Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 837 The Great Evacuation of Goblins

Thunder City, above the thunder clouds.

The great sage Cedros is closing his eyes and meditating, using the thunder in the sky to recover from his injuries.

In the battle for the throne of the stronghold forces, Kilgor and Duke Burrage fought desperately for the stronghold throne.

No one could have imagined that Kilgor, who was at a disadvantage in terms of strength and military strength, would in turn suppress Duke Burrage.

Cedros is the demigod of Brakada, and Brag is the spokesperson of Bragada. Due to circumstances and reasons, Cedros has to help Brag.

When two demigods join forces, even the most powerful Kilgor will suffer.

But no one could have imagined that things that were supposed to be a sure thing would turn out to be turbulent.

Kenro Hag, who had always remained neutral in the battle for the throne, attacked Cedros and fought with him until both sides were injured, forcing Cedros to leave Crulod.

At the same time, the Behemoth tribe, which has always insisted on neutrality, also announced its support for Kilger for some unknown reason.

At this time, Bo Lague was paralyzed.

In a game that was originally played as a four-six game, you have four and your opponent has six. Although it is a small disadvantage, it is not impossible to win.

But now Cedros came and left with serious injuries without offering any help. The situation suddenly became 28-20, with himself being 2 and the opponent being 8.

This 20% is still because I am a demigod. If I were not a demigod, I would probably not have a 10% chance of winning.

It was simply a linkage between Ueno and jungle, one death and one free, which sent the opponent from a slight advantage to a banana, geoduck, skin, shrimp and no fat loss.

Things were not going well for Burlage, and Cedros was also feeling a little uncomfortable.

As a veteran demigod, he was seriously injured by a new demigod like Kenro Haggar. He was embarrassed and there was a high probability that he would lose the key affiliated force of Crow Lord.

It can be described as a double blow to the body and mind.

Of course, Cedros was unconvinced.

His specialty requires commanding a large number of mage troops to be brought into play, unlike Kenlo Hager, a reckless man who focuses on his own combat effectiveness.

It was because there were not enough mage troops around that he suffered a slight loss in Kenro Hag.

Originally, Cedros thought that after recovering from his injuries, he would mobilize troops from Bracada to give Kenro Hag a good beating and let him know why he was called the Great Sage.

But before he could recover from his injuries, rebellions broke out in Brakada one after another.

It’s too late to quell the rebellion, so how can there be time for a foreign war?

Cedros had no choice but to calm down and heal without thinking.

Just when Cedros was concentrating on receiving the power of thunder, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart and spit out a mouthful of blood!

The peaceful thunder that had been shrouding the sky above Thunder City suddenly became violent and was scurrying around!

"Not good! These thunders are always controlled by the Thunder Temple. The chaos of the thunder means that something happened to the Thunder Temple."

Regardless of the fact that his old injuries had not yet healed and he had suffered new injuries, Cedros quickly dodged and teleported to the Thunder Temple, the core of Thunder City.

Outside the Thunder Temple, the guarding Titan was standing there in panic.

When they saw Cedros appear, they quickly shouted:

"Great Sage, the Thunder Temple is abnormally disordered for some reason!"

"That's why I'm here."

Cedros said as he flew towards the Thunder Temple.

But he did not fly in directly, but stood outside the Thunder Temple and asked:

"Has His Majesty the God King informed you?"

The Thunder Temple not only houses Brakada's Tears of Asa, but is also the advanced holy land for many Titans. It also controls the thunderclouds in the sky and is the energy supply station for the entire Thunder City, which is extremely important.

No one is allowed to enter without the order of El Zeus.

"I have sent someone to notify you, but His Majesty the Divine King's kingdom has not been opened, and the news cannot be transmitted."

The Titan guard replied anxiously.

Cedros frowned and took a deep breath:

"I'm afraid His Majesty the God King's plan has reached a critical point where the Kingdom of God has to be completely closed.

It seems that I can only act urgently.

If the King of Gods blames anyone in the future, you can tell me the truth and I will bear the full responsibility. "

Cedros didn't care about anything else, took a deep breath, and rushed into the Thunder Temple.

Someone took the blame, and the surrounding Titans rushed in behind Cedros as if they were being pardoned.

Just above the Thunder Temple, a huge ball of light was slowly rotating.

On the outer circle of the light ball, extremely mysterious runes are slowly rotating around it.

"Great Sage, look!"

A titan raised his palm high and pointed to the side of Asa's Tears.

Cedros took a closer look, and saw a small light ball slowly rotating above the side of Yasha's Tears.

This ball of light is not large in size, but extremely bright. Apart from that, both the color and shape are exactly the same as Yasha's Tears, as if Yasha's Tears had given birth to a child.

Seeing this scene, many Titans relaxed:

"Did this ball of light break away from the Tears of Yasha? Could it be that... the Tears of Yasha multiplied?"

"Huh, look at this ball of light. It's so small. Even if it breaks away from the Tears of Yasha, it shouldn't have much impact."

"Things related to the Tears of Yasha, no matter how small, are big things." Cedros was not careless at all. He concentrated on getting in touch with the Tears of Yasha and carefully checked the status of the Tears of Yasha.

This inspection was so incredible that Cedros was so shocked that his aura changed drastically.

"Oops, Tears of Yasha is so unstable?! It seems to be falling apart.

Wait a minute, what's going on? "

Cedros was horrified and his eyes suddenly opened wide.

Goblin Clock Tower, Advanced Goblin Clock Tower, Snow Goblin Clock Tower, Goblin Foundry, Goblin Carving House, Apprentice Goblin Library...

All the goblin buildings turned gray and white!

Could it be that little ball of light?

Cedros took a deep breath and quickly sensed the tiny ball of light.

【Fairy Carving House

Effect: The Goblin Carving House increases the production of gargoyles by 4 per week, and requires at least 12 goblins to be stationed in order to work. 】

"What! Of all the buildings related to goblins, this one is the only one left. Even this one is left because it is too closely related to the gargoyles."

Cedros was shocked and terrified.

He raised his head and said in a heavy voice:

"I understand, no wonder Tears of Yasha is in such bad condition.

Tears of Yasha didn't just separate out this small ball of light, but shrank it in a big circle!

I'm afraid the goblins no longer know how to escape from Brakada.

These damn guys are eating everything inside and out!

They must have planned it in advance and took advantage of the instability within Brakada to attack. "


The Titans exploded with a bang, and everyone was filled with righteous indignation.

"These damn goblins, I knew they were unreliable."

"His Majesty the God King is wise and has always been on guard against the fairies, otherwise our Brakada losses would be even greater."

"Betrayal, this is naked betrayal. Those goblins must be driven away, otherwise it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart."

Amidst the excitement, there is still a Titan who maintains his sanity.

He shrank his body, walked to Cedros, bowed and asked:

“Great Sage, although the goblins are disloyal, they are vital to us, Brakada.

His Royal Highness the God King has repeatedly told us that we should bully the fairies, but not too much; we should suppress them, but not to the end.

They need to be exploited and enslaved so that they have no chance to rise, and then they are hung up with a little charity so that they do not have the courage to fight to the death.

I am afraid that what His Majesty the God King is afraid of is the current situation.

His Majesty the God King is wise and mighty, and has long understood everything in the world, but there are always some people who are so blind that they forget His Majesty the God King's earnest instructions.

This led to the goblin's rebellion.

Now that His Majesty the God King is not here, what should we do? "

"It's good that you can remember His Majesty the God King's instructions."

Cedros narrowed his eyes. He knew very well that Bracada's survival and development were inseparable from goblins.

Over the years, too many basic positions have been taken care of by goblins. If the goblins suddenly disappeared, the entire Bracada would be thrown into chaos.

Born from the void, it can grow into an adult without the need for resources to cultivate it. It is inexhaustible and can be used to kill, and it can also adjust Brakada's negative emotions.

Besides being weak and hopelessly stupid, goblins are perfect slaves.

For a while, it was impossible to find a race that could replace the goblins.

But he couldn't say that. If he said that, wouldn't it make it seem like Brakada couldn't live without fairies?

The arrogant Titans around me might get into trouble if they hear this.

So, Cedros said in a deep voice:

“His Majesty the God King provides shelter to these weak goblins, and also kindly warns the magicians and djinn gods not to oppress the goblins excessively.

But those things are completely ungrateful and repay kindness with hatred. Damn it!

However, His Majesty the God King is benevolent and will not drive all the fairies away.

I have carefully observed that the goblin building trees only turned gray-white in the Tears of Asa, but did not completely disappear.

This shows that the goblins have not completely left Bracada, but are just in a state of defection.

To form such a state of defection, 80% of the goblins need to reach a consensus, and a strong leader as the leader of the goblins is required to achieve this.

As long as the commander is killed, or 80% of the defecting goblins are killed, the goblin buildings that defected from the Tears of Asa can be recaptured. "

Cedros grasped the Titan's character very accurately. When the Titans around him heard his words, they all nodded in praise.

The Titan next to Cedros immediately bowed tactfully and said:

"Great Sage, please give the order!"

Cedros pondered for a moment, narrowed his eyes, and said loudly:

"His Majesty the God King is not here, so I shouldn't have made my own decisions, but the current situation is urgent and I can't control that much.

We don't have time to identify which goblins are rebelling one by one, so we can only kill the wrong ones rather than let them go.

In the name of the Thunder Temple, I, Cedros, command me to kill the goblins all over Brakada.

All cities, all villages, all wild areas, all Brakada's belongings, all goblins, regardless of rank, will be killed!

This is the order of the Thunder God. As the God King himself said, all lords must execute it unconditionally! "

"Follow your orders!"*36

Cedros' order quickly flew out of the Thunder Temple, even skipping the Grand Council, and flew directly to all the main cities.

A moment later, the streets of Thunder City were brightly lit, and countless magicians in cloaks were roaming the streets and alleys, searching from house to house!

Pino was a very ordinary halfling chef living in Thunder City. It was late at night and he was sleeping soundly. Suddenly, he was awakened by heavy kicks on the door.

"Bang! Bang! Open the door!"


Pino quickly stood up and cursed while putting on his clothes:

"You bastard, stop kicking. Can you afford to pay for the damage to my door? You're not sleeping in the middle of the night. What the hell are you doing!"

He opened the door in a daze, and a long sword shining with magical light suddenly came to his neck, scaring him instantly and making him sleepless.

"Sir, please forgive me."

He took a closer look and saw in front of him a mage wearing a black robe and a black mask.

On the street behind the black-robed mage, mages with similar costumes were walking past one after another, kicking the doors from house to house.

The black-robed mage picked up a blue crystal stone and asked himself:

"Halfling, are there any goblins in your restaurant?"

Goblin? What happened? Such a big battle.

Pino was confused, but he also knew that something serious must have happened. He was panicked and didn't dare not cooperate.

"Sir, there are some.

I have two goblins who help me in the kitchen. They usually help me cut vegetables and carry wine.

They have been following me for more than ten years, and I guarantee that they abide by the law and will not do bad things. "

The black-robed mage glanced at the blue crystal and said viciously:

"Stop talking nonsense, as long as there are fairies, they are here!"

"They are sleeping with me in this room. It's strange that they don't wake up when it's so noisy?"

The halfling Pino turned around and looked at the bed behind him. There were two bulging bags on the bed.

Without saying a word, the black-robed mage kicked him away, raised his magic sword and struck him down hard.


The extremely sharp magic sword cut the quilt into pieces in one fell swoop, but what was under the quilt was not a goblin at all, just two soft cloth pillows.


Pino was shocked. Before he could explain, the black-robed mage strode over and stepped on him hard.

"Damn it, you lied, where did you hide the goblin? Tell me! Are you an accomplice of the traitor?"

"Sir, it's unjust, it's unjust! The owner of our hotel is the bass master of the Trossa Chamber of Commerce. How can I be an accomplice of the traitor?"

"Just a master, right?"

The black-robed mage's voice suddenly became excited:

"Okay, then you must be an accomplice!"

He chopped off the halfling's head with a sword and walked out carrying his head.

Soon, similar scenes will continue to be staged in various cities in Bracada.

When a power is based on commerce, it will inevitably lead to the overall national interests being corrupted and becoming profit-seeking.

Compared to actually tracking down the goblin and killing the goblin's henchmen, it is much simpler.

And the actions of those greedy people will definitely drive all the weak races in Brakada into despair.

For Qi Ge, this is just a detail of conquering Bracada, and Qi Ge has prepared thousands of details like this!

At this time, on an unknown snow-capped mountain outside Thunder City, countless goblins were forming a neat queue and entering the cave in an orderly manner under the command of many goblin pioneers.

"The fairies are waving their hands, the white snow is beating against the frost..."

They enthusiastically hummed the goblin war song and kept walking into the one-way teleportation array hidden in the cave.

Fallen Moon Territory, Brilade City, Magma City, Cold Wind Castle, Stig's City...

Throughout Brakada, in all cities and hideouts near goblin villages of all sizes, or in underground spaces, goblins are evacuating through one-way teleportation arrays or [wild resource points]!

All one-way teleportation cities lead to Yongshuang City, which has been captured by Ke Ruoke, and all wild resource points lead to Yongshuang Icefield!

This is the ultimate evacuation of more than 1.6 billion goblins covering the entire Brakada!

On Qige's strategic map, each fairy is a light point, and at this time, those light points illuminate the Yongshuang Icefield in the night as bright as day!

It's not yet dawn, but the Yongshuang Icefield is already bright.

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