Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 785 Three Spirit Plan

"I haven't seen you for many years, but you are more beautiful than me, my daughter."

There is a corridor of more than ten meters between Elian Lan and Malodia.

This corridor, which is only a dozen meters long, divides the time when mother and daughter have not seen each other for two hundred years, and divides the absolute opposition between Yasha and Chaos.

When mother and daughter met, there was no warmth at all between the two, only tense situations.

“Elaine Lan, people who are invaded by evil spirits will not change their stance.

Tell me, why did you betray Yasha? "

Marodia stared at Elian Lan coldly, her eyes full of confusion.

"Betrayal...I don't like that word."

Elaine Lan said softly:

“I just let the elves who should not have to endure these sufferings return to their rightful place.

My child, do you know the Three Spirits Plan? "

"What is the Three Spirits Plan? I don't know, and I'm not interested."

Marodia took out a harp and said coldly:

"Elaine Lan, no matter what the reason is for you to appear here, if you appear in front of me, I will kill you.

A hundred years ago, I personally sent you to the royal mausoleum. Today, I will personally send you away again. "

"It doesn't have to be like this between us, honey."

Facing the threat from Marodia, Elaine Lan seemed very calm.

She stretched out her hand towards Malodia and said softly:

"I was the king of the elves, you are the king of the elves now, and we both bear the fate of the entire elves.

The Three Spirits Project is related to the past and future of the entire elves. I think you need to listen to it. "

Marodia didn't want to hear it, but Elaine Lan had already started talking to herself.

"The so-called three spirits are elves, undead spirits and the Holy Spirit.

These three spirits represent three different lines of defense in the Yasha world.

The elves are us, we are the first line of defense in the world of Yasha, responsible for being the main force to resist the attack of Chaos when Chaos invades.

You should know what this means.

Whether we like it or not, we will take on the greatest risks and the hardest tasks.

The second spirit is the undead.

The undead are responsible for filling in and finishing the troops when our elves lose on the front line.

At the same time, they are also responsible for conducting various research during the peaceful time when Chaos does not break out, and perfecting the weapons of Yasha World against Chaos.

The third spirit is the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit comes from the ancient world of Yasha. They are responsible for self-destructing when the undead are unable to deal with the invasion of chaos, killing all the chaotic monsters that invade the world of Yasha, and perish together with them.

In addition to the three spirits, the world of Yasha also has many special defense mechanisms used to target certain units of Chaos.

When necessary, the Holy Spirit can even sacrifice himself to restart many defense mechanisms in the Yasha world.

If the world of Yasha is compared to a city, our elves are the soldiers fighting bloody battles outside the city wall, the undead are the mages responsible for supporting the city wall, and the Holy Spirit is the city defense building that can destroy all enemies who enter the city wall.

We, the Three Spirits, are supposed to be allies who help each other and protect the alliance, but unfortunately, the world of Yasha is not fair to us. "

Elaine Lan said in a deep voice:

"We elves were born out of flower demons. There are thousands of plants and thousands of flowers in the Yasha world. Naturally, there are thousands of flower demons, and naturally there are thousands of elves.

We elves are born with a rich diversity of arms, which can be adjusted to the different invaders.

At the same time, we also have an extremely long lifespan, and can achieve the inheritance of combat skills and combat experience within hundreds or thousands of time spans.

However, the price for obtaining all this is that the speed of our elves' replacement is extremely slow.

In other words, our race has good basic attributes, but its growth rate is relatively slow.

In the face of chaos that is constantly updating and changing, our growth rate will definitely not keep up with the speed of change of chaos.

At this time, the undead, who have strong research capabilities and have been recording the changes in chaos, will take over the battlefield.

The undead also have a long lifespan. Their initial diversity and strength are not as good as ours, but their progress is far faster than ours.

They will quickly develop a unit that can restrain the Chaos unit that defeated me and defeat Chaos.

If unfortunately, even the undead can't deal with Chaos, the Holy Spirit will use an almost unsolvable self-destruction to completely eliminate the Chaos outbreak, push everything back, and buy time for Yasha to redeploy his defenses. "

Marodia's brows wrinkled slightly. Elaine Lan noticed this scene very carefully. She raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said in a cheerful voice:

"I believe you, my smart daughter, have realized that there is a major problem hidden in this process that is difficult to ignore.

What seems like a normal process on the surface is actually a huge injustice to us elves.

Whether it is the undead or the Holy Spirit, they will only start to act after we elves find it difficult to resist Chaos.

We elves are just pawns on the chessboard of the Mother Goddess.

We undertook the most dangerous missions and resisted the most terrifying enemies, only to be abandoned when we needed support the most.

Our lives, our existence, all our joys and sorrows are just chips used by Yasha to exchange information.

Our destiny has been doomed from the beginning. Even if we don't become abandoned now, we will become abandoned in the future.

As the king of elves, I feel that from the Elf Empire to Avili, we elves have sacrificed enough for the world of Yasha, and we should also think about ourselves. "

Marodia took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice:

"Is this why you joined Chaos?"

"No, it's not.

It's very complicated to say. I never thought about joining Chaos at first. Chaos is not a good thing compared to Asa.

It was just that joining Chaos could achieve my goal, and I happened to be chosen by my master, so I followed the trend and walked along this path. "

"Your Lord!!" Marodia's voice suddenly rose:

"You actually called that chaotic evil thing that killed countless elves my lord!

I am finally convinced at this moment that you are definitely not my mother, you are just an evil thing wearing the appearance of my mother. "

Elaine Lan's eyes narrowed:

“It was not the Lord who killed fellow elves, but the undead under Yasha!

Malodia! Wasn't that scene enough to wake you up?

We elves have made so many sacrifices for Yasha, but when we were in trouble, what did Yasha do to us?

That terrifying dracolich, that evil vampire, that cruel and ruthless undead, did they show any mercy when they slaughtered our kindred? "

"They were already dead when they were parasitized by evil spirits! The undead are just helping their painful souls escape!"

"Dead! Who said they are dead? Why do you say they are dead?

They can talk, they can laugh, they have thoughts, they have memories, and they still cherish everything in the past.

From appearance to personality to memory, they are exactly the same as before. It's just that the core of their souls has changed, jumping from the Yasha camp to the Chaos camp.

The elves of Yasha are elves. Are the elves of chaos not elves?

Daughter, even if this bloody fact is before you, do you still want to excuse Yasha? "

Marodia pursed her lips tightly, raised her harp high, and said in a deep voice:

“No matter what you say, I also belong to Malodia of Order.

Elaine Lan, from the moment you threw yourself into chaos, between us, it was life and death. There was no second way! "


Elaine Lan sighed quietly: "Since you insist on doing this, I won't be polite.

Although I don’t know why my Lord didn’t come successfully, the fact that I can appear here means that Avili’s demonic veto has been destroyed.

Countless mist of chaos is spewing out, and the demons in the sky have already spread all over Avili.

Whether you are willing or not, you will all become the dependents of Chaos, including you!

The tragedy that once happened in the Elf Empire will happen again.

When the butcher knife of the undead strikes again, I want to see if you can still hold on to your faith in Yasha.

Come with me, my daughter, and become a devotee of my Lord. "

Elaine Lan pinched her hand toward the void of Malodia.

An invisible force spread from her body.

In the void, a large amount of invisible eyeball pollen, smaller than atoms, poured into Malodia's body.

Seeing this scene, Elian Lan smiled faintly in her heart.

She opened her hands and said to Malodia, who looked wary:

"Come, dear daughter, snuggle into my arms, just like you did when you were little."

However, contrary to her expectations, Marodia still stood there without moving.

"How is this going?"

Elaine Lan was a little surprised:

"Why can you resist my order?"

"Of course that's because your Lord cannot protect himself."

Qige came quietly from behind Marodia. He held Luna's hand and stared directly at Elaine Lan.

"Your Royal Highness, I have admired her for a long time and finally get to see her. This is my luck and your misfortune."

"It's you……"

When Elian Lan saw Qi Ge, her eyes immediately darkened.

"It's you who has hindered our Chaos plan time and time again."

"Huh?" Seeing Elian Lan's appearance, Qi Ge paused.


He smiled slightly and grabbed Marodia, who was on high alert.

He held one with his left hand and the other with his right hand, and walked towards Elian Lan openly.

"Qi Ge, be careful. My mother is very powerful."

Seeing the distance between the two sides getting closer, Malodia suddenly became nervous.

"Don't be nervous." Qi Ge stared at Elian Lan and said:

"The purpose of her appearance here is to delay you and prevent you from activating the Tears of Yasha to help the elves.

Just ignore her. "

"You! Don't come over! I'm using my hands!"

Although she screamed loudly, she did not launch any attack until Qi Ge walked in front of Elian Lan.

Seeing that her threats were ineffective, Elian Lan closed her mouth and stared at Qi Ge.

That look seemed to cut Qi Ge into pieces with a thousand knives.

Qi Ge raised his head and looked at Elian Lan.

He said coldly:

"Your Highness, you should be glad that you were cautious enough and it was just an illusion.

If you were here in person, I would step on you no matter what, and then let my fists go to the place where Malodia lived.

Otherwise, I would be sorry for the many gifts you gave me.

Remember my face, avoid me, and don't get caught by me, otherwise I will let you understand that when it comes to torturing people, my methods are no worse than Chaos. "

These vulgar words made Marodia a little angry. She glared at Qi Ge from behind.

Elaine Lan narrowed her eyes and said coldly:

"Hmph, I'll give you this back. If you dare to appear in front of me, I will definitely..."

Before Elian Lan could even finish her harsh words, Qi Ge bumped into her. Her figure was like a wave of water, scattered by Qi Ge, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Malodia was very surprised:

"Qige, how do you know she is an illusion?"

Qi Ge said softly:

"I have long been on Chaos's must-kill list. As long as it is on the Chaos side, regardless of whether it has wisdom or not, it will not be able to restrain its murderous intent when it sees me.

It's equivalent to me permanently turning on the highest level of taunting.

When Elian Lan saw that I didn't take action immediately, I knew she was lying.

However, if the magic of illusion is to be released, the distance is not too far. She should be in the capital of the Elf King.

Your Royal Highness, please activate the Tears of Asa quickly, while Luna and I look around for it. "

"Then be careful."

Malodia glanced at the hands held by Qi Ge and Luna, said "treasure", and then stepped into the castle.

Not long after, a huge rainbow spanned the sky of Avili, colorful clouds gathered in the sky, and rainbow-colored raindrops covered the entire area of ​​Avili!

Under the raindrops, the originally arrogant chaos monsters became sluggish, and the endless fog of chaos was suppressed near the chaos nodes.

All of a sudden, the threat of Chaos Monsters was greatly reduced.

With the blessing of Cronis and Malodia, Avili's total combat power has become much stronger.

It's just that Cronis and Malodia were unable to move when casting spells, and they were afraid of being attacked by the enemy.

So Tanan, Moriel, Jenny and other legends and demigods who returned with the Seven Pigeons consciously acted as bodyguards.

At this time, Qige and Luna started a frantic search for Elaine Lan.

The way they searched for Elian Lan was not only innovative, but also very imaginative.

Luna used the magic of flying, hanging seven pigeons on ropes, and paraded around the elf capital.

This is Qi Ge taking advantage of his super hatred for Chaos and using himself as fishing bait.

Looking at the strange looks of the elves in the air, Luna discovered that becoming an undead had another great benefit.

Because her emotions are suppressed, she no longer has social fears!

Not only is she not afraid of society, she can even do such social and deadly things without any psychological burden.

Social terrorists have become social terrorists.

From one extreme to another extreme.

Luna and Qi Ge have circled the city more than half way, but there is no sign of Elian Lan, which makes Luna feel a little strange:

"Qi Ge, is this trick really possible?"

"Believe me, there will be no problem. As long as she is still in the Elf Capital, she will definitely take action when she sees me.

Anyone from the Chaos camp cannot resist my temptation. "

Qi Ge gave a thumbs up.

"Get rid of the monster! Be careful!"

At this moment, an exclamation came from not far away.

Qi Ge looked up and saw a chaos node hundreds of meters away. The chaos monsters suppressed by the elf troops seemed to be desperate for their lives. They were forced to break away from the encirclement with various outputs and rushed towards him. .

Qi Ge took a quick look and saw that there were three true chaos soldiers!

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