Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 793 Disaster Prophecy

The Fire Abyss is located deep in the capital city of Orver, where darkness, fire and brimstone pervade.

Covered in sulfurous smoke and rain, the sky was pitch black, as if it were shrouded in eternal night.

Hot lava and burning flames boiled and flowed, constantly burning the blackened soil.

The magma rolled past, emitting a harsh roar and bright red light, illuminating the entire Fire Abyss.

The surface of the lava is rolling, hot bubbles are constantly emerging, and the blood-red flames emit a suffocating stench that is unbearable.

In this sea of ​​fire, there are countless abyss creatures wandering.

The evil ghost has sharp teeth and claws, lying on the magma to suck the flames. The three-headed hell dog wags its tail, and its bright red body flashes continuously.

The seven pigeons followed the two Sudanese monsters and walked in the land of the fire abyss.

It is inappropriate to say that he was walking, because Qi Ge's body could not withstand the high temperature of the Fire Abyss, so he was actually transported in mid-air by two Sudanese monsters using magic.

The rivers in the Fire Abyss are boiling sulfur rivers, with orange-yellow water rolling and emitting a pungent smell.

This river divides the Land of Fire Abyss into two. On both sides of the river are seven areas of the Land of Fire Abyss. Each area has different punishments waiting for the souls who commit crimes.

And in the deepest part of the Fire Abyss is Ogatavia's palace.

As the richest woman in the hell force, the crimson dome and perfectly curved arches highlight the majesty of her palace.

The dome is very distinctive, consisting of a series of gradually tapering arches, forming a perfect circular structure. These arches are semi-circular or quarter-circular, and they intersect with each other to form a unique and mysterious geometric pattern.

Both the arches and walls are decorated with intricate and detailed carvings and conspicuous decorations.

The walls, pillars and ceilings are all covered with gorgeous patterns and patterns, including geometric patterns made up of basic graphics, various patterns of hell flowers, and some mysterious and weird hell characters.

These decorations are basically painted in gold, silver and other bright colors, making Qige feel gorgeous and dazzling.

In the center of her palace, there is a huge courtyard, which is perfectly integrated with the garden.

The courtyard is an open space surrounded by ornate buildings with a fountain in the middle.

But there is no water in this fountain, but it keeps spraying brilliant golden flames.

In the courtyard of Ogatavia's palace, various flowers, plants and trees unique to the hell forces are planted. They are all very expensive magic plants, creating a peaceful and wealthy environment.

"Under the Qi Dove Crown, the mistress won't let us enter the palace, so you can only go in by yourself.

The hostess is waiting for you in her bedroom, which is the largest domed castle in front of you, just across the courtyard. "

"Okay, thank you for leading the way."

After Qi Ge politely expressed his gratitude to the Sultan's fire monsters, he entered Ogtavia's palace under the curious and jealous eyes of the fire monsters.

When he took a closer look, he saw that the buildings in the palace were decorated with gorgeous colored tiles.

These tiles look handmade at first glance, with bright colors and a strong exotic feel.

Most of the patterns and patterns on the tiles are the myths and legends of the fire monster clan. Qi Ge can even see some paintings about the time before the abyss was broken.

Seven pigeons found Ogatavia, he pushed open the copper door and entered.

After walking along the carpet of burning flames through the corridor, and then along the spiral staircase to the third floor, Qi Ge finally saw Ogatavia.

She was half lying on a bed of burning magma, with only a very thin gauze covering her body, and her beautiful figure was clearly visible.

Above her bedroom, a lantern made of stained glass hangs, emitting a soft and ambiguous pink light.

Ogatavia is lying on a bed of lava, just covered in light, making her look even more moving.

In her hand she held a blue hookah, which contained the soul of a djinn.

This hookah consists of a long tube and a pipe. Whenever Ogatavia holds the long tube in her mouth and sucks gently, she can see the blue smoke being sucked into her mouth and then overflowing a little from her nasal cavity.

As we all know, djinn and fire monsters are sworn enemies, and their sworn enemies are no less powerful than demons and angels.

Here's why.

As elemental creatures, they prey on each other.

A hookah made from the elemental core of the djinn is a luxury among luxuries in Hell.

Likewise, lamp oil made from the elemental core of the fire monster is also a luxury among luxuries in Bracada.

Qige didn't bother Ogtavia by shouting while she was enjoying herself. That would be too confusing.

He took out his silver mandolin and began to play and sing briskly.

He played the song "Free Wind" that he played when he met Ogatavia.

Familiar music sounded again, but Ogtavia, who was once aloof, has become a subordinate of Qi Ge.

If Qi Ge is willing, she even has to call Qi Ge the owner.

Qi Ge asked her to lie down and raise her butt, so she had to raise her butt by herself.


The melodious music gradually woke up the intoxicated Ogatavia. She looked at the seven pigeons and hummed in a low voice, tapping the time with her fingers.

At the end of the song, Ogatavia couldn't help but fall into another kind of intoxication.

She said to Qige with appreciation:

"At your level, it would be a pity to not become famous as a musician but to work around and do things for the gods all day long."

Qi Ge couldn't help but laugh:

"Haha, is it possible that my level of doing things is higher than my level of music?"

Ogatavia laughed too.

She swayed her waist charmingly and walked to Qi Ge, and touched it with her dishonest palm:

"I don't know if you are very good at getting into trouble, but you are really good at getting into trouble with women."

"No, no, no."

Qi Ge smiled bitterly and took a step back.

“Ogatavia, this is not what I’m here for.

Because of the Doomsday Blade thing, I'm dying of anxiety.

I'm really not in the mood right now.


Ogatavia snorted dissatisfiedly, but did not mess around.

"You're here for Serron, right?

To be honest, I can't figure out why he betrayed me, but the fact is that he did betray him.

I first found out about his betrayal two weeks ago.

This matter has something to do with Erathia.

When Kerrigan Satan was still here, he planned a project to steal the power of angels with Isis, Sellon and others.

I don’t know the specific process of the project. I only know that it is related to the original birth pool.

Later, Ofer was taken to the Endless Ocean by you, and the plan was shelved.

But two weeks ago, when I went to the Temple of All Demons to look for Serron, I found an angel with bright red wings following him.

As a hero of the hell forces, I am very familiar with the aura of angels, but there is no sense of holiness in that angel. Instead, it is full of misunderstanding and malice.

This is definitely not a normal Erathian angel.

We Ofer have now declared a truce against Erathia under the order of Mother Ur. Any action against Erathia is not allowed.

This act of transforming angels is a humiliation and provocation to the angel clan, and is a naked act of hostility.

I asked Serron on the spot what was going on with this angel, but he threatened me fiercely and told me to mind my own business.

I didn't take action immediately. Although I now have some advantages in strength, in terms of rank, Sellon and I are still on the same level, and he is still the nominal Lord of Over.

So I chose to tell Mother Ur the news.

We abyssal creatures all have a unique connection with the abyss mother that transcends bloodline, and this connection will not disappear even if it spans thousands of miles.

But after receiving the message from Ur's mother, she discovered that the contact between Sellon and her was unilaterally blocked by Sellon.

The mother could sense that Serron was still alive, but she had no way of knowing his location.

If he hadn't chosen to betray, he would never have severed this connection.

Mother was furious.

I immediately returned to Orver under my mother's orders, and sent troops to attack the Temple of Demons in Sellon.

However, Sellon has disappeared, and even the connection between Tears of Yasha and Sellon has been cut off by him.

This means that he gave up his identity as the Lord of Ofer and essentially betrayed his mother.

For the sake of Over's stability, I did not make this news public. Instead, I gradually took over the demon tribe of Sellon and announced in the name of my mother that Sellon would go on a special mission and would not be able to come back in a short time. "

"Blood Winged Angel...Birth Pool..."

Qi Ge was a little surprised.

“If we remember correctly, it was Sandru of the Cemetery who took away the original birth pool of Erathia.

Could it be said that Sandro and Sellon cooperated? "

If it were Sandro, things would be in trouble.

If Elaine Lan's conspiracy strength is 10, Sandro's starting point is at least 100.

Back then, he deceived Jenny and Kenlo Hagar, and fought with Jenny, Kenlo Hagar, Gru, and York, the four major world protagonists, with his own strength. Even though he lost, he was honored.

He is a ruthless character who can run away from the Lord of the Dragon Lich.

Qige hit his head with a headache.

“Perhaps, I should go to Diya.

But I'm afraid it will be useless if I go to Diya. Sandro has escaped from Diya and is now a neutral hero. He is also wanted by Diya. He should not be hiding in Diya, but hiding in a dark corner of the Yasha world to hatch his ulterior conspiracy. .

Moreover, it is not completely certain that Sellon's betrayal is Sandru's conspiracy. "

Qige then asked:

"Ogatavia, have you found anything wrong with the Doomsday Blade?"

"Sorry, no."

Ogtavia's face was also a little ugly:

"Qi Ge, you know me well. I always like to take everything into my own hands.

More than 80% of Sellon's close guards are my spies.

But none of them found any clues that Sellon had made the Doomsday Blade.

They didn't even know when the blood-winged angel appeared beside him.

In addition, Sellon was not the only one who disappeared, but three Hell heroes also disappeared.

One is Aiden who specializes in intelligence, the other is Cyril who specializes in hell flames, and Isis who specializes in mystery.

They were all participants in the original birth pool plan. "

“Aiden, Cyril, Isis… are all legal legends, and they are all legal legends.

Ogatavia, I'm not familiar enough with them, can you tell me more about them? "


Aiden is a hybrid of human and evil god. His father is an evil god and his mother is a human slave who was captured by our Ofer.

This kind of bloodline is destined to be abandoned in our Ofer.

His mother died when Aiden was very young, and his father didn't care much about him.

He somehow made it to adulthood, and by joining Ash's army, he survived.

Aiden is unexpectedly very talented in magic. He is especially good at strategic magic such as seeing through the earth and seeing through the atmosphere. He is very appreciated by Ash.

His father was a master hero of the evil gods. Except for his son Aiden, all the other children were useless wimps.

So he took Aiden back, who was already somewhat famous, and kept him by his side to train him carefully.

Ayden performed very well in several wars between Over and Erathia.

Relying on his father's protection, he gradually grew from a pagan to a legendary hero.

On the first day he became a legendary hero, he killed his father and inherited his father's territory.

Don't be surprised, this is very common in our country.

Later, when Ash was framed by Riska, Aiden sided with Riska without hesitation and was the first to attack Ash's troops.

Oh, this is also very common in our country.

Even though Aiden is a half-blood, he looks more like a Cregan to me than any other Cregan.

And his biggest dream is to one day become a demigod and have his own kingdom. "

"Xiriel is a legend of our fire elf clan. Strictly speaking, he and I are from the same family.

He likes anything related to fire or lava, and is very enthusiastic about destruction.

He is good at the flames of hell and can always cause huge damage to the enemy on the battlefield. "

“Compared to Aiden and Cyril, Isis’ combat power is relatively weak, but he is very good at research and prophecy.

His mind is very active and he often has some evil ideas, so he is very popular with Sellon.

These three people, including Xiril, can be regarded as direct descendants of Sellon. "

"Can't they contact Ur?"

"Can't contact you, the situation is exactly the same as Sellon."

"Not only Sellon, there are three legends who disappeared and betrayed Ur."

Qige was panicked.

He vaguely sensed that Sellon's betrayal and the Doomsday Blade incident were a conspiracy that had been brewing for a long time.

There is a pair of invisible hands controlling everything behind the scenes.

The most difficult thing is that the other party is far more prepared than I expected.

Avili, Gru, who returned to the palace, had just finished the work at hand and was exhausted both physically and mentally.

He took a deep breath and looked into the distance with gentle eyes.

"I haven't seen Catherine for a long time. I'll sneak over to see her later and then run back."

"Your Majesty Gru."

At this moment, Gru suddenly noticed that there was a cloaked figure in his room.

Someone can enter your room silently?

Gru was startled, and quickly held the phantom bow, pointed at the opponent, and asked in a deep voice:

"Who are you?"

"Hahaha. Don't be nervous, Your Majesty, I'm just an unknown prophet.

I had a premonition of the coming disaster and came here to tell you the prophecy. "

"Prophecy, what prophecy?"

Gru didn't let his guard down at all.

"Please take a look."

The mysterious man waved his hands, and a picture slowly unfolded in front of Gru.

[The boundless meteorites stain the sky red. Gru holds Catherine and looks at the sky in despair.

The entire royal capital of Erathia was burned to the ground by fire. 】

Gru's pupils shrank.

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