Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 110: The Blind's Advantage

His cousin Roger added: "The [Mario] clan is the most powerful harpy tribe in this area, with a population of more than 30,000, and I heard a message on the way here..."

"The female leader of the [Mario] clan [Rila? Mario] has completed the evolution of life and has become a powerful hero-level professional - [Blood Banshee]!"

"Although my strength has broken through to Tier 3, I haven't reached the threshold for evolving into a hero yet. I'm afraid I'm far from [Bloody Banshee] Rila Mario's opponent!"

Having said this, Roger's toad face wrinkled into a ball, and he said something dejected.

"Although the three thousand dark prison cavemen tribe warriors I brought have a slight advantage over the upper harpies, they can fly, and they are obviously disadvantaged in terms of speed and maneuverability..."

"There is still a chance of winning if you are ambushed, but if you take the initiative to attack, I am afraid it will not work."

"In addition, the thousands of blood-winged eagle girls in the opponent's camp have reached the terrifying third-order strength, and their combat power is probably better than that of our dark prison cavemen warriors at the second-order peak..."

After listening to his cousin Roger's analysis, Chemus sighed aside with his head drooping.

"This battle is not easy to fight!"

Mu Kelong patiently listened to the analysis of the caveman cousins, and calmly asked the representatives of the players around him.

"What do you think?"

Dark Ranger Love shook his head: "The Harpy is a Tier 2 flying unit. It is not only good at archery, but also has strong melee damage. The number of thousands is overwhelming, and it is quite difficult to deal with!"

"As for the third-order blood-winged eagle girl after the evolution of the blood pool, it is transformed into a special blood rage magic weapon, and its strength is even better!"

"There are also blood rage mages in our army, and they should all understand the power of blood rage mages."

The mage Du Ke nodded and said depressedly: "The most powerful thing about the blood rage mage is to convert all the magic points into blood rage health value, which completely makes up for the shortcomings of the legal system's low health value, which is difficult to kill. !"

"I am afraid that the third-order blood-winged eagle girl has a total life value of thousands, and it is still a long-range unit. Thinking about it is scary!"

At this time, several other player representatives did not speak, and the scene remained silent for a while.

Even Aldous, nicknamed "The Little Prince of the Silver Gun", didn't dare to shout out words such as: I will kill a street with a single shot.

Because the current imaginary enemy is the winged Eagle Maiden, his Silver Dragon Reverse Scale Slash cannot cut it to the sky!

Suddenly, Mu Kelong asked Chemus and Brother Roger.

"I have a high-level magic scroll that can summon a dark enchantment that is neither smoke nor fog nor light, making enemies in a large area lose their vision..."

"If, I mean if—"

"If this magic of mine can make the enemy see nothing, will this war be good?"

Roger the caveman in the dark prison shook his head subconsciously.

"The harpie has dark vision, how could it be possible to lose sight because of being in the dark..."

At this moment, his cousin Chemus interrupted him immediately and shouted excitedly.


"Although the harpies have dark vision and can gain vision in extremely weak low-light environments, but—"

"Only us cavemen can feel the surrounding environment in absolute darkness!"

"The harpie's darkvision is ineffective in absolute darkness without any light source!"

Roger the caveman in the dark prison suddenly realized: "Yes, that's the truth!"

The next moment, Roger stood up excitedly, pulled out a three-foot (1 meter) sharp bone spur from his back with his backhand, and waved it wildly in mid-air.

"If the harpies become blind, my three thousand tribe warriors and I will definitely be able to shoot them into hedgehogs and crush them into scum!"


Mu Kelong silently calculated his own dominance in his heart, 46 points for himself + 20 points for snow goblins + 60 points for skeleton soldiers + 80 points for darkness domination,

A total of 206 points of dominance!

In other words, the radius of the dark enchantment caused by the special equipment [Death Black Mist] with the Cloak of the Dark King is a full 206 meters wide!

Within the star space with a radius of 206 meters and a diameter of 412 meters, no matter whether the enemy goes to the sky or the sea, all of them will become blind for me!

Of course, the caveman remains unaffected as usual even in the Lightless Enchantment!

Because they are truly blind!

But for other dark creatures of the underground world who are not blind, the taste of losing vision must be hard, right?

As Chemus analyzed, dark vision refers to multiplying the visual effect in the presence of a weak light source.

For example, the brightness of the light source is 1, and the dark vision is magnified a thousand times, and the brightness of the light source of 1000 points is obtained, which is equivalent to the daytime field of view.

But if the brightness of the light source in the environment is 0, even if the dark vision is magnified one million, ten million, ten million times, it is still a completely dark environment with 0 brightness!

Next, Mu Kelong inquired in detail about the details of the harpie [Mario] clan tribal camp.

It was learned from the caveman Chemus that the tribal camp of the Harpy [Mario] clan was built in a huge hidden underground cave.

And the length and width of that underground cave are no more than 500 meters!

Chemus himself dug deep into the enemy's back to investigate not long ago. Through his race-specific detection talent, he made the situation of the enemy's camp clear and detailed.

Even Chemus could use his calloused fingers to trace the geographical environment of the enemy camp's lair on the muddy ground.

"The location of the [Mario] clan's lair is very hidden. The front is a tunnel with nine bends and eighteen bends, and there are many forks for daily entry and exit."

"In addition to the main tunnel on the front, there are small secret tunnels on the sides of the enemy camp's nest and on the left and right sides and on the dome directly behind. There are secret guards inside, which should be the escape channel in case of emergency."

"In addition, there is a huge hidden crypt crisscrossed like a labyrinth under the enemy's lair."

"There are hundreds of forks in the crypt labyrinth, but the real exit is only one tunnel. The others are blind paths or storage rooms..."

With Chemus's hand-to-mouth explanation and description, the picture in Mu Kelong's mind gradually became clear.

"The first one, the second side, the second one, the next one, there are five tunnels in the enemy's nest that can connect to the outside world. If we..."

At this moment, Mu Kelong felt as stable as an old dog.

It seems that Zhang Liang is possessed, strategizing strategies, and winning thousands of miles!

It was as if Han Xin was reborn, with few enemies and ambush!


That night, more than 3,000 old and young women and children from the caveman [Caroli] clan were all dispatched.

Under the personal command of Chemus, the eldest son of the patriarch, they started a secret special operation according to Mu Kelong's plan.


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