Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 239: Ice Lotus Lantern?

Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord Chapter 239 Ice Lotus Lantern?

At this time, Great Chief Murador pointed to a glacier-carved fortress in front of him and introduced.

"This is the place where our glacier dwarves worship their ancestors. Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of the three clans came here with the three great artifacts of the dwarves, and led them to carve this indestructible stone on the glacier. castle."

After saying this sentence, Great Chief Murador showed a serious expression on his face, and walked to the main gate of the Glacier Fortress step by step, took off the dwarf crown on his head and put it in a groove in front of the gate.

The next moment, an ancient castle carved out of a huge glacier suddenly emitted a faint golden light from the inside to the outside!

Soon, the golden light enveloped the whole body of the great chief Murador and Mukron, perhaps sensing that the blood identity of the person who arrived was correct, so the golden light changed from fierce to gentle.

At this moment shrouded in golden light, Mu Kelong only felt a tyrannical breath, but it was fleeting, and soon a warm feeling rose from the bottom of his heart...

This feeling, as if he was being watched by the souls of his ancestors, filled his whole body with an indescribable sense of security.

At this moment, Mu Kelong began to believe that in this world, the souls of ancestors can really live forever!

The next moment, the golden light covering his whole body slowly dissipated, and Mu Kelong found himself in a completely strange world.

What appeared in front of my eyes was a picture full of simplicity, wildness, vastness, and grandeur. Unknown exotic flowers and plants can be seen everywhere, and the breeze is coming, swaying with the wind...

But other than that, Mu Kelong didn't notice the presence of his life, and even the strange feeling of being watched by the ancestors disappeared.

Strangely, Mu Kelong soon discovered that although the appearance of this world was strange, there was an aura that made him feel inexplicably familiar!

He quickly remembered that when he was fighting in the Ghost Valley on the west coast of Balsace Peninsula, he also entered a fantasy world in a secret realm!

Although the appearance of that world is completely different from the world in front of me, it has a somewhat similar atmosphere!

At this time, the Great Chief Murador standing in front of him turned around and introduced with a serious face.

"We have entered the place of ancestor worship. This is a special secret space. You may see things that do not belong to reality, but generally they will not cause harm to us. You don't have to worry."

"Only after I officially start the ancestor worship ceremony and become your guide, will there be incidents that truly threaten your safety on the Shuoyuan road."

"Mu Kelong, you don't have to do anything next, just follow me!"

"One thing you have to remember, even if you encounter a crisis, you can't stop walking. In any case, you can't stop walking for more than ten breaths, and you can't go back. No matter what you see, just go forward boldly!"

"On this road, you will face all kinds of incredible tests, only if you don't forget your original intention, you will be blessed by the ancestors!"

As he said that, the great chief Murador murmured words, and the crown of the black iron dwarf appeared on his head at some point, and began to emit a faint dark golden light.

The next moment, Mukron felt that the body of the great chief Murador in front of him gradually changed, and finally turned into a pitch-black candle.

Immediately afterwards, Mukron's eyes went dark, and he felt that the whole world had lost its light. Even though he had dark vision, he was completely plunged into absolute darkness, and he couldn't see anything.

Soon, a dim black candlelight lit up the road ahead, leaving two rows of dark golden footprints on the ground...

The novel app that has been running stably for many years is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, and the source-changing app used by old bookworms,.】

Mu Kelong immediately understood that the great chief had initiated the ancestor worship ceremony and became his guide. He only needed to walk forward step by step along the direction guided by the black candlelight and dark gold footprints.

Soon, a large group of ragged and smelly kobolds appeared in front of the road,

They are looking at themselves with a hungry and scorching gaze, as if they are about to pounce on them and eat them up in the next moment!

The moment this idea was born, a large group of kobolds in front of Mukron really rushed up...

In this regard, Mu Kelong just smiled slightly, stepped forward with both feet, and strode forward.


"If you can bite off a hair on my Mu Kelong's foot, you will win!"


Facts have proved that Mukron's self-confidence is definitely not a whim or groundless.

Facing a large group of hungry kobold robbers, Mukron kept walking, poking all the targets close to him to death one by one with just his fingers!

It's just that Mukron, who can't look back, couldn't see that the body of the kobold "killed" by him with his fingers quickly turned into dust, and not even the bones and the hardest teeth were left...

It's like the rotten corpses that have been dead for millions of years, because they reappeared in the sky, they melted at the first sight of the wind!

But Mukron knew in his heart that these kobolds were just an appetizer, and there must be something countless times more powerful waiting for him on this road.

The surrounding environment was still in endless darkness, only a black candle light illuminated the road in a small area ahead, and Mu Kelong followed the dark golden footprints all the way forward, not knowing where he was or the passage of time...

Along the way, Mukron encountered countless strange events, including but not limited to things in this world, and even things in the real world outside the game would be born in front of him.

He even saw Mr. Liu, the head teacher of his primary school, calling his childhood name on the side of the road, and he saw fully armed modern soldiers carrying howitzers and Gatling guns to bombard him indiscriminately...

In the end, Mu Kelong couldn't even figure out what state he was in, and he fell into a cognitive barrier!

who am I?

Where am I?

what am i doing


Somewhere, there is a most familiar strange voice telling him in the deepest part of his heart: Don't stop, keep going, keep going, until you reach the end of the world...

I don't know how long it took, a faint cyan brilliance quietly appeared three inches above Mu Kelong's head, and gradually solidified and transformed into an ice crystal lotus lamp.

Speaking of the origin of this ice lotus lantern, it is really unreal.

The role of Mu Kelong is the game hero of the player Zhu Hao in the real world, and the player Zhu Hao himself is an online writer.

This ice lotus lamp is actually an artifact in a novel written by Internet writer Zhu Hao in the real world, a brain-made product that only exists in imagination and does not exist in reality.

In the end, for some unknown reason, it appeared in a secret space in the game, and finally the writer Zhu Hao who created it opened the God's perspective to get it in the game...

For this reason, Mu Kelong or Zhu Hao himself was puzzled, but he knew that the ice lotus lamp was no small matter, so he happily regarded it as his life-saving magic weapon at the bottom of the box.

At this moment, the light of the candle in front of Mu Kelong suddenly flickered, and in the dark environment around him stretched out countless pairs of big black hands, crazily patting and kneading on the top of Mu Kelong's head...

In an instant, the ice lotus lamp above Mu Kelong's head was torn into countless pieces by the infinite hands in the darkness, and was finally swallowed up by the darkness.

If Mukron is still sane at this moment, he will find that the candlelight in front of him that guides him has become a little brighter.

Even the pair of dark gold footprints on the ground in front of them exuded even more metallic luster than before.


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