Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 123 Dark Pyramid

He lifted the restraint on the dwarf, and the purple soul fire in his eyes returned to calm, and asked in a daze.

"Dwarf, where did you get this cloak from?"

Mu Kelong could feel the restraint on his body being lifted, but he did not dare to act rashly.

Hearing General Skeleton's questioning, his mind revolved rapidly, and suddenly a flash of light came, and nonsense came to him.

"Not long ago, I met a small nomadic tribe called the [Khosla] clan in the snowy wasteland of the New Triskru region..."

"At that time, the nomadic tribe was being besieged by chaotic zombies. I drove out the zombies and found this black cloak in the tent of the patriarch of the Khosla clan!"

Mukron noticed that when he mentioned the name of the "Khosla" clan, the purple soul fire that had just calmed down in the skeleton general's eyes flashed again.

At this moment, the purple soul in General Skeleton's eye sockets could not be extinguished, as if he was remembering something...

Mu Kelong only heard the other party muttering to himself.


"Khosla Hiddados?"

"Nearly 100,000 years... I didn't expect Khosla's descendants to still exist in the world!"

The next moment, Mu Kelong felt that he was imprisoned by a mysterious force again.

He stared at the skeleton general in front of him with wide eyes, not knowing what his fate would be.

Soon, the purple soul fire in General Skeleton's eyes returned to calm, he turned his gaze to the black cloak in his hand again, the golden skeleton's mouth opened and closed, and he began to recite an ancient incantation that had been covered in dust for more than 90,000 years.

"Supreme Dark Emperor [Lee Orleans? Hidados] His Majesty..."

"Your brilliance shines on Triskrull, and your greatness will eventually be immortal... Your descendants—[Luisette Phile Hydados] call for the return of your emperor!"

At this moment, Mu Kelong was shocked——

Why, this tyrannical epic skeleton general in front of me is also a descendant of the Dark Emperor?

Does he really have some kind of mysterious bond with the Dark Emperor family?

The next moment, Mu Kelong was completely stunned——

I saw the cloak of the Dark King held in the hands of the skeleton general [Luisette Hidados], and suddenly flew into the air by itself!

In a low-pitched mysterious spell, the shape of the cape gradually changed, and finally turned into a huge black pyramid floating between heaven and earth...

"First Evolution"

This scene shocked everyone present——

Could this black pyramid be one of the nine tombs of the Black Emperor?

Immediately afterwards, endless dark shadows radiated downward from the base of the pyramid, quickly covering the ground beneath them.

With the black pyramid as the center, everything within a radius of ten miles turned into nothingness.

If someone appears nearby at this time, they will find that this place seems to have been gnawed by a giant beast of the void, leaving a terrifying square pit with a side length of about ten kilometers on the vast snowfield!

But under the pyramid, within the range shrouded in dark shadows, Mu Kelong, General Skeleton and others could not feel the slightest bit of strangeness.

At this moment, a strange light shone in the eye sockets of the skeleton general.

He took a step forward, and his body rose a zhang, and he walked towards the black pyramid in the sky step by step...

Soon, General Skeleton rose to the same height as the Black Pyramid.

He volleyed to a square dark gate at the bottom of the pyramid. After hesitating for a moment, he reached out and pushed the gate open, and walked in cautiously...

The next moment, the square dark gate slowly closed, and a huge black vortex appeared directly below the pyramid.

An irresistible suction came from the center of the black vortex, and within a ten-mile radius shrouded in a dark shadow, everyone was sucked into it.

Including Mukron, who was standing still on the ground, and Guerrero, who was lying on the ground half-dead.

As well as the commander of the bodyguards left by the skeleton general [Strengher],

and a hundred dark knights behind him.

Even the dozen or so men in black entourage in the distance and the other 400 dark knights could not escape...

Not a single one was left, and they disappeared neatly on this ice desert snowfield shrouded in darkness!


The skeleton general [Louis Siddhartha] did not know what happened to the outside world after he voluntarily entered the interior of the pyramid.

Because at that time the door of the pyramid tomb had been closed, completely isolating the inside and outside, and the strength of Lewis was not able to detect the situation outside the pyramid.

In fact, [Luis Siddhartha] is not the full name of the skeleton general, because he is indeed a direct descendant of the Dark Emperor.

His family originated from the eldest son of the Dark Emperor [Lee Orleans Hiddados] [Phile Hiddados].

And the nomadic tribe [Khosla] that Mukron encountered was derived from Phile's younger brother [Khosla Hidados].

Therefore, the real full name of the general skeleton should be the name he said when he recited the incantation——【Louis Feile Hidados】.

Because the curse of the Dark Emperor lingers in this land, and the reputation is not good, and because they are descendants of the subjugated royal family, most of the descendants of the Hidados family changed their surnames in order to avoid persecution.

One hundred thousand years is too long, most of the former imperial royal family have disappeared, and it is very likely that they will disappear completely in the long river of history.

Only Luite, as the descendant of the eldest son of the Black Emperor, has had extraordinary existence in all dynasties because it controls the most core secrets of the royal family, so that it can be passed down to the present for a long time.

Even so, they did not dare to directly use the surname of [Xidados], but omitted a word and renamed it the [Xidados] clan.

Although they are suspected of stealing bells, they have powerful power in their hands, claiming to be only distant remnants of the kingdom of [Guxidados].

Moreover, this family could not be hidden in the rise and fall of dynasties in the Triskru region, and over time, the relationship with the Dark Emperor gradually faded.

Until tens of thousands of years later, when the Empire of the Undead began to rise, ready to conquer the Triskru region of the West.

It was only during the war that this family took refuge in the Empire of the Undead, and gradually began to show its head, making many military exploits and becoming a well-known martial arts aristocrat.

For tens of thousands of years, the Hidado clan has firmly controlled an elder seat in the Upper House of the Undead Empire. It holds the hereditary title of [Golden Mountain Marquis], and is the top military aristocratic family within the Undead Empire.

Lewis is more than 600 years old this year. He is the second son of the current Elder of the House of Lords, [Marquis of Jinshan] Winchester, and the second in line to the title of Marquis.

He himself cultivated the power of darkness and the power of the undead at the same time, and transformed himself into a bone skeleton. He has a long lifespan, and can live for at least a thousand years.

As a direct descendant of the Black Emperor, he knew that each of the nine imperial mausoleums built by the Black Emperor during his lifetime had a thirteenth-order sacred artifact.

It's just that after the Black Emperor was banished to the Endless Void, the nine black pyramid imperial tombs also escaped into the void, and even the eldest son of the Black Emperor couldn't find the location of the nine Black Emperor's tombs.

He never expected to see one of the Dark Emperor's tomb-suppressing artifacts on a low-level dwarf today.

Moreover, one of the legendary artifacts of the nine town tombs, the [Dark King's Cloak], fell into his hands with ease today!

It is really the blessing of the ancestors, and the artifact is manifested!


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