Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 869 Living Catapult


Seeing Hardwood's catapult actually moving without anyone operating it, all the craftsmen who were watching let out loud exclamations.

Then there was an uproar.

" is this done?"

“Have you ever seen a live catapult?”

"Don't say I've seen it, I've never even heard of it. Unheard of! Unheard of!"

Qi Ge understands their feelings very well. If you come home one day and find your underwear shyly saying hello to you and preparing four dishes and one soup for you, you will be so excited too.

They no longer wanted to believe it, but now that they saw it with their own eyes, they had no choice but to believe it.

Those who can become war machinery craftsmen more or less have an extraordinary love for war machinery.

The believers of the Ballista Cult rebelled on the spot and rushed towards Hardwood one by one, asking questions constantly, with the piety of apprentices shining in their eyes.

"Master! I have longed for the Catapult Cult for a long time. Please accept me!"

"To be honest, I have been a member of the Catapult Cult for a long time. Before that, I was just an undercover agent in the Catapult Cult."

"Although I have scolded the Cult of the Catapult God many times, it was all a punishment of love. In fact, I really yearn for the Cult of the Catapult God."

Facing the shameless craftsmen coming one after another, the two humans who had been standing next to Hardwood and never wavered stopped working.

"What were you doing before? Want to join us now? Get in line."

"Stop yelling. Can you afford to pay for making a noise to Mr. Hardwood? Stay away."

Especially you! Andris! You treacherous thing. "

They were a man and a woman, guardians on the left and right. They all opened their hands to prevent this group of fanatical craftsmen from getting closer.

"Flinni, Vittorio, stand down.

Our incomparable catapult church should not give up on any lamb who has returned from the lost way. "

Hardwood said with a sacred face and walked up.

He parted the crowd, like parting the sea, revealing a path leading to Ferry and the others.

Hardwood looked at Ferry lovingly and said loudly:

"Daughter, if I don't use my special skills, I really have no chance of defeating you.

On the road of pure ballistae, you have advanced so much that you have even surpassed me as a father.

I am different from you. I am taking another path, a path that combines sorcery with war machinery, just like combining yellow with red to get a brilliant orange.

But after all, orange is not the ultimate of yellow, nor is it the ultimate of red.

Daughter, you have your own path, but if you want to refer to my path, I will take apart the catapult next to me and show it to you. "

Hardwood patted the small rubber ball beside him.

The little ball obviously didn't understand what he meant and spun around again.

It's obvious that although this little ball has some IQ, it's not much.

"Get up!" A red light appeared on Hardwood's hand, and the little ball's body suddenly trembled. The pieces of iron attached to the catapult body suddenly separated, revealing the exquisite structure built with wood and gears inside.

Every part of the material used to make the ball has traces of witchcraft, and the inside of the ball looks like a living thing.

The mechanical heart made of gears and wood, the transportation blood vessels assembled from iron sheets, the wooden muscles that can continuously expand, contract and bounce...all the magical features are simply dazzling.

Qige can clearly see that the living catapult does not carry the magic core of magic crystal like the mechanical unit. It is not driven by magic power, but directly absorbs Yasha energy from the air.

Although they look somewhat similar, the living catapult and Trossa's mechanical family are two completely different things.

On Earth, creatures such as horseshoe crabs and horseshoe crabs, hummingbirds and certain long-billed hawkmoths, termites and ants, etc., all have similarities in appearance and habits, but in fact they are not closely related.

This similarity may be due to the fact that they have adapted to similar environments and ecological niches, thus evolving similar morphological characteristics, which is the so-called "convergent evolution".

The same is true for living catapults and mechanical races.

They both turn dead things into living things, but the principles for achieving this result are completely different.

Compared to Trossa, Hardward surprised Seven Pigeons even more.

The essence of living things is actually the soul.

The virtual soul of Trossa's mechanical tribe is obtained by relying on fairies to make tricks.

The soul of Hardwood [Living Catapult] seems to have nothing to do with goblins.

This can be seen from its internal structure. It's a bit rude to say it, but there is absolutely no way the fairies can create such a sophisticated mechanical structure that looks like a work of art.

"That's it..." Fei Rui seemed to be moved:

"Excellent materials can improve war machinery to the extreme, so we use magic enchantment to forcibly improve the materials again, in order to achieve the effect of turning decay into magic.

I see! finally, I understand!

When I get back, I'll find the lord to explode the materials and experiment hard! "

Qige:? ? ?

"Take it!" Hardwood squeezed his palm, and the parts on the little ball returned automatically one after another.

The little ball circled around again as if nothing had happened.

"Wow!" "Awesome, simply an otherworldly performance!" "This mechanical structure is really breathtaking!" "Unparalleled talent! Indescribable excellence!"

"Jaw-dropping skills! The Pope who projected the Che God Cult is not kidding, he can really be the Pope!"

"I believe it! I completely believe it! As long as you let me join the religion, I will do whatever you want."

Hardwood showed his hand, which was a fatal attraction to those human craftsmen.

Men like beauty most of the time, but when it comes to what they are really interested in - beauty? Worthless!

Seeing the situation becoming increasingly chaotic, Hardwood's two bodyguards seemed unable to stop the fanatical craftsmen.

Adela pulled Qi Ge's sleeve, and Qi Ge immediately understood that it was time for her to appear.

He scratched Adela's palm as a sign of permission.


Among the crowd, Adela said softly. Her voice was not loud, but it had a soothing power, and the fanatical craftsmen slowly fell silent with her voice.

The fluctuation of a demigod's power is so dazzling to another demigod.

The brilliance in Hardwood's eyes flashed, and his pupils immediately focused on Qige and Adela in the crowd.

Qi Ge and Adela lifted their hoods at the same time, and the crowd automatically separated in front of them.

"Yes." Hardwood nodded coldly and said hello.

"Brother Admiral!"

"Wow! Stinky Seven Pigeons!"

"Meow meow!"

Fei Rui, Yinhe, and Qiuzhi all looked happy at the same time.

Qi Ge led Adela and walked over, patted each of the three people on the forehead, smiled and cursed:

"You ran to Erathia without even saying a word to me. Forget it this time, remember to report your whereabouts next time. Stand aside first."

Fei Rui made an odd face, Qiuzhi turned his eyes away in embarrassment, Yinhe stuck out his tongue and hid behind Adela.

Seven Pigeons turned to Hardwood and smiled slightly:

"Your Majesty Hardwood, I have been friends with you for a long time. It is a great honor to meet you for the first time.

I am Qi Ge, your daughter’s current lord. "

"Haha." Hadward smiled and waved his hand:

"Of course I know you. Speaking of which, I would like to thank you for interceding for me on Moriel's side.

I have also seen the progress of my daughter. I feel relieved to leave her to you. At least, it is much better than following a poor old man like me. "

"It's easy to say that you still remember me."

Qi Ge pulled Adela towards him and said to Hadward:

"This is Saint Adela of the Holy Gryphon Church of Erathia. We have a very close relationship and we are indistinguishable from each other."

Adela smiled and nodded at Hardwood.

"Oh?" Hardwood glanced at Fei Rui in surprise, and found that there was no expression on Fei Rui's face, so he felt relieved.

"Nice to meet you! Haha. I heard that you, Saint, are a legendary hero before. When I saw you today, I realized that you have reached the level of demigod. Erathia is really full of talents and has great potential for renaissance.

You and Qi Ge are both younger than me, but your achievements are no less than mine.

It's really scary. The future generations are terrible.

Well, take a closer look, you two stand together, you are indeed a talented and beautiful woman, a perfect match! "

People who can talk are lovable wherever they go. Hearing Hardwood say this, the smile on Adela's face suddenly became much brighter.

She nodded slightly and responded:

"Thank you for the compliment. I appreciate it. Lord Hardward, you, the demigod, have come from afar. We, the sacred griffons, should welcome you."

Can I move to the cathedral? "

Adela's meaning was already obvious. There were many people here and it was not the place to talk.

Hardwood naturally followed the good advice and nodded very naturally:

"Yeah! It makes sense. I'm not familiar with the place, so I'm following you two. Please."


Qi Ge waved his hand, motioning for Hardwood to follow, and then patted the three little ones again, asking them to follow together.

The surrounding craftsmen couldn't hear the conversation between Qi Ge and Hardward, but they could also see that they were leaving.

The craftsmen wanted to follow them very much, but due to the disparity in status, they had no choice but to give up.

After a while, Qige and his party arrived at the cathedral.

Adela cleared the way, then personally gave Seven Pigeons a glass of ice-cold Erathian refreshing wine, and helped Seven Pigeons pour it and put it away, which made Hardwood's eyelids jump.

The saintly demi-god, with such a noble status, actually stooped down to do these small things for Seven Pigeons.

He had never enjoyed this kind of treatment when he was king.

Seeing that Hardwood's table was empty, Qi Ge naturally couldn't lose his etiquette.

He took out the cup and reached out to pour the cold refreshing wine for Hardwood.

Hardwood looked slightly shocked when he saw this, and waved his hands to express his refusal:

"It doesn't have to be like this, it doesn't have to be like this, I'm too old to drink ice."

"Oh, I was negligent." Qi Ge immediately gave up and called Fei Rui over, asking Fei Rui to take out a candy coconut and bring it to her father.

Qi Ge and Hardwood sat opposite each other and chatted about family matters first.

Qi Ge praised Hardwood for his talent, his superb war machine technology and sorcery, which was astonishing to the heavens.

Hardwood praised the seven pigeons for overwhelming the gods, which was unprecedented and unprecedented. He was young and promising, and his future was limitless.

The two exchanged business blows, and a friendly atmosphere was quickly established.

Then, it’s time to get down to business.

Qi Ge took a sip of refreshing wine and asked pointedly:

"Lord Hardwood, are you coming to Erathia specifically to find Ferry this time?"

As soon as the topic came up, Hardwood immediately understood.

He waved his hand and said:

"Of course not, I have known for a long time that Xiao Rui is following you, Lord Qi Ge, can I still feel uneasy?

I made a special trip to Erathia and happened to meet Xiaorui, so I wanted to test her and see her recent level. "

Ferry's real name is Hadward Rena, and if Hadward had not been ousted, she would now be Negan's Princess Rena.

"Oh, I made a special trip to Erathia."

Qi Ge raised his eyebrows and asked softly:

"Your Majesty, I still have some connections here in Erathia, but you have something to do? Maybe I can do something for you?"

"Why is this so embarrassing?"

Hardwood was polite, and his face suddenly turned bitter.

He shook his head and said to Qige:

"'s a long story. I did some ridiculous things when I was young, as you know about Qige.

In order to research war machinery, I owe a lot of debt.

Although I am a demigod, I owe too much debt.

I don’t have any talent for making money, I’m only good at spending money.

Even if I didn't eat or drink, and stayed at the border of Chaos day and night to eliminate Chaos and earn gold coins, it would still take more than ten years to pay it off.

After staying in the Border of Chaos for more than ten years, it's hard to say whether I can survive. I'm afraid of death, so I don't dare to go.

But I can't keep debts like this all my life, I have to find a way.

Recently, I heard that Erathia has a dynasty weapon called the Revival Blade, which can generate gold coins out of thin air.

Of course, I don't mean to rob it. I can't rob it. It's useless even if I grab the dynasty weapons. What I mean is to cooperate.

According to my analysis, what Erathia currently lacks most is the ability to convert gold coins into actual combat power.

And I happen to have this ability. "

Hardwood pointed to his head and said:

“The growth of arms takes time, but war machinery does not. As long as there are gold coins and resources, war machinery can be built on a large scale.

In the past, war machines could only be used to equip heroes, and each hero could only load a limited number of war machines.

But now, I can turn war machines into soldiers!

What Erathia lacks, I have in my head. It's the most suitable place for me to come here. "

Qi Ge's eyes narrowed, his body leaned forward slightly, came closer, and asked solemnly:

"Your Majesty, could you tell me your thoughts in detail?"

Hardwood was very satisfied with Qige's attitude. He nodded and said seriously:

"Chief, there are no outsiders here, so I'll just tell you.

Before you invited me to Bracada, I had already been in Erathia and traveled to many parts of Erathia.

My ancestors, my family, were able to rise because we had strong judgment.

When thousands of clans were fighting for hegemony and the future was uncertain, our ancestors valued the potential of the black dragon and followed it closely. This is how our family has prospered for hundreds of years.

And I want to emulate the ancestors of my family. "

Hardwood's eyes lit up.

"To be honest, I saw a rare opportunity in Erathia."

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