Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 228 Boss Wu is mighty and domineering!

【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

At the bottom of the moat outside Soberunya City, more than a dozen black-scale monster fishes with long and slender bodies like snakes were swimming quietly. The water boiled, and everyone was as excited as a shark smelling fishy!

Soon, more black-scaled monster fish frantically twisted their slender bodies with a speed as fast as lightning, drawing black lines of black light in the water, and gathered together by coincidence.

And the gathering place of the large group of black-scaled monster fish happened to be the place where Zhang Zicheng, who was performing a trapeze show, would fall into the water in the next second.

This scene is like a group of kindergarten children sitting in a row, setting up bowls and preparing to eat.

The water quality of the moat in the outer circle of Soberenya City is not bad. Although it is not clear to the bottom, but the black-scale monster fish that is about to surface makes such a big movement, as long as you don't open your eyes, you will know what is about to happen.

While the players on the other side of the river were secretly sweating for Zhang Zicheng, the flying trapeze, this third-tier human swordsman also sweated for himself, but it was still cold and profuse.

In the next second, Zhang Zicheng suddenly volleyed a kite and turned over, stretched out the real silver holy sword in his hand and tapped the water surface downwards, and then his body was lifted more than one meter lightly like a fallen leaf.

Immediately afterwards, a professional assassin player on the bank of the river shook his hand, and shot a steel flying claw with a thin steel cable chain from his sleeve, and threw it towards Zhang Zicheng in midair——

At the same time, the real silver holy sword in Zhang Zicheng's hand stretched out like lightning, and the tip of the sword happened to be caught between the two barbs of the flying claw, and then he picked, hooked, turned, and pressed with ingenuity.

With the help of this hook, Zhang Zicheng's figure was once again raised by one foot. In the middle of the air, he hugged his knees with his arms and performed a double flip forward at 720 degrees. Finally, he landed firmly on the grass on the other side of the moat. superior.

At this moment, there was a lot of applause in the player army.

In fact, during this period of time, not only Mukron has continued to improve and become stronger, but other players have also continued to study and improve in their respective areas of expertise.

In this heroic world of swords and sorcery, natural selection is the only way to survive.

And those players with little ability, or those who were capable but unlucky, were mostly shot to death on the beach like waves.

It's a long story, but the whole process of Zhang Zicheng's trapeze acrobatics show took less than three seconds from take-off to landing!

During this period, some fast-moving player heroes have already stepped up.

Three armored fighters and four fighters who focused on increasing blood resistance stood on the back of the black Nuruk giant-toothed wild boar in the front, and blocked the attacks of several powerful enemies.

At the same time, Captain Uhtred commanded dozens of players to line up on the river banks on both sides of the suspension bridge to assist in the attack, using various long-range firepower to flank the enemies on the suspension bridge.

In addition, there are seven or eight priests and paladins who ride on the Black Nuruk Tusk Boar to provide blessings, assistance and treatment to their teammates.

One hundred and twenty players worked together in a division of labor to manage the cable suspension bridge outside the city gate of Soberenya into a stubborn position like an iron barrel, as stable as an old horse.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

Hananger, the acting patriarch of the Soberen clan, led several masters in the clan to attack the player's line of defense, and fought hard several times. As a result, all the offensives were jointly resolved by the players, in vain.

Almost one after the other, at the gates of the other three directions of Soberunya City, similar offensive and defensive battles of the chain suspension bridge were staged one after another.

It's just that there are not too many Soberen clan masters in the other three directions,

It was relatively easier for Love and the others to defend. They even sent ten people from each of the three sides to help defend.

After receiving the support of thirty friendly player heroes, Uhtred was determined to block the enemy's escape route with full confidence.

At the beginning, there were still many wild boars from the Soberen clan who ran out of the city.

But as time went by, fewer and fewer people were able to escape from the dark city.

Correspondingly, the shouts of killing in the city became weaker and weaker.

In the end, there were only sporadic weeping and crying of the old and weak, women and children.

Not long after, the wild boars of the Soberen clan outside the city felt that the city was gradually falling into silence, and the mysterious enemies in the black mist gradually approached behind the city gate, and cold arrows pierced the black mist and shot into the crowd from time to time.

When the last wild boar of the Soberen clan wanted to escape from the city gate, but was shot by a few sharp dark red bone spurs into "artificial porcupines" and nailed to the ground, the survivors on the suspension bridges outside the four gates of the Soberen tooth city The wild boar began to be attacked...

At this time, Hananger, the acting patriarch of the Soberen clan, who was trapped on the suspension bridge by the player army and the mysterious enemies in the dark mist, couldn't help his anger and confusion, and cursed in the native language of the Soberen clan .

"Tamad, what the hell are these things in the dark?"

"O omnipotent Ruhr god~ Who is it that wants to kill our Soberen clan?"

At this time, several Soberen clan rangers suddenly appeared on the outermost circular grass slope.

The next moment, they were scared out of their wits by the scene in front of them!

The dark enchantment rising in the city is like a huge black lotus flower, its texture is neither smoke nor fog nor light, it is a magnificent momentum that has never been imagined, and its magic power is boundless!

At the next moment, when I saw clearly that Hananger, the acting patriarch and the young master, was blocked by a group of enemies on the suspension bridge, in a dilemma—the rangers on the top of the circular grass slope were shocked, and their brains were lost for a moment. They were all completely dumbfounded!

Soon, dozens of rangers from the Soberen clan appeared one after another, gathered together under the command of a reputable tribal warrior, and barely made up a cavalry squad.

Immediately afterwards, with a roar, nearly fifty Sobern rangers in leather armor swooped down from the commanding height of the circular grass slope, intending to attack the enemy blocking the way in front of the acting patriarch Hananger from behind.

It's a pity that the player legion has already had a countermeasure against this. Uhtred personally led ten player heroes who had initially mastered the tactics of the giant tusk wild boar cavalry, and launched a countercharge towards the enemy above the grassy slope.

In the Soberen clan tribe, or in the nomadic tribe, the cavalry ranks can be roughly divided into three types according to their strength.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

The strongest are naturally the tribal warriors and the best mounts carefully selected by the entire tribe. Basically everyone is equipped with steel armor, iron armor or bronze armor. Core combat power.

The second is the cavalry responsible for the security of the surrounding areas of the tribal camp, daily patrols and guards, commonly known as patrol cavalry.

Patrol cavalry generally wear leather armor, or partly wear metal armor.

The Soberen clan has thousands of years of accumulation and a solid foundation, so the patrolling cavalry on the outskirts of Yacheng are all armored, but the equipment is not as sophisticated as the real elite heavy cavalry, so-so can be regarded as heavy cavalry.

The rangers now appearing on the periphery of the battlefield are the cavalry of the third echelon of strength. To put it bluntly, they are light cavalry who are young and strong nomads who freely arm themselves and go out for hunting, scouting and vigilance every day. Must have.

At the beginning of this battle, Geya's Heinuruk heavy armored cavalry once faced upwards at the bottom of the circular grass slope, attacking the Soberon patrol cavalry, which can be called the iron armored cavalry. A brilliant record of one to five losses was achieved.

Now the hero of the player rides the same black Nuruk tusk mount, and the rider's strength is far better than the slave knights under Geya's command, and the impact is far inferior to the rangers of the Soberen armored patrol cavalry. They don't know how to lose!

The next moment, ten black Nuruk heavy armored cavalry collided head-on with more than forty nomadic light cavalry.

Just a head-to-head confrontation, the Sobern Ranger squad was directly knocked to death, knocked over, trampled to death and hacked to death nearly half of them!

Next, Utred and other ten players wiped out all the enemies without any effort, and they didn't even give them the chance to run away. The part-time job is too cruel!

After killing all the weak enemies, Uhtred led the army back to the suspension bridge position. Ten people lined up in a row, imposing like a steel city wall. Looking down at Hananger and others who were stubbornly resisting on the other side of the suspension bridge, he shouted loudly.

"Listen to the people on the other side, put down your weapons and surrender is your only way out!"

"Even if Jesus came today, he would not be able to save you. I, Boss Wu, said so!"

At this moment, the audience roared with laughter.

Because Uhtred, who claims to be the boss of Wu, used the Mandarin Mandarin of the Tang Dynasty to surrender the indigenous enemies in the game world!

This is simply insane and inhumane!

Obviously, this guy didn't want to let the other party die at all!

It has to be said that the blitz commanded by Uhtred just now did a good job of wiping out the enemy, which greatly improved the morale of the players.

Even the humorous joke of recruiting the indigenous enemies in the Mandarin of the Tang Dynasty relieved the fatigue and stress of the players to some extent.

The only non-hero among the players, Xie Xiaofeng, the sheep-headed man who was squeezed to the back to rest by his kind comrades just because of his weak strength and injury, took a lonely look at Uhtred, who was so energetic and started to call himself "Boss Wu" , an inexplicably sour taste floated in my heart.

"Hmph! Back when I was the little prince with the silver spear, you Uhtred were very low-key in front of me!"

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

"I think back in the ten-thousand-mile expedition, except for Boss Mu, no one in the legion knew that I was the number one warrior... until I got an arrow in the head—"

"Oh! It's been thirty years in Hedong, and thirty years in Hexi~"


Just when Xie Xiaofeng, the sheep-headed man, recalled the glorious past and felt sad secretly, Hananger, the acting patriarch of the Soberen clan, launched another round of attack angrily.

As a result, it was still in vain.

He was even cut off half of his ear by Zhang Zicheng, who was quietly hiding under the belly of the black Nuruk giant-toothed wild boar.

One hit was successful, and Hanange's first blood was taken, and Zhang Zicheng, the "trapeze man", took revenge for his humiliation and humiliation of being beaten into a trapeze by the opponent.

This guy was previously placed in the rear because of his injuries, but later a paladin buddy with a good relationship gave him a few mouthfuls of milk, and he was alive and kicking again after a while, so there was this scene of hiding a sword in the belly of a pig.

The reason Hananger was angry was because he couldn't understand Uhtred's words and thought the other party was scolding him.

And the reason why Zhang Zicheng hit Hanange's side face with a sneak attack, but only cut off half of the opponent's ear, is because the wild boar man's ears are too big...

Zhang Zicheng didn't know that Hanange, whose ear had been cut off by himself, handed over the first drop of blood, instead of being furious, he quickly calmed down.

He began to realize that he had fallen into an extremely dangerous and desperate situation.

After being protected by two bodyguards and retreating a few steps, Hananger looked around and secretly found that there were less than a hundred people around him.

Before there was a strong block to intercept, and then there was a mysterious enemy's cold arrow attack. I and others were trapped in the square inch of the gate of Yacheng. If there is no foreign aid, this time I will definitely die!

Soon, several rangers from the Soberen clan appeared on the grassy slope at the edge of the battlefield.

Hananger's eyes lit up, and his eyes that had lost three points of luster suddenly brightened, and he immediately raised his breath and roared outward.

"The enemy is very powerful, don't come here to die, go find Zuo Dahu and come back to save me!"

When the ranger heard the voice of the acting patriarch, he immediately let out a long howl, then turned his head and ran away without hesitation.

Obviously, this is to ask for help from Zuo Da's household.

Seeing this situation, a glimmer of hope ignited in Hananger's heart.

"Leader Zuo, my uncle, you must come back quickly!"

"The life and death of the Soberen clan is at this moment, and the hopes of the whole city are on you!"

What Hananger didn't know was that at this time, the hope of the entire "village" of the Soberen clan - the Zuo Dajiahu was indeed on his way back!

After all, he was a man who had been on the battlefield when he was young and had fought against the iron cavalry of the Centaur Khanate. Zuo Dahu started to realize that something was wrong after Geya let him fly a kite for a while.

He quickly realized that he had fallen into the enemy's trick and was getting farther and farther away from Soberen's Yacheng!

So he resolutely gave up the plan of chasing the enemy, and immediately ordered the whole army to turn around and march in the direction of Soberun Yacheng.

It's just that the Zuo Dahu at this time has been led by Ge Ya for more than a hundred miles. Even if the stamina of the mount can support the full speed charge, it will take at least half an hour to reach Soberenya City.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

Sure enough, Zuo Dadanghu encountered a group of rangers who were as distraught as headless flies on the way and reported.

Yacheng was attacked by a powerful enemy, and even Hanange, the acting patriarch and young master, was injured, and was blocked by the enemy at the gate of the city, unable to get out of the suspension bridge...

For this reason, several Soberen clan tribes around Yacheng put together hundreds of rangers to break the siege, but they were all overwhelmed by the enemy's black-maned giant tooth pig heavy armored cavalry.

Hearing that the enemy who attacked Yacheng was also the heavy armored cavalry of the black-maned giant-toothed pig, Zuo Dahu hated his teeth, and the remorse in his heart couldn't be washed away.

Because Zuo Dahu understood that the rangers from several small and medium-sized tribes outside Yacheng all followed him to "suppress bandits" along the way.

Now the total number of cavalry on his side has exceeded 3,000, and almost all the capable soldiers of the Soberen clan outside Yacheng are here, so the young master Hananger naturally cannot get strong support!

Therefore, the safety of Yacheng and the life and death of Hanange, the acting patriarch and young master, depend on whether he can go back in time!

Suppressing his anger and remorse, after carefully inquiring about the situation of Yacheng being attacked, Zuo Dahu took a deep breath and ordered the whole army to do whatever it takes—

The whole army charges!


In any case, return to Yacheng in the shortest possible time!



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