Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 194 Lord Kubalon

After waiting patiently for half an hour in an exotic emerald hall, Mukelon finally saw the legendary "Imperial Iron Wall" Marshal Memphella.

She is a high elf with a sturdy face, not particularly beautiful, but her skin is as white as jade, and she is a high elf with no age. She wears a high-necked coat of unknown emerald green material, and has a slender golden sheath with a jade handle around her waist. sword.

The most impressive thing is the pair of eyes of Meng Feila, which are a pair of dark purple child holes, extremely deep and incomprehensible.

As the supreme military commander of the southern theater of the Sacred Emerald Golden Dragon Empire, it was rare for Meng Feila to take time out of her busy schedule to meet Mu Kelong and others in person.

After a few simple greetings, Meng Feila fulfilled her promise, conferred the title of baron on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, and ordered four attendants to unfold a map on the ground, pointing to a certain figure above. location said.

"Her Excellency Baron Hegel, considering that you are a soldier of the Holy Glacier Titan Empire, Her Majesty the Queen has decided to assign [Kubalon] in the east of [Grommas] to your territory..."

Mu Kelong's eyes followed the direction of Marshal Mengfera's finger, and he was overjoyed.

It turned out that this place named [Gromas] was located somewhere in the eastern part of the Golden Dragon Empire and the Titan Empire.

The east of this area is the [Storm Sea], the west is the [Mohai], the south is adjacent to the famous city [Taliscus], and the north is the [Mosso Mountains].

Among them, [Storm Sea] and [Mohai] are two large saltwater lakes called "sea" in the central and western parts of the Titan continent.

[Storm Sea] is named after the frequent occurrence of storms all year round. The east of [Storm Sea] is the western part of the Ruhr Prairie.

[Ink Sea] Named for the water that is as black as ink and bottomless, it connects the central and eastern regions of the Golden Dragon Empire and the southern region of the Titan Empire. It is a core sea area with busy commercial transportation.

[Da Rishcus] is a famous city and important town on the southwest coast of [Storm Sea], and it is also the largest city in the east of the Golden Dragon Empire.

The [Mosuo Mountains] is an east-west direction, traversing the natural dangerous mountain range between [Black Sea] and [Storm Sea], and it is also the boundary mountain between the Golden Dragon Empire and the Titan Empire.

Since ancient times, there have been only two passages connecting the north and south of the Musso Mountains.

Among them, the west one is the [Mohai] sea road, and the east one coastal mountain road is located in a city called [Kubalun] in the [Gromas] area!

That is to say, Mukron's territory [Kubalun] not only backed by the mother country Titan Empire, but also controlled the coastal mountain road in the east of the natural danger [Mosso Mountains]!

A small baron, who controls the traffic arteries on the border of the two big countries, what kind of fairy operation is this?

——This can no longer be called a surprise, it is simply a shock!

After trying to understand the powerful relationship, Mu Kelong suddenly felt that his heart was throbbing, and after swallowing a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, he gradually calmed down and forcibly calmly asked Marshal Montpela.

"Respected Marshal of Montpela, [Cubalon] this place is too important. Mukron was only a commoner before this. How could Her Majesty assign such a place to a baron's territory?"

"If there is no special statement, I am afraid I will not dare to be sealed!"

Memphella nodded and explained with a smile.

"His Excellency Baron Hegel, our Prime Minister, Grand Duke Invis has arrived in your capital and successfully reached an alliance agreement with His Majesty the Emperor of the Titan Empire..."

"Her Majesty's entrusting the city [Kubalon] to you is actually part of the implementation of the alliance agreement between the two countries. If Her Excellency Baron Hegel is unwilling to accept [Kubalon], [Kubalon] will also be assigned To another nobleman of our country who has close ties to the Titan Empire..."

At this moment, Mu Kelong suddenly realized!

I see!

After a long time, it was actually under the attack of the barbarian empire. The Golden Dragon Empire felt that it could not hold it anymore, and wanted to ask the Titan Empire, the neutral tower camp in the north, to send troops to help...

As a result, the Prime Minister of the Golden Dragon Empire, the Grand Duke Yinweis, was dispatched to the Titan Empire in the north, giving up a series of benefits, and finally received the approval of His Majesty the Emperor of the Titan Empire to send troops, including the ceding of the southern part of the Musso Mountains and the west coast of the Sea of ​​​​Storm. The city [Kubalon] is given to the Titan Empire...

It's just that big people always want to be honored. In order to make the behavior of selling the country less obvious, the [Kubalun] area was assigned to a certain person who has a noble title in the Golden Dragon Empire, but is closely related to the Titan Empire. people?

It just so happened that the freshly-baked His Excellency Baron Hegel met this condition, so Meng Feila directly proposed to confer [Cubalon] to Mukron.

After learning about the inside story, Mu Kelong felt at ease.

This is simply the territory that God gave to you, if you don't take it, it's still human?

You know, you are not someone without a background in the Titan Empire!

Behind Mu Kelong, stands Baron Falman, and behind Baron Falman stands one of the eight great princes of the Titan Empire, a top noble who is qualified to establish an independent state within the Titan Empire——【Quentmoke Grand Duke]!

As long as I, Baron Hegel, stand firm enough, and firmly cling to [Baron Falman]——[Grand Duke Quintmoke], this super invincible luxury train——

Looking at the two great empires of Golden Dragon and Titan, who would dare to touch their territory [Kubalun] for a cent, and who would dare to take their own needles indiscriminately? ? ?

Although Meng Feila didn't know the real details of Mu Kelong, she resolutely agreed after seeing Mu Kelong figured out the key, and there was a flash of approval in her eyes.

"This young black iron dwarf is cautious and courageous, and he is a talent!"

Next, after Marshal Memphella left, Mukron met another imperial marshal—the commander of the Nine-headed Dragon Imperial Expeditionary Force and the Grand Marshal of Pingxi [Gewolf Patton]!

This time, Mukron was not so lucky.

[Gewolf Barton] Although the marshal fulfilled his promise, the emperor representing the Nine-Headed Dragon Empire canonized [Mukelon Hegel] as a baron, but he only gave the new baron in front of him an unnamed small island in the middle of the South China Sea as a territory.

After performing the canonization ceremony, the marshal [Gewolf Barton] didn't say much nonsense, and left the scene directly on the grounds that he was busy with military affairs, showing his perfunctory attitude to the fullest.

[Gewolf Barton] After the Marshal left, only the newly promoted Baron Mu Kelong and the onlookers, President Wu, were left to look at each other.

The next moment, Mu Kelong pointed to an unnamed island the size of a sesame seed on the map, and turned to ask President Wu.

"President Wu, do you know how to get to this place?"

President Wu shook his head and smiled awkwardly: "Although we [Heluo Heroes Association] mainly develop in the barrier camp and the fortress camp, but I am an elf hero myself, so my main energy is on the barrier camp Golden Dragon Empire. I'm not too familiar with the specific map of the fortress camp Nine-headed Dragon Empire..."

"But it doesn't matter, we have hundreds of thousands of players in the fortress camp, I will help you find out, there will be results soon!"

Mu Kelong nodded and said with a smile: "President Wu, the South China Sea is too far away, I'm afraid I won't have time to go to that place for a leisure vacation..."

"Let's do it, after your people find a place, this small island will bother President Wu to help me manage it for a period of time, so that people don't look down on me, Mu Kelong!"

President Wu knew that Mu Kelong was annoyed by the perfunctory attitude of Marshal [Gewolf Barton], and immediately patted his chest and assured: "Mr. Zhu, don't worry, it's all up to me!"

"After finding this island, I will send someone to help you develop it with all my strength. In the early stage, we will rent you from the [Heluo Heroes Club]. The rent is tentatively set at 100 gold coins per day. What do you think, Mr. Zhu?"

Hearing that there was still a rent of 100 gold coins per day, Mu Kelong was immediately happy. President Wu is a very particular person!

But you can't be too greedy, 100 gold coins a day, accumulated over time, it's incredible—

You must know that 1 gold coin is equivalent to 300 Datang Tongbao, and 100 gold coins is 30,000 Datang Tongbao!

An unnamed island in the game charges 30,000 a day for rent, which is a bit exaggerated!

So Mu Kelong decided to reciprocate, and took the initiative to give 80% of the profit.

"President Wu, 100 gold coins is too much, 20 gold coins a day is enough, any more is to look down on brothers!"

President Wu waved his hand with a smile and said sternly: "At this stage, few players can have an officially recognized territory. This nameless island looks small on the map, but in fact, the area may not be small, after all, it can appear on the map. Up, I guess it has to be at least as big as a county seat!"

"In this way, the rent of 100 gold coins per day is really not much. If rare resources are found on it, I am afraid that our Heroes of Heluo will take a big advantage!"

"That's it, Mr. Zhu - the rent is as you said, 20 gold coins per day, but other than that, we will share 50-50% of all income on the island!"

"The development process and resource distribution of the island, I will let people update the report every day and send it to you to read, I will not let you lose money, Mr. Zhu..."

Hearing what President Wu said, what else could Mu Kelong do, he could only agree.

"Since President Wu is so kind, I will not be a villain. Since this island has no name, let's call it [Treasure Island] in the future!"

"I hope both of us can make a fortune on this island, hehe!"

President Wu rubbed his palms and laughed loudly: "Yes, Jinshan Yinhai, great luck!"

After making an agreement with President Wu on the distribution of the stolen goods, Mu Kelong hung the two Baron Medals he had just been awarded on his chest, struttingly walked out of the Emerald Hall, and walked towards the teleportation array in the city.

Now that he is the real baron of the Golden Dragon Empire, he should be able to use the teleportation array in Ammanscus to leave, right?

"Reincarnation Paradise"

However, the reality gave him a loud slap in the face!

Even though he wore the Baron Medal of the Golden Dragon Empire and the Nine-headed Dragon Empire on his chest, he was still rejected by the military administrator of the teleportation array.

In desperation, he had no choice but to leave [Ammanscus] through the north gate, planning to return to [Jemascus], then teleport to [Dalishcus], and then go to [Kubalun] to receive his new territory... …

However, all plans have not kept up with the changes.

When he left the north gate of [Ammanscus], it was almost dusk, and when he was halfway, night began to fall——

Then, once again, he lost his way in the fog of war and came to a completely unfamiliar place!


The next moment, what appeared in front of Mukron was an endless beach, with the endless light yellow sand on the left and the vast sea on the right.

The moon and stars here are sparse, and the fog of war seems to have become like a veil. All in all, the sky is very bright, but it is obviously cloudy at night.

On the beach, looking around, you can see all kinds of creatures moving in the distance. The closest thing to Mukron is a giant sea turtle that looks like a millstone.

This turtle is different from ordinary turtles. It has a green body, is covered with spikes, and has a ferocious face. As soon as Mu Kelong appeared, it danced its limbs and rushed towards the intruder!

Today's Mu Kelong is a solid fourth-order combat professional, with the blessing of strategic attributes and strategic skills, has the strength comparable to the sixth-order peak combat professional.

He did not dare to say that he would win against the powerful seventh-order elite monster boss, but he still had the confidence to protect himself, and naturally he would not be guilty of a terrifying-looking sea turtle.

Instead of retreating, he advanced, strode forward, and the two axes in his hands danced wildly, whistling like a gust of wind, and quickly circled behind the sea turtle. The heavy and thorny sea turtle cocked up, revealing its snow-white belly and plastron.

At this moment, his eyes tightened, and he stepped forward, hitting hard with the big axe in his hand, hitting the gap between the two turtle shells in the middle of the turtle's abdomen.


In this blow, Mu Kelong didn't use any special skills, he just used the most basic combat skills to deal with sea turtles as big as hills.

The result made him a little disappointed. Although he thought he had found the weak point of the sea turtle's defense, he just knocked the opponent away one meter away, and it didn't seem to cause much damage.

Although the big turtle seemed to be unfavorable in the first battle and was kicked into the air, it rolled down to the soft sand and quickly shrank its head, tail and limbs. Attack your opponent with a heavy carapace covered with sharp bone spurs.

Facing the menacing swift blow of the big turtle, Mu Kelong frowned.

The defense of this tortoise shell is really terrifying. His battle axe can't break the defense of the tortoise shell. For a while, Mu Kelong didn't think of a good way. He could only observe the opponent's weaknesses, so he chose to avoid its edge first. .


The sea turtle was aggressive and extremely fast, but he didn't expect Mu Kelong's pace to be so clever, and even dodged between Chi Chi to avoid his own heavy blow from the top of Taishan.

Its body that weighed more than 1,000 kilograms slammed down on the beach like a cannonball, splashing countless flying sand and rocks, but it was also uncomfortable. It was shocked by the huge reaction force and dizzy.


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