Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 108 Watching the fire from the other side

Soon, almost all the players in the Mukron Corps had an extra torch in their hands, illuminating the surrounding scene.

This is a strange place. The yellow-brown soil is not much different from the above world. The strange thing is that most of the plants in the environment are low shrubs and show colorful shapes.

Under the dim light of the fire, there are patches of red, yellow, blue, white, and purple in front of you... except that there is no common green on the earth!

In addition, it is extraordinarily quiet here, and you can't feel any wind, as if the air here is quiet!

Suddenly, a yellow-green figure flashed through the purple bushes in the distance!

It's only a tinge of greenish chartreuse - but this rare touch of green stands out in the environment.

The four hunter players in the first and second groups of scouts tracked them down without the need for the army commander Mu Kelong to greet them.

They are all common gargoyle heroes in the tower camp. They have a bat-like ultrasonic positioning ability, which can capture a lot of information that is invisible to the naked eye in the dark.

Soon, the hunters reported an important piece of information to the legion commander.

"Boss, there is a large caveman tribal lair a dozen miles ahead, but it is being besieged by thousands of harpies..."

The cavemen are the indigenous intelligent race of the underground world. They have a wide range of territories and a large population. Because they live in the depths of the underground where the sun does not see the light, their eyes have completely degenerated and they have become a veritable blind race.

Although unable to see with both eyes, cavemen are able to perform various actions by sensing vibrations and changes in heat in the air, and are not affected by magic such as blindness.

From the wide distribution and large population of cavemen in the underground world, it can be seen that they are actually a very adaptable race.

Similar to the snow fairies, glacier gnomes, glacier goblins and other races in the tower camp, cavemen, although not high in the dungeon black dragon camp, are low-level combat power races in the underground world.

Although they look like ugly toads, these cavemen are actually no less powerful than humans. They are quite good hunters in the dark environment, and they have even become one of the first-order main battle arms of the dungeon camp for a long time. Numerous well-equipped caveman guards can be found in towns across the underworld.

The harpie is one of the second-tier main battle arms of the dungeon camp. It can not only fly, but the individual strength of the harpie is stronger than that of the caveman, but the overall population of the harpie is not enough for the caveman. one-tenth of .

As the name suggests, harpies are bizarre creatures that are half-human, half-eagle. They have a body shape similar to that of human women, but their upper limbs are a pair of wings similar to goshawks, but at the end of the wings retains such as Limb structure of the human palm.

The female individuals of this family are far stronger than the male individuals, and the harpies generally take care of their cubs and families in their nests. The typical female protagonist outside the male protagonist of the internal race has been misunderstood by the outside world and mistaken for this race. Only the harpies, in fact, should be the harpies.

Under normal circumstances, the caveman tribe and the harpy tribe in the wild should have their own small lives, and there is no obvious competition relationship.

Although the harpies are stronger than the cavemen and can fly, the cavemen are not vegetarian, and they also have countermeasures if they can survive in the wild.

According to the report of the hunter scout in front, the harpies were aggressive at first, as if they were pressing the cavemen to fight.

But the battle situation quickly turned around, and a large number of alien cavemen suddenly emerged from the mud on the periphery of the cavemen camp, and after a while, most of the harpies in the sky were shot down to the ground.

Unlike the common cavemen with yellow-green skin, these alien cavemen suddenly appeared from the ground, showing a terrifying dark red,

And they had a row of sharp bone spurs on their backs.

This is a special and powerful caveman mutant-【Dark Prison Caveman】!

By squeezing their muscles and firing these sharp bone spurs on their backs, the Dark Prison cavemen can burst out terrifyingly dense ranged damage in an instant!

Unprepared, the harpies were completely blinded. Hundreds of harpies were shot everywhere and fell to the ground, and then they were chopped off by ordinary caveman hunters on the ground!

The team of more than 1,000 harpies lost more than one third in just a few seconds, and more dark prison cavemen continued to appear.

Seeing this situation, the leader of the harpy who led the team turned pale, and couldn't help but let out a sharp howl——

"Ah—damn blind man, actually set a trap!"

"Sisters, retreat!"

Soon, the remaining harpies quickly raised their flying heights, almost everyone was injured, and they evacuated from the battlefield in embarrassment.

Sadly, the direction these harpies are fleeing from the battlefield is exactly where the Mukron Legion is lurking...

Although the cavemen are blind, they are also intelligent races, and cooking cooked food with fire has become one of their daily lives.

During the battle, many braziers were overturned, igniting nearby tents and inflammables, so the Mukron Corps was able to watch the battle from a distance.

In addition, fluorescent mushrooms, a food that cavemen grow around their camps, also provide a faint light source for the larger environment.


"Hei Da, those dark prison cavemen are chasing after them, should we do something?"

Mu Kelong pondered for two seconds and made a decision.

"Don't worry about the cavemen, let's kill the harpies first!"

The underground world is not like a complete continent on the ground. Whether it is mountains or plains, the sky is infinitely high. As the so-called sky high allows birds to fly, it does not exist in the underground world.

The real underground world is actually similar to the blood vessels in the human body. It consists of tunnels like caves. However, some underground tunnels have larger gathering points and feel like a large flat land. In fact, they are still caves.

But as long as there is a cave, there must be a top!

Because there is no real sky in the underground world, although the harpies can fly, they are limited by the height of the dome of the underground world.

In fact, the Mukron Legion was lurking in a relatively small underground corridor, extinguishing the torches and watching the battle silently. At this time, the harpy suddenly evacuated from the battlefield in front and wanted to escape through the corridor where the Mukron Legion was located——

Unlike the wide and tall super cave space where the caveman camp is located, the height of the dome of the tunnel where the Mukron Corps is located is only about twenty meters!

Hundreds of harpies rushed over with their lives, and with a large number of chasing troops behind, the harpies would definitely attack the Mukron army.

Anyway, if you are a newcomer, it is almost the same as hitting anyone. There is no reason not to eat the fat delivered to your door!

In an instant, hundreds of torches were lit at the same time, and the overwhelming magic and arrows covered the entire corridor...

At this time, a dark prison caveman leader who was chasing after him suddenly stopped and said something to the two cronies around him.

"No need to chase, the Mario tribe was intercepted halfway in front, and none of them escaped!"

The dark prison caveman on the left asked: "The people in front are very unfamiliar, are they our enemies?"

The leader of the cavemen in the dark prison shook his head: "I don't know either, but one thing I can be sure of is that I smell a special breath among the people in front of me!"

"It's an ancient, powerful, terrifying aura similar to [Dark King]!"

Hearing the words "King of Darkness", all the cavemen around the leader froze in their hearts——

In the underground world, only the supreme black dragon lord can be worthy of the title of [Dark King]!


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