Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 153: Suspect an old friend?

Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord Chapter 153

Last year, Blue Frost Castle suffered an extinction cataclysm, and the cause actually came from Mukron himself.

At that time, he came back from the northern battlefield for the first time, and gave a trophy named [Crown of Dry Bones] to the commander of the city guard of Bluefrost Castle, Sir [Mark Hambani]...

Then, Sir Hambani handed the [Skull Crown] to the Archmage [Antondani] in the Bluefrost Castle Mage Tower, hoping to destroy this treasure of the evil camp.

Later, I don't know what happened. The Archmage [Anton Dani] suddenly turned black and out of control. He was suppressed by Sir Hambani and Mukron's father [Musa Hegel]. As a result, the three perished together. ...

However, the aftermath of dark magic destroyed all life within a hundred miles of Bluefrost Castle, causing this incredible cataclysm.

When Mu Kelong ventured into the Bluefrost Castle, he only had time to collect a pair of broken weapons left by his old father Musa, and a large black iron ring that still did not know its use.

In addition, there is a treasure suspected to be left after the blackening of the archmage [Anton Dani], the [Dark Skin Gloves of the Demon Lich].

It is worth mentioning that this [Dark Skin Gloves of the Demon Lich] is an upgraded product of [Crown of Withered Bones] in terms of attributes!


It is impossible to think about this matter, because it is extremely scary to think about it!

Therefore, in front of Baron Falman, Mu Kelong did not dare to disclose the relationship between this matter and himself.

Originally, Mu Kelong thought that the Blue Frost Castle cataclysm had passed, and he had completely turned the page, but he never expected that something would happen again...

After rushing to the Blue Frost Castle, Mu Kelong was taken into the city by the guards and saw Baron Falman again.

This time, Baron Falman was still in full uniform. With a serious face, he was surrounded by dozens of guards armed to the teeth on the central square of Bluefrost Castle.

Seeing Mu Kelong coming, a smile appeared on Baron Falman's face. He stretched out his hand to guide Mu Kelong to his side, and patted Mu Kelong on the shoulder cordially.

"Mu Kelong, your ten thousand-mile expedition on the northern battlefield has spread to my territory, and you have done a great job!"

"I heard that you were also appreciated by the Golden Griffin Archduke [Wilson Ron Franklin] of the Angel Empire. I thought you would stay in the Angel Empire?"

Mu Kelong immediately broke down in a cold sweat. He knew that Baron Falman's question was actually hiding a knife in a smile, and it meant testing himself.

He straightened his body immediately, gave a military salute, and said loudly: "Mu Kelong is a soldier of the Holy Glacier Titan Empire, a child of the Bluefrost Castle, and will never betray his country and compatriots!"

Baron Falman was very satisfied with Mucolon's answer, nodded and smiled: "Very good, Mark (Sir Hambani) and I really did not see the wrong person!"

Immediately afterwards, Baron Falman looked at Mukron carefully, up and down, left and right, and suddenly said seriously.

"Mu Kelong, your strategic occupation level has reached the threshold of becoming a senior commander. You only need to prove your commanding ability in actual combat to officially become a respectable senior commander!"

Mu Kelong still straightened his body and replied loudly: "I would like to die for Your Excellency the Baron!"

Baron Falman nodded, waved his hand, and dispatched an elite team of 30 people to Mukron's command, solemnly ordered.

"Mu Kelong, I am now appointing you as the arresting envoy of Bluefrost Castle. Your mission is to bring 30 soldiers to find the real murderer who killed the teachers and students of Baibing College in the shortest time!"

"As ordered!"

While receiving the mission, Mukron wanted to ask a question - Your Excellency, didn't you have a crystal ball to trace the situation of the eucalyptus scene last time?

But the Baron Juhlman didn't say it, and the junior officer Mu Kelong didn't dare to ask.

However, Baron Falman did not let Mukron look for it. According to his investigation in the past two days,

After a bit of analysis, I came to a conclusion.

"Bai Bing College's teachers and students died unexpectedly, and the murderer who attacked them was a dark professional, but the strength is not too strong. According to my estimation, it should be within the scope of the strength of the sixth-order professional, and has not really reached the seventh-order. The power of professionals."

Mu Kelong couldn't help but ask: "But, I heard that the well-known tutors of Baibing Academy have at least the strength of seventh-order professionals?"

Baron Falman pouted and smiled.

"The seventh-order rare professional who spends years in the college's ivory tower doing research may not have the actual combat power comparable to the sixth-order extraordinary professional on the battlefield!"

Mu Kelong understood in seconds, this is probably the difference between domestic cats and wild cats.

Next, Baron Falman and Mukron split up and left Bluefrost Castle to search the periphery...

Among them, the search direction of Baron Farman is the east, and the direction of Mukron's search is the west. The two of them each carried a different number of elite soldiers, galloping on the snow around the Blue Frost Fort.

Of course, Mu Kelong himself does not need to ride a horse. He is flying on the snow. Even if he is walking on the snow with bare feet, he is faster than most of the horses running wildly.

"The Guard is Here"

Walking and walking, Mu Kelong suddenly thought of a past event...

I think when the server was launched, he played iron at home for three days and three nights, and he met several players who came to buy equipment...

From then on, he and Rofes, Douglas, Love, and Duko were getting stronger, and then formed a five-person combat team to go to the suburbs of Bluefrost Castle to clear the wilderness.

In a hidden abandoned site called Cold Wind Mine, the five Mu Kelong met a fifth-order golden elite monster named [Dark Pharaoh] on the third underground floor of the mine.

As a result, except for Mukron, who had only a trace of blood to escape, the other four people in the group were killed, but at the same time, dozens of bounty hunter players headed by Magni were also killed.

Leaving aside the rest for the time being, the [Dark Pharaoh] who was level 5 and 58 at that time only needed to be upgraded by two levels to satisfy the two elements of level 6 and a dark professional at the same time.

More importantly, [Dark Pharaoh] itself is a big boss with an elite-level template. Once it is advanced to the sixth-order extraordinary level, it is very likely that the strength will kill the seventh-order magic teacher of the academic school.

Moreover, [Dark Pharaoh] is good at group attack, killing the weak is as simple and violent as mowing grass...

It just so happens that [Dark Pharaoh] is within the range of Bluefrost Castle again, so his suspicions are too big!


Thinking of this, Mu Kelong immediately turned around and ordered a soldier.

"Report to Baron Falman immediately, saying that I suddenly remembered that there is an important suspect near Bluefrost Castle!"

It's not that Mu Kelong is too cowardly, but that Baron Falman, the great god, is not used by his side. It is not Mu Kelong's style at all to risk his own life with a powerful enemy!

Soon, Baron Falman got the news and rushed over to join Mukron.

So Mukron told Baron Falman about his experience in the Cold Wind Mine, and explained his guess.


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