Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 166: 5 poisons?

In the gap of the fire, Mu Kelong saw the appearance of several enemies who attacked him.

There are a total of four enemies, one of which is the "femme beauty" that he met in the tenth level, but now she has become a half-ghost and half-physical ghost.

The appearance and shape of the other three are quite similar to those of "Femme fatale".

If [Femme Scorpion Beauty] is a combined structure of "giant snake and giant scorpion", then the other three monsters are "giant snake and spider", "giant scorpion and spider", and a "giant spider and giant toad". Combine Constructs!

Mu Kelong is from the Tang Dynasty, and he knows that there is a saying in the Tang people that there are "five poisons", which are represented by five highly poisonous creatures, namely "poisonous scorpion", "poisonous spider", "poisonous toad", "poisonous snake" and "poisonous centipede".

Coincidentally, in this mysterious [Ghost Valley], Mu Kelong encountered [Ghost Spider], [Dark Iron Desert Giant Scorpion], [Iron-backed Sand Centipede], and [Ghost-faced Silver Ring Rattlesnake]. Four kinds of monsters - these are four of the "Five Poisons" genus.

And at this stage, I finally saw the last big type of monster in the "Five Poisons" genus, although it appeared in the form of "giant spider and giant toad".

The upper body of this monster is a giant entity toad like a hill, and the lower body is eight ghostly slender legs like a spider.

At the same time, this half-giant toad, half-spider monster is also the only one of the four enemies that has some vitality.

Although the five poisonous species were gathered at this moment, there was one thing that made Mu Kelong feel very strange, that is, where did the "centipede" go?

But the four enemies in front of them are all king-level bosses who can be called big heroes. Mu Kelon can't be allowed to think about it, and he must do his best to cope with it.

Fortunately, he has experienced the gold-level professional trial of hell difficulty, and his fighting qualities are absolutely excellent. In addition, after he just came out of the primitive forest secret world, his level has been raised to level 40, and his combat attributes have increased sharply. After the giant transformation, the health value has even exceeded the 20,000 point mark! !

Even so, any of the four bosses opposite Mu Kelong could be tough with him without falling behind.

This can't help but remind him of the enemy groups that are comparable to him when he is in the fifth limit battle in the gold-level third-order professional test!

At that time, he

Wearing a standard whiteboard equipment, and without the blessing of strategic attributes and strategic skills, you can rely on your own combat ability and adaptability to reach the gold level 5.

Now that he is wearing a divine costume, his combat power is not what it used to be, and he has a wide variety of methods to deal with the enemy.

The next moment, Mu Kelong rolled forward, out of the tight encirclement, and then activated the [Blessing of Thunder Titan] the moment he turned his head!



【Rage fury】!


【King contempt】!

[Flame Aegis]!

【Wrath of Wind and Thunder】!

boom! boom! boom--


Weakness Attack!


Lucky crit!



It was the same move, the same routine. Among the four powerful enemies, Mu Kelong was most familiar with the "Femme Scorpion Beauty".

["Femme fatale\

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