Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 613 Gathering Prayers

"Follow your inner throbbing and find your original intention."

After the conversation between the seven pigeons, Smit, who was wearing the costume of a saint, walked in the main castle of Glory City, frowning and thinking hard.

She understood what Qi Ge said, but she didn't know what to do.

"What is the throbbing in my heart and my original intention?"

Smit walked to the observation tower on the top of the castle and looked at Glory City.

The entire Rongguang City stands among green mountains and green waters under the gray sky.

The walls of Glory City towered into the clouds, like an indestructible barrier. Smit couldn't help but think of those brave warriors in the Holy War. They wore strong armor, brandished sharp swords and spears, and faced the terrifying hell troops. Charge into battle.

Inside the Castle of Glory City, there was a thick smell in the air.

This castle, which has been built for hundreds of years, has witnessed several changes in Erathia.

White stone floors, thick stone walls and tall gryphon towers came into Smit's eyes.

She turned her head and saw the familiar Knight Academy.

When she was a child and had just arrived in Glory City with her father Luo Shi, before even the Aihua La collar was established, she often learned equestrian skills there from Butler Albert Lar.

Opposite the Knight Academy is the church in Glory City.

Smit couldn't help but think of the scene she saw in this church.

An old woman gave all her savings to a church monk in order to treat her son's illness.

The greedy monk hero just used a magic to expel disease and collected a whole gold coin.

But expelling the disease could not completely cure her son's illness, and the old woman could only come again and again.

Smit witnessed with his own eyes that with just a minor illness, a small wealthy businessman family who opened a fruit shop in Rongguang City suddenly became abject poverty, and even the store became the property of the church.

And the old woman knelt down in front of the church with tears streaming down her face, thanking the monks for their kindness.

This puzzled Smit, who grew up in Bracada.

However, after releasing several banishing diseases that cost 8 magic points, how could he occupy a shop?

Her mother treated poor people without even receiving gifts.

From that moment on, Smit made a vow that if his father established a territory, he would not let such a thing happen to the people of the territory.

"Dong dong dong!"

"Expel the evil cult and protect the Queen. The Holy Heaven is dead and the Blue Heaven will stand."

At this moment, Smit saw a group of soldiers in armor marching in formation outside the castle. They held spears and shields, marched in neat steps, and shouted the slogans of the Holy Gryphon Church.

On the streets, passers-by dressed in simple and plain clothes cheered at the advancing soldiers and smiled broadly.

In the shops next to the street, merchants were busy doing business. They held the flags and new doctrines of the Holy Gryphon Church in their hands and loudly sold them to passers-by.

The flag and new teachings of the Holy Gryphon Church were subsidized by Catherine's treasury, and the price was very cheap. The total cost was only 1 silver coin, which was equivalent to three days of food expenses for a commoner under normal circumstances.

With the flag and the new doctrine, you can go to the Griffin Tower to receive two pumpkin pies and a potato, which can be eaten for a week.

The Church of Poseidon provided money, Catherine provided efforts, God's Chosen City provided food, and Griffin Cliff provided griffins to show off their cuteness.

The four companies joined forces and quickly made the name of the Holy Gryphon Church deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

A few days ago, every vendor's stall was full, and people were scrambling for fear of not being able to grab one.

It wasn't until everyone had received it in the past two days that the order on the street became better.

This picture of Glory City is a beautiful scenery for Smit.

Its splendor and glory at this time made Smit couldn't help but feel the vicissitudes and heroic heroics of Erathia before.

“This is the new scenery brought to Elasia by Brother Qi Ge.

Brother Qi Ge is really amazing. What can I do to become as amazing as Brother Qi Ge? "

Smit pouted and recalled the day when he awakened to the path of heroism.

“That’s when silk is harvested for the first time in the territory.

Under the leadership of his mother, the territory has its own special silk.

Part of these raw silks can be sold to improve the living conditions of the villagers, and the other part can be used as tribute to exchange with Her Majesty Catherine for the design drawings of the velvet textile workshop.

Raw silk and velvet are both high-priced specialties. Once it reaches a certain scale, Aihua collar can truly stabilize.

However, before the raw silk could be sold, a group of monks from the church arrived.

In the name of the angel tribe's need for raw silk, they forced the father and mother to donate raw silk to the church.

That greedy and arrogant look makes me extremely disgusted.

In the end, although we managed to save some of the raw silk with the help of Uncle Mulak, more than half of it was still robbed.

The velvet workshop is gone, and the living standards of the people in the area can only be slightly improved.

Later, the church, which failed to fully fulfill its wish, even issued an order prohibiting my mother from treating the people in the territory free of charge on the pretext that she was not a member of the clergy.

All kinds of difficulties made me extremely angry when I was young.

From that moment on, I was determined.

This kind of church should not exist.

When I was young, I thought that the reason why the church became like this must be because the angels they believed in were bad.

Angels are not worth believing in, Erathia, you should believe in the Fates with me.

Luck and misfortune are all fate.

In front of the great goddess of fate, good and evil will have their retribution.

So, at that time, I had an idea in my mind to establish a new church to replace Shengtian Church.

This obsession is so big and strong that I even successfully awakened to the path of a hero when I was still underage.

However, at that time, I was naive and did not realize how difficult this heroic path would be. "

Thinking of this, Smit's eyes couldn't help but gleam with water.

"When the holy war began, a group of arrogant monks and bishops broke into the castle.

With a compulsory recruitment order in their hands, and escorted by a group of crusaders, they arrogantly ordered their father to participate in the holy war.

Their arrival eventually took away their father, the army in the territory, and the few griffons in the territory.

After that, the recruitment orders one after another seemed to force the leader Aihua, who had just improved a little, to vomit his heart out and spit out his blood.

Yes, just like the monk hero did to the old woman.

And there is absolutely nothing I can do about all this.

Even the father I admire, the mother I love the most, and Sir Mrak, who is invincible in my heart, are no match for the church.

I could only bury my wishes and obsessions in the darkness and do my best to help the villagers survive those difficult days. "

Smit looked outside Glory City.

Outside the castle, there are green grass and flowers in bloom. Red flowers and blue flowers bloom on the white mud ground, which is so beautiful.

Mountains and forests are looming in the distance, and herds of cattle and sheep are grazing leisurely on the grass.

A knight rode a tall horse, held a spear, and held a large flag as he galloped past, leaving a long trail of dust and smoke behind him.

"It's father!"

Smit smiled.

In the past few days, Luo Shi, the new city lord of Rongguang City, will patrol various branches of Rongguang City holding the [Gryphon Angel Flag] of the Holy Gryphon Church as he does now.

This was not only a way of cheering for his daughter, but also an announcement to the entire Glory City area that the world of Erathia had changed.

"Brother Qige is really amazing."

Smit touched the blond hair on his chest and sighed in his heart.

“When I understood what a behemoth the Holy Sky Church was, I realized how ridiculous my original idea was.

I didn't even dare to tell my father and mother the truth about my own heroic path.

But I don’t know why, but I told Brother Qige about my dream and mission.

And he really helped me achieve it.

Now, with the help of Brother Qige, I have completed the road of heroism, established a new church, and destroyed the Holy Sky Church.

I also became a saint of the Holy Gryphon Church.


Smit lowered his head and looked at the streets of Glory City.

Old farmers, small traders, craftsmen, soldiers... these people who used to live extremely poor lives in Erathia are now smiling.

From time to time, when someone looks at me, they will be respectful

"But, do I really want to become a saint?"

Smit's eyes showed confusion.

“In my memories and imagination, I have never seen myself becoming a saint.

Being followed by everyone, leading everyone forward amidst cheers, serving as a beacon and role model, living under the eyes of envy and adoration, always surrounded by attendants and guards.

Yes, just like sister Adela.

No matter where she goes, the saint is like a beam of light.

Illuminating the surroundings and attracting attention.

However, I don’t want to attract other people’s attention at all.

I just want to be an ordinary girl.

Ordinary life, ordinary marriage, ordinary birthing of children, ordinary raising of children, just like my mother. "

Smit sat on the ground, staring at the low green wall of the watchtower in a daze.

"I just want to be an ordinary girl, so why do I have to destroy the Holy Heaven Church?

Because the Holy Heaven Church is a bad thing.

I just don't want to see ordinary people like me being bullied by bad things. "

Smit walked down the watchtower step by step, and happened to see Sir Mrak and Luo Shi, who had just finished patrol, walking side by side.

The two were happily praising the seven pigeons.

Sir Mrak's voice was particularly strong:

“I have to sigh, Qi Ge is really smart.

The Church of the Holy Sky is deeply rooted in Erathia and has countless followers.

If it were suddenly announced that the whole country would no longer believe in angels, it would inevitably trigger a counterattack by many Holy Sky Church believers.

The path taken by the Holy Gryphon Church is not to fight against people's belief in angels, but to replace the Holy Sky Church.

It's a genius idea to not eliminate the worship of angels, but to introduce griffins while worshiping angels. "

Luo Shi nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, it is also very clever to use griffons as a belief.

Knights, swordsmen, archers, and spearmen are not easy to incorporate into human beliefs.

Unless there are four full faiths, anyone who believes in them will lead to the creation of a privileged class in human society. Believing in griffins does not have this concern.

The gryphon itself is the representative of all of us humans. From the time of Enroth, the fate of mankind has been closely linked to the fate of the gryphon.

Regardless of whether it is Erathia or other forces, as long as they see griffins, they will think of us humans.

Belief in griffins means belief in all human beings.

When griffins and angels stand side by side, that is when humans and angels stand side by side.

The teachings of the Holy Gryphon Church are not that angels rule humans, nor that humans rely on angels, but that humans and angels fight side by side. "

"Father, Grandpa Mrak."

Smit said hello with a smile and bowed obediently to the two of them.

"Little Smit."

Mrak Jazz looked at Smit with a chuckle, feeling that he really made the right move when he forced the lion to marry Lafite.

Luo Shi touched Smit's head and asked with a smile:

"Why are you here if you don't go and have a good rest?"

Smit blinked and said mischievously:

"I'm getting my original intention back."

"Original intention?"

"Well! Brother Qi Ge told me that if I want to know what kind of army I will truly advance into, I need to find my most precious heartbeat.

I also need to find my original intention. "

Luo Shi and Mrak looked at each other, and both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

Luo Shi smiled and praised:

"Excellent, daughter, is there anything daddy can help you with?"

Smit shook his head and said:

"No, no need, I'll look for it myself. I already have an idea."

Seeing Smit running down the stairs with his skirt fluttering, Luo Shi and Sir Mrak followed him up quietly without any discussion.

Smit found Butler Albert, and under the protection of the old butler, quietly returned to Aihua Ling.

She ran back to her room, changed out of her saintly clothes, and put on her normal clothes.

After that, Smit rode a carriage alone and helped in various villages, just like she had done when she was a child.

She can stand on a high platform and deliver inspiring speeches to countless people, and she can also carry heavy fruit baskets in the orchard.

She can walk gracefully while bathing in everyone's gaze, and she can also be covered in mud in the fields.

She can discuss national affairs with Queen Catherine, and she can also sit on the stone steps and tell old farmers about their daily life.

After working in various villages, Smit returned to the carriage with satisfaction.

As she lay on the carriage, she finally understood what she wanted.

"The purpose of destroying the Holy Sky Church is to stop the Holy Sky Church from being domineering. The purpose of establishing a new church is to better help poor and kind people. The purpose of advanced treasure making is to create cheap and easy-to-use alchemical treasures. Help the villagers...

In fact, what I want is to make the villagers live happily.

I hope that kind people will not be bullied by bad people, and that kind people will be able to have their dreams come true and be carefree.

This is my original intention. "

When Smit realized this, she closed her eyes slightly.

In her mind, a bright light was slowly spinning. "

"Yes, that's what I want!"

Smit smiled happily and grabbed the light in his mind.

“I don’t agree with going directly to the ancient archipelago.

It's easy to get in, but hard to get out.

In the sea of ​​chaos, returning is more dangerous than reaching the destination.

I have an idea……"

At the Poseidon Shrine, Qige is holding an emergency meeting with many high-level officials of the Poseidon Church to regain the Immortal Forest.

At the meeting, the high-ranking officials of Poseidon Church were amazed by the viewpoints Qi Ge put forward and his profound understanding of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Just as Qi Ge finished explaining his battle plan and received thunderous applause, a system prompt suddenly sounded in Qi Ge's mind.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player, your unit Smit Avara Mrak has been successfully upgraded to the level 5 mythical unit [Prayer Treasure Maker]. 】

【Pray to the Treasure Maker

Level: 1 [General (1~6)]

Rank: 5

Quality: Mythical

Attack: 1

Defense: 1

Damage: 1

Lives: 290

Speed: 8

Special skills: Top treasure making: can make level 1~7 alchemical treasures.

Call of arms: Before the battle begins, resources can be consumed to create temporary arm treasures.

Prayer Treasure Making: During the battle, you can consume resources to create a temporary alchemy treasure at a location designated by the hero, and force the replacement of the hero treasure (limited to once per battle).

The temporary treasures created will be as perfect as possible.

Lucky Choice: Luck +6, Inspiration +12 (Smit’s exclusive stunt)

Holy Spirit Protection: The damage received is always at the minimum value (Smit’s exclusive stunt)]

Qige:? ? ?

Smith advanced successfully!

It is indeed a new mythical unit!

It's just a pity that I couldn't jump to level 6.

[System prompt: Congratulations, player, your soldier Smit has been successfully upgraded to a hero. 】

[Name: Smit Avara Mrak

Level 1 hero

Weapons: Level 1 and Level 5 Prayer Treasure Maker


[Gathered prayers:

The prayers of all the citizens of any force can be gathered to create dynastic weapons, which can only be activated once in half a year. 】

Wait a moment! ! !

Qi Ge was shocked!

What is this specialty? !

Dynasty weapons, what is this.

Qi Ge didn't even have time to look at Smit's other attributes, and system prompts sounded one after another.

[System prompt: Your deputy hero Smit starts the path of master: perfecting dynasty weapons. 】

[System prompt: Your deputy hero Smit has embarked on a legendary path: perfecting dynasty weapons. 】

[System prompt: Your deputy hero Smit has embarked on the road of demigods: completely perfecting the dynasty weapons. 】

Qige:? ? ?

A dynasty weapon that opens three roads in a row?

What kind of smooth road is this?

Oh my god, is this the power of Lucky God’s Choice? The hidden treasure-making demigod in the heroic soul world?

If Mr. Agaide knew about it, he would be so envious that he would die by bumping his head against the statue of the goddess of fate.

[Server-wide announcement:

Congratulations to player Qige for successfully opening the dynasty weapon system.

Player Qi Ge received rewards: Adamantite*30, Mithril*30, and a chance to cast dynasty weapons for free. 】

The Seven Pigeons were stupid.

"Hiss, server-wide announcement, Smit, my good sister, what on earth are you doing?!"

[System prompt: Your deputy hero Smit is making dynasty weapons. Do you agree? 】

[System prompt: Insufficient resources, do you want to consume free casting opportunities? 】

"Damn, the system is huge, you should tell me what the dynasty weapon is."

[Server-wide announcement: The official information on Dynasty Weapons has been updated, please click Help to view it. 】

Qi Ge was overjoyed and quickly said to Ren Shiba:

"Your Majesty, wait a moment, I have something urgent."

Under the surprised gazes of everyone in Poseidon Church, Qi Ge sat down cross-legged and fell into a daze.

He quickly opened his treasured game help and found the newly emerged dynasty weapons.

[Dynasty weapons.


In the world of heroic souls, the equipment of heroes is called treasures, the equipment of cities is called rare treasures, and the equipment of forces, that is, the equipment of the entire country is called dynasty weapons.

Dynasty weapons can be used on all heroes of the entire faction.

Each faction currently only has one dynasty weapon slot.

Dynasty weapons were born from the prayers of the entire people and reflected the common wishes of all citizens of the entire force.

Only the treasure maker hero with the specialty [Gathered Prayer] can gather the prayers of all the people under his power to create dynasty weapons.

Currently, dynasty weapons can only have 2 perks.

The dynasty weapon system is currently being updated, so stay tuned. 】

"Hiss~~the equipment of the force?! It is effective for all heroes of the entire force."

With just these two sentences, Qi Ge instantly understood the weight of the dynasty's weapons and what a great thing Smit was doing.

Now that Smit is in Erathia, there is a high probability that she will gather the dynasty weapons of Erathia.

Qi Ge fell into a tangle for a moment.

“The equipment of all the forces, grandma’s is even more outrageous than the mythical building.

I can tell with my fingers that the resources consumed by Dynasty weapons must be astronomical.

This opportunity to cast for free is precious.

If you use it, it will be useless when you successfully overthrow Brakada, obtain the Tears of Yasha, and establish a new force. "

Qi Ge gritted his teeth and clenched his fists:

"Fuck! Are we afraid of not being able to gather resources? Smit's current state must be very special. Nothing in the world can stop Smit from having an epiphany.

Katherine, you are being advantaged.

System, agree with Smit to cast dynasty weapons, use the free opportunity! "

Qige did not know what a spectacular scene was unfolding in Aihua Ling at this time.

A pillar of pure white light reaches into the sky, and countless light points are gathering towards Smit from all directions in Erathia.

In the Holy City, Erathia's Tears of Asa emitted a strong light, echoing the light pillars of Glory City.

Around the pillar of light, Seraph Michael has opened the door to heaven and surrounded the pillar of light with countless angels.

Even Sir Mrak and Lion, Michael forbade them to come near without giving any reason.

Smit closed his eyes and lay quietly in the center of the light column.

She was like a huge black hole, sucking the entire Erathia's light towards herself.

Qi Ge anxiously waited for the news, which lasted for more than half an hour.

Finally, Smit slowly opened his eyes, and all the light spots merged into one on Smit's hand.

A long sword with white feathers and red patterns was born in Smit's hands!

[System prompt: Congratulations to your deputy hero Smit Avara Mrak for successfully manufacturing the dynasty weapon Renaissance Blade]

[System prompt: Server-wide announcement, congratulations to player Qi Ge for successfully obtaining the first dynasty weapon in the server, the Revival Blade. 】

【Blade of Renaissance

dynasty weapons

Exclusive to Erathia, only Erathia can equip it

Belongs to: Seven Pigeons


1. The hero obtains auxiliary skills and advanced financial management skills

2. The hero obtains the auxiliary skill Advanced Agriculture]

The angels sang hymns, and Michael held Smit in his arms as he slowly fell.

Amidst the light and holy light, the blade of revival in Smit's hand split the space and roared with joy to the entire world of Yasha.

Sir Mrak took a deep breath, and he understood that from this moment on, Smit's name as a saint was well deserved!

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