Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 231 Alliance of Little Ice Lake

【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

The magnanimity of Herman, the great leader of the left, moved people, but no one dared to move!

Just kidding, now there are cavalrymen of the Soberen clan all over the mountains and fields, and people are separated from each other. No one knows if the person next to him will suddenly give himself a knife when he turns around and leaves?

The Wilma father and son have ruled the Soberen clan for many years, and it would be too false to say that there were no supporters of the father and son among the seven or eight thousand cavalry present.

It's just that at the moment, people are the knife and I am the fish, and I have to give in.

Just as everyone was watching, some of the iron armored heavy cavalry directly under the leadership of Zuo Danghu Herman made this head.

This man's name is Roken, a warrior of the Soberen clan. He single-handedly squeezed out of the crowd, rushed to Hanange, and stabbed a blood hole in Hanange's abdomen with one shot!

This scene was seen clearly and clearly by everyone.

So everyone knew that from now on, this Loken could only follow Herman, the big man from the left, to the dark, and the patriarch Wilma would never let this early bird go.

Herman, the big family in the left, understands the value of this early bird Roken better than anyone. Even if Roken is not one of his closest confidants, Herman still announces his reward in public.

"Very well, Roken, well done!"

"As the patriarch of the Soberen clan, I announce that from now on, you will take over the position of the chief of the You!"

At this moment, everyone went crazy, scrambling to squeeze forward—

For nothing else, the original Zuo Dang household is now the patriarch, so the position of Zuo Dang household is vacant.

At this moment, everyone is convinced that whoever can stand up second and use Hanange's blood to prove that he supports the new patriarch Herman, who is the new leader of Zuo!

Finally, another armored heavy cavalry took one step ahead of the crowd, flying a knife and beheading Hanange's left arm!

His mind is very obvious, the new Zuo Danghu is mine!

Sure enough, the new patriarch Herman once again announced that from now on, this warrior named Phelps will be the head of the Soberen clan!

In addition to being a big family, the Soberen clan also has many subordinate military positions. The hearts of all the warriors are boiling at this moment, and the idea of ​​allegiance to Wilma and his son has long been lost in their minds.

All of them are thinking of starting to be strong first, and then finding a good position.


Mukron and Gea watched a bloody feast quietly, they looked at each other and laughed in unison.

Because they know that the new Soberen clan is about to become the most powerful force on their side!

Instead of waiting any longer, they chose to leave first.

Before leaving, Mukron asked Gea to tell Herman, the new patriarch of the Soberen clan, a word.

All the materials in Soberen Tooth City have been transferred to the Blue Frost Castle in the Titan Empire. The two parties have agreed to meet at the Little Ice Lake base chosen by Mu Kelong ten days later.

At that time, Mukron will fulfill his promise and deliver 60% of the materials seized in Soberen City to Herman for free, consolidating the ruling position of the new Patriarch of the Soberen clan.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

In fact, this is just another tactic of Mu Kelong. In just a few hours, how could he have piled up the hundreds of years of savings of the Soberen clan and transported the entire castle to the Blue Frost Castle thousands of miles away?

In fact, these materials are in the secret realm of Mukron's "back garden".

In the next few days, Mu Kelong led his army back to Bluefrost Castle, and Gea organized the relocation of people from the Hidden Valley Base in the Great Hills Region to the new Little Ice Lake Base.

When Gea led more than 200 followers to the Xiaobinghu base, a large construction site had already appeared on the snow on the west bank of the ice lake, and more than 100,000 construction workers were working in full swing.

Some of these construction workers are dwarves like Mukron, some are elves, some are humans, in addition to dark orcs, jungle goblins and so on.

Obviously, Mu Kelong released a large number of labor from the "back garden" secret realm.

These people were citizens of the Holy Golden Dragon Empire in the past, and lived in the central and southern regions of the Balzers Peninsula for generations. Later, the barbarians invaded the Balzers Peninsula, and these survivors were reduced to prisoners and punished as war slaves.

It was Mukron who rescued them, and now the entire Balzers Peninsula has been occupied by barbarians, and these poor people have become homeless wanderers.

Thanks to the hundreds of years of savings of the Soberen clan, after obtaining this massive batch of materials, Mu Kelong distributed a small part of the materials to these poor people, and promised to become their lords to protect their homes, lives and properties. not be invaded by foreign enemies.

And these people's future homes need to be created by themselves, and the location is the south bank of Xiaobing Lake.

In the original plan, Mukron, Gea and Rockefeller planned to position the Little Ice Lake Base as a purely military fortress.

However, after breaking the Soberen clan's Yacheng and successfully instigating the leftist leader Herman, Mu Kelong changed his mind and decided to expand the size of the Xiaobinghu base and build a fortress-level city!

So when Gea arrived at his destination, he was so surprised by the scene in front of him that he was speechless.

Mu Kelong explained with a smile: "Geya, my brother, the situation we are facing now, and the resources we have in our hands, have long changed!"

"There is no doubt about the powerful mother of the Soberen clan. Herman, the chief householder of Zuo, is a wise man. After he becomes the new chief, he can win over 20,000 wild boar nomads to become his vassals at least."

"And Brother Gea, your ability is far stronger than Herman. I still have about 6,000 prisoners captured from Soberen's tooth city. I decided to give these people to you, so that you can build a greatness of your own. The Boar Clan!"

"After you master and digest this power, you will truly have the strength and confidence to become the leader of the rebel alliance in the border regions of the western Ruhr steppe!"

"In addition to the joining of the new Soberen clan, the Bluefrost Castle base behind it, and the support of the Holy Titan Empire behind the Bluefrost Castle, our strength has become strong enough to dominate the western Ruhr steppe border area!"

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

"After the winter, I plan to launch a new round of offensive to wipe out several large clan tribes in the western border area of ​​the Ruhr Prairie, and recruit the remaining small and medium-sized clan tribes..."

"If all goes well, then Geya, you will be able to establish a country and call yourself a khan on the western Ruhr steppe!"

"Gya Khan, what do you think of this title?"

Geya nodded and laughed: "What a domineering title!"

Mukron laughed too.

"Let's look forward to the first snow this winter, coming a little earlier than usual!"

Gea understood what Mu Kelong meant, and there was a look of anticipation on his face.

The living environment on the Ruhr prairie is closely related to the climate. As a nomadic people, the cold winter season is the most difficult one to endure every year.

Because the snow and ice cover the pasture, livestock such as cattle, sheep, horses and pigs cannot forage in the wild in winter. In the nomadic tribe, whether people or livestock, rely on reserve grain to survive the winter.

The resources in Mu Kelong's hands are extremely rich, because he has a "back garden" base with abundant products and absolute safety and stability. There are more than 100,000 cavemen who are good at planting mushrooms, and they can continuously provide for their lord Mu Kelong. Provide food.

In addition, Mu Kelong just sacked the tooth city of the Soberen clan, it can be said that he made a huge windfall, and he did not worry about the bitter winter at all.

Launching a large-scale offensive in winter is a huge advantage for the Mukron side!


A few days later, Herman, the new chief of the Soberen clan, arrived as promised, and in order to show his sincerity, he brought only a thousand iron and heavy cavalry.

As a result, seeing the scene of hundreds of thousands of people building the castle on the Xiaobinghu base, Herman was shocked.

When did such a powerful force emerge in the western border region of the Ruhr Prairie?

After the meeting, Mu Kelong asked Herman to visit the mountains of various supplies on the south bank of Xiaobing Lake. He pointed to one of the "tall mountains" and said with a smile.

"Patriarch Herman, my ally, this entire mountain of supplies now belongs to you."

Suddenly, the audience was silent, and everyone was stunned.

When did someone use the mountain as a unit to measure precious food, money and various strategic materials on the Ruhr steppe?

This dwarf, he's so cute!

Herman originally thought that it would be kind enough for Mukron to give him a quarter of the total supplies of Soberen Tooth City, and even a tenth of it could be accepted.

Since becoming the patriarch, Herman realized that it is really not easy to be the master of the family.

Because Sobelen's Tooth City was sacked by Mu Kelong, Herman had no food in his hands, so he didn't dare to speak too loudly, and even the new patriarch's dominance was a little shaky, even in danger!

But he really didn't expect that Mu Kelong would be so generous, and he really fulfilled his promise and delivered a mountain of supplies to him for free!

He knew in his heart that the mountain of supplies in front of him should be more than half of what Soberen Tooth City had accumulated.

In all fairness, he and Mu Kelong are in different places, and he can't be so open-minded!

How did he know that Mu Kelong's family was much thicker than he imagined.

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

It can only be said that poverty limited his vision.

At this moment, he Herman was convinced that he lost, and decided to join Mukron's camp in good faith.

So, Herman made a bold decision in his heart.

And if this decision was made in the past, he would not even have the slightest thought.

Still in full view, Herman suddenly said something to Mu Kelong.

"Your Excellency Viscount, my ally, your majestic strength like a mountain convinces me, and your broad-mindedness like the sea makes me admire..."

"I hope that my only son, Maggieri Soberen, the future heir of the Soberen clan, will be fortunate enough to follow you, listen to your teachings at all times, and grow up to be a visionary and broad-minded man. The leader of the clan, I beseech you to grant him this opportunity!"

This time, it was Mukron's turn to be surprised.

But who is he Mukron?

The face is thick against the city wall, and the heart is black like a sea of ​​ink——

There is no reason not to send hostages to the door!

So he laughed loudly and said, "Patriarch Herman, you think too highly of me..."

"However, the boy McGerry, the first time I saw him, I thought his eyes were very spiritual, which made me very fond of him."

"It was because I couldn't bear to hurt him back then that I didn't want to be your enemy, Patriarch Herman."

"Fortunately, now we have turned war into jade and silk, and have become close comrades in arms and alliances of life and death. If you really want me to be the mentor of this kid Macquarie, I will definitely live up to your expectations and teach him how to be a wise and wise man. Boar Khan!"

The five words Boar Khan came out of Mu Kelong's mouth, and Herman was stunned on the spot!

What does it mean?

Mukron knew that Herman could not understand the meaning of his words, so he asked him and Gea to enter his lord tent together.

After the three parties were seated, Mu Kelong pointed to his brother Gea and said to Herman: "I have a grand plan for a grassland empire, because my brother Gea is gifted and is the son of the great sun god!"

"The great sun god has a metaphor that his child Gea will be crowned king soon, rule the entire Ruhr prairie, and become a generation of geniuses on the Ruhr prairie, Gea Khan!"

"I hope that the Soberen clan can also take their rightful place in this great journey, and the future Soberen clan chief, your son, my student - Majerry, will be the ruler of the west. Western Khan of the Ruhr steppe, hereditary and irreplaceable!"

Herman's first reaction after hearing this was - Mu Kelong, maybe he's a lunatic. Isn't it too hasty to send his only son to him?

But after listening to Mukron's entire plan, Herman began to feel that there was a chance of success.

After all, although the Boar Khanate is powerful, its core ruling area is in the central Ruhr steppe, and the border area of ​​the western Ruhr steppe borders the Holy Titan Empire, and most of it is permafrost, which is not suitable for the survival of nomadic tribes. A weak link in the rule of the Boar Khanate.

Moreover, the Wild Boar Khanate is currently fighting against the Centaur Khanate in the east, thousands of miles away. What if both sides lose out?

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【Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord】 【】

Taking this opportunity, he joined forces with Mu Kelong and Gea to unify the border region of the western Ruhr steppe. When the Wild Boar Khanate, thousands of miles away, sent troops to attack, it was too late.

After integrating the various forces in the western border region of the Ruhr Prairie, it is not impossible for oneself to have a strong army, at least 100,000 cavalry, and even 200,000 cavalry!

If the Wild Boar Khanate launches its Western Expedition, it will face a dilemma.

If the number of people is small, we cannot beat us. If the number of people is large, we are worried that the Centaur Khanate behind us will stab us!

The longer it drags on, the stronger the power will be on one's own side.

Because our place is backed by the Titan Empire, with the military of the Titan Empire in Mukron, there is no worries at all, and we can continue to expand eastward, annex the Eastern tribes, and increase our population and strength!

When the snowball rolls up, it will be unstoppable. Not to mention the eventual unification of the entire Ruhr prairie, it is very possible to capture most or all of the western Ruhr prairie within at least three or five years.

So he made a decision on the spot and decided to join the plan.

At noon on this day, Mukron, Gea, and Herman made a blood alliance by the small ice lake, and solemnly swore to the great sun god above their heads—

The three parties advance and retreat together, help each other, have no upper limit on cooperation, and never betray each other!


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