Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 577 The Spirit of Faith

[System prompt: You have discovered the Chaos Treasure House: Swamp Camp. 】

[System prompt: The road ahead is extremely dangerous. It is strongly recommended that you return to find NPC help. Do you want to visit? 】


[System prompt: Insufficient number of people, access failed. 】

"Sure enough, it's still a multiplayer dungeon."

Qi Ge rubbed his face, feeling a little embarrassed.

[System prompt: Flexible team formation has begun. You can choose to participate in flexible team formation to help you better find teammates.

Current team size: 0/5

Your Enemy: Chaos Mirror Copy 0/5 of Asa Hero. 】

"Huh? Chaos mirror copy! It's actually this mode."

Qi Ge was a little surprised.

To put it simply, mirror copying means that there will be a hero on Chaos's side that is exactly the same as his own.

The arms, treasures, and professions are all exactly the same.

Qi Ge thought for a moment.

"Can Zhang Fu + Li Xiaobai + Lin Xi + Le Meng beat me?

That certainly can't be the case.

At most it will cause me a little trouble.

You can fight, but you need to go back to the territory first to make some preparations. "

Qi Ge did not choose to join the flexible team. For him, having four teammates who listen to orders is more useful than having four powerful teammates.

He comforted the anxious Guangming for a while, and left first with the reluctant unicorn.

After notifying Chaohua that she was online, Qi Ge immediately took Chaohua to Edney's tent.

The first time Qi Ge found Edney in the Mystery Swamp, it was very difficult.

But now, it’s simply not easy to find.

As soon as Qige and the others walked near Edney's tent, they saw countless players.

There are lizardmen, humans, werewolves, barbarians, and vampires.

These players were busy carrying wood to build tents or moving stones to pave roads.

Qi Ge knew at a glance that these players were improving the environment for Edney.

Qi Ge wanted to laugh when he saw this scene.

Edney's legendary specialty is fire magic, and her fire power is so strong that she cannot perfectly control it.

Once she becomes emotional, a lot of fire magic energy will gather around her.

This can easily ignite surrounding objects.

Therefore, Edney locked herself in the Mystery Swamp.

On the surface, Edney seems to be concentrating on studying magic, but in fact, she is afraid of hurting those around her.

But Edni is actually not a cold-tempered person. She still likes to get along with others, but her personality is a bit arrogant. She is typically cold-faced, warm-hearted, and very soft-hearted.

Now there are so many Yasha God's Chosen who are not afraid of death and are desperately trying to accompany her to increase her favorability. Qi Ge seems to be able to see Edney hiding under the quilt and snickering.

Before entering the camp, Qi Ge specially used disguise to change his appearance, turning into a human being common in Erathia and Taitalia.

His half-elf identity is now so famous that he is easily watched by players.

"Well, boss, although you are still very handsome, I definitely won't recognize you as Qi Ge."

After receiving Chaohua's affirmation, Qige took Chaohua and Guangming towards the camp with satisfaction.

"Wow! Brother, unicorn! Level 6 soldier! Awesome!"

As a result, before Qige entered the camp, there was an exclamation from behind.

"Come on, come on, have fun!"

"Holy shit, NPC unicorn! Which guild master is this?"

Qi Ge suddenly realized at this time that he had long been accustomed to high-level soldiers and high-level soldiers, but for players at this stage, they could not even see level 5 soldiers, let alone level 6 soldiers.

Facing the players who gathered around him, Qi Ge quickly raised his hands and said:

"Good luck, good luck. I got a unicorn on my only mission. It's not worth mentioning. It's not worth mentioning."

"Master, can you show me its attributes? I haven't seen a unicorn yet."

"Brother, can I touch your big unicorn?

Unfortunately, Qige's perfunctory approach has no effect in front of enthusiastic players.

More and more people surrounded Qi Ge, and both Chaohua and [Guangming] were squeezed onto Qi Ge.

"Get out of the way! What are you doing?"

"Don't make a fuss, don't make a fuss, you can't afford to make noise to Edney!"

A group of players wearing [City Management Brigade] skins shouted and separated the crowd.

They coquettishly put their IDs and guild names on their heads, and the four characters "Eye of the Bull" shone brightly.

Eye of the Barbarian Bull is the largest guild in the world of Yasha's fortresses. Its numbers and strength even surpass the fortresses in "Hegemony".

The guild leader "Flying Dragon in the Sky" is very famous among all professional players, he is rich and has good skills.

After driving away the other players, the player headed by Bull Eye - "Fat Cow in the Field" took a step forward. He stretched out his neck to look at Qi Ge's unicorn, and clapped his hands fiercely.

"Hey! Where did this high-level play come from?

Brothers, please get to know the Bull's Eye Guild. It is the first guild in the swamp. The president is loyal and sensible.

Join the membership and receive three months' salary in advance immediately. "

Qi Ge smiled and waved his hands and said:

"No, no, there's already a guild."

"It's okay, refund, come to me! Is there a contract? How much is the buyout fee? Our guild will pay for it."

Qi Ge:......

"Thank you for your appreciation. It's a great honor. I'm just here to catch up with Edney. You're busy, so don't pay attention to me."


This time it was "Fat Cow in the Field"'s turn to be stunned.

"Brother, do you know Her Majesty Edney?"

Qi Ge smiled slightly: "When I came here with Master Qi Ge before, I had the honor to meet Her Majesty Edney."

"What the hell?"

"Seven Pigeon God?"

Suddenly, the crowd was in an uproar.

[Fat Cow in the Field] was a little disbelieving, he took a breath and said: "Brother, are you really telling the truth?

Do you know all the Seven Pigeons? "

Qi Ge remained silent and secretly sent a friend request.

[System prompt: You request to add [Fat Cow in the Field] as a friend. 】

【Fat Cow in the Field】:? ? ?

Qige put his hand on [Fat Cow in the Field]'s shoulder with a snap, and said with a smile:

"Brother, give me some face and take me to see Her Majesty Edney."


【Fat Cow in the Field】It’s like waking up from a dream, nodding like pounding garlic.

"Okay, okay, okay! That's great!

Come on, brother, please come inside. "

The onlookers immediately discovered that there must be something fishy between Qi Ge and [Fat Cow in the Field].

But due to the intimidation of the Bull's Eye, no player dared to cause trouble.

[System prompt: Your friend application has been approved. 】

[Fat Cow in the Field]: The God of Seven Pigeons? Is it you, great god?

Qi Ge: It’s me. Please don’t say anything. Thank you.

[Fat Cow in the Field]: No problem, no problem! God, you are so kind.

Hey, God, I always admire you.

I watch your videos every time. Especially "Female Creatures Special" I have to read every issue several times.

And our president often said that he would like to find opportunities to get to know you, the great master.

Qige: Haha, thank you very much. I came here specifically today to help new members of the studio get their professional status. After I finish my work here, I will definitely find an opportunity to visit your guild.

[Fat Cow in the Field]: That’s settled! You must come, great God.

Let's go, let me take you a shortcut, so you don't have to wait in line.

Qige: This is not good. Everyone is queuing up, I feel sorry for jumping in line.

[Fat Cow in the Field]: Hi! Even the strategy for the prostitution profession was given by you, the master.

If you hide it, who knows?

Now this queue is all formed because of you, great god. How can there be any reason not to let the people who dug the wells drink water?

Qige: Haha, thank you very much.

[Fat Cow in the Field] took Qi Ge and Chao Hua, bypassing many players who were trying hard to gain Edney's favor, and went directly to Edney's tent.

"Your Majesty Edney, I'm here to see you again."

Qige stood outside the tent and shouted loudly.

"Hmm? Who is it?"

Edney opened the tent, and Qige immediately lifted the disguise.

"It's you. Why are you here again?"

Edney's face was stern, as if she didn't welcome Qi Ge very much.

Qi Ge smiled and pushed Chao Hua and said, "I have a friend who also wants to become an elementalist. I would like to ask your Majesty for a small favor."

Chaohua stood in front of Edney, bowed politely and said: "Your power of fire fascinates me, my respected elementalist."

"That's it?" Edney glanced at Chaohua and said with satisfaction, "Come in and talk."

"Wait for me here."

Qi Ge patted Guangming's neck, and Guangming snorted.

Seven Pigeons: The fat cow is in the field. Help me take care of the light. Ah, the light is this unicorn.

It has never been seen on the market and is easily abducted.

[Fat Cow in the Field]: God, don’t worry, if I lose it today, I won’t let our master Ma lose it.

Qi Ge and Chao Hua walked into the tent. The books on Edney's desk were more messy than last time.

For lighting, she also specially caught a level 3 [Flame Flying Dragon].

The poor [Flame Flying Dragon] was hung on the roof of the tent by Edney and used as a lamp.

When Qi Ge saw it, he was very impressed.

Not to mention, [Flaming Dragon] feeds 3 units of food a day and can light up for a whole day, which is better than Brakada's magic lamp.

It's just that the switch is a bit inconvenient.

Hey, by the way, doesn’t light also shine?

Can I... learn something?

Just as the Seven Pigeons were wandering away, a ball of flame suddenly lit up on Edney's hand.

With a bang, a circle of fire demon wall instantly surrounded Qi Ge!

"Hmph! Qi Ge, you brat! The Yasha Divine Chosen people who came during this period all said that you recommended them to come.

A large group of messy guys surrounded me every day to fawn over me, making it impossible for me to concentrate on my research.

Tell me honestly, did you leak the location of my tent? "

Qi Ge suppressed a smile:

"Your Majesty Edney, I was the one who leaked the information."

"How dare you admit it!"

Edney roared angrily, and the wall of fire immediately rose in a large circle.

"Tell me, did you do it on purpose or accidentally?"

"I was careless on purpose!"

Qi Ge is very proud.

"You! Humph!"

Edni clicked her fingers, put away the fire wall, and said to Qi Ge:

"Next time, don't tell anyone where my tent is without my permission."

Got it, increase the intensity.

Qi Ge nodded deeply, showing a very good attitude towards admitting his mistake.

Edney looked at Chaohua, her expression softened.

She handed over the "Catalog of Elements" and said: "If you want to become an elementalist, you need to have the talent to become an elementalist.

Take a look at this first, feel it with your heart, and don’t look at it too quickly. "

Chaohua took the "Catalog of Elements" from Edney, thanked her, and immediately began to study it carefully.

Edni raised her eyebrows at Qige and asked, "It's not easy for you to get from Braka to me.

Coming all the way here, there must be something else going on, right?

Can't you just make a trip just for this girl? "


Qi Ge chuckled lightly and replied:

"There are things. But bringing her here is the main purpose, and the things are just incidental."

"Oh? She is your wife?"

Edney looked at Chaohua with interest and asked Qige.

When Chaohua heard this, her hands trembled and her ears perked up.

"She and I are not in a superficial marriage relationship like a wife and husband."

"I understand, lover?"

Chaohua was shocked: "It's okay to be a lover! I can accept it!"

"Take the hammer and read your book!"

Qi Ge knocked Chao Hua on the head.

Qi Ge:......

I almost forgot, Edney is a bit of a gossip.

Qi Ge quickly changed the topic:

"Your Majesty Edney, before I came here, I also took a trip to the [Asan Islands] to meet with Your Majesty Brown.

I learned from His Majesty Brown that you and His Majesty Widdis made predictions that Chaos was about to break out.

Fighting against chaos is my responsibility and obligation as the chosen one of Yasha.

I was wondering, is there anything I can do to help? "

The corners of Edney's mouth raised slightly:

"Hoo. I understand. Are you like those Yasha Gods outside, who also want to take tasks from me to increase my favorability?"

Qi Ge:......

Why do these guys say everything to others? !

Qige immediately denied:

"Your Majesty, you have misunderstood, I have absolutely no wrong thoughts towards you.

I really want to help the world of Yasha. "

"Just say so." Edney said with a smile:

"I'm quite satisfied with your appearance. Originally, I thought I would give you a chance if you had any ideas.

Now it seems that you are not interested in me, so forget it. "

"Let's get down to business."

Edney's expression suddenly became serious.

"The Chaos Eruption is not something you can interfere with. With your strength, you will only become the nourishment of Chaos.

But you can help me find Stig, our little princess of Taitalia.

She is a female lizard-person with a pure white body, very easy to recognize.

If you can help me find her and persuade her to come to me, I will give you many rewards. "

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the orange legendary mission "Searching for Stig\

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