Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 138 Cruel life cycle

Heroes of the Invincible Storm Lord Chapter 138: The cruel cycle of life

At this time, any of them has grown to a size that can be called huge, the slender individual has exceeded 300 meters, and the sturdy individual is as burly as a mountain.

Although the nine bugs have the same root and the same origin, they have different shapes and different methods.

Finally, two of the monsters began to fight for food...

Soon, eight of the nine monsters began to fight for food. Only the last white monster that looked like a giant silkworm had no competition and continued to devour the corpse of the giant water monster.

When the other eight monsters were victorious, the most powerful snake-shaped monster killed the other seven "brothers" one by one.

Suddenly looking back, only to find that the last "brother" is gone?

It swam around angrily a few times in vain.

In desperation, it could only consider its own growth first, and devoured the bodies of the Great Water Monster and the other seven "brothers" one by one.

After all this is over, its appearance has become 90% similar to the original big water monster, showing a strange body that is neither a dragon nor a snake, nor an insect nor a beast.

However, its body size is only half of the original big water monster, and because it accidentally killed a "brother", its ability is also partially disabled.

For hundreds of thousands of years, it has gone through a similar life cycle countless times.

But only this time, it failed to kill all the "brothers", and a fish slipped through the net!

At this time, it could not be called the complete body of the North Sea Kraken, and even lacked the most crucial part of inheritance.

If it is seriously injured by the enemy again and falls into an endangered state, it is very likely that it will not be able to carry out the next "reincarnation" of undead!

What's more terrible is that if you encounter several other North Sea Kraken brothers in the future, it is likely to become each other's food!

Next, the most important thing in its life is to find the damn coward "brother" as soon as possible at all costs, kill the fish that slipped through the net, and then eat him!

Before leaving, it sniffed the smell of the surrounding lake, with a hideous look on its face.

Because of running a "brother", its inheritance is not complete, and it cannot absorb the blood power scattered in the lake water, resulting in its current strength is much worse than the previous generation's complete body.

This is evident from the body shape.

Its body length is only half of the complete body of the previous generation!

If all goes well, after devouring all the "brothers" and absorbing all the blood essence, its size should reach 90% of the size of the complete body of the previous generation of the North Sea Kraken!

Right now, even if it were to fight one-on-one with the three saintess Froyin, it would probably be inferior to three points, and it could only reach the threshold of the 12th-order epic level.

In the past, it was the existence of the 12th-order epic-level pinnacle of great consummation!

The next moment, it transformed into a human form, exactly the appearance of the former Eighth Prince of the Sea God of the North Sea.

However, on the surface, it did not have the calm look of the Eighth Prince Su Yinnad, but was much more ferocious and fierce than before.

Between the ferocious and fierce, there is also a trace of fear.

Although Beihai Lake is large, it is not a good place.

It is located at the junction of the three forces of the Angel Empire, the Undead Empire and the Centaur Khanate of the East Ruhr Prairie, and epic powerhouses may pass by at any time.

For millions of years, her family's reputation has not been very good, and she has been called the sea monster of the North Sea by the world.

Before leaving Beihai Lake, she glanced down in the sky and found nothing unusual, so she turned into a blue streamer and flew east.

Not long after she left, a 400-meter-long silver-white giant silkworm-shaped monster protruded from the bottom of the lake with a round head with only one big round eye on top of it.

Seemingly aware that the danger was gone, the monster resembling a giant silkworm began to float its body on the water, coiling in circles like snakes.

The sun was shining brightly.

Perhaps the warm spring sun was so comfortable that it didn't take long before it squinted and fell asleep.

And its coiled body gradually turned into a circular ice sheet floating on the North Sea lake.

At this season, only a part of the snow and ice on the Beihai Lake has melted away, and there are many similar large pieces of floating ice.

At the bottom of Beihai Lake, after two terrifying giant monsters left one after another, a silver eel with a length of more than three meters approached this area cautiously.

Although its wisdom is not high, it can feel that the lake here seems to be different from other places, and contains some kind of mysterious energy.

Soon, other underwater creatures entered this area one after another...

Before long, the child holes of these underwater creatures were stained with a layer of blood, and their bodies began to undergo some strange changes uncontrollably.

Then, a new round of frenzied killing and species-devouring evolution begins!

A few days later, the silver eel that entered the waters was the winner.

But at this moment, its shape has changed greatly, with a single horn on the top of its head, its mouth elongated forward, its body swelled and rounded, two claws on each side of its abdomen, and blue lizard scales all over its body. The body length is also more than 100 meters...

All in all, it can no longer be seen that its body is actually an eel!

The magic of creation is all at this moment, a snake-shaped water monster that no one has ever seen before was born by accident!


On the other hand, the Mukron Corps joined Archduke Wilson's team after being granted permission.

Archduke Wilson told him that the purpose of the trip was to envoy to the royal court where the Centaur Khan was in the East Ruhr steppe.

At this stage, the Angel Empire is fighting on the north and south fronts, especially in the northern battlefield where things are not going well, and the army is under great pressure.

The Emperor of the Angel Empire, Caesar XIV, decided to send envoys to the fortress again, hoping to join forces with the Eastern Ruhr Centaur Khan [Yeli Khan] to contain the troops in the western theater of the Undead Empire from the flank.

As we all know, the centaurs on the East Ruhr steppe do not have a good relationship with the Angel Empire.

In order to impress Yelihan, Caesar XIV decided to exchange the interests of the central Ruhr steppe for the initiative of the northern battlefield.

On the way, Archduke Wilson told Mucolon.

"In the past few years, there have been continuous rebellions in the West Ruhr region. The Boar Khan has sent troops to encircle and suppress it many times. Although some victories have been achieved, the overall effect is not very good."

"Seeing the internal instability of the Boar Khanate, His Majesty the Emperor decided to dispatch the garrison of the Kanglan Duhufu to join forces with Yelihan of the Eastern Ruhr Centaur Khanate to send troops to the Central Ruhr area..."

"The Boar Khanate and the Centaur Khanate are a feud, Yeli Khan will definitely be interested in this proposal. In order to show the sincerity of our country, His Majesty the Emperor ordered me to be an ambassador, and I must personally go out to the fortress to meet with Yelihan to discuss the military plan. ."

After the explanation of Archduke Wilson, Mukron immediately understood the plan of Caesar XIV.

There are millions of troops stationed in Kanglan Duhufu, but this area is far away from the northern battlefield and the southern battlefield, and it is the responsibility of defending the soil and cannot be moved lightly.

For Caesar XIV, it was very embarrassing that he had this power in his hand, but he could not play a role in the North-South war.

The Angel Empire occupies the most central place in the Titan Continent, with a population of billions. It is not only the richest in the world, but also has the highest war potential in the world.

But having money, food, and great war potential does not mean that the Angel Empire can turn it into a battleable soldier in a short period of time.

In fact, on the battlefield of most low-level arms, they can only play the role of cannon fodder, and it is often a small number of elite legions that really decide the outcome of the war.

These elite legions cannot be formed overnight. They need long-term training and selection, and then undergo the tempering of war before they can gradually take shape.

And the 100,000 desert flying cavalry regiment stationed by the Centaur Khanate on the west bank of Beihai Lake is one of the few elite regiments that can decide the outcome of the war.

So Caesar XIV came up with a way to let the garrison of the Kanglan Duhufu send troops to help the Centaur Khanate fight the Central Ruhr area controlled by the Wild Boar Khanate.

In exchange for this, the Centaur Khanate sent troops to the northeast to contain the troops in the western theater of the undead empire from the western flank of the northern battlefield.

In this way, it is equivalent to replacing an elite army in a different place, and at the same time, it can protect the interests of the empire from being lost.


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