Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 215: A long-awaited reunion

【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

On the other hand, after Mu Kelong returned to the Blue Frost Castle, he unexpectedly received a lot of surprises.

"Love! Duko! When did you come back?"

"Common! Laurel! Utred! Why did you come to Bluefrost Castle?"

It turned out that two old brothers of Mu Kelong, Ranger Love and Mage Duke, brought Kemen, Laurel, Utred, etc., a total of dozens of players who followed Mu Kelong's long-distance expedition, all appeared in Blue Frost Inside the fort.

This is not to mention, in addition to the acquaintances Mu Kelong knows, there are also hundreds of completely unfamiliar player heroes, standing behind Love, Duke and others, looking at themselves expectantly.

This scene made Mu Kelong fall into deep thought...

Since the parting more than half a year ago, everyone went their separate ways and never saw each other again, but there were occasional chats and interactions.

But until the game system suddenly went offline more than a month ago, in addition to getting together and chatting face to face, the distant partners were completely lost!

Take President Wu and Tong Dahai of the Heluo Heroes Association, as well as Rophis, Douglas and others who defected to the Heluo Heroes Association, they have a deep friendship with Mu Kelong, but so far, because of the news cut off. The reason is that Mu Kelong has absolutely no idea how the other party is doing.

Soon, Mu Kelong learned about their current situation from the players' brothers.

Since the system went offline, all players have been unable to exit the game.

Even other auxiliary functions in the game, such as the built-in forum, free trading platform, and even basic remote communication are completely ineffective.

It's as if all of them lost their special status as players and truly became a part of this world!

Even their souls are trapped in this world. After death, they are randomly reincarnated and reborn into other characters, in an infinite loop, which can never be freed.

For a time, hundreds of millions of players in the game fell into deep fear. They didn't know what happened, or even whether they were still alive in reality!

Some players found themselves reborn on another game character after they died, and lost their hero template!

After the news spread, it quickly caused a large area of ​​panic. Except for a few players such as Mu Kelong who were very prosperous in the game and were very nervous, almost all players almost collapsed in their hearts!

As time passed, players felt desperate to return to the real world, and those game forces whose core value was their status in reality began to collapse from within, and could not be stopped.

The distortion of human nature and the loss of morality are infinitely magnified in this weird game world!

Countless player heroes were assassinated by players and friends around them, and the once prominent figures in the game industry were pulled down from the altar one by one...

As for ordinary players like Love and Duko, they are even more cautious and trembling in this world.

All of them are afraid that they will die somewhere accidentally, lose their hero template, and completely become ordinary indigenous inhabitants of this world.

In fact, Mu Kelong knew about this situation from the mouths of some player mercenaries after returning to the military camp, but he has been an online writer for several years in reality, not only is his brain more open, but also has many years of playing on the street. Exercise his willpower.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

In addition, his own strength is sturdy and he has many trump cards, so his mentality is not particularly broken.

But in the dead of night, Mu Kelong had no idea that he was secretly hurt, missing his parents and family, the Datang Empire, and the real world's bustling lights and bustling traffic?

The problem is that Love and Duko do not necessarily have the strength and trump card of Mukron,

Therefore, in order to live better in this world and obtain the protection of safety, they can only find a way to hug their thighs.

As a new era of "traversers" in a different world, players are inherently incompatible with the indigenous inhabitants in the game world. If they want to find a boss to cover them, they will naturally consider their companions who are also "traversers" of the player.

In the circle of friends of Love and Du Ke, the most reliable, loyal, and strong enough boss is naturally Mu Kelong.

Just at that time, the Eastern Angel Empire and the Nether Undead Empire signed a truce and understanding agreement, and players on the northern battlefield suddenly fell into a dilemma with nowhere to go.

So Love and Duko met and discussed, and decided to pull some acquaintances to defect to the boss Mukron.

Later, Komon, Laurel, Utred and others, who were also on the northern battlefield, were successively drawn into this team by Love and Dukor...

As for the other newcomers that Mukron didn't know, they were actually friends of Love, Duko, Kemen, Laurel, and Utred in real life or in the game.

Adhering to the principle that more people are more powerful, these players decided to gather together to keep warm, and traveled thousands of miles from the northern battlefield to Bluefrost Castle to find Mu Kelong.

It happened that Mu Kelong's deputy hero [Menglu Marilyn] who stayed behind in Bluefrost Castle knew Love and others, and knew that these people were old friends and friends of Lord Mukelon, so they were allowed to settle in Bluefrost Castle.

After understanding the cause and effect of all this, Mu Kelong's heart was both gratified and sad.

Fortunately, these brothers can travel thousands of miles to defect to themselves, and this friendship is really rare.

The sad thing is that he is actually not much better than everyone else, and he is also a homeless wanderer in another world.

At this moment, a goat-headed warrior that Mukron didn't know stood up from the crowd and said something nervously to Mukron.

"Boss, I'm Aldous, the one who bought the [Kezia's Dragonbone Silver Spear]..."

Mu Kelong was stunned for a moment, and looked at the other party up and down. No matter how he looked at it, he was an ordinary and unfamiliar sheep-headed warrior. He couldn't help asking: "No, you are [The Little Prince of Silver Spear] Aldous?"

"How did you become a goathead?"

"Where's your gun?"

Mu Kelong didn't say it was okay, the goat-headed warrior on the opposite side almost didn't cry when the Soul Chaser asked three questions.

Game Love explained on the side: "Boss, he is really Aldous..."

"Speaking of which, he was also unlucky. He didn't die sooner or later. He hung up just after the game system crashed. As a result, not only did the gun explode, but even the hero's large size was gone, and he was reborn to an indigenous sheep's head on the Ruhr grassland. On a human warrior..."

At this time, Aldous took over, and the voice of the former second-generation mine seemed to be a little choked up.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

"Boss, after I was reborn, I found that I lost the hero template and became an ordinary sheep head warrior. I was so panicked that I secretly ran out of the tribe..."

"Later, I met Love and his group at Beihai Lake. If I hadn't shouted at a critical moment that it was my own, I would have almost been killed by them as a wild monster..."

Immediately afterwards, the mage Duke also explained: "Boss, as far as we know, the situation like Aldous is not one or two cases. We players are really miserable..."

Mu Kelong secretly said that it was dangerous, if he died, he might not be as good as Aldous.

Although the sheep head people are ugly, they are still a fighting race among the intelligent races, and they may have the opportunity to become heroes in the future. , I'm afraid there will be no chance to turn over in a lifetime.

At this moment, he nodded in a heartbeat, and stood on tiptoe and patted Aldous, who was two heads taller than himself, on the shoulder, comforting.

"One generation and two brothers, don't say more, I will find a way to help you become a hero."

"By the way, what's the name of your character now?"

Aldous replied with a sad face: "There is a ghost's name, I am a warrior of an ordinary sheep head tribe, according to the memory in front of me, the name is translated as Aries III..."

"Boss, you can call me Xie Xiaofeng in the future!"

It is worth mentioning that as soon as the name of Xie Xiaofeng was announced, someone in the surrounding crowd immediately exclaimed.

"No, your name is Xie Xiaofeng too? Are you from Jincheng by your accent?"

"Is your father's name Xie Tianci, do you still have two older brothers and a younger sister?"

Xie Xiaofeng looked back and saw that it was a human swordsman who he did not know, but the other party could accurately tell his origin, indicating that the other party really knew him.

So he nodded: "My dad's name is Xie Tianxi, the Xie Xiaofeng you mentioned should be me."

The man came out immediately and laughed loudly: "Haha, I'm Zhang Zicheng, the son of your eldest cousin, I'm two years older than you, so you have to call me cousin!"

Xie Xiaofeng tilted his head and thought about it. There are too many cousins ​​on his mother's side. He really doesn't know if this person who calls himself Zhang Zicheng is his relative.

Seeing that Xie Xiaofeng didn't believe it, Zhang Zicheng walked over to him and whispered in his ear.

"Your father is the chairman of Jincheng No. 5 Mining Group, your mother's name is Tong Shu, and your hometown is in XX District, Jinyang City. Your grandmother's name is Liu Xiulan, and my grandmother's name is Liu Xiuping. She is your grandmother's cousin..."

Xie Xiaofeng was suddenly dumbfounded, it seemed that this relative was a real relative, but it was a bit far away.

Breaking it apart and making a detailed calculation, this Zhang Zicheng is the son of his grandmother's cousin's daughter, and his mother is really his mother's cousin, and he really has to call his mother big cousin or big aunt...

Yes, this cousin is a real hammer!

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Zicheng added another sentence in his ear with a smile.

"Xie Sanshao, my small family is not as rich as yours. I live in Jinyang's hometown all the year round, and our two families don't communicate much on weekdays. It's normal that you don't know me, but you and you the year before last. My sister and mother are going back to Jinyang to worship their ancestors, but I have seen you."

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

"We are really relatives. Now both of us brothers are trapped in this shit game. You are so familiar with Boss Mu, and I, my cousin, will mess with you in the future."

"I'm a third-order swordsman now, and the equipment is okay. It's enough to protect you at critical moments."

Xie Xiaofeng's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he immediately called out with a smile.



Seeing that these two people recognized their relatives successfully, many players at the scene also followed suit and began to report their families. Unexpectedly, they actually made up a few pairs of relatives.

Mu Kelong likes to hear about this, he is a brother in battle, and a father and son soldier in battle!

Teams are afraid of tearing down each other. If they have relatives, they will be able to work together.

That night, Mu Kelong held a banquet in the Blue Frost Castle, and grandly entertained the old and new brothers who came to defect to him.

It is worth mentioning that, in addition to the normal rations and dishes, the mushroom feast and mushroom wine provided by the caveman chef have been well received by hundreds of players.

Xie Xiaofeng even directly said that this mushroom wine is better than the top Feitian Laotai and Datang Jiannan soju he has ever drunk!

Mu Kelong also drank a few more glasses with pleasure, but felt that this mushroom wine was really sweet and mellow, and it was better than the mushroom wine he had drunk in the underground world before.

So after the banquet was over, Mu Kelong called Chemus, the caveman leader, and asked why the mushroom wine became so delicious.

Chemus told Mu Kelong: "This is the first batch of mushrooms grown in the secret space. They are big and delicious. Whether they are used for cooking or wine, they are very useful!"

Mu Kelong guessed that this is probably due to the optimization of the mushroom species cultivated by cavemen after experiencing the influence of the "half-void" environment.

Even, Mu Kelong's brain hole is big, these "Void Mushrooms" may become another capital for him to get rich in the future!

So, Mu Kelong instructed Chemus to explain to his clansmen, to carefully cultivate excellent varieties of mushrooms in the secret space of the "back garden", and to find ways to improve the sauce wine craftsmanship, and strive to produce one or two top-quality wines of unparalleled quality in the world. come out.


The next day, Mu Kelong left the mage Duke and a few stable players to assist the deputy hero [Menglu Marilyn] to guard the house, and he himself brought 480 fully armed combat players and 300 dwarf warriors Leave Bluefrost Castle and head southeast to the Ruhr Prairie.

In order not to arouse the vigilance of the nomadic forces in the upper reaches of the Ruhr Prairie and cause unnecessary trouble, and to strengthen the guarding force of the Bluefrost Castle at the base camp, Mu Kelong left all the 8,000 soldiers he brought back from the front line.

The 8,000 soldiers were divided into four battalions, guarding the four gates of the Blue Frost Fort, south, east, and north.

After the internal affairs were settled, Mu Kelong took an army of nearly 800 people and escorted 20 carts to the grasslands.

The reason for this is so troublesome because Mu Kelong did not want to reveal the secret of his own "back garden" secret space in front of outsiders.

Whether it was the players who came to defect to him at this stage, or the nomadic forces on the Ruhr Prairie who were about to meet, Mu Kelong didn't want to reveal his secrets in front of them.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

In fact, tens of thousands of soldiers are always waiting in the secret space of Mu Kelong's "back garden". In the event of an emergency, they can definitely catch the enemy by surprise!

According to the map provided by Rockefeller, after Mu Kelong's army set off from Bluefrost Castle, they first marched eastward for more than 200 kilometers, entered the Ruhr Prairie for more than 100 kilometers, and then turned to the southeast and marched for about 300 kilometers. reach the destination.

This is the location of the hidden valley where Gea and his friends are hiding.



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