Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 144 Best defense?

Heroes of the Storm Lord Chapter 144 Best defense?

This walrus boxing champion is only the first opponent. The opponent is obviously not as good as him in attack and defense, but his skills are terrifying.

With his bare hands, he forced himself into a state of embarrassment when he was fully armed. He used two skills in a row, and even used a trick to lure the enemy to win.

Even so, Mu Kelong lost almost 5,000 health points, and the pressure in his heart instantly became huge.

Perhaps the sea of ​​​​skeletons in the second level was too simple for him, so he had the illusion that the third level was nothing more than that.

This battle completely awakened the arrogant Mu Kelong, and let him start to face the next challenger.

Soon, the countdown ended, and the second opponent appeared.

This is a human swordsman, also in white short jacket, but with a pair of silver long swords more than in the hands of the Walrus Boxer.

——【Wind Swordsman】!

Obviously, another agile opponent.

For a while, Mu Kelong felt a little swollen in his head, so why can't he come to a personal meat bag to make me feel good?

Soon, two silver lights flashed in the air, illuminating Mu Kelong's eyes.

I saw the gust of wind swordsman dance like a dragon, shot like lightning and thunder, and stabbed Mu Kelong in the forehead.

But this time, Mukron has more experience dealing with the agile profession.

He took a half-step on his hind legs, the heavy axe in his left hand was in front of him, and the war hammer in his right hand went straight out and smashed at the enemy.

The wind swordsman did not expect that Mu Kelong would smash his main weapon with a big hammer like a hidden weapon as soon as he met him.

The others had nowhere to use their strength in mid-air, and it was too late to dodge, and was abruptly smashed into the air for a few meters.

At the same time, Mu Kelong instantly activated [Wrath of Wind and Thunder] and poured it into the heavy axe, holding it in both hands, and the whole person spun like a windmill.

Swish! Swish! shuh...

As soon as the Wind Swordsman landed, he saw his opponent dancing wildly with a tomahawk like a whirlwind.

Just as he was about to raise his sword to parry, he saw a blue lightning strike instantly, his whole body froze, and he lost the ability to move.

In an instant, his head was choked by Mu Kelong's battle axe, and a huge head shot straight up three feet.



Weakness attack + crit!


It's a pity that this gust of wind swordsman Kong has a gorgeous swordsmanship, but because of one move, he was taken away by Mu Kelong's combination of moves, and he ended up with a different head.

"59, 58, 57..."

After watching the opponent's corpse turn into white light and disappear, Mu Kelong shook his axe, picked up the hammer that fell on the ground, and showed a smile on his face.

The battle seemed easy, but it was a fluke to win.

If it wasn't for the opponent to underestimate the enemy and rashly advance, and he happened to hit the superimposed damage of the weak attack and the crit to kill the opponent in an instant, I am afraid the battle would not end so quickly.

Soon, the countdown ended and a third challenger appeared.

——【Tower Shield Guardian】!

Seeing these four words, Mu Kelong's heart was immediately settled, and the game was stable again.

Don't look at himself as a berserk warrior, but in fact, he and the opponent holding a pair of square giant shields in front of him are definitely peers.

It's hard to meet a meat bun opponent, but you have to have a good time.

Mu Kelong made up his mind that this round of battle should slow down as much as possible to allow himself to recover more health.

However, the performance of the opponent made Mu Kelong an eye-opener——

Shield, can you still play like this?

At the beginning, two giant shields taller than people were displayed in the opponent's hands, like two broad swords with door panels, aggressive like fire, and powerful.

This is not to mention, in the process of fighting, the huge door panel giant shield can actually rotate at high speed in his hands, it is as fast as the wind, its momentum is like thunder...

When Mu Kelong finally found the loophole, the axe broke open the opponent's door and went straight in, picking up the hammer and hitting the opponent's forehead.

The opponent was able to shrink behind the giant shield like lightning, blocking Mu Kelong's headshot.

Next, the other party realized that Mu Kelong was very dangerous, and began to take the defensive, with two shields combined, as stable as Mount Tai.

This pair of shields,

Really let the other party play with flowers!

The two sides have been fighting for dozens of times. Mu Kelong calculated in his heart. It seems that he didn't take advantage of it, but he lost a few hundred more blood?

At this moment, Mu Kelong's heart only had one big word of service!

It really should be recorded for the players who play the shield battle profession to see, what is professional and what is bull beer!

Although he couldn't beat the opponent, Mu Kelong was in no hurry.

Because he lost more blood than the opponent, but his total blood volume was higher than before the war.

This is mainly because at the beginning, because he was not familiar with the opponent's routine, he was cut a few times by the shield and lost extra blood.

Now that he is prepared, it will not be so easy to make him suffer.

Mu Kelong's full stamina is added, and his own health is restored quickly, and he has a double bonus of hidden blood skills and silver bone chalcedony.

"Treading the Stars"

No matter what the opponent's situation is, it's always a good idea to raise your own blood line first.

In this way, Mu Kelong patiently accompanies the opponent slowly, intending to grind the opponent to death.

Finally, the tower shield guard seemed to be unable to bear it, and began to switch from defense to attack, attacking with all his strength.

But at this time, Mu Kelong had already figured out the opponent's moves and tactics, and it would not be so easy for the opponent to play a surprising and winning effect.

The victory in this battle came unexpectedly fast.

Soon after the opponent gave up the defense and turned to attack with all his strength, Mu Kelong found an opportunity to break the defense and kill.

Such a result made Mu Kelong understand that the other party really couldn't afford it.

Perhaps this tower shield guard has been rubbed to a dangerous level by Mu Kelong regardless of his health or physical strength, so he had to take a risk.

Because if it goes on, he won't have the ability to counterattack.

At the moment when a new round of countdown began, Mu Kelong glanced at his almost full health and stamina, couldn't help but looked up at the sky forty-five degrees and muttered to himself.

"It turns out that I am the best defense!"

This battle gave Mukron a huge harvest, and he learned a lot of fighting skills from his opponents.

If he was equipped with a pair of shields, he would even have the confidence to replicate the opponent's various tricks after training for a period of time!

The next moment, he quickly shook his head to suppress this terrible thought.

"He's meow, I'm obviously a berserker, why is my mind full of playing shields?"


Next, Mu Kelong won three victories one after another, ushering in the most crucial seventh battle.

As long as you win this battle, you will barely pass the third level.

As the opponents are getting stronger and stronger, the pressure on Mukron is also increasing.

In order to win the sixth victory, his hole cards have been exhausted, the magic value is basically cleared, the health value is even less than 2,000 points, and the cooldown time of the giant transformation is still three minutes.

If the opponents in the seventh game were quicker and more powerful, it would be difficult for Mu Kelong to survive this hurdle.

However, the system only gave him 60 seconds of rest time. In this short one minute, Mu Kelong even prayed no less than a hundred times.

"One more meat bun, another shield warrior..."

"Don't come to high-speed careers, don't come to remote careers..."

Soon, the identity of the opponent was revealed.

——【War Puppet】!

Appearing in front of Mu Kelong was a burly and exaggerated man with exaggerated body muscles, full of strength, and a straight steel man as tall as two floors.

Obviously, from the name, the other party does not look like a living person, but a killing machine that combines muscle and steel.

It's just that this one's label is golden—

In the first three gladiatorial fights, the opponents were all with green names, representing extraordinary strength.

In the last three gladiatorial fights, the opponent is a blue-named tag, representing the strength of the rare level.

In front of these four big golden doodles, what they represent is self-evident.

It's no wonder that only seven wins can pass the level. It turns out that the real big boss is waiting here!


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