Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 169 If you can't beat it, you will fight!

In the alpine dwarf [Mogul clan] camp established by Mukron in the Valley of Storms, the dwarf blacksmith workshop and the goblin technology research laboratory have been running for some time.

The biggest technological breakthrough during the period was that the goblin craftsman completed the initial vision of Mukron, and designed the [Black Powder Shotgun-Improved Type III], which can increase the range and power, and can be portable and reload 24 rounds, which is the third generation [ Hegel brand] black powder shotgun.

In fact, the damage of these five [Mugul Wild Hunters] mainly depends on the black powder shotguns in their hands, and now they have all been replaced with the latest generation of [Black Powder Shotguns-Improved Type III].

Coupled with the skill of [Murdering Ability] (intermediate level), which is stronger when it is strong, five [Mugul Wild Hunters] aim at the same place at the same time, and pull the trigger to fire at the same time. "Inflicted considerable damage!


However, there is a big gap between Mu Kelong's strength and the final boss "Spider Scorpion Python Toad". Just relying on the foreign aid of five [Mugul Wild Hunters] is like killing the opponent, which is obviously a big gap.

It doesn't matter, Mu Kelong came prepared this time, and basically brought his core main troops into his "back garden"!

Elder Mugul - Go!

Alpine Dwarf Shieldguard - Go!

[Jimus? Mughur] (4th-level 49-level elite dwarf leader, three-star cyan gilded extraordinary-level mage, Mugul clan chief, flame rune priest)

Health: 3000

Mana: 3000

Attack Power: 18 (60)

Defense: 18 (27)

Damage: (120~180)

Range: 20 (45) meters (ammo capacity 36)

Movement Speed: 600 (900)

Morale: 4 (3)

Lucky: 3

Skill 1: [Soul Chain] (Intermediate) Share the life of friendly targets within 30 meters,

Each target can withstand 2 lethal attacks, and Soul Chain can affect up to 12 targets.

Lasts 9 seconds, consumes 200 mana, and has a 60-second cooldown.

Skill 2: [Flame Rune] (Intermediate) Among the 6 intermediate flame runes, randomly apply an intermediate flame rune to the target.

The rune lasts for 30 seconds, consumes 100 mana, has a 9-second cooldown, and can mark up to 3 different fire runes on a single target.

(Of the 6 fire runes, 3 can only be cast on enemy targets, and 3 can only be cast on friendly targets.)

Skill 3: Melee damage is not reduced.


[Alpine Dwarf Shield Guard] (2nd-level 29th-level soldier, three-star white ordinary level shield warrior)

Health: 800

Attack Power: 2 (44)

Defense: 18 (27)

Damage: (20~50)

Range: 15 (40) meters

Ammo: 8

Movement Speed: 300 (600) (Snow +100, Snow Speed ​​Boots +200, Guerrilla Tactics +50)

Skill 1: [Raise Shield] (Elementary) In the state of raising the shield, gain an additional 6 defense points and 200 HP, but cannot move and can counterattack on the spot.

Skill 2: [Iron Wall] (primary) In the state of holding a shield, the ranged damage received is reduced by 65%, the melee damage is reduced by 45%, no additional damage is taken, and the damage of charge and collision skills is resisted.

Skill 3: [Guardian] (Elementary) In the state of raising a shield, take 30% damage to allies around you.

Skill 4: [Black Powder Handgun - Improved Type III] (Special) When shooting with a special black powder handgun, the attack type is converted into fire magic damage, plus 60 fire magic damage, range is 15 meters, 10% chance Deals double damage.

Skill 5: Melee damage is not reduced.


This scene made Mu Kelong feel as if he had returned to the scene of the old mountain tribe, standing in the fog and commanding an army of hundreds of people to besiege the iceberg snow monster elite boss "King of the Golden Horn".

It's just that the "spider scorpion python toad" in front of him is stronger than the former "golden horn king" in all aspects.

Fortunately, Mukron himself and his army are not what they used to be.

In addition to the fact that the strength of the Mughur patriarch has not changed much, both the [Monghur Wild Hunter] and the [Alpine Dwarf Shield Guard] have been greatly upgraded.

Especially the hundreds of [Alpine Dwarf Shield Guards], each of them now has a black iron handgun attached to their waist.

Even the handguns carried by these [Alpine Dwarf Shield Guards] are the same as the hunting rifles of [Mugul Wild Hunter], which are all the latest black technology, [Black Powder Handguns - Improved Type III].

Although the power and range of [Black Powder Shotgun-Improved Type III] are not as good as [Black Powder Shotgun-Improved Type III], the ammunition is only 8 rounds.

But absolutely few people could have imagined that the dwarf shield guard, known for his defense, could suddenly pull out his handgun and shoot with a musket, which completely satisfied Mukron's bad taste.


After the dwarf army came out, the harpie hero [Menglu Marilyn] also rushed out of the dark portal with five hundred [Bloodwing Eagle Maiden] guards.

Behind them, thousands of dark prison cavemen tribe warriors rushed out under the leadership of Roger and Chemus...

For a time, thousands of armies formed an army formation under the command of their respective leaders, and surrounded the super big boss "Spider Scorpion Python Toad" with three layers and three layers outside.

On the innermost floor, the front-line warriors facing the "Spider Scorpion Python Toad" were naturally the beasts summoned by Mu Kelong and [Mugul Wild Hunter].

Mu Kelong's defense is high and blood is thick, and he can't die all at once, while the summoned beast is not afraid of death, and can continue to summon after death.

On the second floor, there are more than a dozen square formations composed of more than 100 [Alpine Dwarf Shield Guards]. They are in a group of 12, and their souls are linked together. Competent for the work of the Great Wall of Human Flesh.

On the outer layer, there are the most numerous dark prison cavemen and the five hundred [Bloodwing Eagle Girl] guards led by [Menglu Marilyn]. He (she) are all excellent long-range troops, and they are also output. main force.

As for the five [Mugul Wild Hunters], they formed a group of five, wandering between the second layer of the [Alpine Dwarf Shield Guard] phalanx and the long-range main army on the third layer, waiting for an opportunity to launch a precise salvo.

As a Rune Mage, the Mugul Patriarch took on the core task of the entire team—released the [Flame Rune] on the ultimate big boss "Spider Scorpion Python Toad", and did his best to weaken the enemy's strength.

After the team was encircled, Mukron ordered a general attack.

The first to take action was the rune priest patriarch hiding behind a certain shield guard phalanx.

I saw [Jimus Mugul] raised the red scepter in his hand and released a flame rune towards the ultimate big boss "Spider Scorpion Python Toad".

The next moment, a fiery flame condensed and formed at the top of the scepter of the Mugul Patriarch, hitting the face of "Spider Scorpion Python Toad" like an arrow from a string.

In an instant, red light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, and a mysterious fire-red magic rune mark appeared on the top of "Spider Scorpion Python Toad".

——[Curse of Vulcan] (Intermediate)

The target marked by the Vulcan curse rune has its defense reduced by 12 points. When it is hit by fire magic damage, 70% of the damage is converted to pure damage, and the rune lasts for 30 seconds.

(Pure damage ignores target object resistance and magic resistance, and is not attenuated)

At this moment, Mu Kelong's eyes shot brightly, and without hesitation, he summoned a wave of Golden Pegasus Sky Knights.

[Golden Pegasus Sky Knight] (level 4 31 elf special arms, cyan gilt three-star extraordinary level Pegasus knight)

Health: 1140

Attack Power: 13 (55)

Defense: 15 (24)

Damage: (80~120) (Ammo capacity 36)

Movement Speed: 1400 (1900) - The Golden Pegasus Necklace increases the movement speed of Pegasus troops by +200, advanced guerrilla tactics +200, and advanced darkness control +100, totaling 500 points.

Morale: 4 (2) / (3 camps mixed arms - 2)

Lucky: 3

Skill 1: [Meteor Arrow] (Intermediate) Launches an arrow into the air, transforming into a flaming meteor to bombard all targets within 8 meters, adding 25 to 75 points of fire magic damage, with a range of 60 meters.

Skill 2: [Dive] (Intermediate) High-speed dive from the air to attack the target on the ground, causing an additional 10-100 pure damage to a single target, and a 25% chance to stun the target for 1-3 seconds.

(Pure damage ignores target object resistance and magic resistance, and is not attenuated)

Skill 3: [Desperate Magic] (Intermediate) The mana consumption of all enemy targets within 100 meters is increased by 8% (minimum 8 points), which can be stacked up to 15 layers.

Skill 4: Melee damage is not reduced.


In an instant, 24 flying fire stars fell from the sky, bombarding the location of the ultimate big boss "Spider Scorpion Python Toad" into a sea of ​​purgatory fire——

boom! boom! boom……



Lucky crit!


Morale exploded!



Morale exploded!





At the same time, all the ranged troops opened fire in salvos—

The spines of the cavemen of the dark prison, the black powder shotgun of the wild hunter, the black powder gun of the shield guard of the alpine dwarf, the arrow of blood rage of the Bloodwing Hawkgirl...

Thousands of attacks turned into gorgeous and deadly fireworks at this moment, and the ultimate big boss "Spider Scorpion Python Toad" endured a 360-degree attack without dead ends, causing it to roar in pain!

But at this time, Mu Kelong had already activated the contempt of the king, and locked the enemy's hatred on himself!

The irrational ultimate boss "Spider Scorpion Python Toad" spit fire in both eyes, devoted all his strength to attack Mu Kelong frantically, venting the pain and anger in his whole body to his heart's content—





For a time, a series of damage numbers blew up on Mu Kelong's head, which was shocking!

Even though his defense is very high, his resistance is very strong, and he has a defensive talent such as the body of a wild python, coupled with the contempt of the king, he can reduce the damage he takes by 45% when taunting the enemy, but he is still beaten. The nose is blue and the face is swollen, and there is only half life left!

In the blink of an eye, the rune priest patriarch [Jimus Mugul] made another move.

I saw that he raised the red scepter in his hand and released a flame rune again towards the ultimate big boss "Spider Scorpion Python Toad".

The next moment, a fiery flame condensed and formed at the top of the scepter of the Mugul Patriarch, hitting the face of "Spider Scorpion Python Toad" like an arrow from a string.

In an instant, red light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, and a second mysterious fire-red magic rune mark appeared on the top of "Spider Scorpion Python Toad".

——【Sorrow of Fire】(Intermediate)

Targets marked by the Firemourne rune have their attack power reduced by 12, their attack hit rate reduced by 50%, and their damage reduced by 30% (regardless of any type of damage). The rune lasts for 30 seconds.

At the same time, the Mugul Patriarch took another shot, releasing the last flame rune with negative effects towards the ultimate boss "Scorpion Scorpion Python Toad".

Immediately afterwards, there was a flash of red light in front of everyone's eyes, and a third mysterious fire-red magic rune mark appeared on the top of "Spider Scorpion Python Toad".

——[Flame Cage] (Intermediate)

Targets marked by the Flame Cage rune have their movement speed reduced by 50%, attack speed reduced by 50%, casting accuracy reduced by 50%, and fire magic damage equal to 3% of their maximum health per second (the maximum value does not exceed the caster's combat level). 12 times), the rune lasts 30 seconds.


At the most critical moment, the Mugul Patriarch urged the secret technique to make three shots in an instant, and after hanging three flame runes on the ultimate big boss "Spider Scorpion Python Toad", Mu Kelong's pressure dropped sharply, and he breathed a sigh of relief. .

You must know that the fire rune skill of Patriarch Mugul has a 9-second cooldown, and he must pay a great price for three consecutive shots in an instant.

The next moment, the head and hair of the Mugul Patriarch turned to ashes, and the whole person suddenly slumped. He couldn't even hold the flame staff in his hand. He sat on the ground and lost the ability to continue fighting.

And his magic value was also cleared at this moment, and his health value was also reduced to 500 points.

Soon, twelve [Alpine Dwarf Shield Guards] rushed over, protected their patriarch, and slowly retreated back.

Mu Kelong knew that the Mugul Patriarch had done his best, and whether he could defeat the powerful ultimate boss "Spider Scorpion Python Toad" would depend on the performance of himself and the other soldiers.

Soon, the ultimate boss "Spider Scorpion Python Toad" regained his sanity and got out of his mocking state.

Although Mukron's King's Contempt can taunt the enemy for 10 seconds, this is only the result of the best ideal situation——

Obviously, in the face of the ultimate boss like "Spider Scorpion Python Toad", the mocking time must be greatly reduced!

In fact, within three seconds after Mu Kelong activated the contempt of the king, the ultimate big boss "Spider Scorpion Python Toad" regained his senses——

At this moment, a robust brown bear with a length of more than four meters appeared in front of Mu Kelong!

[Iron-backed brown bear] (4th-level 43-level special arms, one-star cyan Extraordinary level summoned creature)

Health: 1900

Attack Power: 16 (58)

Defense: 16 (25)

Damage: (92~138)

Morale: 4 (2)

Lucky: 3

Movement Speed: 700 (1000)


Skill 1: [Taunt] (Medium) Taunts all enemies within 12 meters, forcing them to lose their minds, and launch a frantic attack on you by any means within 10 seconds. During this time, all damage you take is reduced by 20%.

(No consumption, can be used every 30 seconds.)

Skill 2: [Iron Back] (intermediate) Passive effect: Gain 40 points of physical resistance, reduce the damage of the frontal injury by 20%, and reduce the damage of the backside by 40%.


At this moment, the iron-backed brown bear turned its butt back, and under the control of the master's lord Mu Kelong, he instantly activated the taunting skill.

The next moment, the scarlet long tongue of the ultimate boss "Scorpion Scorpion Python Toad" instantly inserted deep into the iron-backed brown bear's ass——


In an instant, the fat-headed and fat-brained brown bear turned into a white light and disappeared on the battlefield!

Even if it has the Ironback skill, the damage it takes when its butt is turned back to the enemy can be reduced by 40%. Even if it has just cast the taunting skill, all the damage it receives is reduced by 20%, but it is still taken by the ultimate boss "Scorpion Scorpion". Python Toad" stabbed his tongue to death!

There is no way, the gap between the strengths of the two sides is too great, even if the opponent has three flame runes hanging on his head and is under the influence of multiple negative states, he is still unable to resist the fatal blow of the opponent!

But there is no doubt that the sacrifice of the iron-backed brown bear is not worthless. It bought Mukron a little time, even if it was only a second!

Because, at this moment, thousands of long-range soldiers are frantically pouring firepower on the ultimate big boss "Spider Scorpion Python Toad", and every second can cause a lot of damage.

Even if most of the soldiers' attacks fall on the ultimate boss, they often can only cause a little forced damage, but the sand builds up into a tower, dripping water through the stone——

No matter how much HP the ultimate boss "Spider Scorpion Python Toad" has, it is still limited!

Every bit of output is precious!


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