Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 207 Defend the family and the country!

【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

Mu Kelong only knew that the treasure of the Ice River Snake Woman Clan [Eight Poles Ice Spirit Lamp], which he obtained in the fantasy world, was currently floating in his mind.

In addition, what surprised him was that the translucent treasure lamp in his mind was simple in shape, like an iceberg snow lotus, and in the center of the eight ice crystal petals, there was a snake-shaped blue ice flame. Dancing!

Although it is said that this treasure is an artifact created by him in a novel, but after all, it is only an imaginary thing. When it is really realized, he himself can't figure out its situation. He only knows this one. Lamp function and approximate usage.

At this time, Luist was by his side, and Mukron did not act rashly, so as not to expose his secrets.

Next, all the way was calm, Luist and Mukron successfully returned to the western part of the Titan continent, the territory of the Holy Glacier Titan Empire of the tower camp, and arrived at the Blue Frost Castle.

After arriving at the place, Lewis fulfilled his promise and was ready to leave immediately.

When Mukron summoned the Dark Portal and watched Luist return to the other-dimensional space, the golden skeleton general who had recovered his flesh and blood suddenly stopped.

He looked back at Mukron, his eyes stayed on the black cloak that Mukron was wearing on his back, and after hesitating for a few seconds, he finally decided to leave something for Mukron.

Under Mu Kelong's dull eyes, Luist gently broke his left little finger, turned it into a golden bone gem, and handed it to Mu Kelong.

"Mu Kelong, you are the scroller of my Majesty the Emperor Zuhei, and you helped me break through the realm... This is a strange thing made of my flesh and bones. You wear it on your body and can resist a fatal injury for you when you are in danger. "

After speaking, Lewis stepped into the Dark Portal without looking back.

Watching Louise leave, Mu Kelong lowered his head and glanced at the golden bone gemstone in his palm, and an inexplicable sentence appeared in his heart.

"Could it be that this is the legendary relic?"

Then again, with Luist's strength and realm, it is no less than those eminent monks and great virtues in the history of the real world who are qualified to leave relics.

To put it another way, in the world of martial arts novels, people like Luist are at least at the level of Tianlong San Lao, She Wither Wu Jue, and Yi Tian Er Zhang.

After a few months (game time), Mu Kelong returned to Bluefrost Castle again, and saw that his hometown was still as desolate and populated, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Oh, I, the lord of the Blue Frost Castle, is really derelict."

Speaking of which, Mu Kelong still has a city lord task of recruiting population that has not been fulfilled, but the world pattern of Titan Continent has suddenly changed greatly. I heard that Baron Falman's eldest son was killed in the front line, and he must not be in the mood to test himself. The performance of the lord of the Bluefrost Castle (equivalent to the mayor).

But since Mukron is back, everything has to go according to plan.

His other territory [Kubalon] has been occupied by the army of the Barbarian Empire, and even the location of the Valley of Storms has become the front line of the battle between the Barbarian Empire and the Titan Empire. At this moment, Mukron is the only nominal and actual control. On the site, there is only Bluefrost Castle, the ruined and desolate hometown.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

Don't say anything, let's start the construction of the base first!

After making the decision, Mukron entered Bluefrost Castle and began to move some of the population out of his secret "back garden" space.

In the secret space of Mu Kelong's "back garden", there are already hundreds of thousands of intelligent races living in it.

The main tribes are cavemen, dark orcs, harpies, dwarves, humans, elves and so on.

Considering that the secret of having a "back garden" cannot be easily leaked out, the first group of people who immigrate to Bluefrost Castle must be the first to follow them, such as cavemen, dark orcs, harpies and so on.

As a result, Mukron opened the door of darkness and migrated 30,000 cavemen, more than 6,000 dark orcs, and more than 10,000 harpies into the Blue Frost Castle.

These new residents of Blue Frost Castle will develop their hometown from the sky to the ground in all directions, and it is also their first base in this world.

Among them, the dark orcs became the main residents of the town of Bluefrost Castle, and the cavemen lived in the underground around the city.

The flying harpies are divided into several parts. They have found some hilly terrain suitable for nesting in the four directions of the bluefrost castle town, southeast and northwest, and act as the outermost sentinels and hunters.

"Fairy Wood"

As a lord, Mu Kelong appointed the harpy hero [Menglu Marilyn] as the Archon of Bluefrost Castle, and he was in charge of the development of the entire Bluefrost Castle territory, and the leaders of the dark orc Black Rock clan and cavemen served as assistants. , to implement militarized management and military colony system for this base area.

After settling the internal affairs of Bluefrost Castle, Mu Kelong sneaked secretly and rushed to the territorial castle to which Baron Falman belonged.

Now that Louise has returned to the dark pyramid, this one retreat, he Mu Kelong is always in danger of being killed by the great magician, no cowardice!

As the direct subordinate of Baron Falman, although Mu Kelong also has some foreign titles such as Viscount and Baron, but in the tower camp country, he is only a small blue frost castle equivalent to the mayor of the township and mayor. And a [senior commander] who is barely equivalent to a thousand commander.

Moreover, Baron Falman is not a small person, he is a veteran military noble of the Principality of the Titan Empire Quentmoke, and he is even a direct confidant of [Grand Duke Quentmoke] with a high probability.

At least, Mukron knew that he was far from being as powerful as Baron Falman.

You must know that the former Bluefrost Castle Guard Commander, the Silver Knight, and Sir [Mark Hambani] are powerful existences of the ninth order!

As an old comrade-in-arms and good brother of [Mark Hambani], Baron Falman will not be weaker than [Mark Hambani] even if he has not reached the tenth-order epic level!

From this, it can be seen that in an old and powerful country like the Titan Empire, the gold content of the military aristocracy will never be too low, and the strength and influence of the military aristocratic family is beyond imagination!

For a veteran military aristocrat like Baron Falman, who is skilled, has a deep background, and is well-connected, Mu Kelong cannot slack off no matter what.

Not only can't slack, but also actively move closer, and strive to be able to hug the thigh and climb up the pole!

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

On the other hand, Mukron is now facing a threat to his life, and only by quickly integrating into the forces of Baron Falman can he be protected effectively for a long time.

Your great wizard [Subarulev Warwick] is a foreigner after all, no matter how powerful you are, and no matter how powerful you are, you will not dare to move his direct line on the territory of Grand Duke Quintmoke. ?

Although I am a small person, Mu Kelong, if you want to kill me, you will not give face to Grand Duke Quintmerke.

At this moment, Mu Kelong even thought about what to say after meeting Baron Falman.


Soon, Mu Kelong, who was stealthily sneaking all the way, entered the range of Ruya City.

It is located in the southwest of Bluefrost Castle, the hometown of Mukron. It is the third largest city in Kazlodan County and the seat of the fiefdom of Baron Falman.

In fact, Luya City is not too far from Storm Valley. If you connect the three points of Storm Valley, Luya City and Bluefrost Castle, it will be an isosceles triangle.

——Storm Valley is in the south, Luya City is in the northwest of Storm Valley, and Bluefrost Castle is in the northeast of Storm Valley.

Among them, the distance from Storm Valley to Bluefrost Castle is the farthest, while the distance from Ruya City to Storm Valley and Bluefrost Castle is not too much.

At the gate of the city, Mu Kelong, who had withdrawn from the invisible state to reveal his figure, was stopped by the guards.

He unhurriedly lifted the mask, revealing a dark and young dwarf face, took a token from his pocket, and grinned at the guard.

"This brother, I am Mu Kelong, the lord of Bluefrost Castle. This time I came to Ruya City to report to Baron Falman."

The guard in front of him is a winged gargoyle. After checking Mu Kelong's token, he glanced at Mu Kelong himself, nodded solemnly, and replied solemnly.

"Sir, Baron Falman is not in the city now..."

Mu Kelong was immediately shocked and quickly asked, "Did Baron Falman go to the front line?"

The guard nodded first, then shook his head.

"For the specific situation, you can ask Sir Hamm, the housekeeper of the Baron's House. I can't say more."


When Mu Kelong entered the city, he immediately felt that the atmosphere in the city was much more depressed and lower than the last time he came.

Come to think of it, this is because the eldest son of Baron Falman died in the south, and the army of the Barbarian Empire had invaded not far from Ruya City.

When Mu Kelong came to the baron's house to ask for a meeting, an old gargoyle butler in a luxurious dress came out.

The last time Mucolon came to see Baron Falman, it was the old butler who came out to meet Mucolon. This time, Mucolon learned from the guards that the old butler's name was Ham, and he was even a knight.

A knight, also known as a lord or a quasi-delegate, also belongs to the nobility in a sense, but the titles under the baron cannot be hereditary.

But because of this, anyone who can be called a Jazz has either made great contributions, or has excellent ability or capital. Anyway, he can't be an ordinary person!

As soon as they met, the old butler Sir Ham said to Mukron: "Mukron, you are finally here. Lord Farman once sent someone to Bluefrost Castle to summon you, but he didn't find you..."

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

With a look of shame on Mu Kelong's face, he replied apologetically, "I have been trapped in the field for a long time for personal reasons, and I have delayed the business. Today, I came here to apologize to Baron Falman!"

The old housekeeper Sir Hamm sighed and said solemnly: "Because of the death of the eldest son on the front line, Master Falman has already recruited the army of the territory and went to [Kologa City] to fight the barbarians..."

"Before leaving, Mr. Falman left a message saying that if you come, Mu Kelong, let you go to the army of [Kologa City] to find him immediately!"

From the mouth of the old housekeeper Sir Hamm, Mukron learned of the changes in the battle during this period.

Time to go back to a month ago...

When Mukron left [Ammanscus] for the last time, lost his way in the fog of war, and was teleported to an unnamed island in the northeast of the Titan mainland, an unprecedented black swan event occurred in the Titan mainland, and even It has directly changed the political landscape of the world!

The direct fuse of this incident was the bizarre death of Caesar XIV of the Angel Empire. The second prince, who was the second in line to the throne, killed his brother and seized the throne, which caused dissatisfaction with the governor of the western region, the uncle and the sixth prince.

The Sixth Prince was a supporter of Caesar XIV and the eldest prince, and launched a mutiny to secede the western region of the Angel Empire, and the Angel Empire was divided into two.

As a result, the Sixth Prince was crowned emperor in the western important town of the Angel Empire [Yelorhan], known as [Wilson I], and secretly formed an alliance with the Demon Emperor of Hell to cede the area east of Broken Page City to the forces of Hell in an attempt to cut off the The road to the westward expedition of the Angel Empire.

At the same time, Wilson I expanded westward and led his army to sneak attack the southern part of the barrier camp. The barbarians took the opportunity to launch a general attack, but General Memphila, who was attacked from the left and right, was unable to resist, so he could only give up the southern territory and retreat to the front line of Mohai.

The barbarian forces expanded northward, allied with Wilson I, and extended their territory to the Musso Mountains, bordering the tower camp.

The barbarians attacked the Mohai line of defense against the disadvantage, and turned to the city of Groni behind the Mossau Mountains.

The Holy Glacier Titan Empire officially declares war on the barbarians and concludes a covenant with the Holy Emerald Golden Dragon Empire.

For a while, the war spread to the snowy world, and the Titan Empire, which had been sitting and watching Yunjuan Yunshu, was also involved in this war.

Even the isolated Valley of Storms has become a frontier of war.

And Storm Valley is not too far from Ruya City and Bluefrost Castle, only a few hundred kilometers...

In this series of sudden attacks, the eldest son of Baron Falman was stationed in the city of Groni behind the Musso Mountains because of his military service, and died in battle with Count Kant, the commander of the garrison in the city of Groni.

Because of the fall of Grony City, the Titan Empire lost a county territory, so the emperor appointed Archduke Quintmoke as the commander of the southern theater, and Baron Falman avenged his eldest son and became a forward general...

During the period, Baron Falman once wanted to recruit Mukron to go out with him, but Mukron himself was no longer Bluefrost Castle at that time.

Fortunately, Baron Falman learned from another channel that his subordinate Mukron had made great contributions to the Golden Dragon Empire as a mercenary on the Balses Peninsula in the southeast of the Golden Dragon Empire not long ago.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

Even, by chance, Mu Kelong became a "little addition" before the official alliance between the Golden Dragon Empire and the Titan Empire, and was fortunate to become a baron and the lord of [Cubalon].

Therefore, Baron Falman left a message to the housekeeper, Sir Hamm, and asked Mukron to report to the front line [Korogar City] immediately after returning...

As Baron Falman's subordinate, Mukelon immediately stated that the national disaster was at the forefront, and everyone was responsible. He immediately led his troops and horses to follow Baron Falman and resisted the invasion of barbarians.

After saying goodbye to the old housekeeper Sir Hamm, Mu Kelong did not delay at all, and immediately turned around without stopping, and hurried to the south [Kologa City].

But goose, Mu Kelong heard a new bad news after walking halfway, because the siege war machine firepower of the barbarian army was too strong, the defenders of [Kologa City] were insufficiently prepared, coupled with Quintmer The main force of the Grand Duchy of Ke has not arrived yet...

All in all, following [Groni City], another important military town in the southeast of the Titan Empire [Kologa City] was also breached by the barbarian army two days ago!

The good news is that Mukron learned on the way that Baron Falman and the army he commanded were not the main force and were responsible for the peripheral battle, and were not caught in the [Kologa City] offensive and defensive battle, which could be called a meat grinder. In the war, although the losses were not small, they finally succeeded in breaking through and retreating to the rear.

That night, under the guidance of several gargoyle patrolmen, Mu Kelong met Baron Falman, who had a kindness to him in a hidden snow valley!



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