Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 24 Shocked! Why are boars imprisoned?

The dwarf began to tangle, should he enter the maze to save people, could this be a trap?

Or in the depths of the labyrinth, not a hero, but an evil devil?

At the same moment, Magni, who was killed twice in a row by an evil dwarf, was already furious and furious.

He gathered thirty players in the Blue Frost Castle, hurriedly and roared away from the castle under the moonlight, and walked towards the location marked on the special map in his memory with murderous intent.

Like this special treasure, he has already recorded it with the built-in camera function of the game, and it is impossible to find the place because the original image is lost.

The reason why I originally went out with a map was because the map itself was the mission key.

In his expectation, this task should have a certain degree of difficulty, so that damn dwarf can never find a place so quickly and rescue the hero.

Tang people like to say that the mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind. He Magni has just been a captured cicada once, and now he wants to be the oriole behind the mantis!


Although he didn't know what Magni was thinking, Zhu Hao used the muscles on his arms to think, and he knew that he couldn't waste time here.

This is the end of the matter, and I can only bite the bullet and go all the way to the dark.

Fortunately, apart from a map, there is nothing precious on him. Even if he dies, it is nothing more than losing some experience points.

So he violently tore an oil lamp from the stone wall and strode into the entrance of the maze.

To be honest, Zhu Hao was quite self-aware. He was actually skeptical about the possibility of him walking through the underground labyrinth in front of him.

Fortunately, someone makes a voice to guide him from time to time. The owner of this voice is naturally the creator of a special map——

The mysterious existence that was imprisoned in the depths of the underground labyrinth, suspected of being a "hero", may actually be a great demon.

The other party seemed to be very familiar with the maze. According to the other party's instructions, Zhu Hao passed through the huge underground maze that was basically impossible for him to pass through in less than half an hour!

After walking out of the maze, Zhu Hao first walked through a slightly smaller square hall, and finally walked into a long and narrow passage.

This passage is different from the passage in the labyrinth, it was obviously dug by the rat people themselves.

Soon, he came to a cave full of food and gold and silver treasures, and in the small stone room on the side of the cave, he saw a young orc imprisoned in a metal cage.

The moment he saw each other, he almost didn't laugh out loud.

If he hadn't known that he was in the game world of Heroes Invincible and Might and Magic, he would have called out the words "Second Senior Brother"!

Yes, the "hero" that appeared in front of his eyes was no different from a person below the head.

Although the clothes are ragged, but the physique is sturdy, and the body exudes a strong male hormone breath, he must be a full-fledged man.

But the fluffy and cute wild boar head on the neck really made people laugh when they saw it, and almost burst out laughing.

Obviously, the imprisoned man is a half-orc, and he belongs to the relatively rare wild boar people in the sphere of influence of the tower camp!

Seeing the other party's appearance, Zhu Hao's worries and doubts in his heart dropped 90%. He believed that the other party was definitely not a demon or an evil god.

After all, demons and evil gods are very strong, and there is a high probability that they will not become like this.

However, it cannot be completely ruled out that a certain demon has a particularly bad taste.

So he took out the map from his arms and asked a question pretending to be suspicious.

"Is this map drawn by your Excellency?"

"The purpose is to attract good-hearted people like me to save you, right?"

The boar nodded slightly embarrassedly,

Then he answered sincerely.

"My name is Gea. I'm a beast trainer. I was originally a slave of a wild boar tribe on the Ruhr steppe..."

"My former owner was Coleman, the patriarch of the Suchahar clan of the wild boar people. Later, because he participated in the royal battle of the wild boar tribe alliance, he failed miserably, leading to the separation of the tribe and the collapse of the clan..."

"I escaped from the chaos and became a wild boar man wandering around..."

"Later, I left the Ruhr prairie and headed north to the world of ice and snow. I didn't expect to be attacked by rat-man robbers outside the Bluefrost Castle..."

"The leader of the robbers [Jack Carrey] defeated me and imprisoned me in his old lair, delusionally trying to obtain the secret recipe of the beast blood pill from my mouth to improve the strength of the rat people!"

Hearing this, Zhu Hao asked suspiciously.

"What is Beast Blood Pill?"

Boar Geya hesitated for a moment, and finally told the other party the secret about the beast blood pill.

Because he believes that the other party is a "good-hearted person" who will spare no effort to rescue himself with only a map without compensation.

Such warriors are kind-hearted and trustworthy!

"Beast Blood Pill is actually my biggest secret..."

"To be honest, my mother is actually a female piglet raised in the Suchahar clan's animal farm, and my father is a male breeding pig..."

"I have nine brothers and sisters in total, but only I am a half-orc. The other eight brothers and sisters are wild boars. On the day I was born, a red sun appeared in my mind..."

"Later, I discovered a magical pill called Beast Blood Pill from the red sun in my mind."

"Every other day, I can receive a beast blood pill from the red sun in my mind..."

"Relying on the beast blood pills, I grew up safely in the cold and windy environment, and became the most powerful slave and the most brilliant animal trainer in the tribe!"

"You know what happened later. I was defeated by the vile [Jack Carrey] led by the Rat Man robbers and imprisoned here."

"He got a few beast blood pills from me. After taking it, his bloodline evolved and he became a hero of the Rat People!"

Hearing this, the dwarves became stunned. [Jack Carrey] could become a hero-level leader in the rat race, and the root cause was here!

The wild boar animal trainer Gea in front of him is more than just a gifted talent. He is simply a high-end online novel protagonist template, right?

As a writer of online novels in the real world, Zhu Hao even began to conceive how to write a novel called Beast Blood Boiling with Geya of the Wild Boar as the protagonist!

Well, the high-end book title of Beast Blood Boiling has already been adopted by the predecessors, so it is called the Beast Blood Throne!

Soon, Zhu Hao came back to his senses and asked the other party with a smile.

"Then, poor Gea, my friend, where are you going?"

At this moment, Gea's eyes were full of confusion, he slowly shook his head and muttered to himself.

"I don't know either, my master and his tribe have perished. I have no relatives anymore. I can only wander around, hoping to find a kind person who is willing to take me in..."

A kind-hearted dwarf immediately took over the conversation and replied sincerely.

"My name is Mukron Hegel, an ordinary glacier dwarf."

"Poor Gea, if you don't dislike me as a humble dwarf, I'm willing to be your relative!"

After speaking, the dwarf did not wait for the other party to answer, raised the warhammer and heavy axe in his hand, and smashed the metal cage that imprisoned the wild boar Geriya!


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