xiaotian saw Tiantang chatting with Yuewu at the entrance of the village.

He raised his hands high and asked:

"Heaven, Yue Wu, have you seen the Seven Dove God?"

Moon Dancer waved and responded:

"Brother Dog, Master Qi Ge said that he would look for any clues about the hidden mission."

Xiaotian clicked his tongue and marveled:

“The Great God is worthy of being a Great God.

I didn’t even figure out how Master Qi Ge completed the main quest, but he was already exploring side quests. "

Xiao Tian looked around and asked again:

"Huh? Where's Chaohua? Why aren't you with me?"

"Chaohua, she ran to learn flower arrangement from Serena.

I don’t know what she thinks, but she actually wants an NPC to be her teacher.

Listen to her, she can move to Serena's house tonight. "

"Hiss! If there is a problem, there must be a problem!"

Xiaotian took a breath of cold air and said sadly:

"Why don't you two have the sensitivity of a professional gamer?!

Think about it, Chaohua is a new member of Qi Ge Master Studio.

How could she do something meaningless when the Seven Pigeons Master was here.


Tiantian and Yuewu's eyes lit up at the same time, and they said in unison:

"Hidden mission!"

Heaven: "I'll go find the old blind man and learn how to fish!"

Moon Dancer: "I'm going to the blacksmith to learn how to forge!"

Xiao Tian: "I'll go find the boss and learn how to cook from his wife!"

"Go, go, go!!"

There was not much time left before the forced banishment meeting was held. Qi Ge walked around the village, thinking rapidly in his head.

For a moment, he really couldn't think of a way to sacrifice everyone at the same time.

“Tsk, the only way I can think of to allow everyone to sacrifice at the same time is to have the bishop give a stunt full of half-dragons to burn down all the houses on the same night.

However, the half-dragon's special effects will not take effect until daytime after the third night.

During the day, the glorious day has come out. "

At this moment, Qi Ge happened to see the old blind man holding a fishing rod with Heaven hanging on it.

The two walked from the village entrance talking and laughing.


Qi Ge suddenly had an idea.

"Why does the half-dragon's stunts have to take three nights to take effect in the daytime?

Can't it take effect on the third night? "

Qige rushed to the old miner's room and pushed open the door of the old miner's room with a slap, which shocked the old miner.

"Old man, let me ask you something.

Is it true that anyone who is sacrificed at night will definitely be picked up by the Eternal Moon? "

The old man was stunned for a moment and replied:


In fact, no matter when the sacrifice is made, it is equivalent to sending people into the mouth of the glorious day.

But when the eternal moon covers the glorious sun, it is equivalent to the eternal moon blocking the mouth of the glorious sun. "

Qi Ge suddenly became energetic:

“Then I might have a solution.

Old man, let me ask you something again.

In the world we live in now, time is not right.

I found that every time the voting ends during the day, it will be forced to enter darkness. After everyone finishes their actions at dark, it will immediately enter the day again. "

The old man smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"Day and night are just the result of the battle between the eternal moon and the glorious sun.

It has always been the palace of the God of Winter that has provided us with light before. "

The seven doves were overjoyed:

"That means that the continuous entry of day and night will not speed up the erosion of the God of Winter?"


Qi Ge’s eyes lit up:

"I can rest assured that.

As long as you act fast enough, you'll be fine!

Master, listen, I have a plan.

Maybe, right now, we need the Eternal Moon to work a little harder. "

Under the control of Qige, Hanye Village seemed to have entered fast-forward mode.

On the day of the thirteenth day, the banishment phase was entered.

"Abandon the vote."

"Abandon the vote."

All eighteen villagers abstained from voting, and eighteen votes were tied, leading directly into the night.

In the dark night, the followers of the evil god do not drop their swords, the servants of the true god do not move, and the seven pigeons do not move, and they quickly enter the day.

On the fourteenth day, repeat the above operations.

On the fifteenth day, the bishop opened his eyes and gave a villager a [half-dragon].

In this way, 99 consecutive days and nights passed.

The preparations for Seven Pigeons are completely completed.

Day 100. Daytime.

Qige and the old man teamed up to tell the villagers the truth about the world.

Chaohua, Xiaotian, Tiantang, and Yuewu help Qige distribute tonight's plan.

Although by tomorrow, the villagers will have forgotten everything they heard today.

But Seven Pigeons, just tonight is enough!

Night of the 100th day.

[Please close your eyes when it gets dark. 】

A faint female voice sounded in Hanye Village.

In an instant, eighteen villagers fell into sleep at the same time.

They all know that when they wake up again, their destiny will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Then, the female voice sounded again.

[Dream demon, please wake up. 】

The proprietress Hong Lang lay on the bed and shook her head.

[Dream Demon, has fallen asleep]

[The Blind] and [The Snooper] skip in turn.

[Members of the Blind Brotherhood, please wake up and discuss the target to be saved tonight.

Each person must choose a target. Failure to choose will save themselves.

When there are multiple rescue targets, the one with the largest number of people will be given priority.

In the event of a tie vote, selection will be made at random. 】

When the old man opened his eyes, the other five people were already ready, waiting for him.

The old man took a deep breath and said:

"Eternal Moon, tonight, please help us save Nash from this miserable cold night.

Winter is not over yet, but the fire will last forever! ! "

[Members of the Blind Brotherhood have chosen to save the target. 】

[The Eternal Moon falls into a deep sleep. 】

【The glorious day has awakened. 】

[Half-dragon, please wake up. 】


At this moment, all eighteen villagers in Hanye Village opened their eyes at the same time!

Unlike guards and prophets, half-dragons must step out of the house to use their half-dragon stones to burn down the house in order to activate their special abilities.

In other words, villagers with the special skills of a half-dragon can gain valuable opportunities to act at night!

Qi Ge, Xiao Tian, ​​Chao Hua, Lao Blind Eye, the old man, the old village chief...

All the villagers walked out of the room at the same time and converged towards the center of the village.

In addition to holding a dragon-changing stone, every villager also wears a long sword at his waist!

Not only do they all have half-dragon stunts, they also all have knight stunts!

The knight can directly find a villager to duel.

If the duel object is an evil god believer, the evil god believer will die directly.

If the duel object is not a follower of the evil god, the knight will die.

In Hanye Village, there is no second way of death other than sacrifice.

The deaths of all villagers are sacrifices!

This means that as long as the knight activates his skills, he will either sacrifice the opponent or himself!

Then, the cycle is completed.

Qige took a deep breath and said to everyone:

“I duel the old man, and according to the rules, the old man will be sacrificed.

Meanwhile, the old man duels with the old blind man.

The old blind man duels the old beggar, and so on.

This is the cycle of believers in the Eternal Moon.

In the end, the woodcutter dueled the village chief, and the village chief dueled Chaohua.

Chaohua is a believer in Ouroboros, not a believer in the evil god.

Therefore, the village chief will be directly sacrificed.

Chaohua duels with Xiaotian, Xiaotian duels with Heaven, and so on.

In the end, it was up to Serena to duel me.

Although I am the evil god Ouroboros, I am not a believer of the evil god. Serena will be sacrificed.

Eventually, a circle will form.

All but me will be immediately sacrificed to the Eternal Moon.

And I am the target of sacrifice tonight. The person responsible for the sacrifice is not the followers of the evil god, but the Eternal Moon itself.

Therefore, I too will be sacrificed tonight. "

Chaohua's heart was filled with excitement when she saw Qi Ge's handsome appearance!

"The Seven Pigeon Master is awesome! Ouch!!"

Unfortunately, just as she was about to shout, Xiao Tian beat her to it.

This made Chaohua very angry, and she secretly scolded Xiaotian for being a dog licker and dying badly.

The old man looked at the seven pigeons and marveled:

“Really a genius idea.

Are all you people in the Yasha world as creative as you?

I'm curious, how did you come up with such a wonderful idea? "

Qi Ge smiled slightly and said:

"As stated in the background.

I am 0, I am the beginning of everything and the end of everything.

An ouroboros is a snake (or dragon) eating its own tail, eventually forming a ring.

The beginning is the end, the beginning is the end.

But compared to ouroboros.

I prefer to call myself [Ring of Truth]. "

Qi Ge raised his sword and said solemnly:

"The truth is at our fingertips right now.

I am the truth! "

He raised his head and said seriously to everyone:

"Get ready to start!

Old man, Chao Hua, Xiao Tian, ​​Tian Tian, ​​Yue Wu.

I have no control over your body, so I can only watch you.

Keep up with me, it's best, don't miss even a second. "

All preparations have been completed.

Everyone stood tightly in a circle.

Seven Pigeons took over the bodies of the remaining 12 believers and raised their swords.

"Three, two, one."

Almost at the same time, eighteen villagers spoke together.

"My name is knight!

evil! Show your true colors!

duel! "

[Knight Nash initiates a duel against Grandet]

[Grandet’s identity is a follower of the evil god]

[Grandet was sacrificed]

[Knight Grandet challenges the old blind man to a duel]

[Old Blind Eye’s identity is a follower of the evil god]

[The old blind man was sacrificed]

[Knight Serena initiates a duel against Nash]

[Nash’s identity is not a follower of the evil god]

[Selena is sacrificed]

Dazzling white lights connected into one, and seventeen long swords fell to the ground at the same time!

In the entire Hanye Village, only Qi Ge was left.

[System prompt: Your mission has been lost, lost...]

There was a sudden system prompt sound, as if it was stuck, and it was suddenly interrupted.

At the same time, the abyss text on Qi Ge's mission panel turned into ashes and disappeared, and the familiar mission panel appeared in front of Qi Ge again.

[System prompt: Your fake task has been released]

[System prompt: Your identity has been changed to an ordinary villager: Nash. 】

[System prompt: Your treasure column has been unlocked, your space backpack has been unlocked, your mount has been unlocked, your unit card has been unlocked, your followers have been unlocked, and your war machine has been unlocked]

[System prompt: Congratulations on unlocking the perfect strategy mission]

[Task requirement: Save all villagers: Current 17/18.

Exceeding mission requirements: Saving the God of Winter]

The demonic characteristics of Qi Ge suddenly disappeared, and the human appearance belonging to Nash returned to him again.


The corners of Qi Ge's lips raised wildly.

"I won the bet, and it turns out that the Mother Goddess is the most powerful."

Before Qi Ge was happy, new task prompts came one after another.

[System prompt: Your teammate Chaohua has died, and the difficulty of Hanye Village has increased.

Brilliant Day has paid attention to Hanye Village, and the Brilliant Ghost Crow troops are approaching. 】

[System prompt: Your teammates have died while looking up to heaven from hell, and the difficulty has been increased.

The Sun of Glory has sent the Eye of Moses. 】

[System prompt: Your teammate Xiao Tian has died, and the difficulty has increased.

The day of glory is coming.

Countdown: 30, 29, 28...】

"It has indeed arrived."

Qi Ge raised his head and stared at the sky.

The eternal moon covering the glorious sun is constantly twisting, as if struggling.

Next to the Eternal Moon, countless chaos monsters have distorted the entire sky.


Qi Ge laughed disdainfully.

"Still the same old thing."

He shook the long sword in his hand, looked at his feet, and smiled softly.

"Sure enough, being an evil god or a knight is more suitable for me.

Ask me for help and I will help you.

God of Winter, I’ll help you with this, brother. "

Seven Pigeons raised their hands high and shouted:

"Shion! Take the wind!"

Magic power surged and a storm swept across.

Wei Chengfeng and Ziyuan appeared next to Qi Ge at the same time.

"Brother the savior!"

"Stinky Seven Pigeons! You are doing something dangerous again."

Qi Ge raised his sword and pointed it at the sky with high spirits.

"Come on, I'm at full strength.

Let me see how capable the final BOSS of Hanye Village is! !

Summon, the devil is armed.

Demon King armed, loaded, God of Winter! "

Qige put his hands on the ground with a snap.

He said with great certainty:

"You're not quite dead yet.

The cold night is coming, and you are about to wake up.

This sentence must have been added to the background by you.

The God of Winter, or rather, the old man who knows everything so well.

You have protected the villagers for so long, and now you are no longer burdened or worried.

Do you want to come with me and take a gamble? "

"Heh. You're good, you're really good.

If you could have come to our world earlier, maybe I wouldn't be where I am today.

Winter is not over yet, but the firewood will last forever.

I still have some real spirit, so I will bet with you. "

boom! ! !

In an instant, the entire Hanye Village trembled.

The mountains shook and the earth shook, and the space shattered!

A mammoth of ice and snow standing tall on the sky, breaking through the snow-capped mountains.


The ice-blue mammoth raised its trunk and roared! !

Then, the entire mammoth's body shattered.

A blue mammoth light and shadow flew straight into the Demon King's weapon!

[System prompt: Your Demon King’s weapon has been upgraded to the demigod level...]


[System prompt: Your Demon King's Arms has been upgraded to a true god-level war machine - [Demon King's Arms·God of Winter]. 】

The Demon King's weapon, which was completely made of machinery, transformed into the shape of a mammoth after a burst of transformation. At the same time, the vicissitudes of the God of Winter's voice came from inside!

"On this glorious day, today, I will die with you with my true spirit!"

"It's done!" Qi Ge was overjoyed.

"Take it all back!!"


The God of Winter, who was just about to fly into the sky, was suddenly taken into the war machinery column by Seven Pigeons.

Ziyuan and Wei Chengfeng also returned to Qige.

God of Winter:…

The God of Winter was shocked inside the seven pigeons:

"Outer God, what are you doing?

Am I just ready to fight? "

Qi Ge grinned:

"I'm not stupid.

When you were in your heyday, you couldn't defeat it even with a bunch of attributes. Now that you are so disabled, it's strange that you can defeat it with a war machine like me.

I’m not going to lie to you, but what if you want to live or die with the world? "

The God of Winter couldn't laugh or cry: "As a result, at the last moment of my life, I will be betrayed and betrayed?"

"Hehe. There's no way.

I am the evil god Ouroboros.

The scheming 0.

Betrayal and betrayal are my instincts. "

The seven doves shouted:

"Half-dragon, give up."

[The half-dragon is asleep. 】

[All villagers have completed their actions and are settling accounts. 】

[Nash was sacrificed to the Eternal Moon. 】


In an instant, the Eternal Moon in the sky gave up its confrontation with the Glory Sun, fell from the sky, swallowed the seven pigeons into it, and disappeared suddenly!

The world where Hanye Village is located has completely fallen into chaos.

But the best things in the world were all taken away by Yasha World.

No, it's not over yet!


Just a second before the world of Hanye Village was about to fall, an illusory abyssal evil dragon appeared out of thin air and tore a piece of the world of Hanye Village with brute force!

The glorious day is surprisingly angry, but the dragon of the abyss runs extremely fast!

The bright light penetrated Qi Ge's eyes.

Drowsily, system prompts echoed in Qi Ge's ears.

[Congratulations on completing the mission: saving all villagers: currently 18/18.

Congratulations on completing the exceeding mission requirement: Saving the God of Winter. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully conquering the Chaos Treasure House [Snow-covered Ice Wall·Cold Night Village]

【system hint:

You get in the treasure house:

Combination Treasure: Source of Magic

Experience: 25W

Skill points: 10

Attribute points: 30

Exclusive and unique title: Ring of Truth

Blueprint: Winter Palace.

Fragments: Mythical Architecture Fragments: Sky Boat 7]

[System prompt: Congratulations on improving all your professional levels by 2 levels.

The current total level is 28. 】

【Source of magic

source of magic

Combination treasure


Mana Source: Increases the mana regeneration speed of heroes and all units by 100%

Mana supply: 50% chance that heroes and spellcasting units will not consume mana when casting spells.

Mana supply: Restore 2 mana points for all allies each round during combat.

Description: This is the source of magic, the dream and pursuit of all mages. 】

[Ring of Truth: You are 0 and ten thousand, the beginning and the end.

When you die, you can lower yourself by 1 level and resurrect on the spot. 】

【Winter Palace

Miracle architectural drawings

Building requirements:

City size: County town

Building requirements: need to be built in the air

Resource requirements: 360,000 gold coins, 5 mithril


It can be a territory of any size:

Terrain available: Snow.

Provided weather: snow

Provide disaster: avalanche, blizzard

Specialties provided: ... (a long list of levels 1 to 4), level 5: Snow Stone, Frozen Heart

Frozen Throne:

Increase the territory’s attractiveness to ice creatures (+500%)

Increase the reproduction speed of all ice creatures within the territory’s snow area (100%)

[Burial Ground]:

A bone burial ground will be generated on [Winter Palace].

Bury the corpses of dead soldiers in the burial ground, and the soldiers will have a chance to be resurrected as ice undead soldiers and fight for you.

Description: Servants, followers, and soldiers from the dark winter, obey my orders!

Land area: 36 building spaces (6*6)]

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