After the battle to defend the City of Ten Thousand Trees, Qige gained the attention of the elves with its heroic performance and exaggerated number of enemy kills.

The strong are always respected. Qi Ge's status suddenly rose, and so did the golden elf captain who had been following him.

He was appointed by Elian Yue as the clerk of Qige, specializing in conveying information between the elves and Qige.

Qi Ge naturally joined the [Anti-Curse Demonic Dragon Alliance] established by Yin Yue Wu Zhu.

After entering the alliance, Qi Ge naturally gained some intelligence sharing rights.

Unfortunately, the [Mithril Fleet] plan is too top-secret and Qi Ge has no way of accessing it.

However, Qige still got a lot of information about the cursed dragon.

The body of the cursed dragon was covered in a layer of dark flowing sludge, as if the deepest malice in the world had gathered on it.

This kind of sludge is constantly flowing downward, and the land contaminated by the sludge will quickly decay and no grass will grow.

Afterwards, a large number of chaos monsters will be generated on these corrupted soils.

The body of the cursed dragon exudes a cold aura that makes people shudder.

When an elf is approached by it, he will feel an indescribable fear, as if he is tightly bound by an invisible force, and he does not even have the strength to shoot an arrow.

The Cursed Dragon does not always appear in the Elven Subcontinent. It usually exists in the form of a Chaos Node, and can turn into a Chaos Node and disappear into the void at any time.

It is very cunning, and although it is very powerful, it never takes risks. Instead, it generates a large number of chaos monsters through rapid transformation between its body and chaos nodes, and relies on the summoned chaos monsters to fight.

The most important thing is that the cursed dragon has high resistance. Magic is invalid, bows and arrows are invalid, melee combat is invalid... The most common fighting methods of the elves are ineffective against it.

At present, the elves have not yet figured out how to cause harm to the cursed dragon.

"Seven Pigeons Dragon! Teacher Jenny is here."

Hearing the shout of the golden elf team leader, Qi Ge, who was studying the advanced route, suddenly raised his head.

It's finally here, he's been waiting for it for a long time.

Qi Ge fell from the tree crown and saw Jenny standing with the golden elf captain.

Jenny was still very young at this time. She had short blond hair and was not wearing her iconic veil. Her big, pitiful eyes were flickering. She put her hands together and kept playing with her fingers, looking a little reserved. Somewhat pure and cute.

"Huh? Short hair?"

Qi Ge was puzzled in his heart.

The hair of golden elves is very precious and is usually not cut since birth. Golden elves with short hair are not common.

But he did not ask immediately, but greeted Jenny kindly:

"Oh!! You are Jenny! The golden elf rookie who has recently become famous.

I heard that you are talented in first aid, war machine research and development, shipbuilding and navigation. You are a rare all-rounder.

Recently you also became the magic enlightenment teacher of the little princess Malodia, which is amazing. "

Hearing Qige's praise, Jenny's face flushed a little.

She waved her hand and said:

"Shen, Lord Shenlong, you have given me the award. It is because the princess values ​​​​that I have this opportunity.

Elves like me are everywhere, nothing special. "

"Hey, look at you, you are so humble~"

After a brief exchange of greetings, the host and guest had a good time, and Qige got down to business.

"Jenny, you have stayed in the palace for a longer time and have more contact with Malody and Elaine Lan. I

I want to ask you some questions about their daily habits so that you can find them using magic.

When you were in the palace, did you notice any difference between them and other elves? "

Jenny was a little confused:

"Daily habits? Based on this, can we find the missing majesty and princess?"

"Of course!" Qi Ge nodded vigorously: "As we all know, children will not lie.

And I am a young dragon, which means I am a child, so I will not lie to you. "

"Well." Jenny pondered for a while and said thoughtfully:

“Your Majesty and the Princess are both members of the Elf Royal Family, and they usually have to deal with a lot of Elf government affairs, so I don’t get to see them very often.

Apart from being more noble, wiser and more beautiful, there is nothing different about them from other elves.

If I have to say it, there are two that are not so important.

His Majesty Malody likes to drink, very much.

Princess Elianlan likes to grow flowers. Her majesty and her palace are full of flowers. She planted these flowers herself and usually takes care of them herself without letting any other elves help.

Even if Her Highness Malodia wanted to help her, she wouldn't let her. "

"Drink, plant flowers..."

Qi Ge fell into deep thought.

Jenny nodded and said:

"Yes, I remember these two characteristics very clearly.

Especially the matter of His Majesty's drinking.

In His Majesty's kitchen, a small magic stove is always kept for warming wine.

When he handles government affairs, he will prepare several water glasses filled with wine.

After the government affairs are finished, he will take some time to get himself drunk before returning to the palace.

Sometimes, when there wasn't enough wine in the cup, he would ask the kitchen to heat up some more wine.

I also asked other elders why His Majesty always drinks so much.

But the elders refused to tell me. "

Qi Ge:......

Captain Golden Elf:...

Qi Ge didn’t think it was anything at first, but when Jenny added it, he immediately thought of something.

Chaos Treasure House [Blood Wedding Room].

There are two strange places in [Blood Wedding Room].

One is that every kitchen has a magic stove.

Another thing is that in every garden, there are weird flowers.

A picture immediately flashed in Qi Ge's mind. Countless flowers were swaying in the courtyard, and the stamens of each flower were wailing elf skeletons.

"Could it be that……"

Qi Ge felt anxious and immediately ordered the two of them to wait for her where she was before taking off to the palace and preparing to take a look at the garden.

When the Seven Pigeons arrived at the gate of the palace, some Pegasus cavalry flew up to stop the Seven Pigeons.

"Seven Pigeons and Dragons, this is an important part of the royal palace and flying is prohibited."

The seven pigeons landed and said anxiously:

"I may have found a clue about the whereabouts of the king and princess. Please inform Elaine Yue Wu Zhu to come over and let me in."


Several elf guards looked at each other and said rather primly:

"We can inform Elian Yue Wu Zhu, but you can't go in now, Seven Pigeon Dragon. You have to wait for Wu Zhu to arrive."

"Hey, I don't have time to explain to you."

As soon as Qi Dove's tongue moved, the Emerald Dream immediately started.

He entered the magic passage, passed directly through the towering vine walls, and entered the palace.

A few seconds later, Seven Pigeons appeared on the spot and sprayed three puffs of emerald dragon breath high into the sky.


His dragon roar spread throughout the Elf Palace, and for a moment, the eyes of countless powerful men in the entire Elf Capital gathered over.

As soon as the seven doves landed in the garden of the king's palace, a dimensional gate opened in the sky.

An elf elder with a golden beard stepped out of the dimensional gate and looked at Qige warily.

"Huh? Is it you? The Emerald Dragon Seven Pigeons! Are you warning us?"

"Ho! It's me."

Qi Ge scanned the garden. The flowers planted in the garden were exactly the same as those he saw in the Chaos Treasure House.

This made him more certain of his conjecture.

He said in a deep voice: "I may have made a big discovery. Let's talk about it later when everyone is gathered."

In less than a moment, all the powerful men from the elves gathered at the palace.

The Elf Sword Dancer holding a broken gold blade - Kyle Roland; Lin Yueya, the owner of [Eternal Falling Bow]; the Holy Unicorn King; Yin Yue Witch Zhu and two other Elf Valkyrie...

Seeing everyone coming together, the seven pigeons looked up to the sky and roared, saying in a deep voice:

"Yin Yue Wu Zhu, please use earth magic to turn over the soil of this garden."

"Turn up the garden soil. Why?"

At this moment, an elder druid seemed to realize something.

He took a step forward and said:

"I'm better at earth magic, let me do it."

He slammed the wooden scepter in his hand onto the ground with great force.

In an instant, the ground shook, the entire garden suddenly cracked, and the soil underneath the garden gushes out piece by piece.

As the soil surged, a large number of dark roots appeared before everyone's eyes.

These rhizomes are covered with sarcoids, and the thick black slurry gushing out of the sarcoids exudes a disgusting stench.

"So many ghost nest monsters? There are still unbloomed luxury flowers..."

Yin Yue's face suddenly turned pale.

She looked at these roots and realized something.

"As expected."

Qige closed her eyes and her thoughts were running rapidly.

"A large number of ghost nest monsters can summon chaos nodes.

This is why those chaos monsters can cross thousands of miles and sneak attack on the capital of the Elf King.

Chaos nodes have been planted underground in the royal capital, and there may even be more than one.

The corpses of those destroyed elven legions have probably been secretly transported by Chaos to the palace underground to feed these ghost lair monsters to reproduce.

If we hadn't discovered it, the royal capital would have fallen when our entire army went out to fight.

By then, the total population of the royal capital, which exceeds 70 million, will become the food of Chaos. "

The whole place was in an uproar.

Regardless of whether they were elves or their allies, when they saw these monsters in the ghost nest, they couldn't help but tremble all over and were frightened again and again.

Qi Ge asked in a deep voice:

"Yilian Yue Wu Zhu, how many people in the royal capital are capable of planting such a large number of ghost nest monsters without anyone noticing?"

Elian Yue's face turned even paler. She looked at the turned-up garden and replied in disbelief:

"Only two people."

Seven Pigeons’ voice was even lower:

"The facts are obvious."

"Seven Pigeons Dragon!"

At this moment, a golden elf elder knocked his staff and said loudly:

"Thank you for finding the hidden danger under the Royal Capital for us.

This is a disgrace to us elves.

We will dig deep into the ground to get rid of all these ghost nest monsters and chaos nodes.

And we will investigate the origin of these ghost nest monsters.

Leave the rest to us. "


Seven Pigeons said no more.

He knew that everyone present also knew who those two people were.

It's just that the relationship between this matter is too great, and no one can or dares to tell the truth.

As the elf elder said, this is the internal affairs of the elves.

But now, in addition to the elves, there are also many allied races of the elves. Things always need an explanation, but not now.

With Yi Lianyue here, Qi Ge is not afraid of the Chaos moles among the elves present, and secretly protects the Chaos Node.

He nodded knowingly and said, "Then I'll leave first."

Qi Ge has always been very curious.

In history, Elaine Yue killed the cursed dragon with the help of the two bosses of the Goddess of Destiny and Yggdrasil of the World.

But she still suffered the backlash from the cursed dragon, and all her fellow tribesmen would gradually die.

In the end, it was the goddess of fate who took action to save Yi Lianyue.

Whether it was the Goddess of Destiny or the Seven Pigeons of Yggdora Hill, both of them were the bosses among the bosses.

With these two bosses behind her, Yi Lianyue and the Cursed Dragon almost died together. This is not consistent with common sense.

Now Qige understands.

From the very beginning, the Cursed Demonic Dragon was a trap, targeting Elian Yue, the only one in the elves who could check Elian Lan and Malodi's power.

“After the death of the Cursed Demonic Dragon, and between the time when Malodi Guan married Lady Red, the number of elves replaced by evil spirits exploded in geometric multiples on the elven subcontinent.

I once read historical materials and found that after defeating the cursed dragon, Malodi and Elaine Lan were not dead yet, but they announced that they still had three years to live.

During those three years, they successively held celebration meetings to celebrate victory, mourning meetings to mourn the dead elves, and even super-large meetings such as the Ten Thousand Trees Alliance with the participation of all races.

In addition, they also cleaned up some elves who had retreated from the battle against the cursed dragon.

I had no doubts at first about the rationality of their actions.

As two rulers who were about to die, it made sense to prepare as much as possible for future generations to rule before they died.

But now that I think about it carefully, I can understand their sinister intentions.

Although evil spirits are terrifying, they cannot spread out of thin air.

Close contact is the most effective way for evil to spread, and other ways of spreading are less effective.

The holding of conferences where various groups of people gather will inevitably accelerate the flow of the population, and crowding will create opportunities for physical contact.

Won't the evil finally break out?

There is no need to have any doubt that Elaine Lan must have become a lackey of Chaos at this point in time.

As for Malody, he was either controlled by Elaine Lan, or like Elaine Lan, he became the host of the evil spirit. "

Qige felt that the answer might be hidden in the wine that Malody drank every day.

To confirm this, you have to sneak into the kitchen and take a look.

It's a pity that the real Elf Palace is much larger than the [Blood Wedding Room], and Qi Ge really doesn't know where the kitchen is.

If he doesn't know, it's okay, just ask someone.

So, the seven pigeons pretended to leave the garden, walked around in a circle, and then slipped back.

I originally planned to finish writing the historical echoes in the past few days, but something happened at home.

My father-in-law had intestinal surgery and was about to be discharged from the hospital when he suddenly suffered from internal bleeding. After emergency rescue, he was out of danger and was sent to the ICU. He is still in the ICU now.

The whole family is very busy.

I'm really sorry for the poor hamster update.

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