Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 172 Wolf Cavalry, Charge!

Fortunately, Bixue Game Company is as cold and strong as always. It did not compromise because of the complaints and threats from hundreds of millions of players, and pushed him out to kill the chickens and show the monkeys. Instead, it justified the name of Mu Kelong with a tough attitude.

For this reason, Mu Kelong's favorability towards Bixue Game Company, who did not know the truth, soared a lot.

However, what Mu Kelong did not expect was that the "cold, arrogant, and incomparably powerful" Bixue game company in his mind was actually a dumb eater of huanglian -- there is suffering!

In all fairness, if Mu Kelong's game data can be called up, Bixue Games will definitely drag him out and erect it as a negative example——

Delete numbers are the lightest?

Blocking is for sure!

Even whipping a corpse is not impossible...

After all, as a commercial game company, it is impossible for Bixue Games to offend tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of players for a certain player.

However, they are more than enough!

Because they couldn't control the operation of the "Tiannao Server" at all, but they pretended to do everything they could to cover up the fact that the "Tiannao Server" was out of control.

However, there is no airtight wall in the world, paper can never cover the fire, it can only cover up for a moment and a half at most.


In the vast Gobi, a slender team marched slowly from north to south in the blood-colored setting sun.

This special team is made up of thousands of dwarves. They bring their families, men and women, young and old, and their eyes are dull, like walking dead...

Obviously, this is a group of prisoners, or a group of war slaves!

Escorting them was a group of ferocious wolf cavalry.

However, the knight riding on the giant black wolf was not an ordinary human race, but an intelligent race called the barbaric goblins.

These barbarian goblins are the inferior citizens of the barbarian empire of the stronghold camp. They are slightly taller than dwarves, and their physique is stronger than that of intelligent races such as goblins and goblins. human race.

In fact, like the human race, goblins are also a pan-continental intelligent race. There are goblins all over the world in the Titan continent, and their number and survivability are no less than that of goblins.

However, this Goblin that lives in the Barbarian Empire in the Southern Wild World is particularly fierce and aggressive, and its physique is much more sturdy than the Goblins in other places, so it is called the Savage Goblin].

In addition, savage goblins] also have a physical sign that is obviously different from other goblins, that is, their ears are very large, like a fan, and at first glance they even look like wild boars, so they are also called "big ears" Strange"!

However, the wild boars are a main branch of the orcs. Their physique is much taller and more majestic than ordinary humans. They are known as one of the top ten fighting races among the half-orcs, and their fighting power is far superior to that of the barbaric goblins.

Although it can't compare to a tall and sturdy boar, the savage goblin should not be underestimated, and a low-level citizen is also a citizen.

Among the primary arms of the Barbarian Empire military, the Barbarian Goblin has long occupied the main position. In addition to the first-order "Barbaric Goblin Warrior" big-eared warrior, there is also the second-order "Wolf Cavalry". "Big-eared wolf cavalry.

As we all know, the vertebral structure of the wolf clan is as strong as that of cattle, horses, pigs and other animals, and cannot carry too heavy knights.

The savage goblins are thinner than humans, but they are bloodthirsty and ferocious. In addition, they also have a specialty, that is, they can communicate and cooperate well with wolves.

For thousands of years, in order to improve their status, the barbaric goblin gradually combined with the giant desert wolf, and finally became the feared "wolf cavalry"!

Don't look at most of the "wolf cavalry" are only second-tier arms, but their combat effectiveness is very strong, far superior to the adult dwarves who are also second-tier, even among all second-tier arms, the "wolf cavalry" Combat power is among the best.

That's why the scene in front of you, hundreds of heavily armed wolf cavalry escorting thousands of dwarf war slaves,

Not surprising.

Obviously, these escorted dwarves must be citizens of the Golden Dragon Empire, the main body of the bulwark camp. After their homes were occupied by the barbarian army, they became slaves.

Half a year ago in the game time, that is, not long after the official launch of "Heroes of Invincible Race for Hegemony", the main body of the stronghold camp that dominates the southwestern continent of the Titan Continent in the Southern Wild World - the Barbarian Empire brazenly launched a blitzkrieg.

Under the command of the "Invincible Cannon" Marshal Gnissen, the army of barbarians of millions, undeclared war, continuously broke through many towns and vast areas in the southeast of the Golden Dragon Empire!

As one of the three marshals of the barbarian empire, "Invincible Cannon" Genison's position in the stronghold camp is no less than that of the female marshal of the Golden Dragon Empire known as the "Iron Wall of the Empire", and his fierceness is even better.

Originally, the marshal stationed in the northeastern region of the Barbarian Empire was someone else, and there had been no major war with the Golden Dragon Empire for more than ten years, so the Golden Dragon Empire was only on routine defense and did not realize the crisis was coming.

At that time, no one could have expected that the Barbarian Empire would change coaches on the spot, and "Invincible Cannon" Gnison secretly came to the Northeast Theater from the south, and launched a "blitzkrieg" attack without warning.

As a result, the defenders in the southern theater of the Golden Dragon Empire were caught off guard, and even the Marshal of Montpela, known as the "Iron Wall of the Empire", suffered a few defeats, lost his troops, and retreated steadily, losing three points of the Balzers Peninsula. one of the land.

The defenders of the Golden Dragon Empire have been pushed by the barbarian army to the city of Ammanscus, which is known as the "Pearl of Balses". Relying on the reinforcements of the Nine-headed Dragon Empire from the fortress camp, they suddenly appeared on the battlefield, and just barely stabilized the line of defense. Got a chance to breathe.

At that time, the Elf Emperor, who was sitting in the capital of the Golden Dragon Empire, was furious when he heard the news of the defeat in the Southeast, so he dispatched the fastest Golden Pegasus Sky Knight Guard Captain Nina to escort a strategic treasure to the southeast front and hand it over to Memphella general.

Unexpectedly, this royal confidant of the Golden Pegasus Guards lost their way in the fog of war and came to the northern snowy world in the opposite direction. As a result, they met the army of the barbarian hero Chloe Yin on a narrow road. Mistakenly hit by Mukron...

Later, in the name of an officer of the Titan Empire, Mu Kelong's fox and tiger power forced back the army of the barbarian hero Chloe, and rescued Nina, the captain of the Golden Pegasus Guard. Nina's family treasure gold Pegasus necklace]...

After that, the two sides successively fought several major battles around Ammanscus, with each other winning and losing.

The Golden Dragon Empire defended the city of Ammanscus, and the Barbarian Empire also had logistical difficulties due to continuous attacks and long marches.

All in all, the first phase of the campaign ended with a great victory for the Barbarian Empire.

Under such circumstances, the soldiers in the southern theater of the Golden Dragon Empire suffered heavy losses. Even if there were reinforcements from the Nine-headed Dragon Empire, they were unable to counterattack, at least in a short period of time...

So far, the vast areas in the southern part of the Balzers Peninsula have been firmly occupied by the barbarians, and all kinds of weapons, equipment and military supplies have been captured by the barbarian army.

After the army of barbarians occupied the southern part of the Balses Peninsula, they immediately carried out a bloody cleansing operation. Countless indigenous races either chose to surrender and become puppet troops, or were punished as war slaves and reduced to cattle and horses.

Among them, the dwarves, as loyal citizens of the Golden Dragon Empire, were unwilling to surrender to the barbarian empire, and even launched several riots.

As a result, they were brutally suppressed by the barbarian army, tens of thousands of dwarves lost their homes, and more dwarves were punished as war slaves by the barbarian army and escorted to serve in the base camp of the Southern Wilderness World.

The thousands of dwarves currently appearing on the Gobi are just a small part of the dwarf slaves who were forced to leave their homes and serve in the southern barren world under the escort of the barbarian army.

Now, the barbarian army has launched a new round of offensive, millions of troops are fighting around Ammanscus, and all the barbarian soldiers who stay behind on the mission believe they are safe.

This savage Goblin wolf cavalry that escorted dwarf slaves was no exception. They never thought that they would be attacked by the enemy thousands of kilometers away from the front line.

Suddenly, thousands of soldiers of unknown origin and strange appearance appeared in the field of vision of the commander of the wolf cavalry.

His eyes were very sharp, and at a glance, he saw that the person in the lead was a dwarf wearing a golden crown, wearing golden armor, and golden light all over his body!

The next moment, he immediately blew the military horn in his mouth.




Immediately afterwards, he put down the horn in his mouth, opened his mouth and let out a shrill roar——

"Enemy attack!"

"The whole army gathers-"

Soon, a thousand wolf cavalry quickly converged from all directions. They were well-trained, fully armed, eyes full of murderous intent, and there was a trace of bloodthirsty hideousness on their green faces that had nothing to do with handsome.

"What kind of combat power can a dwarf-led army have?"

Before this, this thousand-man cavalry team had suppressed many dwarf riots, and they despised the dwarves' combat effectiveness.

Therefore, seeing that the leader of the enemy was just a dwarf, the wolf cavalry suddenly felt a bit of contempt in their hearts.

The commander of the wolf cavalry was no exception. After the team was assembled, he immediately took out the machete from his waist, raised it high, waved it forward, and shouted loudly.

"All troops charge!"

"Crush our enemies!"


The next moment, a thousand cavalrymen screamed, each waving their weapons and rushing towards the enemy in front.





The dwarf on the opposite side saw the formation of these wolf cavalry soldiers. After they were neatly arranged, they rushed towards their army formation in such a carefree manner. They were stunned for a moment, and then a playful smile appeared on their face.

"Haha, this doesn't take my Mukron in the eye!"

"Once, a tauren army rushed over like this, and they all went to see the god of darkness neatly. I didn't expect that there were such a group of fools in the barbarian army!"

"I just don't know how to live or die!"

The next moment, Mu Kelong led dozens of alpine dwarf shield guards to stride forward 30 meters, and the five hundred blood-winged eagle girls and three thousand dark prison cavemen in the rear quickly dispersed to form an arc-shaped half-moon army covered by firepower. array.

The desert and the Gobi are the dominant terrains of the barbarian empire, so the charge speed of the thousand evil wolf cavalry is very fast, and they rushed in front of Mu Kelong in a moment.

At this time, Mu Kelong also saw the combat attributes of these wolf cavalry.

Evil wolf cavalry] 2nd-level 29th-level wolf cavalry, three-star white ordinary level wind knight

Health: 450900 Hero Special + 450

Attack Power: 1139

Defense: 721

Damage: 4979

Movement Speed: 8001100 Barbarian Race +100, Hero Specialty +100, Sand War +100

Skill 1: Combo] Primary 45% chance to deal damage to a single target twice, and the damage result of combo is reduced by 25%.

Skill 2: Sneak Attack] 5% chance to ignore enemy defense during primary attack.

Skill 3: Sand War] Special, primary When fighting in desert and Gobi terrain, attack power +2, defense power +2, movement speed +100.


In all fairness, these wolf cavalry in front of them are really the best among the second-tier arms.

Especially under the leadership of the centurion hero with the specialties of the arms, the ordinary second-order dwarves are far from their opponents.

But unfortunately, they met Mukron.

Moreover, Mu Kelong's vision, who had just cleared the level in the Valley of Ghosts, is not what it used to be. In his eyes, these wolf cavalry and the weakest third-order ghost spiders in the Valley of Ghosts are one worse. Grade, there is no threat at all.

If he didn't want to train his army and increase the degree of running-in, Mu Kelong alone could kill these thousand evil wolf cavalry even if he didn't transform himself.

The next moment, ten thousand arrows were fired, and one-third of the thousand evil wolf cavalry were killed before they could reach Mu Kelong.

At this moment, the wolf cavalry's long eyeballs almost fell out——

However, he didn't turn back the arrow when he opened the bow. The wolf cavalry under his command had already launched a charge, and it was too late to avoid the rain of arrows under the high-speed gallop.

In an instant, the five Mugul wild hunters who had been following behind Mukron, hiding in the Alpine Dwarf Shield Guard formation, suddenly aimed at the wolf cavalry commander in the enemy camp, and pulled the trigger to fire a salvo at the same time. .

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Weakness Attack!


In the next instant, the commander of the wolf cavalry, who had been hit by five black powder lead bullets at the same time, collapsed, his head shattered into slag!

It has to be said that after experiencing many bloody battles, the five Mugul Wild Hunters under Mu Kelong's command have become more and more tacit with each other.

Under normal circumstances, the success rate of five people aiming at the same time, firing at the same time, and focusing on killing the enemy is more than 80%. Among the five salvos, there is at most one damage calculation result. In most cases, they are combined into one. harm.

The base damage of Mughur Wild Hunter is 75225, Precision Shot] Intermediate level allows them to increase their hit rate by 50% during long-range attacks, add an additional 40 points of pure damage, and have a 10% chance to hit the target's weakness, causing excess damage.

In addition, they attacked up to 69 points under the direct control of Mu Kelong, and in one-on-one situation, they hit the opposite wolf cavalry thousand commander, and even if they did not attack the weak point, they could cause about three times the damage, that is, About 600 points of damage.

Five people concentrated fire salvo, in the case of instantly hitting the head of the wolf cavalry, causing more than 5,000 points of damage is not really outrageous.

After the wolf cavalry commander died suddenly, the attributes of the soldiers under his command instantly fell back to their original state. They only lasted a few seconds in the hail of arrows and arrows from the Mukron Corps before they were all wiped out, and not a single one escaped.

On the other side, one of the thousands of dwarves who were punished as slaves by barbarians not far away was stunned!


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