Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 199 Coincidentally, I will too!

Although Mu Kelong didn't know that he killed Colonel Caroji, how big of a basket was he stabbed?

However, in such a short period of time, this incident could actually affect a border city such as Nevabodel, which is tens of thousands of miles away from the eucalyptus site, which shows the seriousness of the situation!

On the way to follow the guards to the lounge, Mukron felt a little regretful in his heart.

This wave of operations is still too careless!

Knowing that the military would move so quickly, I shouldn't have entered Margardan in the first place, but left directly in the wild after disembarking...

Running long distances in the wild is better than being stuck in the city and becoming a turtle in a urn!

Mu Kelong thought about it with his ass, and knew that once the military mages came here, there was absolutely no fluke waiting for him.

Thinking of this, Mu Kelong decided that no matter what, he could not sit still, and he must find an opportunity to hide and avoid the limelight.

So, he quickly found a reason and asked the guard to go to the toilet.

Since there are toilets within the confines of the lounge, Mukron's request was approved by the guards.

After entering the toilet, while Mu Kelong closed the toilet door, he also opened another door of darkness, and then swooped in...

A few minutes later, the guard politely knocked on the toilet door and asked.

"Sir, are you comfortable?"

However, there was no echo from the door.

The guard waited patiently for a few seconds before asking another question.


After three consecutive inquiries to no avail, the guard's face became serious. He reached out and violently pushed open the toilet door, only to find that it was empty!

The next second, a loud whistle sounded suddenly, and the sharp sound waves quickly filled the entire lounge.

Soon, several military officials rushed to the scene one after another. After careful search, nothing was found.

Even after a senior military advisor from a certain academy arrived, carefully searching the scene with magical treasures was in vain, and there was no trace of anyone hiding at all.

Soon, the portrait of the dwarf who disappeared mysteriously was passed to the hands of the great wizard Subarulev Warwick.

The ice element man, who was over two hundred years old, silently glanced at the dwarf portrait projected in the crystal ball. A pair of slightly cloudy child holes suddenly burst out with dazzling silver light, and at the same time his whole body radiated outwards. Infinite, bone-chilling cold—

"It was him?"

"Mukron Hegel!"

"very good……"

"Even if you hide in the Titan Empire, you can't escape from my palm—"

Kacha! Kacha! Kacha...

For a time, in the originally warm and spacious hall, all the doors, windows and furniture were covered with a layer of frost as white as jade in an instant!

The next moment, Subarulev Warwick restrained his anger, and the temperature in the hall quickly began to rise.

He called his housekeeper, Bernie, and gave an order.

"Bernie, you went to Dean Maple's office on my behalf and said that I received an invitation from my old friend Professor Nobel to give a speech at Bermuni Bauhaus University..."

Bermuni Bauhaus University is another neutral academic faction and the top ten top magic universities in the Holy Glacier Titan Empire of the tower camp.

And the old friend Professor Nobel mentioned by Professor Subarulev is the dean of the School of Ice Magic of Bermuni Bauhaus University, a senior professor, and an epic peak demon with 12th-order strength tutor!

At this moment, Mu Kelong is living in the secret realm of his own "back garden".

He never thought that his identity had been exposed, and even a terrifying opponent had already gone to his old nest to squat in the name of academic exchange!

Unable to determine whether the outside world was safe, Mukron remembered another thing in his boredom.

Before, when I was on the Balzers Peninsula, when I used the white swan necklace to teleport back to Ammanscus City, something went wrong.

Inexplicably, he was exiled to a small fragmented space plane in the void.

Later, His Majesty the Dark Emperor Li Orleans I extended a helping hand and rode his dark pyramid across the void to bring Mukron back.

At the same time, the dark emperor also popularized some secrets about the void sea and the ancient gods to Mu Kelong.

Among them, the Black Emperor once mentioned-

"In the endless void, any material plane is an extremely precious wealth!"

"The small fragment plane you found has one-tenth the time flow rate of the Titan world, which means that if a person can survive on this plane, his lifespan consumption rate will also increase tenfold!"

At that time, Mu Kelong was also very happy to say something.

"Your Majesty, if you treat this small fragment plane as a trial space, wouldn't you get ten times the training effect?"

"Although a person's lifespan consumption will increase tenfold when training in this plane, his growth rate will increase tenfold compared to Titan World!"

"Such a price is not unacceptable!"

"ten thousand years is too long, fight for now!"

"If a 20-year-old has the body of a 30-year-old and the strength of a 30-year-old, he will have a lot more advantage in the competition than his peers!"

Even Mu Kelong's remarks were highly appreciated by the Dark Emperor Li Orleans I.

But the words were spoken, but it was a pity that Mu Kelong had never had the opportunity to practice his rhetoric.

Now that the outside world is unclear, Mu Kelong feels that it is not a problem to be in the secret space of the "back garden", so he plans to go to the plane of small fragments to train himself.

It's better to have nothing to practice, than a cat in a daze in the territory.

Another point, since the discovery of the small fragment plane in the void, the Dark Emperor has sent his blood descendant, the cemetery camp Netherworld Undead Empire Golden General Luist, to explore this plane.

Not long ago, when Mukron led the Ice Bear hero Mendeleov into the secret space of the "Back Garden", he accidentally discovered that there was a Void Shadow Portal in it.

And this Void Portal, like the Dark Portal, uses the cloak of the Dark King on Mu Kelong as a medium, so only Mu Kelong himself and those who have his permission can pass through.

As for the small fragment plane opposite the Shadow of the Void Portal, Mu Kelong had experienced it once and stayed in it for a long time, so he walked in very calmly.

The next moment, Mu Kelong found that he had passed through the void and came to another world.

The place where he landed was still the small island without any breath of life that he first discovered——

But at this moment, there is another person cultivating on the island.

In other words, this is not a real living person, but a skeleton shelf, but the surface of this skeleton shelf exudes a dazzling golden luster - there is no doubt that this is the golden general Louis. special!

After all, there are still some old grudges between Mukron and Luist.

In the past, in order to escape from the underground world and return to the ground, Mu Kelong risked killing Luist's followers in the underground world, "borrowing" the two-world teleportation array secretly built by the Luist family at a huge cost...

Later, Mu Kelong was almost hacked to death by Luist. At the critical moment, His Majesty the Dark Emperor Li Orleans I came forward to save Mu Kelong's life. At the same time, that battle was also the opportunity for the birth of the "Back Garden" secret space.

Seeing the face of his ancestor, the Black Emperor, Luist did not kill Mu Kelong, but the golden general never had any good feelings for Mu Kelong.

This time they met unexpectedly. Before Mu Kelong could think of how to say hello, he saw two groups of purple soul fires in the eye sockets of Luist's skeleton flashing.

Immediately afterwards, Louise smiled at Mukron in a rare way—although the scene of a skeleton opening a smile was very frightening, the goodwill exuded in it really couldn’t be faked.

Does this even make Mukron feel a little flattered?

In the next second, Louise's unique low voice came from Mukron's ear.

"Mu Kelong, I feel that there is something in you that is very attractive to me. It should be a treasure left by an epic ice magician..."

"If you are willing to give it to me, I can exchange it with you within a reasonable range, and from now on I guarantee that the Shanhou] family and myself will not become your enemy!"

At this moment, Mu Kelong seemed to understand something——

What is Lewis' identity? What strength?

In terms of identity, he is the son of the dignified and dignified Nether Empire's upper house boss, the noble Jin Shanhou, the golden general who is in charge of millions of troops...

In terms of status, Luizt once almost killed himself with a volley in the air, and the purple soul fire in his eyes is the iron proof that he is an epic powerhouse!

Such a person, even in front of his ancestor, His Majesty the Black Emperor Li Orleans I, has never had any arrogant aristocrats with a good face towards him!

Today, for the first time in the world, for a treasure, he took the initiative to turn his enemy into a friend, and he offered to exchange it with him for the same amount?

At the same time, Mukron also realized why he was reduced to where he is now.

The navy colonel that he killed not only had someone behind him, but he was also an epic figure!

It is no wonder that within a few hours after the accident, the army of the Undying Firebird Empire will move so quickly, and the execution will be so well implemented!

It was rare to see the golden general Lewis take the initiative to reconcile with himself. Mukcolon did not miss this opportunity, and decisively took out the round ice bead left over after Colonel Carokee's death from his trouser pocket and handed it to the golden general Lewis. The land preparation explained to the other party the origin of this thing and the embarrassment that he was facing now.

After all, the golden general Lewis has a valuable status, and his own strength is quite sturdy, and he has no irresolvable contradiction with himself. There is absolutely no need to cheat others. It is better to explain some things clearly.

Moreover, on the other hand, after the two sides have turned enemies into friends, they are actually surrounded by the same circle of interests with His Majesty the Dark Emperor Li Orleans I as the core link, so they can completely benefit from each other!

After listening to Mucolon's remarks, the golden general Luist burst into laughter.

"Hehehe... It turned out to be this thing, God helped me!"

"I didn't expect that, you Mu Kelong is really a lucky general!"

"This bead looks inconspicuous on the surface, but it seems cold and biting to the touch, but after careful experience, I found that it can exude a trace of warmth, thawing, and refreshing effect, so it is called Wannian Xuanbing Warm Jade Bead]. This is a very rare twelfth-order epic ice-type treasure, and it is also the treasure that I have been searching for for hundreds of years and can't find it!"

"Originally, I heard that a senior professor of the Eastern Magic University of the Undying Firebird Empire, the executive vice chairman of the Ice Magic Academy Council, and the eleventh-order great wizard Subarulev Warrick] has one in his hand, but the opponent's strength is not inferior. For me, I have been hiding in the Eastern Magic University all the year round, I wanted to snatch it, but I never found a chance to start..."

"In the end, it was easily obtained by you Mu Kelong and transferred to me. It can only be said that it is destined to be mine!"

Immediately afterwards, Lewis gave Mukron a reassurance—

"You encounter all these troubles, in my opinion, it is a small problem. After I refine this Wannian Xuanbing Warm Jade Pearl], I will send you out in person!"

"With me, Louise, protecting you, even if the father of Karoke Warwick, Subarulev Warwick, comes, don't even think of touching you!"

Hearing the long list of titles reported by Luist, the cold sweat on Mukron's forehead fell on the spot.

I actually joined forces with Mendeleov, the hero of the white bear, to kill the son of an epic great wizard.

I'm afraid that Louise can protect him for a while, but not for the rest of his life, what should I do?

Sure enough, at this time, Louise's unique low and slightly hoarse voice came to his ears again.

"To be honest, Subarulev is difficult to deal with. Although I am not afraid of him, it is impossible to kill him."

"It's fine for me to protect you once or twice, but I can't protect you forever. You have to face some things yourself..."

After hesitating for a moment, Lewis once again proposed a plan.

"I can teach you a set of brilliant exercises... After you go out, don't show your face, find a safe place to hide and practice diligently, and you may not be afraid of Subaru Lev Warwick in the future!"

However, something unexpected happened to Lewis.

I saw Mu Kelong said to him with an embarrassed expression after hearing that Luist was going to teach him the name of his exercise.

"That...this...the Silver Bone Chalcedony Technique you mentioned, General Lewis, in fact, I already knew it..."

Lewis was stunned at the time, the soul fire in his eyes began to sway, and finally he couldn't help but ask a question.

"Silver Bone Chalcedony Technique] is my Marquis of Jinshan."

Mu Kelong pointed his finger to the sky, and said embarrassingly: "Mu Kelong has no intention to offend the family of Jinshan Hou family, this silver bone chalcedony art] I actually learned it in the immortal pyramid mausoleum of His Majesty the Black Emperor..."

Although it was impossible to call the system interface, Mu Kelong still remembered the detailed training method and effect description of this exercise.

Silver Bone Chalcedony Technique] One-star quality, purple gilt epic combat professional skills

Beginner Level 139: After training, each level slightly strengthens bone hardness, increases HP recovery speed, and increases magic resistance.

Intermediate level 4069: After training, each level will moderately strengthen the bone hardness, increase the speed of health recovery, and increase the magic resistance.

Advanced level 7099: After training, each level greatly strengthens bone hardness, increases health recovery speed, increases magic resistance, saves 1/2/3 damage when encountering fatal attacks, and retains 5%/10%/15% of life value.

Epic-level 100 full-level perfection: Immediately after death, regenerate once on the spot, restore all health and mana, and eliminate all abnormal states. You can only regenerate once every 30 days.


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