Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 126 This is unscientific!

Heroes of the Storm Lord Chapter 126 This is unscientific!

According to Mu Kelong's original intention, in this case, he must choose to wave over. After all, he has the ability to march in secret, and the probability of leading the army to break out of the siege is very high.

But now he has a big secret in his arms, but he doesn't dare to take the risk again. If something goes wrong on the way to break through, then nothing can be saved!

Although the Black Emperor didn't say it clearly, Mu Kelong knew that the other party would not save him anymore, because he was no longer the only candidate for the Black Emperor to cooperate.

Skeleton General Luist is much stronger than Mukron, both in terms of his own strength and his relationship with the Dark Emperor.

To be able to not violate the cooperation agreement between the two, His Majesty the Black Emperor has enough credibility, and it is impossible to give Mu Kelong another chance.

If he died outside, Mu Kelong used his butt to think and knew that the next owner of the Dark King's Cloak would definitely be the Skeleton General Lewis!


But now the Mukron Corps is deeply surrounded and ambushed in all directions, even if it wants to run, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

You have to come up with a plan and come up with a routine to escape from the shell.

In the voices of the players' arguments, the plan in Mu Kelong's mind gradually took shape...

After making the decision, Mu Kelong used the authority of the legion commander to suspend the speech of other players, and opened his mouth to express his plan.

"Guys, we're running out of time to choose, so I've decided to—"

"Strategy move forward, spread out and break through!"

"The enemy army, whether it is a military high-level or a player, will expect us to run, so they will definitely block all our breakthrough directions..."

"There are heavy troops on the southern border, and we must not go there; the west is our main breakout direction, and there must be an ambush; the north is the direction we came from, and there will definitely be chasing troops..."

"And to the east is the sphere of influence of the Central War Zone of the Undead Empire, where the main army of the enemy camp is also gathered, which is the most unlikely direction for us to break through!"

"Tonight, I myself led the soldiers directly under my command, and I continued to go south under the banner to attract the attention of the enemy..."

"You guys retreat quietly, first lurking eastward into the enemy's central theater, and then heading north..."

"Finally, let's meet on the northwestern frontier of the New Triskru Region!"


That night, the Mukron army was divided into two, and more than 90 players stayed in place, silently watching Mukron take his private soldiers to the south.

Everyone knows that Mu Kelong is using himself as a bait in exchange for the survival of their players.

Mu Kelong plunged into the southern encirclement, I am afraid it is difficult to retreat.

Once the enemy finds the location of Mu Kelong, they will definitely attack and suppress them with all their strength.

At this moment, many people were emotional.

"Hei Da is a very particular person!"

Soon, more than 90 players who stayed in the same place also gathered and quietly evacuated in the dark towards the east...

In someone's words, it's called a strategic turn!

Half an hour later, the Mukron Corps encountered an undead military patrol in the fog, which was mixed with at least a lot of player mercenaries.

Mu Kelong did not entangle with the enemy. After encountering the enemy, he immediately turned to the west and accelerated his march, assuming a stance of madly fleeing westward.

Under the cover of darkness and the fog of war, the enemy could not determine the specific number and distribution of the Mukron Corps.

It can only be roughly judged that there are a lot of people in the Mukron army, and it is indeed Mukron himself who leads the team!

For a time, the wind was surging!

Hundreds of thousands of player mercenaries in the cemetery camp got the news almost at the same moment that the Mukron Corps appeared at a certain location, coordinates xxxxx, xxxxx, xxx...


At this moment, hundreds of patrols from You Ye in the southeast area of ​​the Western War Zone of the Undead Empire, that is, the southern part of the New Triskru area, were mobilized!

"Discover the Mukron Corps,

The other side ran south! "

"The dwarf wearing the golden crown is Mu Kelong, hurry up..."

"Discovering the Mukron Corps, the opponent ran west again!"

"The dwarf in the black cape is Mukron, grab him!"

"Made, was run away by Mu Kelong again, is he a rabbit?"





A few hours later, the sky was bright and the fog cleared.

Dozens of patrols, nearly 100,000 horses, were concentrated in the New Trace Crew area to conduct a blanket search.

However, even if they turned over the ice and snow wasteland under their feet, they could not find the hiding place of the Mukron Legion.

There are hundreds of people in the Mukron Legion, and it seems that the world has evaporated!

Soon, someone came up with a crucial piece of information.

"The Mukron Legion is likely to repeat the old trick and use the invisibility method!"

Under the suggestion of the player's mercenaries, the army of the undead empire immediately dispatched many experts who mastered the perspective of Dafa.

A few days later, after several carpet searches, nothing has been found.

The head of the Army of the Undead Empire believes that the Mukron Corps may have encountered a mysterious event in the fog of war and teleported to another place.

Soon, the Undead Empire military abandoned the search operation and withdrew hundreds of patrols.

Only a few unwilling player mercenary legions still insisted on staying and continued to hunt down that abominable dwarf.

No way, the army of the Undead Empire set a bounty for the Mukron Corps too high, and the wealth is moving!

They firmly believed that Mukron must have been hiding, because they did not believe that someone could break through such a dense encirclement.

As for the mysterious events in the fog of war, it is not impossible, but the probability is too low.

Moreover, under the circumstances of such an intensive search, why is it that you are the only one who encounters mysterious events in Mukron, but not others?

So, it's not scientific!


In fact, the guesses of these player mercenaries are correct.

It is indeed useless for Mukron to encounter mysterious events in the fog of war as the outside world speculated.

He really hid!

However, he did not hide in this world, but somewhere in the void!

This is also Mukron's biggest secret and reliance!

On that day, Skeleton General Luist used the [Dark King's Cloak] as a medium to summon the Dark Emperor Pyramid Mausoleum corresponding to this artifact in the void with a blood spell.

And the Dark Emperor Li Orleans I in the tomb, although exiled into the void by the ancient saints, cannot directly interfere with the real world.

But in turn, he successfully anchored a certain coordinate on the Titan continent with the epic power of the blood descendant Luist as a medium.

After this tossing, although the Dark Emperor Tomb Pyramid body is still in the void and cannot directly enter the world where the Titan continent is located, it has a relatively stable spatial coordinate connection with this world.

The ten kilometers of land and air around Lewis was not really ingested into the dark imperial mausoleum, but was cut by the power of the void and became a transfer station connecting the dark imperial mausoleum and the Titan continent.

In other words, one of the black emperor's pyramid tombs has become a tumor that is in the void, but it is attached to a certain position on the Titan continent, completely relying on this world!

From then on, Mu Kelong can use the [Dark King's Cloak] to summon from the gate of the dark space and freely enter the ten kilometers of land where the Icefield River Valley is located.

Coincidentally, the two-world teleportation formation established by the [Jin Shanhou] family behind the skeleton general Luist was set up in this area!

Although this area cannot be detected by anyone, it seems that the strangeness has disappeared, but in essence, it still stays on the Titan continent, and even the original world coordinates have not changed.

Therefore, the two-world teleportation array is still valid!

It's just that other people can't see, probe and enter this place through normal means.


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