If Sir Croyin had heard the news ten days ago, he would have been overjoyed, and he would have sent troops to "suppress the bandits" without hesitation.

But unfortunately, the three thousand sand lizard cavalry (fifth-order) ambushing on the periphery have been transferred to the south of Monsa City to perform another important mission because they have not found their target for a long time.

Without the support of the 3,000 Sand Lizard cavalry and the 1,000 Dark Wolf cavalry of Loharg being wiped out, it would be very risky to attack with the 3,000 Dark Wolf cavalry under Ser Chloe alone. .

Of course, it's not that Ser Chloe was afraid of those "gangsters" and did not dare to send troops.

However, there are a lot of materials and hundreds of thousands of war slaves on the site of the stronghold. As the highest commander, he is also the full authority and needs to weigh the pros and cons.

Now that Loharg and his thousand Dark Wolf cavalry have been wiped out, Ser Croyin should guard the stronghold and wait for reinforcements from Monsa.

But after struggling for half an hour, Sir Croyin still decided to send troops to "suppress the bandits"!

First of all, he left the city of Monsa to take up his current position in the desert, and his strategic goal was to "trap" the bandits who attacked the stronghold.

Besides, that dwarf is still his enemy, and neither should he be a tortoise, because it doesn't fit his character.

Secondly, Luo Hag is too incompetent, he is simply a salted fish, a waste snack!

And Sir Croyn believed that he was much better than Rohag in every way.

The dwarf can defeat Loharg, but not necessarily his own opponent!

In the end, Sir Croyin left a thousand dark wolf cavalry to guard the stronghold, monitor and suppress the war slaves, and personally led two thousand dark wolf cavalry to "suppress the bandits"!

I saw countless black whirlwinds suddenly appear on the Gobi, and Sir Croyin and his two thousand wolf cavalry disappeared in place in an instant.

This big black wind technique is the biggest reliance of Sir Croyin to "suppress bandits".

Combined with the Dark Web of the Dark Wolf Riders, it can bind any target within sight.

Combining the two, few enemies could escape Ser Chloe's pursuit.

Of course, if you can't beat it after catching up, that's another matter.

After more than half an hour, two thousand dark wolf cavalry, led by Ser Croyin, flew forward, and arrived at the spot where the commander-in-chief Lockharg was attacked by the "bandits" at an incredible speed.

At this time, a dwarf and his soldiers were still cleaning the battlefield, and there were indeed hundreds of blood-winged falcons hovering in the sky.

Sure enough, these "gangsters"!

Before the "gangsters" could react, hundreds of dark webs flew over the sky.

A mysterious magical force came into play, pinning everyone to the ground, unable to move.

Within the field of vision of the dark wolf cavalry, no one can escape the shackles of the dark web!

That dwarf was Mu Kelong, and he could have evacuated a long time ago. The so-called sweeping the battlefield was actually his deliberately pretending to trap the enemy reinforcements.

But he never imagined that Ser Chloe's reinforcements would be so fast!

It's like a heavenly soldier!

At this moment, Mu Kelong even felt a sense of sympathy for this old opponent.

Good guy, this big black wind technique is really too strong, if it can be recruited, wouldn't it be hehehe?

Although he knew that the probability was low, Mukron still wanted to try it.

Don't look at the fact that the soldiers on Mukron's side are trapped on the ground by the dark web, and they seem to be at a disadvantage.

In fact, this place is the place where Mukron and Rohag have negotiated beforehand to collect the net, and ambush has been set up in all directions around it.

Moreover, it was night, and under the influence of the fog of war, the field of vision of the Dark Wolf Cavalry was far less than during the day.

By the time they saw the enemy appear in their field of vision, they themselves had already been arrested.

Ser Chloe and his army are now like insects in a spider hunter's web, with no escape from their wings!

At this moment, the position of the two thousand dark wolf cavalry suddenly collapsed downwards——

In the gray-black fog of war, the yellow sand suddenly rose in the sky, and Ser Chloe and his wolf cavalry fell into a huge sand pit without any defense.

At this moment, Ser Chloe's heart also sank to the bottom of the sea——

He understands that he has been fooled!

The attack on Commander Rohag must have been a trap against him!

I just don't know, is this guy Loharg unlucky to be his scapegoat, or is he himself part of this conspiracy?

Soon, an absolute darkness that was neither smoke nor fog nor light completely enveloped the huge bunker where Ser Chloe and his soldiers were located.

Not to mention that they are just the wolf cavalry in the name of darkness, not the real race of dark creatures.

Even a true dark creature race like the harpies is born with dark vision, and in the dark enchantment released by Mu Kelong through the cloak of the dark king, he must become blind.

Only a truly blind man like a caveman, who was born with a bat-like detection ability, could remain unaffected in the absolute darkness, as usual.

Under the attack of thousands of cavemen tribe warriors and inexplicable undead creatures born in the dark enchantment, the two thousand dark wolf cavalry who were deep in the sand pit only supported for a moment, and then ended in complete annihilation.

Even Ser Croyin himself was in ambush in the sky and the ground. He was seriously injured and fell into a coma and was captured.

Just in case, Mu Kelong directly grabbed Sir Croyin with his own hands and took him to the secret realm of "Back Garden" for temporary detention.

Next, the unscathed leader of the leading party, Commander Rohag, led a surprise attack on the construction site of the sixth stronghold.

The Mukron Corps easily annihilated a thousand dark wolf cavalry left behind in the barracks, rescued hundreds of thousands of war slaves, and removed a large amount of military supplies.

So far, the closing operation has come to a successful conclusion.

Mukron summoned the door of darkness, hid all the soldiers, including Commander Rohag, in the secret realm of the "back garden", and returned to Ammanscus by himself.

This time, in order to hurry, Mu Kelong did not send troops to destroy the five or six new strongholds in the desert. After the net was successfully closed, he immediately left.

What he didn't know was that he came and went in such a hurry, causing him to miss a vital piece of information!

At the same time that Mukron left the desert stronghold, the Blood Boy Corps of the Barbarian Empire had also left the city of Monsa.

Under the escort of three thousand sand lizard cavalry, a thousand blood boy Cyclops with a towering body shape have entered the Hakaragan desert and headed for the Balsais peninsula further north.


The Balzers region is called a peninsula because the region is almost surrounded by sea.

The Balzers Peninsula as a whole is in the shape of a gourd, or a figure 8.

The reason why Ammanscus is called the Pearl of Balzers is because the city is stuck at the bottleneck in the middle of the gourd, which is where the two circles of the number 8 meet.

Anyone with a little military common sense understands the importance of this position.

Now, the area south of Ammanscus has basically fallen into the hands of the barbarian empire.

However, when Mukron was halfway northward along the eastern coast of the Balzers Peninsula, President Wu told him some bad news.

Just last night, Marshal Memphila had placed three lines of defense outside the city of Ammanscus, and the second line of defense was also broken by the barbarian army.

Today, the former army of the barbarians is approaching less than thirty kilometers south of Ammanscus.

Once the third line of defense is breached, there will be no more dangerous terrain to defend outside the city of Ammanscus.

However, after more than ten days of war, although the barbarian army broke through the defense line of the Golden Dragon Empire's defenders, it also suffered heavy losses and had to rest.

One of the important reasons for this is that after millions of players' mercenaries died in battle, they were all punished by death after the game system was updated.

After the actual test of life and death, the hero characters of players below level 10 will be in a ghost state for three days after death. Although they can travel in the development area within a certain range, they cannot have any impact on reality.

Level 10 to 19 player hero characters, the death penalty time is six game days, which is directly doubled.

Player heroes from level 20 to 29 have a death penalty of nine game days.

Player heroes from level 30 to 39 have a death penalty of twelve game days.

At this stage, the vast majority of players' combat levels are in the range of 28 to 33.

This means that the average resurrection time of player mercenaries on the battlefield reaches more than 10 game days after only one death.

For the ever-changing battlefield situation, the average death penalty of more than ten game days means it is self-evident.

The second round of the offensive and defensive battle of Ammanscus was very tragic. The attacking Barbarian Empire suffered serious losses, but the defending Golden Dragon Empire failed to defend and suffered even more heavy losses.

The total number of troops lost in battle on both sides exceeded 10 million, of which the casualties of player mercenaries accounted for the vast majority, and the total casualties of the real imperial regular army were only more than half a million.

Among the more than 10 million mercenaries who died in battle, nearly 10,000 players were unlucky enough to be punished by permanent death, which is equivalent to being forced to delete their accounts!

Nearly 1/1000 of the permanent death ratio is like a basin of icy cold water, which has drowned out the blood in the hearts of many players.

For a time, the players were all in danger, for fear that the next person who died permanently would be their turn.

Although most people were not forced to delete their accounts, but after suffering death punishment, the ghost state that was boring and boring for a long time also made players realize the value of life.

In the game's built-in forum, there are some abusers, some apprehensive people, and many people who gloat at misfortune.

But everyone has to admit one sentence-

"Death doesn't taste good, ghost state is boring, life is the capital of the game!"

In just ten days, the number of player mercenaries active on the battlefield has dropped sharply, and the proportion of living players has begun to rise significantly.

During the text message exchange, President Wu told Mu Kelong one thing very depressed.

The unfortunate Tong Dahai was completely thrown into the street this time. He was killed in the second offensive and defensive battle of Ammanscus.

His level 35 golden knight hero [Bernie Halliday] suffered a 1 in 1,000 probability of permanent death, so he could only create a new hero role and start from scratch.

Right now, Tong Dahai is practicing trumpet, he is only level 8, and he is not even sure that he will be promoted to a strategic professional hero in the short term...

After all, from the perspective of statistical probability at this stage, only one of the thirty players has the potential to become a strategic professional hero.

If Tong Dahai can't be promoted to a strategic professional hero, then he can't lead troops, and his position in the Heluo Heroes Club will become very embarrassing.

At the very least, the position of the elite army commander is probably going to hang.

Although players can now create a new hero character one game later, delete the account, but leveling also takes time.

Not to mention the random combination probability of talent skills and bloodline skills, just the one-thirtieth probability of switching to a strategic professional hero is enough for him to play.

In this regard, Mu Kelong did not know how to comfort President Wu and Tong Dahai, so he could only observe three seconds of silence for President Tong.

Meanwhile, Mukron's plans to return to Ammanscus have been thwarted.

The reason is that, in order to consolidate the frontline position, the army of the Barbarian Empire built countless bunkers and sentry towers within a hundred miles south of Ammanscus, blocking all uninvited visitors from the north and south.

Don't say that Mukron is a big living person, even bigger flies and mosquitoes, don't even think about passing through this area.

Hidden march to smuggle over?

No, Mukron knew that his invisibility could not hide the true eye gem on the top of the barbarian military sentry tower.

According to the information posted by the players on the forum, as long as the stealth target is within 300 meters of any sentry tower, it will be locked by the Eye of Reality.

The distance between any two towers of the barbarian is only about 200 meters.

No chance to take advantage of it!

Mukron can sneak through the vast area of ​​the southern Balzers peninsula by relying on the special effect of the hidden march.

But on the front line of the war outside the city of Ammanscus, in this narrow bottleneck, facing the densely packed bunkers and sentry towers, he had nothing to do and did not dare to take risks.

The regular army of the Golden Dragon Empire was unable to break through the barbarian army's bunkers and tower defense areas, how could Mu Kelong be able to pass?

In desperation, Mu Kelong retreated for dozens of kilometers along the coastline, sighing at the ocean.

The ocean of the game world and the ocean of the real world are not the same thing at all.

The ocean in the world of Heroes is full of countless dangers. Even if there is a boat, it is not for ordinary people to cross the sea safely.

Mu Kelong thought that he was not an ordinary person. The problem was that the sea in the eastern part of the Balzers Peninsula was called Hell Sea!

On the opposite side of the Hell Sea is the base camp of the Hell Demon. The place opposite the sea belongs to a continent just south of the Titan Continent. It is called the Hell World and the Devil Subcontinent.

Since ancient times, the Hell Sea has been a forbidden place for living beings, and it contains great danger.

As for Mu Kelong's wings and flying over, that's even more thought, and there is a high probability that he will die in the sea of ​​hell, with no bones left, and ashes and annihilation...

If the sea of ​​hell was better, the military of the Golden Dragon Empire would have already figured out a way to cross the sea!

Going west, there is an old road that leads north to the Ammanscus area.

The problem is, that place is called [Ghost Valley]!

The strangeness of the Ghost Valley, Mu Kelong has already experienced it once.

Last time, he was lucky enough to walk through the ghost valley from north to south, but he didn't want to experience it again unless it was a last resort.


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