[Eight-clawed Assassination Insect] is the weirdest monster in Shadow of Evil.

They can compress themselves to the size of a fly and cling to rocks and walls. Once an enemy passes by, they will instantly expand to the size of a rhinoceros and stretch out their indestructible claws to hug the enemy tightly.

There are densely packed soft tentacles on their chests and abdomens, and the tentacles are covered with paralyzing stingers.

Once a creature is stabbed into the body by the paralyzing stinger, it will feel the pain that penetrates into the soul while being unable to move, and will gradually suffocate, and finally die in excruciating pain.

For the Shadow of Evil, [Eight-clawed Assassination Insect] is the most trustworthy guard.

They are everywhere, dangerous and loyally guarding the castle.

But now, each of the [Eight-clawed Assassination Insects] has fallen into a downtime state.

"What's going on with that cage? Why is it spinning 360 degrees while flying?"

"It's such an arrogant cage. I really want to beat it, but it is our evil shadow's own cage. I can't beat my own cage."

Qi Ge, who was in stealth mode, was throwing the cage around in his hands while dubbing the [Eight-Clawed Assassin Bug].

This was not because Qi Ge was in a panic, but because Qi Ge found that he could not get out of the castle at all.

There is a Soul-Eating Chaos Dragon in the sky above the castle. The Soul-Eating Chaos Dragon has the ability to block the air and cannot fly.

There is a tar mecha on the outer wall of the castle, and if you get close, you will be burned to death.

There is an Eye of Moses at the door of the castle, and level 30 stealth cannot avoid the opponent's detection.

All entrances and exits were blocked, and Qi Ge could only think of a way to improve his stealth level.

After Qi Ge’s experiment, he learned that when gaining stealth experience,

The experience gained when you are about to be discovered but are not discovered.

You will gain more experience than if you were not discovered at all.

That's why Qi Ge was so arrogant on purpose.

As long as the cage keeps moving, it will continue to attract the attention of the surrounding chaos monsters. Even if they notice it, they won't be able to see you. They just have suspicions, and they will continue to provide themselves with stealth experience points.

Just like now...

[System prompt: Successfully evaded the reconnaissance of [Eight-clawed Assassin Insect], the reconnaissance judgment is LV12, and 10 experience points are gained. 】

[System prompt: Successfully evaded the reconnaissance of [Small Shadow Demon], reconnaissance judgment is LV14, and gained 20 experience. 】

[System prompt: Stealth has been upgraded, current stealth LV18]

"Well, we found the target! The weakest little shadow demon among all the Chaos troops!"

Qi Ge lowered the cage near the [Small Shadow Demon] and used the obstacles to quietly run behind the [Small Shadow Demon].

He clenched his hands, raised them high, and smashed the [Miniature Shadow Demon] on the head!

"I'll fight~~"

[System prompt: Launch assassination LV3.]

[System prompt: Assassination failed! You have been exposed. 】

In an instant, countless eyes scattered around the castle turned to the direction of Qi Dove at the same time!

The [Small Shadow Demon] in front of Qi Ge drew out his shadow knife and chopped it down without saying a word.

"Damn it, failed again."

Qi Ge turned around, but did not dodge, and was hit with his shoulder.

[System prompt: 30 points of damage were received, and the current remaining blood volume is 60! 】

[System prompt: Gain 15 points of toughness experience, current toughness LV25]

Toughness is damage reduction. Each level of toughness can reduce 2 points of damage. Being hit will increase toughness.

If it was just a [Small Shadow Demon], Seven Pigeons could win in a head-on fight.

But now, the chaos monsters in the entire castle are gathering in the direction of the Seven Pigeons, including true chaos-level BOSSs like the Eye of Moses.

It seems that there is no life for ten deaths.

But Qi Ge didn't panic at all. He rushed to the cage with great agility, opened the cage door, and got in.

"I'm in, I'm a prisoner now, the rules of the river and lake are, surrender, don't kill!

Taishang Laojun is as urgent as an order, stop it! "

Qi Ge gave an order, and all the chaos monsters stopped. Only the [Small Shadow Demon] put away its shadow knife and slowly approached Qi Ge.

"Hey~ That's right.

I am a prisoner, the prize that the Darkness of Justice conquered. I stay in the cage, how can you hurt me? "

The Old God of Seven Pigeons sat on the ground in the cage, humming a song while healing himself.

It wasn't until [Small Shadow Demon] walked in front of him that he waved his hand and said:

"That little shadow, give me a higher-level lock. Don't keep it at level 30. You won't be able to gain any experience."

[Small Shadow Demon] touched the cage with his hand. [Magic Sealing Lock LV30, current unlocking level LV31, unlocking success rate 100%]

Qi Ge:......

"Xiao Ying, you can't do this. You can't even handle these things. How can you be the chief of the security department in the future? Come on, come on in and let me educate you."

Qi Ge stretched out his hand, unlocked the lock, opened the cage, and grabbed the [Small Shadow Demon] into the cage.

"Hey, I'm hiding!"

The [Small Shadow Demon] who entered the cage was just about to attack Qi Ge, when Qi Ge got behind him and kept circling.

When Qi Ge was out of sight of [Small Shadow Demon] for 10 seconds, Qi Ge entered the stealth state.

[Small Shadow Demon] turned around in confusion, but did not see Seven Pigeons.

But he knew there was an unlocked cage in front of him, so he reached out and locked the cage.

With a click, [Small Shadow Demon] locked himself and Qi Ge inside.

"Hehehe... now, it's just the two of us..."

Qi Ge smiled evilly.

[Small Shadow Demon] has no entity. If it were an ordinary cage, he could pass directly through the gap.

But this was a demon-sealing cage, and he had no way to get out, so he could only run around in circles and keep trying.

Qi Ge walked around behind [Small Shadow Demon] and clasped his fists again!

"Hey! Sneak attack!"

[System prompt: Launch assassination LV3.]

【Assassination LV18

Prerequisites: Fighting LV20, Stealth LV20

Effect: It can only be activated in stealth state. It can kill the target directly without fighting. 】

[System prompt: Assassination failed! You have been exposed. 】

"A friend was attacked!"

The surrounding Chaos Monsters instantly turned to look at Qi Ge!

"Oh, he's a prisoner. That's okay."

The Chaos Monster turned its head back again.

[Small Shadow Demon]:? ? ?

"I'm being attacked! Fight back, you must fight back!"

[Small Shadow Demon] took out the shadow knife and slashed at Qi Ge. Qi Ge can hide, but he just doesn't hide. He takes the knife forcefully, and then continues to circle around and block his vision.

While his vision was blocked, he was still saying:

"Xiaoying, you can't do this. Why did you start pinching me after just two words?

At the end of the year, do you still want to judge the advanced ones? "

[System prompt: Taunting skill has been upgraded, current LV25]

[Taunt LV25

Effect: Force the enemy to attack you. 】

Seven pigeons are happy.

"Hehe. Now that the cage is locked, this is an absolute space. No one can enter or leave.

This [Small Shadow Demon] is said to be unresponsive to heaven and earth, and can only be played with by me.

I can level up the 5 skills of [Toughness], [Battlefield First Aid], [Assassination], [Combat], [Stealth] and [Taunt] on this [Small Shadow Demon] at the same time.

What kind of golden sparring partner is this? "

Qi Ge cursed and sneaked while treating himself. He also took the time to assassinate the [Small Shadow Demon] and tortured him to death. He had a great time.

If possible, Qi Ge hopes that [Small Shadow Demon] can persist until all his skills are maxed out.

But as the assassination level increases, the success rate of assassinating [Small Shadow Demon] gradually increases.

Finally, Qi Ge accidentally...

[The assassination was successful!

You killed LV25 [Small Shadow Demon (Level 5, Level 1)].

Your assassination level is increased to LV21. 】

"Ugh!" Shadow Demon opened his mouth and let out a loud roar, and his body gradually faded and disappeared.

But Qi Ge felt that the shadow demon's wailing sound before his death somehow gave him a feeling of relief.

[System prompt: Assassination effect, props drop probability increases.

Obtain equipment, small shadow knife. 】

【Small Shadow Knife

Effect of use: short weapons +LV5, lock picking +LV5. 】

"Huh?! I actually exploded my equipment! I killed more than a dozen [small shadow demons]. This is the second time I exploded my equipment."

Qi Ge was overjoyed and quickly picked up the [Small Shadow Knife].

It is said to be a knife, but it is actually a palm-long dagger. LV5 for short weapons is of little significance, but the effect of unlocking + LV5 is too real.

Compared to the [Bad Shadow Bow] that Qi Ge exploded for the first time, this [Small Shadow Knife] is simply a six-level or eight-level artifact.

【Shadow Bow

Use effect: Shooting +1]

The most deceiving thing is that the Bad Shadow Bow only has a bow and no arrows, so it can't shoot at all.

Qi Ge looked up and looked around and said to himself:

"There is neither darkness nor dawn in this Chaos Treasure House. It is always groggy and there is no way to keep track of time.

From what I've seen, I've been here for over a day now.

I don’t know if anyone from outside was sent in.

Forget it, no matter if someone comes in from outside, I can't give up on saving myself.

Although I can't beat LV80's Eye of Moses now, I can always get it.

After +5 lockpicking level, my lockpicking level reached LV36, and I could barely open the LV40 iron door in the castle basement.

I have basically searched this castle, except for the basement, which I cannot enter. If there is any hope for me to escape, it must be there. "

After checking the harvest, Qi Ge peered outside the cage.

Countless chaos monsters are still standing at their respective posts, including all kinds of monsters.

"Hey, it's safe in the cage. When I go back to the cage, it's like going home. I really like being in there."

Qige unlocked the door of her house, sneaked out, and carried her home on her back like a snail.

"I understand how a snail feels. There is a safe house that makes you almost invincible when you shrink inside. I will definitely carry it on my back."

"The green land of Anen has just sprouted, and the snail is climbing up step by step, carrying its heavy shell;

There are two chaos dragons in Acheng and Abao, laughing at them; there are so many guards in the castle, why do they still want to escape?

Ah Hun, Chao'er, don't laugh, you will be dead when I grow up~"

Qige turned on the taunting singing mode, humming the song she had just made up, and taunted her all the way to the basement.

[Unbreakable lock LV40

Effect: Lock that cannot be broken by force.

The current opening probability is 5%]

"Come on, brush up."

Qi Ge put down the cage, squatted on the ground, and began to try his best to unlock it.

During this period, several groups of patrolling Chaos Monsters passed by, but they all turned a blind eye to Qi Ge, who was in stealth mode.

[System prompt: Failed to unlock...]

[System prompt: Failed to unlock, unlock LV37]

[System prompt: Failed to unlock, unlock LV38]

This time Qi Ge's luck was even worse. After repeated failures, the lock in the basement finally glowed and was crushed by Qi Ge.

[System prompt: Lock unlocked successfully, unlocked LV39].

Qi Ge took a deep breath, put the invincible cage on his back, and pushed open the basement door.

Behind the door is a downward spiral staircase.

The walls on both sides of the stairs have been eroded by time and are mottled, and a lot of the plaster decoration on the walls has fallen off, exposing the gray black masonry.

This staircase is made of rough stone, has no handrails, and has a large gradient at each step, making it not suitable for Qi Ge to walk.

The surface of the stairs is covered with black moss. The moss is very smooth and will slip if you are not careful.

Despite this, this did not stop Qi Ge. He still bravely walked down the ancient stairs.

As the stairs gradually descended, the surroundings became darker and darker.

When the stairs reached the end, a huge iron door appeared in front of Qige.

The door was covered in mottled rust, but it still stood solidly.

Unfortunately, there is still a lock hanging on this iron door.

[Unbreakable lock LV40

Lock opening success rate 80%】

Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, it's still within my lock-picking range, otherwise I would have to go back and find a way to raise the lock-picking level a little higher."

[System prompt: Unlocking successful, unlocking LV40]

This time the unlocking finally went smoothly, Qi Ge successfully opened the lock twice.

He mustered up the courage, held the cage, and pushed open the iron door with the cage.


As soon as Qi Ge opened the door, countless weird eyes looked at him at the same time!

Behind this iron gate, there are at least a hundred Chaos troops stationed!

"Hiss~~ If you don't guard the main gate, you won't guard the second gate. You'll hide behind the second gate!

Has Chaos become so cunning?

Fortunately, I am more skilled. "

Qi Ge held the cage and walked in openly.

The group of chaos monsters looked at the cage in confusion, falling into a sluggish state.

Although they felt strange, they were restricted by the rules and did not attack.

Qi Ge saw through the cages that there were dozens of cages in the basement.

Most of these cages contain shadow creatures like shadow lizards, but there is one exception.

It was a humanoid creature with a short stature and disproportionate upper and lower body proportions.

Her head is relatively large, her eyes are bright, her nose is short and somewhat sharp, and her ears have a unique pointed shape. Even with a frightened expression, there seems to be a smile on her face, giving Qi Ge A very friendly feeling.

Her limbs are relatively long, and her fingers are slender and flexible, with a thin layer of webbed skin on the knuckles, resembling a frog's feet.

Her lower body resembles that of a goat, with hair, slightly bent knees, and large, thick, curved hooves.

The hair on her lower body is softer, has a beautiful golden color, and is naturally wavy, which looks very pleasing to the eye.

"Huh?! It's actually a female halfling!"

Qi Ge was a little surprised.

Halflings are a neutral race that exists in various forces in the world of Yasha, but there are not many of them.

Their special body structure makes their hands and sense of smell extremely sensitive, their movements flexible, and their agility high. Therefore, they are particularly suitable for careers such as chefs, thieves, assassins, and butchers.

Some people say that halflings are orcs, but the halfling family rejects this idea.

They believe that orcs are basically upper-body beasts and lower-body humans, while they are upper-body humans and lower-body beasts, and are an independent race completely different from the orcs.

There is some truth to this statement, because like the halflings, the centaurs, who are superior to humans and descend from beasts, have never considered themselves orcs.

Regarding this point, Qi Ge has a strong say.

He believes that to distinguish whether it is an orc, one should not just look at the appearance, but also look at the internal structure.

He didn't know the male, but the body temperature and skin feel of female centaurs and halflings were completely different from those of orcs.

The halfling is mild and rainy, the beastgirl is hot and dry, and the female centaur is warm and wet.

From a taxonomic perspective, these three races should not be confused.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that halflings are an intelligent race and can communicate!

Although Qi Ge was a little surprised as to why the halfling NPC appeared in the Treasure Room of Shadow Struggle, the moment he saw her, Qi Ge decided to rescue her.

"Let me see how these Chaos troops can be dealt with."

Qi Ge looked around and knew what was going on.

"Most of them are Chaos monsters around level 35, numbering around 40.

With my current combat power of about LV20, it is unrealistic to fight forcefully.

If all the imprisoned troops are released, my level 100 command should be able to absorb them, but the casualties will not be small.

Partners are precious, and the less they die, the better.

Then what should be done? "

Qi Ge touched his chin and had an idea!

"Yes! Maybe it can be like when I killed the two shadow archers last time..."

He placed the cage at the door, blocked the door, then turned and ran back, all the way back to the treasure room, and took out the remaining two cages.

The three cages were piled by seven pigeons into a "pin" shape.

Qi Ge was hiding in the cage, holding a rotten shadow bow in his hand. He used the rotten shadow bow to open the [small shadow knife] and fired the [small shadow knife] as an arrow!

With a chirp, the [Small Shadow Knife] hit an [Evil Shadow Creeper].

[System prompt: Launch shooting LV36, causing 45 points of damage. 】


[Evil Shadow Monster] had a dagger stuck in his head. He was in so much pain that he immediately turned around, trying to find out who had attacked it.

But apart from an innocent prisoner blinking in a cage, it only saw two open cages.

"Two cages were opened, maybe some prisoners escaped.

It was the two prisoners who attacked me.

But if I don't see them, it's none of my business.

Really, can't these prisoners just stay in the cage like that obedient half-elf?

What a hassle. "

[Evil Shadow] used his own logic to make a judgment and chose to look back.

Seeing this, Qi Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

LV38's [Evil Shadow Creeper] is a long-range unit that can spit sand to attack.

For Qi Ge, it is undoubtedly the biggest threat and must be solved first.

Qi Ge had tried it before. If there was only one cage, even the stupid Chaos Monster would realize that he was the one attacking him.

But there was a cage around him, so the Chaos monsters wouldn't attack him.

He had relied on this move before, moving the cage behind Shadow Archer and assassinating him repeatedly before killing the two troublesome Shadow Archers.

If the level of the Chaos Monsters here wasn't too high, Qi Ge would have been able to kill them all without even using the Shadow Bow.

When the chaos monsters relaxed their vigilance, Qi Ge quietly returned behind [Evil Shadow Monster], pulled out the dagger, got into the cage, and then repeated his old tricks...

The Dark Soldiers of Justice who were imprisoned in the cage were stunned when they saw Qi Ge's operation, their eyes almost popped out, and they looked very surprised.

As the chaos monsters were killed one after another, Qi Ge's shooting skill level turned out to be higher and higher.

After reaching LV40, seven pigeons and two daggers can kill a LV35 chaos monster, which is extremely efficient.

The last [Enderman] was shot in the head by seven pigeons, and a prop fell out as its body exploded.

At this time, the Dark Soldiers of Justice in the cage all let out very suppressed shouts:


"Choo Choo Choo!"

"Dead, all dead! Great, we won!"


Their voices were very excited, but the volume was not loud. They were obviously afraid of shouting too loud and attracting the enemy.

It can be seen that these imprisoned soldiers are quite smart.

Qi Ge was happy, closed the door, and picked up the black pearls that exploded from the [Ender Man].

【End Pearl

Effect: After throwing the ender pearl, if the ender pearl is still within the field of vision, you can be teleported to the location of the ender pearl.

Disappears after teleportation. 】

"Huh?! Isn't that right? Can we leave the city?!"

Qige's eyes lit up.

He put away the ender pearls and ran towards the cage.

When the figures in dozens of cages saw Seven Pigeons approaching, they all trembled in excitement.

"Don't worry, I will let you out, but you listen to me first."

Qi Ge made a quiet movement and spoke.

As soon as he finished speaking, most of the troops immediately sat down where they were without any hesitation.

There were some people who were not smart enough. They looked around and realized what they were doing. They followed suit.

Qi Ge noticed that the halfling girl was the first to sit down.

Qige nodded and said:

"We are now in the territory of the Evil Shadow. There are countless Evil Shadow monsters outside. The guards guarding you are like a drop in the bucket or a drop in the ocean in front of those monsters.

So after I let you out later, you must obey the instructions and never rush towards the door.

If anyone is stupid enough to run out, even if he is dead, he will also kill all of us.

I'll unlock the doors one by one later. When you come out, you can gather at the central location.

If there is any idiot who wants to rush out, the smart guy will stop him and beat him to death.

This kind of scourge is better dead than alive.

Do you understand? Nod if you understand. "


All the soldiers nodded, and no one disobeyed.

Qi Ge looked around seriously and then said:

"Second point, if I let you out, I will be your benefactor and your commander.

This castle is extremely dangerous, and the shadow of evil is everywhere. Except for the brothers and sisters in this cage, we are all enemies in the world.

But don't be afraid, I promise that as long as you follow my instructions, you will be able to get out safely.

The premise is, follow the command!

Whatever I tell you to do, you must do it.

Even if I tell you to die, you will go.

You must know that I will never sacrifice you unless it is absolutely necessary, but when it is absolutely necessary, everyone must have the spirit to sacrifice themselves, including myself.

If you don't have the belief that everyone should escape even if you die, then don't come out and just wait here.

I can guarantee that it is much safer here than outside.

If you understand these two points and still want to leave with me, you nod. "

Contrary to Qi Ge's expectations, none of the more than forty soldiers were timid, and they all nodded their heads.

Qi Ge glanced at them appreciatively, looking quite satisfied, but actually he was a little nervous inside.

The Shadow Lizard brothers who have now become one with him were also like this at the beginning. They seemed to be obedient and well-behaved, but as soon as the cage opened, they ran faster than anyone else.

After thinking about it, Qi Ge felt that he had to put in a helper who would have a high probability of blocking the door for him.

He walked up to the halfling girl and asked in a low voice:

"Can you understand what I'm saying? Can you speak?"

"Sir! I can!"

The demigod girl's eyes were very bright, and she looked at Qi Ge with eyes full of love and admiration.

"Very good, do you know who you are? Why are you locked up here?"

"Sir, I am the merchant team of Darkness of Justice, responsible for buying and selling supplies in various Darkness of Justice cities.

These shadow beasts are all members of my caravan.

In addition, I am also a chef and have very good cooking skills. I can intercept the corpses of the shadow beasts I kill and make them into delicious dishes.

Our caravan was caught here because we were intercepted by the Shadow Beast on the way to transport supplies. "

Qi Ge:! ! !

Is this halfling girl so powerful?

Qi Ge quickly asked:

"Then do you remember where you were born?"

The halfling girl shook her ears with a dull expression.

"Birth? I don't remember."

When Qi Ge saw this, he knew what was going on.

There is a high probability that she is not a real person, but an NPC that was temporarily generated after the treasure house appeared.

So Qige asked again seriously: "Have you remembered what I just said? If I open the cage, can you abide by my rules?"

The halfling girl immediately replied seriously: "Don't worry, sir, I will definitely abide by the rules.

And I will help you supervise my caravan members. If anyone does not follow the rules, I will take action myself.

Qi Ge looked at the other party's firm eyes and felt that she was not hypocritical, so he unlocked her door.

[Cage Lock LV34]

Qige's eyes widened.

This halfling girl looks so soft and weak, but her lock level is actually higher than hers? !

The level of the lock represents combat effectiveness. In other words, this girl's combat effectiveness is stronger than mine?

For a moment, Qi Ge regretted it. If this girl rushed out, he might not be able to stop her unless he killed her.

Fortunately, after the cage was opened, the girl just hugged Qi Ge and jumped twice in joy, and did not run away directly.

Seeing the halfling girl successfully released from prison, the remaining soldiers became even more excited. Although they couldn't speak, they expressed their thoughts with their bodies and banged the cage.

The halfling girl said seriously to Qi Ge:

"Sir, I will go to the center to help you guard."

"Wait a minute, sit down first."

The halfling girl hesitated for a moment, then turned around and tried to sit in Qi Ge's arms.

Qige:? ? ?

"So many people are watching. Sit next to me."


The halfling girl covered her face and jumped away quickly.

She crossed her legs, rubbed them back and forth, and said aggrievedly:

"I thought you wanted to test whether I would obey your orders.

Sir, you have seen that I am obedient. "

You're too obedient!

Good guy, luckily I slapped the thigh and not the tail.

Qi Ge shook his head and threw the evil thoughts out of his mind.

He coughed twice and said:

"I want to ask you if you know the situation in this world."

"World? Sir, do you mean the Shadow Continent?

Our light and shadow continent is divided into the darkness of justice and the shadow of evil.

The Shadow of Evil has been trying to sacrifice the continent to a giant evil butterfly, and we, the Darkness of Justice, have been stopping it.

In our world, there is a special power influence, and every life can acquire innate skills.

There are three types of skills, combat skills, life skills and general skills.

Life skills, such as my cooking skills, can help us live better, but they do not directly help in combat.

Combat skills, including assassination, shooting, fighting, etc., are all skills that can directly increase combat effectiveness.

General skills can also increase combat effectiveness, but the effect is generally not as good as combat skills.

Combat ability is very important.

The battles in our world are very simple, just a comparison of combat effectiveness.

As soon as the enemy and the enemy come into contact, the combat effectiveness competition begins. Whoever has higher combat effectiveness will win. The loser will fall into a coma and let the winner take over.

This is the first time we have seen a battle like the one you just had, sir. "

The halfling girl looked at Qi Ge with admiration:

"Obviously, your combat power is not as good as those evil shadow monsters, but you can kill them...

This is really, really amazing!

Sir, you must be the legendary God of Shadows who dominates combat power and shadow rules!

You finally wake up from your slumber! We will surely destroy all evil shadows under your leadership! "

What the hell? !

Qige's jaw almost dropped when he heard this.

He had always thought that this should be a virtual world generated during the battle between Chaos and Yasha, but now it sounds like something is wrong!

"The Black Dragon King raised a world in the Kingdom of God?

Is there still an incompletely digested world in the ancestor of Ghost Butterfly?

Or is it that the virtual world generated by Yasha and Chaos is too high-end? "

Qi Ge was confused.

"Wait a minute, if normal battles in this world are based on combat effectiveness...then my command level of 100 is a magical skill among magical skills?!" (End of Chapter)

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