Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 217 Helplessness in the fierce battle

【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

In the many fierce battles with the barbarians some time ago, Mu Kelong has found that the [Blessing of the King] skill is almost as powerful as the [Blessing of the Thunder Titan] for him!

What's more, now that his two big moves are stacked together, the fifth-order special arms such as the ghoul black lizard cavalry are nothing at all!

In fact, players underestimated the damage Mukron's dealt to the ghoul Black Lizard.

After Mu Kelong's transformation, the attack power has already reached the limit of 99 points (the limit below the epic level), and the excess attack power after blessing [Blessing of the King] is converted into his basic damage, and it is still pure damage.

In addition, the damage of the [Heavenly God] state is doubled, even if the defense of these ghouls and black lizards reaches 50 points, Mu Kelong can at least cause more than 6,000 damage with a hammer!

Unless these ghoul black lizards are Tier 5 elite monster bosses, it is absolutely impossible to go through the second move under Mukron's hammer and battle axe!


On this side, Mu Kelong slaughtered the Quartet in the army formation of the ghouls and black lizards.

Moreover, in the battle of the night attack on the Barbarian Engineering Base a few months ago, although Mu Kelong wisely used the grace of the Thunder Titan at a critical time to save a life with magic immunity, but basically all his equipment was smashed. The Crown of Khan also vanished that night.

Since then, Mu Kelong, the Thunder Berserker, has lost his ranged taunt skills, which has caused him to be very capable of fighting and resisting himself, but he is not capable of being an excellent meat tank.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of ghouls and black lizards rushed towards the place where the hill camp was located. Mukron was able to block a small number of ghouls and black lizards, but more ghouls and black lizards. Then bypassed the position where Mukron was and rushed to the others behind the car array.

In an instant, the gray fog rolled, and the exaggerated ghoul black lizard cavalry easily rolled over the circle of iron chariots on the periphery, and crossed with the shield warriors guarding behind the large iron chariot.

Mu Kelong smashed a ghoul black lizard to death with a hammer, glanced behind him, and saw that these players under his command cooperated tacitly, and forcibly blocked the impact of hundreds of ghoul black lizards with his flesh and blood. , I felt a little more relaxed.

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Come to think of it, these players under his command were originally mercenaries who had been fighting on the northern battlefield for a long time.

What's more, in order to defect to themselves, they marched thousands of miles to the Blue Frost Castle, if not two brushes would have died on the road.

In fact, the players at this stage are basically between the third and fourth tiers. The hero-level template gives them the strength to leapfrog challenge. With cooperation, the same number of ghouls and black lizards can still It's not necessarily how to get the player's army.

At this moment, the fog of war in front of Mukron suddenly rolled over in a large area, and hundreds of ghoul black cavalrymen who were even bigger than the previous wave of ghoul black cavalry appeared in front of him.

It is worth noting that in the middle of this wave of burly ghoul black lizards, there is a mysterious existence shrouded in golden armor, and even his mount - the lizard with a length of more than fifteen meters. The black scales of the scorpion will actually glow with dots of purple light under the hazy moonlight!

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

Mu Kelong realized that this golden armored black lizard knight should be the commander of this wave of monsters!

The next moment, Mu Kelong shouted, and a golden light fell from the sky,

Immediately afterwards, a pair of golden wings grew out of his left and right flanks and back——

[Golden Fighting Griffin's Feather Leggings] (one-star quality, blue gilt extraordinary strategic treasure)

Explanation: This is a legging secret crafted by senior craftsmen in the Duke family of the Golden Griffin. It is made of the most elite feathers of the Golden Griffin and other precious materials, and has all kinds of incredible power.

Strategic attributes:

[Sky Tactics] (Intermediate) When your army is fighting in the sky, the entire army will gain the enhancement effect of increasing the movement speed by 200, and at the same time increasing the attack power and the defense power by 6 points (only for flying troops).

[Griffin's Feather] (Special) The friendliness of the Griffin family towards you increases by 30 points.

Combat Attributes:

Agility +15

Physical evasion level +15

Equipment Special: [Golden Griffon Wings] (special)

Summons a pair of golden griffin wings to appear on both sides of your back, allowing you to gain the ability to fly, with a maximum flying speed of 1800. When flying, it consumes 3 magic points and 5 stamina points per second.

When summoning Golden Griffon Wings, it consumes 100 mana points, lasts up to 100 seconds, and has a skill cooldown of 180 seconds.

Hidden effect: When [Golden Griffin Wings] exists, the flying units under your command have a 45% chance to receive the blessing of the Golden Griffin Spirit every 3 seconds, with the effect of morale +3, and will not be demoralized anyway. Attack critical strike rate increases by 25%, air-to-air base damage increases by 30%, and air-to-ground base damage increases by 50%.


This pair of [Golden Griffin's Feather Leggings] is a small gift from His Royal Highness Wilson, the Golden Griffon Grand Duke, to Mukron.

To fight BOSS, naturally you have to go all out!

What Mu Kelong liked the most was that after activating the Golden Battle Griffon Wings, he became a flying unit and could enjoy the two-way bonuses of [Sky Tactics] and the strategic attributes and combat attributes of this leggings.

In particular, he is now in a god state, and the power of his skills is doubled——

This makes [Golden Griffon Wings] one of the hidden effects provided for him, and the 50% increase in air-to-ground basic damage becomes a 100% increase!

At the same time, Mu Kelong also activated his strongest ultimate move at the same time——

【Rage Fury】Activate!

[Rage Rage] (Basic): Instantly burns 10% of his current HP, and converts 25% of its value into blood rage damage to add to any weapon, and increases attack speed by 75%.

Lasts 10 seconds, skill cooldown is 60 seconds.

Note: This state will make people lose part of their sanity, reduce the physical hit rate by 15%, and have a 15% chance to attack the wrong target (may accidentally injure friendly troops). When the current HP is lower than half of the maximum HP, it cannot be used.


[Furious Fury] This skill was originally one of the basic professional skills of the Berserker series, and it was not uncommon, but with Mu Kelong's god status, the power directly tripled.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

Relying on the combination of [Rage Rage] and [God Status], Mu Kelong once quickly killed countless enemies on the battlefield, including several big bosses above the seventh rank.

This is not to mention, Mu Kelong resolutely launched another powerful combat skill while taking advantage of the duration of the god state for more than ten seconds.

[The Fury of Wind and Thunder] Activate!

[Wrath of Wind and Thunder] (Elementary)

Consumes 100 mana to summon a raging spirit of wind and thunder.

The spirit of wind and thunder can be attached to the surface of any weapon, increasing the attack speed by 50% and the damage of the thunder attribute weapon by 30 points. It has a 15% chance to dispel all positive conditions on the target and cause 2 times the weapon damage.

The Spirit of Wind and Thunder can also be used as a one-time throwing weapon, causing (2×strength attribute) thunderstorm damage to any target within a range of 300 meters.

The spirit of wind and thunder can last for up to 7 seconds, and the spirit of wind and thunder can be summoned every 30 seconds.


At this point, Mu Kelong almost used his cards, his wings shook, he rose into the air, passed the guards around the golden armored black lizard knights, and swooped directly from the sky to kill the enemy chief!

The moment the person was in the air and had not yet landed, Mu Kelong faced the enemy chief, and suddenly opened his mouth and spewed thousands of golden lights——






[Gold? Lion's Roar] (Exclusive third-order combat occupation special skills, cannot be upgraded)

Skill effect: Runs the power of the whole body, and emits a deafening roar, causing high damage to all enemy targets within a certain range, instant, and the sound wave spreads.

The damage type is physical damage, and the basic damage value is 0.3 to 3 times the strength attribute point.

The maximum killing radius of this skill is strength attribute point × 3 meters, the farther the distance, the lower the damage.

Within the sonic radiation range, the basic damage to the enemy target will not be lower than 0.3 times the value of the strength attribute.

(Freeze 10% of HP and Stamina for 300 seconds after use. When the current HP is lower than 60% of the total maximum, it cannot be used, and the cooling time is 60 seconds.)


At this moment, the players who were sticking to the bloody battle with the ghouls and black lizards in the camp were all stunned—

"What is this operation?"

"What shape is this?"

"Boss Mu is awesome!"

The third-tier human swordsman hero Zhang Zicheng cooperated with his comrades to kill a ghoul black lizard. As soon as he looked up, he saw hundreds of ghoul black lizards in the field of vision, as if they were drunk. became wobbly.

At the same time, the golden light and sound waves in the audience blinded his eyes, causing him to utter a foul language!

"Fuck, does Boss Mu know about such a perverted game administrator?"

Xie Xiaofeng, the sheep-headed cousin who was always by his side, was also shocked by the scene in front of him, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Perhaps, this is the fighting strength of the legendary number one player in the world!"


It's too late to talk about it, but when the players are in shock, Mu Kelong is already full of firepower, and his right hand beats his left axe and dances out flowers. His whole body strength seems to be pouring out as if he doesn't want money, and he desperately attacks the golden armored black lizard knight. body smashed.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

At this moment, he completely gave up defense, and his mind was full of two words——


In an instant, a set of bloody and tyrannical combos were displayed in Mu Kelong's hands, like a violent storm, like thunder.

You must know that after receiving the guidance of the dwarf chief Murador, Mukron has mastered many inheritance skills of the Hegel clan, including the [combat dual wielding] skill that he has in mind.

Now he, the [Combat Dual Wielding] skill should have broken through to the intermediate level, and the power of the two-handed weapon has been further released. Even after getting the finishing touch of the dwarf chieftain Murador, Mukron also realized how to use the combo. The ability to speed up.

In other words, Mukron is now not only more powerful when using weapons with both hands at the same time, but even the attack speed will be faster and faster with the smooth use of the combo.

In just a few seconds, Mukron did not know how many times he hit the target!

In Mu Kelong's expectation, unless the golden armored black lizard knight in front of him is an epic powerhouse, he should be immortal and disabled after being madly attacked by his full force.

However, the result was far beyond his expectations!

Not only did the enemy not fall, even in the moment of the fierce confrontation, Mu Kelong, who was attacking with all his strength, also endured the terrifying counterattack from the Golden Armored Black Lizard Knight.

The weapon of this golden armored black lizard knight is a Qimen weapon, which looks like a combination of a three-pointed two-edged sword and a death scythe.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying on weapons that one inch long and one inch strong, and one inch short and one inch dangerous.

Mu Kelong's hammer and battle axe are both short weapons, so when he saw that the weapons of the Golden Armor Black Lizard Knights were long weapons, he decisively adopted the strategy of diving with wings and hitting close to the body, that is, to use his own strength to attack the enemy. short.

However, the reality was that Mu Kelong's attack landed on the Golden Armor Black Lizard Knight. He clearly hit the target, but it seemed to hit cotton and air, and he didn't feel any feedback.

On the contrary, the Qimen weapon of the Golden Armor Black Lizard Knight fell on Mu Kelong, which not only caused an abnormally painful feeling, but also made Mu Kelong clearly feel that his health and strength were fading.

As a battle-hardened general, Mu Kelong realized that the situation was not good. The golden armored black lizard knight on the opposite side seemed to have a ghostly physique of the dark system, and could avoid most physical damage. The real damage done is very limited!

However, Mukron's attack was not entirely in vain.

After advancing to Thunder Berserker, he gains a permanent class hidden attribute.

Hidden professional talent skill - [Raging Thunder] (primary): Passive effect, no matter what form of attack Thunder Berserker attacks, there is a 10% chance to add an additional 25% thunder magic damage.

Mu Kelong found that whenever he triggered the [Raging Thunder] special effect, the golden armored black lizard knight who was hit would froze all over, as if suffering great pain, and even had a 100% chance of falling into a state of paralysis for a moment.

This shows that the lightning magic damage can restrain the opponent!

Thinking of this, Mu Kelong feels that he still has hope?

"If I knew it earlier, I would not activate the god state!"

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

"After my Thunder Titan's Blessing Skill is restored, go directly to the Thunder state, won't the hammer kill you?"

But the middle-level [Blessing of the Thunder Titan] has a duration of 90 seconds and a cooldown of 450 seconds - in the ever-changing melee combat of life and death, a few hundred seconds really can't wait.

But soon, Mu Kelong thought about it and felt that his idea was wrong!

Because when I blessed the state of [Rage of Wind and Thunder] just now, I would add lightning damage when attacking, but why only when I played the passive skill [Rage of Thunder] would it cause obvious damage to the Golden Armored Black Lizard Knight?

There are two possibilities for this result.

The first is that the damage of the thunder attribute is not equal to the damage of the lightning element. The black lizard knight in front of him is restrained by the magic damage of the lightning element, but he is not afraid of the ordinary thunder element damage.

Second, the damage of the thunder attribute is actually the magic damage of the thunder element, but the additional damage of the thunder attribute of his [Wrath of Wind and Thunder] is not high, but only adds 30 points of thunder attribute weapon damage, which cannot break through the opponent's thunder element defense threshold, only When [Rage Thunder] is triggered, it will only deal damage to the target after adding 25% of its own damage.

You must know that Mu Kelong, who is full of firepower, damages thousands of dollars. The 25% increase is not one thousand or eight hundred, which is much more powerful than the additional 30 points of thunder attribute weapon damage of [Wrath of Wind and Thunder]!

It's a pity that no matter which situation is true, Mukron can't do anything about the other party now.

Because the duration of his god and giant state is about to expire!



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