Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 100: The Underground Castle (8) The Conference of Dividing the Booty

These players in the legion have followed Mu Kelong all the way, and they have already had a tacit understanding of dividing the spoils, that is, the legion commander will get a fixed part of the harvest, usually 10% to 30%.

For the rest, all players will get the items by bidding ranking, but in order to prevent the monopoly of local tyrants, each player can only have the right to successfully bid once.

In this way, rich players can give priority to spending money to buy what they want, while players who do not have suitable items or are unwilling to bid for items can also share the benefits.

Of course, at the latter stage, the legion commander Mu Kelong himself did not participate in the bidding ranking and cents.

After counting, there were a total of 36 items in this huge golden treasure box dropped by "Skull King" [Kezia Halliwell] after his death.

Legion Commander Mu Kelong chose three of them first, namely a ring [Skull King Kezia's White Jade Bone Ring], a pair of leggings [Skeleton King Kezia's Flying Dragon Tibia], and a skill book [Silver Bone Chalcedony Technique].

[Skull King Kaizia's White Jade Bone Ring] (three-star quality, blue gilt rare strategic treasure)

Description: This white jade bone ring is a rare treasure polished with the skull of "Skull King" [Kezia Halliwell]. After wearing it, you are equivalent to inheriting part of the core abilities of the Skeleton King.

Strategic attributes:

1. [Skull Soldier Specialty] (Special) Increases the basic attack power, basic defense power, basic damage, and basic movement speed of your skeleton soldiers by the amount of your strategic occupation level*5%.

2. [Skull Soldier Domination] (Special) Get 60 points of Skeleton Soldier Domination.

Combat Attributes:

1. Strength +20

2. Physical crit level +8

3. Physical evasion level +15

4. Equipment Special: [The Majesty of the Skeleton King] (special)

Passive effect: The hit rate of your attack against skeleton soldiers is 100%, and an additional 50% damage is dealt.


[Skull King Kaizia's Dragon Tibia] (three-star quality, cyan gilt extraordinary strategic treasure)

Description: "Skull King" [Kezia Halliwell] once defeated a glacier flying dragon king before his death, and he refined the corpse of the glacier flying dragon king into a pair of magical shin leggings.

Strategic attributes:

1. [Snow Battle] (Intermediate) When marching or fighting in the snow, the whole army is not affected by the snow slowdown, and gains the enhancement effect of increasing the movement speed by 100 (only applies to ground troops), and increases the attack by 4 points at the same time strength and defense.

2. [Flying Dragon Hatred] (Special) The friendliness of the flying dragon family is reduced by 20 points.

Combat Attributes:

1. Agility +8

2. Physical evasion level +6

3. Equipment stunt: [Flying Dragon Bone Wing] (special)

Summons a pair of flying keel wings to gain the ability to fly at low altitude. The flight speed is fixed at 1200. When flying, it consumes 1 magic point and 3 stamina points per second.

Consumes 100 mana points when summoning the Dragon Bone Wing, lasts up to 100 seconds, and has a skill cooldown of 180 seconds.


[Silver Bone Chalcedony] (one-star quality, purple gilt epic combat professional skill)

Elementary (levels 1~39): After training, each level slightly strengthens bone hardness, increases health recovery speed, and increases magic resistance.

Intermediate (Level 40~69): After training, each level will moderately strengthen the bone hardness, increase the speed of HP recovery, and increase the magic resistance.

High-level (70~99): After training, each level will greatly strengthen the bone hardness, increase the speed of health recovery, and increase the magic resistance. When encountering a death attack, you can save 1/2/3 damage and keep 5%/10 %/15% health.

Epic level (100 full level Dzogchen): Immediately after death, respawn in place once,

Restores all health and mana, removes all abnormal states, and can only regenerate once every 30 days.


The three items that Mukron selected are not necessarily the most valuable, but he has his reasons for choosing.

Among them, the 60-point special command of the skeleton soldiers provided by [Skull King Kaizia's White Jade Bone Ring] allows him to summon 6 more Golden Pegasus Sky Knights - this is Miss Bombing Girl!

Moreover, the 20 points of strength increased by the combat attribute also made Mu Kelong very envious, and the special skill [The Majesty of the Skeleton King] greatly increased his survivability and combat ability in this mysterious underground tomb.

In addition, [Skull King Kezia's Dragon Tibia] comes with a mid-level snow battle, which is a strategic skill that Mukron has longed for. With this strategic skill - he can take any soldiers and players on the snow. Besides, it can also summon bone wings to fly, so the strategic value should not be too important!

In the last skill book [Silver Bone Chalcedony Technique], Mu Kelong mainly took a fancy to its ability to resist fatal damage and resurrect with full blood every 30 days - this is a life-saving magic skill in the later stage, and it must be obtained in the early stage. learn!


In addition to the three items selected by Mukron, the remaining thirty-three items were quickly divided up by other players, and the most valuable one was the pole of "Skull King" [Kezia Halliwell] Silver Spear - it's actually made from the backbone of a giant dragon!

[Kezia's Dragon Bone Silver Spear] (one-star quality, purple gilt epic two-handed long weapon, broken)

Explanation: This is the weapon that the Dark Emperor Li Orleans I bestowed upon his loyal subject - "Skull King" [Kezia Halliwell]. Treasure, has a very powerful power!

(Unfortunately, with the death of Skeleton King Kezia, this keel silver spear also lost most of its original power because the dragon soul dissipated.)

Equipment Level: 58

Weapon Attack Power: 16

Weapon damage value: 200~300

The gunman's movement speed +200, attack speed +25%, physical crit rating +15.

Equipment Special 1: [Unparalleled Piercing] (Special)

Passive effect: When attacking with this weapon, there is a 50% chance to deal piercing damage.

(Puncture damage ignores the target's physical resistance, and the target's physical defense attenuation effect is halved)

Equipment Special Level 2: [Silver Dragon Reverse Scale Slash] (Special)

Passive effect: When using this weapon to attack, there is a 10% chance to summon a Silver Dragon Reverse Scale Slash, causing up to 8 times weapon damage to all targets within a 6m wide and 120m long range in the designated direction as pure damage.

(Pure damage ignores target object resistance and magic resistance, and is not attenuated)

Equipment Special 3: [Easy Equipment] (Advanced)

The equipment requirement level can be reduced by up to 35 levels, and the weapon attribute is sealed by 1% for each level lowered.


It is a pity that it is not a strategic treasure, but a two-handed long weapon, not a two-handed heavy weapon, and cannot be dual-wielded in battle. In addition, Mukron is a dwarf and is not good at using guns, so he is left to other players as an easter egg.

In order to get this level 23 [Skeleton King Kezia's Dragon Bone Silver Spear], a few hidden tyrants in the legion went crazy.

With the deepening of the game process, the price of goods at this stage has gradually become more rational. Not only the price of a gold coin is stable at around 500 Tang Tongbao, but also the best equipment with a transitional nature in the game is rarely seen with a price of more than one million yuan. .

However, this keel silver gun was finally auctioned by a warrior player named [Aldous Raffel] at a super high price of 2.33 million Tang Tongbao.

This transaction alone allowed the remaining 143 melon eaters to receive more than 15,000 Tang Tongbao each, which is equivalent to five months' wages for ordinary migrant workers.

In addition to the keel silver gun, other treasures, equipment and gems have also been photographed by other players one after another, of which the highest value is less than 800,000, which is far from the 2.33 million keel silver gun.

After the end of the bidding ranking conference, the players were bulging their pockets, and their health and mana were almost restored by the Black Flare Gargoyle.

Under the leadership of Mu Kelong, everyone stood up, and there was a golden light in everyone's eyes, looking at the dark doorway behind the urn city and eager to try it.


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