Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 247 It's outrageous!

Heroes of Invincible Storm Lord Chapter 247 is outrageous!

Soon, Mu Kelong mastered a set of hammer techniques called "Wind and Thunder Shaking All Directions".

This scene was seen and remembered by the other ancestor spirits, and each of them was quite eager to try.

If one time was accidental, then two consecutive rapid mastery of advanced and profound martial arts can only prove that Mu Kelong is an unparalleled genius in the world!

These dwarven ancestors who claim to be old and immortal have actually passed away for many, many years, and the oldest ancestors can even be traced back to ancient times.

In fact, the ancestral spirits who can communicate with Mukron, no matter which era they were active in, are all top powerhouses among the dwarves, all powerhouses above the epic level, and even ten Two extremely powerful existences who have reached the legendary sanctuary realm above the thirteenth rank!

And those dwarf ancestor spirits who were below the epic level before death, because their life level is not high enough, even if their souls enter this special secret space after death, they can only make simple actions and cannot communicate with complex information.

For countless years, in the internal communication of these ancestor spirits, it has been learned from the mouths of the latecomers that the inheritance of the dwarves from the outside world has declined, and many top bloodline secret books and advanced combat skills have even been lost.

But the only way to enter this realm in person, that is, the ceremony of passing on the torch, has been less and less held in the past ten thousand years.

However, some of the younger dwarves who finally waited here were unable to communicate with the ancestors due to their own reasons...

Such an embarrassing situation has caused these dwarf ancestors to have a top-notch inheritance, but they can only watch the outside dwarf family's inheritance gradually decline.

Now that it's hard to wait for Mu Kelong to come, there's no reason to let it go.

These dwarf ancestor spirits have already passed away for an unknown number of years, and they have already lost their selfish distractions. Who cares what kind of family this kid is a descendant of?

In any case, he is a descendant of the dwarves, and he just took this opportunity to pass on the long-lost inheritance from the dead to be passed on by Mu Kelong, the descendant.

As for whether Mu Kelong will pass on these inheritances to various tribes and clans after he leaves, that is really out of his control, and he doesn't want to.

We've been dead for so long, do we still care about this?

never mind!


In fact, Mu Kelong learned things so quickly, not because he was so talented and unparalleled in understanding.

Instead, after a series of adventures and coincidences, his mental power has been greatly improved, and at the same time, he has also integrated the innate supernatural powers of the fourth generation of North Sea sea monsters, such as the use of mental power such as schizophrenia. unique secret technique.

Even if the level, quality, and total amount of mental power of other people are the same as his now, it is unlikely to have the innate supernatural powers of strengthening, increasing, and manipulating mental power.

However, even if the female parent of the fourth generation of North Sea sea monsters is resurrected, the level, quality and total amount of their spiritual powers are far below To the level of Mukron's mental strength!

Only Mu Kelong, who possesses high-level, high-quality mental power and many innate magical powers to strengthen, increase, and manipulate mental power, and his total mental power is still very large, is outrageous!

Under such a combination of multiple compartments under such harsh conditions, in a sense, Mukron's brain has evolved into a kind of super biological computer, so it's strange that he can't learn things quickly!

In addition, his bloodline talent has been activated, and his grade is high enough, so that his physical body can be perfectly compatible with the powerful martial arts he has learned...

All of these are not ordinary low-probability events, but now they are all concentrated in Mu Kelong!

In this case, the word Chosen Son can only be used to describe this guy's invincible luck!


Faced with the generous teaching of the old ancestors, Mu Kelong said that only stupid children make choices,

A greedy adult like him can only say one thing——

"I want it all!"

Just when Mu Kelong was immersed in the ocean of knowledge, trying his best to extract wool from the ancestors.

A group of elf female knights riding on the backs of silver unicorns and equipped with longbows and green armor slowly appeared in the ice and snow world in the northwest of Titan Continent.

They crossed the western border between the Emerald Golden Dragon Empire and the Glacier Titan Empire, and were going to Louis Yorkshire to visit the great nobleman, great lord, and known as the Southwest King of the Snow Region—His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Hazmerk who was sitting on the southwestern border of the Titan Empire.

The leader of this unicorn cavalry is Lovely, a high wood elf ranger.

As the captain of the personal guard of His Royal Highness Silvana, the only female prince of the Golden Dragon Empire, she serves as Prince Silvana's special envoy, hoping to reach a secret deal with Grand Duke Hazmerk.

The Prime Minister of the Golden Dragon Empire, the daughter of Grand Duke Yinweis and Prince Silvana, Princess Nina was seriously injured while fighting on the front line of the Balthus Peninsula, and her life was hanging by a thread.

After being taken back to her parents, even though she was given a large amount of Life Mother Spring Essence, her injury did not improve and was still slowly deteriorating.

In order to save Nina's life, Grand Duke Yinweisi and Prince Silvana and his wife tried everything, but all had little effect.

Even Her Majesty the Empress of the Emerald Golden Dragon Empire visited her personally and said that there was nothing she could do about her niece Nina's injury.

Now Nina has long lost consciousness, and can only lie quietly in the crystal coffin of the royal treasure, waiting for the end of her life one day.

In any case, as a mother, Prince Silvana was unwilling to give up her daughter's life from the beginning to the end.

After many inquiries, Prince Silvana learned a secret message.

Jax Bailey Hazmerk, the youngest son of the Grand Duke of the neighboring country in the north, Jax Bailey Hazmerk] was born with a round bead in his mouth that looked like a top-quality emerald!

As we all know, the Grand Duke of Hazmerk is a high-ranking snow elf family, and the bloodlines of his direct descendants are not inferior to the earth elves of the royal family of the Golden Dragon Empire.

The elves are originally the darlings of heaven and earth, and there have been legends born with the most precious treasures of heaven and earth since ancient times.

If this news is reliable, then the green bead that accompanied Jax, the youngest son of Grand Duke Hazmerk, is very likely to be the legendary Bixue Lingzhu that restrains all fire magic and can heal all fire damage]!

Coincidentally, the culprit who caused Nina's serious injury and coma was none other than the fourth-level fire magic of the forbidden curse level, the famous Doomsday Judgment]!

As a mother, Prince Silvana, who is eager to love her daughter, will naturally not let go of any hope.

For this reason, Prince Silvana has already made preparations at all costs.

In view of the fact that the Grand Duke of Hazmerk is the powerful vassal in the southwest region of the Titan Empire in Yongzhen, his status is prominent and sensitive.

As the prime ministers of the Golden Dragon Empire, Grand Duke Yinweisi and Prince Silvana, it is not appropriate to rush to visit the vassal princes of neighboring countries, so as not to cause unnecessary diplomatic disputes.

What's more, if you want to ask others this time, if you go there with great fanfare, if you are rejected by others, you will not be able to step down at that time.

Therefore, Prince Silvana sent Lovely, the captain of her personal bodyguard, to the neighboring country in the north to conduct secret negotiations with the Grand Duke of Hazmerk on her behalf.

Since it was a secret mission, Lovely didn't make much fanfare. Instead, she led a small group of unicorn cavalry to quietly cross the border between the two countries, and walked straight to the residence of the Grand Duke of Hazmerk - Louis Yorkshire.


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