Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 117 Tauren Commander

The dark and deep underground world, where there is no day or night, is actually not the absolute dark and lightless environment that outsiders imagine.

In the underground world, many kinds of animals, plants and natural minerals emit weak fluorescence.

Such as the luminous mushrooms in the wild, the fireflies flying in the sky, the fluorites on the mountains and beside the roads, etc.

Most of the races living in the underground world have dark vision, which can magnify the brightness of the environment thousands of times.

Rely on a shimmer of light for good visibility even in dimly lit environments.

However, if the number and brightness of the basic light sources in the environment become more sufficient, then the creatures with dark vision will undoubtedly obtain a better vision.

And creatures with dark vision, their eyes will automatically adjust to the appropriate brightness, and generally do not suffer from overexposure to stab the eyes.

Of course, if you let the dark race look directly at the scorching sun hanging in the sky of the ground world with the naked eye, then any adjustment will be empty talk.

In the southwest area of ​​AKS County, there is an area that seems out of tune with the gloom and gloom of the larger environment, like a gathering place of light elements in the dark.

This is the main mining area of ​​the Leeds Iron Mine. It used to be dark, but it has only become brightly lit in recent days.

Whether it is deep underground mines or mines on the ground, various light sources can be seen everywhere.

Some are oil lamps installed on rock walls, some are lanterns outside buildings, some are bonfires in open spaces, and torches in the hands of patrols.

As we all know, the big boss of Leeds Iron Mine is an extremely miserly dark elf nicknamed "Vampire".

The reason why he made "blood capital" to light up his mine inside and outside is that someone sneaked into the mine a few days ago, and then triggered a collective riot of tens of thousands of miners.

Although the riot was quickly suppressed by the Tauren army stationed near the mine, and thousands of miners died, the culprit with a few followers broke through the siege and fled the scene.

On that day, the three hundred Chiman tauren soldiers pursued them desperately, but so far there has been no reply!

This strange situation made the big boss of Leeds Iron Mine [Polly Gilvia] and the commander of the Red Barbarian Tauren Legion [Manros Khalid] feel a little bit wrong.

Therefore, "Vampire" Polly ordered fires to be lit inside and outside the mining area to strengthen vigilance to prevent accidents from happening again.

In a military camp near Leeds Iron Mine, a tauren general in heavy armor and a dark elf merchant in brocade and jade clothes are having a fierce quarrel in the big tent.

This tauren general is none other than the general under the command of the AKS county governor, who commanded the 3,000 Chiman tauren army [Manros Khalid].

Unlike most tauren, the pair of horns on his head are bright as blood, and the texture is crystal clear, just like natural red amber!

The Tauren family is only a general term in a broad sense, and its race is subdivided into countless large and small tribes, each of which has its own name, that is, [clan].

Among the tauren, there are three major royal families, namely the [Bloodhoof? Caesar] clan, the [Golden Horn? Nord] clan, and the [Shiroishi? Dow Jones] clan.

The tauren [Khalid] clan where Manroth belongs is a large tribe that belongs to the royal family of the tauren [Golden Horn? Nord].

More than 6,000 years ago, a tauren named [Harel Nord] left the [Golden Horn Nord] tribe and moved to the AKS County area.

For thousands of years, Harel's descendants have spread branches and leaves here, and eventually evolved into the tauren [Khalid] clan, which means "a branch of the Nord clan established by Harel".

Because of the mixed blood relationship, the tauren in the Khalid clan can no longer grow golden horns like their ancestors did.

Because most of the clan's horns are red, they call themselves the [Red Man Khalid] clan.

[Manros Khalid] is the youngest son of the previous generation of patriarchs. Although he failed to inherit the position of the clan patriarch,

But he has the strength no less than his eldest brother, the current clan chief.

In the [Red Barbarian Khalid] clan, the redder, brighter, and crystal clear of a tauren's horns, the stronger he is.

In other words, the pair of amber-colored horns on top of Manroth's head were by no means good-looking, but were enough to show his noble bloodline level and unparalleled strength.

Twenty years ago, Manrose led some of the clan to leave the Khalid clan and defected to the tauren [White Rock Dow Jones] royal family, the highest military commander of AKS County, and the Overseer [Harrison Dow Jones].

Manroth was of noble birth and also had some blood of the Tauren royal family [Golden Horn? Nord], so he was quickly used and became one of the confidants of the AKS Overseer.

Although "Vampire" Polly's sister was the Overseer's concubine, Manrose did not take this Overseer's "brother-in-law" in his eyes at all.

The most important thing is that Manrose himself was not in the barracks at the time of the incident. A few days ago, he went to the Overseer's House in AKS County to report his duties.

When he returned to the barracks, he found that his soldiers were missing by 300 people. How could this not make him furious?

Now that the whereabouts of the three hundred Chiman tauren are unknown, Manros is even more anxious, that is one-tenth of his troops!

Manrose immediately sent someone to bring "Vampire" Polly to the barracks, and the opening was a scolding.

"Polly, you arbitrarily mobilized my soldiers to hunt down the enemy while I was away. If there is anything wrong with my nephew and the three hundred tribal warriors, I will definitely unscrew your head and crush it like this!"

While speaking, Manrose reached out and grabbed a round shield, first kneading it into a ball, and then suddenly using his five fingers—

"Card! Pop!"

Under the terrified eyes of the mine owner "Vampire" Polly, the round shield that was entirely made of refined steel and weighed several hundred kilograms—

It was like a pinch of mud, and was smashed into a ball by the Tauren commander Manros with one hand, and then exploded instantly, shattering into a piece of debris!

He knows his own affairs. Although Polly is only a businessman, he is not strong.

However, the quality of the iron ore in the Leeds Iron Mine is first-class. Coupled with the forging process of the master blacksmith, the shields produced by the Leeds Iron Mine are definitely considered to be excellent military products.

Otherwise, the military representatives of the Empire of the Undead would not have named Leeds Iron Mine to place an order for weapons.

He knew that the tauren was short-tempered and could do something terrible if he was not careful, so it would be better to stay away from this person.

Thinking of this, Polly carefully took out a white silk scarf from his chest pocket, tried hard to control his trembling right hand, wiped a cold sweat on his forehead, and forced a smile.

"this and that……"

"There shouldn't be any serious problems, maybe it's too far, and I haven't had time to come back..."

Having said that, Polly had a vague feeling in his heart that the three hundred tauren might not come back.

At this moment, his mind was full of hurry to get out of bed and hide in AKS County City to avoid it.

As for the iron ore, leave it to your own housekeeper.

At that time, even if Manrose wants to find someone to vent his anger, the poor housekeeper can carry it for himself!

For a time, Polly mourned for his butler silently for a few seconds in his heart.

At this moment, a roar resounded from the distant mining area!

This movement, like, like...

It's like a landslide!


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