Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 174 Moon Black Wind High Killing Night

After several exchanges, Mukron also roughly knew the character of the dwarf scout Sherlock.

This is a dwarf with a relatively straightforward personality and a relatively pure mind. It is no wonder that Sherlock can achieve such high achievements in the field of reconnaissance. A dwarf can master advanced [reconnaissance] skills at the ordinary level. It seems that Character talent is special.


As night fell, the temperature on the vast Gobi plummeted, and even the gray fog of war seemed to be covered with a thin layer of frost.

However, in this uninhabited wilderness, there were two dwarves running fast in the fog.

Gobi and desert terrain have a 25% slowdown penalty for most races' mobility, but that's acceptable compared to the 50% slowdown penalty in snow.

Mu Kelong is now equipped with top-quality equipment, and his movement speed is close to 2,000. Even if his mobility is reduced by 25%, he still has about 1,500 points.

In contrast, the movement speed of another dwarf scout, Sherlock, on the sand is less than 700 points, which is still the speed under the dual blessing of Mukron's dark domination and advanced guerrilla tactics.

Fortunately, the stamina consumption of advanced guerrilla tactics is reduced by 90%, which takes effect under any terrain conditions.

Therefore, Scout Sherlock "overclocked" a small amount of about 25%, and the consumption rate of stamina was acceptable.

Taking into account that marching behind the enemy, there is a danger of encountering the barbarian army at any time, Mukron settled the other soldiers in the "back garden", allowing them to rest and ready to be summoned to fight at any time.

The purpose of the two of them is to find other war slaves who were escorted by the barbarian army to the southern barren world, including but not limited to the dwarves.

For Mukron, this is a good opportunity to quickly expand the population of his territory.

Even, as the lord of Bluefrost Castle, he still has the task of recruiting the population of the territory.

From this perspective, the war between the Barbarian Empire and the Golden Dragon Empire was a disaster for the indigenous people on the Balses Peninsula in the southeastern region of the Golden Dragon Empire, but it was a good opportunity for Mukron to take chestnuts from the fire.

This is also the reason why he has mastered the secret realm of the "back garden" in order to earn this wave of population benefits.

Otherwise, replace anyone else,

There is also no way to plunder the slaves and population of the barbarian empire in the barbarian-controlled rear areas.

Mu Kelong promised the old patriarch of the Marker clan face to face that the core driving force of his words of rescuing the dwarves and his righteousness was the desire of a lord for the population.

Sherlock's advanced reconnaissance ability is very strong, even in the vast Gobi, he can find the traces left by the barbarian army when marching.

Sherlock said to Mukron: "I once heard the barbarian wolf cavalry who escorted us say that the barbarian empire has established countless desert strongholds in the southern barren world."

"In these strongholds, the barbarian empire has stored a large amount of food, drinking water and armaments to supply the military supply of the front army."

"In addition, these strongholds built in the desert can also function as message transmission and war sentry towers, because there are different numbers of troops stationed in these strongholds."

Mu Kelong nodded, these strongholds in the desert are actually similar to the post stations in the Tang Dynasty, but combined with the role of beacon towers.

As the main body of the stronghold camp, the barbarian empire is full of strongholds where troops can be garrisoned, which is probably the source of the name of this faction.

At this time, Sherlock continued: "According to the plan of the barbarian wolf cavalry, we will continue to travel south for two days before reaching one of the strongholds to rest for a night."

"Before this, on the third day after we entered the southern desert from the green areas of the Balzers peninsula, we also rested for a night in a large stronghold called Ruth to replenish food and fresh water."

"However, the barbarians have stationed tens of thousands of troops in the Russ stronghold, and they are led by a high-ranking commander of the ten thousand commander level. I have seen with my own eyes that he has 3,000 fifth-order sand lizards under his command."

"Those sand lizard cavalry are very terrifying, and they come and go like the wind in the Gobi. No matter their equipment and combat power, they are far superior to those wolf cavalry that escorted us."

Mu Kelong nodded. President Wu once provided him with a map with a stronghold named Ruth on it.

Before the barbarian army launched the blitzkrieg, Ruth's stronghold was one of the frontier fortresses between the barbarian empire and the golden dragon empire.

That place can be called a bridgehead for the Barbarian Empire to invade the Balzers Peninsula, and it is normal for a heavy army to be stationed in it.

This is also the reason why Mu Kelong knew that there must be a large number of war slaves in the Ruth stronghold, but he did the opposite, preferring to go south and plunge into the depths of the desert, rather than going to the tiger's mouth to pull his teeth.

Because even if Mukron launched a surprise attack and successfully captured the Ruth stronghold, the result would be a situation in which more barbarian troops would be encircled and suppressed in the south.

What's more, Mu Kelong was not sure to deal with the captain of the barbarian empire.

You must know that the barbarian empire is a war mad country, and those who can hold the post of captain of the ten thousand in the front line of the barbarian empire must at least be the eighth-order powerhouse, and even the weaker ninth-order powerhouse is not impossible.

Mu Kelong has just stepped on the fourth-order threshold, and no matter how strong he is, it is impossible to cross the fourth-order to challenge the eighth-order powerhouse.

But now that the barbarian army has all been pressed on the northern battlefield and stormed the Golden Dragon Empire defense line in the middle of the Balzers Peninsula, the farther south it is from the Balzers Peninsula, the weaker the defense force will definitely be.

Mu Kelong's purpose is to fight guerrillas in the northern region of the Southern Wilderness World and fight guerrillas with the barbarian empire's garrison in the rear.

If it goes well, he will not only be able to plunder a large number of war slaves to fill the population of his territory, but may also attract the barbarian army from the north to divide his troops to the south to suppress the bandits and relieve the pressure of the Golden Dragon Empire's defense.

In this way, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone.

Anyway, let him take his soldiers to the north to toughen up the main force of the barbarians, and he won't do anything to kill him.

When the egg hits the stone, when will there be a good result?


In the middle of the night, Sherlock found a small stronghold along the path of the barbarian army.

Mukron fell off the world map and circled a mark in this place.

This small stronghold in the northern desert of the Southern Wilderness World is about 200 kilometers away from the Ruth stronghold. Judging from the average movement speed of the short-legged dwarves, men, women and children on the sand, it really takes three days and three nights to reach it. .

But for Mukron and the barbarian army, the distance of 200 kilometers can be reached in one day.

Immediately afterwards, he stopped and summoned the dark portal.

Soon, cousins ​​Chemus and Roger, led thousands of warriors from the cavemen tribe of the Dark Prison, rushed out.

Then came Meng Lu and her five hundred blood-winged eagle female guards.

Mu Kelong quietly dispersed the army and formed a formation one thousand meters away from the barbarian stronghold in front, completely blocking the enemy's escape route.

You must know that his current behavior is plucking the hair on the tiger's butt, and the slightest carelessness will lead to the encirclement and suppression of the barbarian army.

Therefore, not a single live can be left, and the garrison in the stronghold must go to see their Southern Wilderness God of War in an orderly manner.

After becoming a subordinate before the war, Mu Kelong took Meng Lu and her five hundred blood-winged eagle girls to approach the stronghold in the desert from the front.

Roger and Chemus, cousins, each led three hundred warriors of the cavemen tribe of the Dark Prison to flank and attack from the left and right flanks.

The rest of the cavemen soldiers in the dark prison stood on the periphery, blocking the barbarian soldiers who might escape from the interception point.

This night, the moon was dark and the wind was high, and the enemy in the stronghold had already fallen asleep. No one could believe that in this place, at this time, there would be a surprise attack by an elusive enemy.

Even the sentinels responsible for vigilance on the city walls of the stronghold did not have any vigilance.

It was not until Mu Kelong and his five hundred blood-winged eagle female guards rushed to a place less than 100 meters away from the city wall of the stronghold, the barbarian sentinel commanding the city wall discovered the abnormality.

In fact, I can't blame them. Tonight's moonlight was mostly obscured by dark clouds, and the night was filled with frosty fog of war. It was normal for the sentries to have their vision blocked.

But Mukron's side is different. The cavemen in the dark prison are blind and have special detection methods, ignoring the influence of light and the fog of war.

Second, both the Mukron and the Harpies have dark vision, and their eyes can gain vision equivalent to daytime as long as there is a shimmer of light in the environment.

When the terrifying alarm sounded at the stronghold, it was too late.

There are actually two barbarian troops stationed in this small desert stronghold. One is the soldiers stationed in the stronghold, and three hundred barbarian goblin warriors, which is the legendary first-order cannon fodder "Big Ear Monster".

The three hundred garrison were led by three centurions of the "big-eared monster" clan, one officer and two deputy.

The other garrison was the wolf cavalry, which was responsible for escorting the slaves of the war.

The race of this deputy commander is different from his big-eared monster wolf knights. He is a pure human race, a "barbarian" in the true sense.

As a Terran hero, Loharg is essentially the same Terran living in other parts of the Titan continent.

But because he was born in the barbarian empire known as the Southern Wilderness World, he is also known as the Southern Barrens, the barbarians.

The reason why the human race of the Southern Wilderness World is called that is mainly because the Southern Wilderness World is isolated in the southwest corner of the Titan Continent.

This continent is surrounded by sea on three sides, east, west and south, and the only connection channel between the north and the Titan continent, the Balses Peninsula, is controlled by the Golden Dragon Empire, which considers itself noble and despises the Southern Wilderness race, resulting in the barbarian empire being unable to communicate with the outside world normally.

In addition, the northern and central parts of the Southern Wild World are endless deserts, with only a few oases.

The cruel living environment has made the indigenous races of the Southern Wilderness World form a domineering character that is brave and ruthless, respects strength, and is unreasonable.

As the indigenous people of the Southern Wilderness World, in order to survive, they had to fight against the heavens, people, and other Southern Wilderness races. The so-called ethics and morality did not exist in the minds of the human races in this area.

Today, the barbarian army, under the command of Marshal Gnison, the "Invincible Cannon", is attacking the Golden Dragon Empire northward, and has successfully captured a large area in the southern part of the Balzers Peninsula.

As long as the Balzers peninsula can be captured, the barbarians will be able to recover from the predicament and extend their influence into the heart of the Titan continent.

At that time, both the arrogant elves and the weak and stupid human races in the northern countries will tremble under the iron fist of the barbarian empire!

At that time, Loharg, who is now only the deputy commander of thousands, may be able to become a general, with a hereditary title, endless wealth, and a large number of slaves...

It is best to have a few beautiful and arrogant female elves to serve you day and night——

Well, I heard that women in the north are fair-skinned and beautiful, tender and delicate, that's not bad, you can grab a few more to warm the bed, hehe...

At this moment, the corners of Lohag's mouth involuntarily raised his lips in his sleep, and Harazi was flowing half of the bed without knowing it.

However, a piercing siren interrupted Loharg's sweet dream--




"Enemy attack—"

The battle-tested Loharg woke up in an instant and jumped up from the bed.

When he opened his eyes, he immediately put on his armor, then drew his sword from the bedside, and strode out of the barracks.

Seeing the chaos in the stronghold, Loharg frowned and shouted loudly.

"Everyone has it, everyone is in their place, don't run around, and those who violate the order will be killed!"

"Wolf cavalry, the whole army gathers!"


On the other side, Mu Kelong and five hundred blood-winged eagle female guards had already flown to the city wall of the stronghold, and began to slaughter the panic defenders on the city.

[Savage Goblin Warrior] (Tier 1 and 19 Berserker, three-star white common-level troops)

Health: 175

Attack Power: 7 (24+7)

Defense: 3 (6+2)

Damage: (29~59)

Movement Speed: 700 (900) barbarian race +100, sand warfare +100

Morale: 1

lucky: 0

Skill 1: [Barbaric Power] (Elementary) Attack power increases by 5 when actively attacking, but it can only last three attacks.

Skill 2: [Sand War] (special, primary) When fighting in desert and Gobi terrain, attack power +2, defense power +2, movement speed +100.


Such a weak cannon fodder unit, even with the bonus of the hero's strategic attributes of a hundred percent, is still vulnerable in front of Mu Kelong and the blood-winged eagle girl under his command.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of savage goblin warriors on the city walls were wiped out.

At this time, the other barbarian soldiers in the stronghold began to assemble.

Mukron noticed that a human hero wearing the armor of the barbarian commander was commanding the army to gather in the stronghold.

It seems that this person should be the highest military commander in the stronghold.

His eyes lit up, and he immediately flew down the city wall without saying a word, and charged directly towards the barbarian officer.

Along the way, there were quite a few savage goblin warriors and wolf cavalrymen who wanted to stop Mukron, but they were all resolved by the arrows of blood rage fired by the blood-winged eagle guards beside him.

At this time, the barbarian officer had gathered a lot of wolf cavalry soldiers. They saw the enemy's elder's wings rushing from the sky, and they actually took out a crossbow machine.

The next moment, dozens or hundreds of steel arrows shot towards Mu Kelong in the sky.

In a flash of lightning, the leaders of the two sides had surprisingly the same thoughts, that is, the leader of the enemy must be killed first.

However, the next scene made the barbarian officer Roharg's face change greatly.

Because those arrows landed on the dwarf wearing a pair of bone-winged wings, only a clinking sound was heard, but it only caused a meager single-digit damage.


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