Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 880 Griffin Two-State Plan

Elian Lan's request made Qi Ge's expression gradually become serious.

He took out the Sequencing Hammer, raised it to Elian Lan's face, and asked seriously:

"Queen Lan, I have a question to ask you, and I hope you can answer it truthfully.

When exactly was it that you were parasitized by an evil spirit? "

After hearing this, Elian Lan asked in surprise:

"What do you mean by that?"

Qi Ge raised his eyebrows and said seriously again: "If you don't understand, then I will explain it differently.

Queen Lan, is everything your body has done to the world of Yasha, including the fall of the Elf subcontinent and the death of your husband the Elf King, partially due to your own will? "

Elaine Lan closed her eyes in pain and said sadly: "I admit that I have the desire to avenge my mother."

"That's it."

Qi Ge said in a deep voice:

"If I can even forgive Yasha for his betrayal, then all the crimes in the world will no longer be crimes.

How many lands have fallen because of you, how many lives have been sacrificed because of you.

Queen Lan, I will free you from the bonds of evil, but I will also destroy your true spirit.

Please remember that you did not die from the devouring of Chaos, but from the judgment of Asa as a sinner. "

Elaine Lan raised her head and said bitterly:

"It was Yasha who killed my mother. Is it wrong for me to avenge my mother?!"

"Asha killed your mother? What a joke!"

Qi Ge said sharply:

"Your prejudice comes from your ignorance.

Do you think it is easy to enter the time fragment of the Holy Dragon?

In addition to being an architect, inscriptions of courage and complex rituals are necessary processes and both are indispensable.

Your mother, just to get the qualification to enter the Holy Dragon's Echo, you don't know how much she has suffered and how much suffering she has suffered.

She chose to enter the Echo of the Holy Dragon out of her own will!

Why did she work so hard to enter the Echo of the Holy Dragon? Was it because he was killed by Yasha just to get in?

The great Ms. Elianxin is for the future of the elves and the future of the entire Yasha world!

Do you interpret her admirable and fearless self-sacrifice as causing death?

Then every soldier who fought for the country and died on the battlefield was not killed by the country?

Isn’t it true that every parent who has devoted their whole life to their children and worked hard all their lives was killed by their own children?

Ridiculous! "

Qi Ge stared at Elian Lan with hatred and said loudly:

"Let me tell you what it means to be truly [killed].

Those elves who had to die because of the invasion of evil spirits were the ones who were killed.

Those generals who guarded the border for Negan were the ones who were killed.

Those who died in Aveli, who were originally carefree, were the ones who were killed.

Killed by you!

They should not have died, it was your ignorance, arrogance and prejudice that made them have to die.

That’s [being killed]! "

Having said this, Elian Lan's expression was startled, but she still stared at Qi Ge with some disbelief, her eyes full of dissatisfaction.

There is quite a sense of grievance [I am not convinced, but I am in a weak position now, so I dare not say it].

Qi Ge finally couldn't help it and said to Elian Lan with some disappointment:

"Queen Lan. You are very smart and know a lot.

But I don’t know enough, so I think I know enough.

Prejudice and arrogance are most likely to breed at this moment, and you are unaware of it.

Wrong information led to wrong ideas, and wrong ideas led to wrong thoughts, which ultimately led to where you are today.

I'm not preaching to you, nor am I trying to convince you. You won't listen, and I don't have the skills.

These are just my words of judgment for you, so that you can understand clearly even if you die.

Sinners who have betrayed Yasha and committed countless crimes, please remember that you did not die from the devouring of chaos, but died from Yasha's judgment as a sinner. "

Qi Ge turned his head and said to Michael next to him:

"God, please do it."

Michael glanced at it, smiled slightly, and a lightsaber appeared out of thin air in his hand, slashing at the chain!

Complex regular patterns emerged from her lightsaber as Michael slashed, and the strong stimulus from the rules made the chains on Elaine Lan's body beat wildly.

These chains twisted like snakes under the stimulation of regular patterns, constantly exuding an evil aura, trying to fight against Michael's regular patterns.

However, the power of the gods cannot be resisted by a mere evil demon.

After a moment, the dark chains were completely suppressed by the impact of Michael's regular patterns.

As the evil demon's influence on Elian Lan gradually dissipated, her expression gradually relaxed and became much calmer.

But she still didn't seem to realize her mistake and had no intention of repenting. She just closed her eyes and waited quietly, hoping to end her pain as soon as possible.

Michael looked at Elian Lan and for some reason said quietly:

“Right and wrong are never easy to judge in this world.

Nothing is absolutely right, and nothing is absolutely wrong. Everyone has their own standards of judgment for what they do and what others do.

I am Michael, the Archangel Seraph, the convict angel who presides over judgment.

I will burn your soul with holy white flames, and if there is truly no repentance in your heart, you will die without pain.

But if you have realized your mistake and still speak harshly, you will suffer unspeakable torture.

It is up to you to judge whether you are guilty or not. "

Michael waved his lightsaber, and a piece of angel feather fell on Elaine Lan.

The white flame suddenly ignited, wrapping Elian Lan's entire body in it.

But her eyes remained as calm as before, without a trace of ripples. "

Elian Lan's soul became lighter and lighter under the burning of white flames.

Her name, her past, all her memories, and her soul were repeatedly tempered by the white flames.

The moment she was about to disappear, she slowly opened her eyes, looked at Michael with grateful eyes, and said softly like water in her eyes:

"Thank you."


White flames suddenly rose, erasing the last trace of Elian Lan.

Qige took a deep breath and said in disbelief:

"She died so peacefully, did she really have no regrets?! Even if she killed so many elven people? Those were her compatriots and close relatives."

"It's normal." Michael said softly:

"If Ronis dies under the white flames, he will definitely die without pain, Qi Ge, not every life has morality.

For people who are extremely selfish, the life and death of others has nothing to do with them. They only live for themselves.

For themselves, they can trample everything in the world and feel that everything is taken for granted. "

Michael waved gently, and the white flame slowly fell into her hand.

In the White Flame, a brand-new army rule is brewing.

Michael said softly:

"Evil Witch...this name really matches Elaine Lan.

The compatibility between this unit and humans is not good. I will let it slowly merge into Yasha and be reborn in the world. "

Qi Ge smiled slightly and shook his head:

"Perhaps the lawful camp is suitable for her. Like most mages in Brakada, she has extremely flexible moral standards."

"Ethical standards? Can standards still be flexible?"


What is good for oneself is the correct moral standard, and what is not good for oneself is old thinking and oppression against them, and should be judged and abolished.

No matter how good others do, it is always bad, and no matter how bad you do, it is good.

They can make their ethics flexible as long as they have two sets of standards that can handle most situations. "

Qi Ge shook his head and said nothing more.

After all, he was too civilized and not violent enough.

To deal with someone like Elian Lan, you should go up and give her two big slaps to see if she is still at her peak.

Tsk, it’s not good if the quality is too high. Personal quality needs to be lowered.

"My God, Brother Qige, I'm still here, come and help me."

Seeing Qi Ge and the others finally deal with Elian Lan, Edric, who had been cowering beside him and not daring to move, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He shook his body up and down, making the iron chains on his body jingle, attracting the attention of Qi Ge and the others.

"Sorry, I forgot about you."

Qi Ge quickly walked to Edric's side.

At that moment, the chains on Edric's body suddenly stirred, and like a cobra that had been charging for a long time, it suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Qi Ge, as fast as lightning.

However, this is of no use.

A large piece of white feathers suddenly appeared in front of Qi Ge, firmly blocking the chain.

Representing sacred rules, patterns overflowed from the feathers and spread to the chain, sealing it little by little until it was completely suppressed.

Qi Ge and Michael did not choose to kill the two chains that appeared, but used the gentlest method to seal and suppress them.

This is of course to be wary of the evil lord.

He is a Chaos Master who can rely on his instincts to carry out machinations, and he cannot be too careful.

Edric was finally freed. He stood up from the ground and said excitedly:

"Brother Qige, God, thank you for coming to save me. I almost thought I couldn't get out."

But at this moment, Qi Ge very seriously informed Edric of the shocking news:

"Your Majesty Edric, unfortunately, I have to tell you some bad news.

Griffin Cliff was attacked by Chaos, and the entire Griffin army was wiped out.

Although the situation has been temporarily contained thanks to the joint efforts of Yasha God's Chosen and the Shijuya defenders, there is still a risk of Griffin Cliff falling.

After you wake up, you must use the scroll to return to the city as soon as possible to rush to Griffin Cliff, and lead the remaining griffons and griffon knights to organize a counterattack.

Your Majesty Michael and I will check all the troops and heroes who have entered the Holy Mountain plane and returned to the world of Yasha to ensure that no evil spirits have sneaked in.

The fate of Griffin Cliff can only be left to you. "

"What!!" Edric Bailey was struck as if by a bolt from the blue, and all those bad premonitions collapsed into reality at this moment.

"Chaos breaks out!! My griffons, my subjects, my family!

Quick, wake me up quickly, I have to rush back as soon as possible. "

"General Edric, open your eyes hard!"

"My eyes, aren't I open?"

"Push harder."


In Erathia Palace, Edric suddenly woke up.

"General, you are finally awake!"

The gryphon knights who were guarding Edric all stood up immediately, extremely surprised.

However, Edric was not happy at all.

"Quickly, come back to Griffin Cliff with me. Something happened at home." He lifted the quilt and just got out of bed. He didn't even have time to put on his armor, so he quickly took out the scroll to return to the city and was about to open it.

"Wait a moment General!"

Gabri quickly stopped him.

"General, Lord Qige left some alchemy potions and ordered us to bring them to you as soon as you wake up. These potions can quickly restore you to your full state.

He also left a message.

He said, haste makes waste. "

"Haste makes waste..." Edric seemed to have been poured cold water on him, and his mind suddenly sobered up a bit.

He took a deep breath and nodded vigorously.

"Qi interested."

General Edric's strength is quite tough.

As long as there are enough griffins, he will be the top three fighting heroes in Erathia.

After he returned to Griffin Cliff, chaos broke out and was quickly suppressed by him.

At the same time, good news also came from the Holy Mountain plane.

After the Seven Doves and Michael arrived with the army of angels and joined the battlefield, the final word was reached.

All the seedbeds of chaos were suppressed by the heroic soul troops led by Luo Shi, and there was no way for chaos monsters to be born again.

Players worked hard to build refugee cities, and cities rose from the ground, constantly encroaching on the scope of Chaos.

Although the scope of the Chaos Seedbed is somewhat vast, it will still take some time to fully understand it, but all that is needed is time.

Soon, the Holy Mountain Plane will be completely captured by Erathia.

Erathia made a lot of money by getting the Holy Mountain plane.

Catherine was very generous, and the players’ outstanding performance also benefited them a lot.

The legendary demigods that were once difficult for players to come into contact with are now on the battlefield.

The favorability of some high-ranking players soared, especially Meteor, who never stopped smiling.

Amid the laughter, there is also a lingering gloom.

The griffins and personnel at Griffin Cliff were all seriously damaged.

According to Edric's calculations, the remaining adult griffons in Erathia can hardly even serve as a reconnaissance force, let alone participate in large-scale battles.

In addition to the adult griffons, the loss of the hatching griffin eggs and young griffins was what Edric couldn't bear.

According to Edric's calculations, it would take at least five years for the griffin population to recover to a certain level of combat effectiveness.

If you want to restore the Griffin to its heyday at Griffin Cliff, it will take a hundred years.

As a result, Erathia will face a big problem.

Three years later, Michael will become a god.

The Tears of Asa in Erathia have grown to the point where they can accommodate another unit.

Erathia, that is, the castle force, is inevitably facing the reorganization of the order of troops.

If griffins continue to be included in the combat order, Erathia will be short of a unit for a long time.

The Netherland Farm in the cemetery is about to be completed, the period of great development is approaching, and the wave of change of the times has become unstoppable.

Whether it is to open up wasteland and expand the land, or to welcome the final madness of Chaos, combat effectiveness is crucial. The lack of a third-level battle sequence will have a huge blow to the castle's power.

But if you give up the griffons, the levels of all Npc griffins will drop back to two levels.

This is unfair to the griffins who have sacrificed so much for mankind.

Is there such a thing as two things in the world?

This problem seems to have no solution.

But just when Catherine and Michael were at a loss, Qi Ge came up with a solution.

“The castle force helps the griffins to upgrade to level three soldiers, which affects not only the griffins of the castle force, but also the entire griffon race in the Ashan world.

Neither the Renaissance Blade nor Erathia's own social needs will allow human society to play soy sauce in the future period of great change. Human beings will definitely be the protagonists in the period of great change and need to undertake many arduous tasks.

However, there is one force that must be cultivated and maintained, and that is the barrier force.

The elves have already paid too much for the world of Yasha, and it's time for them to rest.

In addition, Avili's land had withstood a Chaos invasion and was in dilapidated condition.

Aveili had to rest if he didn't want to.

If the griffon can be temporarily handed over to Avili, the griffin can rest with Avili, and the level of the griffin will not drop.

Just wait until the period of great change is over and the next unknown wave begins, and then let the griffins come back.

With the unbreakable alliance between Avili and Erathia, I believe they will agree to this request. "

Qi Ge pointed at the map with a smile and said:

“There happens to be a branch nest of a group of gryphons in the Harmondale area.

The Harmondale area happens to be the junction of Avili and Erathia. The hinterland within the hinterland can be protected by both countries at the same time.

Now that the griffins have suffered heavy losses, it would be best for them to hide here and breed.

I call this plan the Griffin Two-State Plan! "

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