Heroes of Invincible Heroes of the Storm Lord Chapter 249 Father is "kind" and son is "filial piety"?

The refusal of the youngest son Jax was not unexpected by Grand Duke Hazmerk, just like what he said to Lovely, the envoy of Prince Silvana of the Golden Dragon Empire—

"Baby Jax has a bad temper, a bad temper, and can't be restrained..."

This sentence is not entirely an excuse, but the character of his youngest son, Jax, is indeed somewhat different.

To put it nicely, it is pampered and bohemian, but to put it badly, it is selfish and defiant.

Especially since this year, the younger son Jax seems to have encountered a bottleneck in his practice, his temper has become more and more irritable, and his personality has become more and more weird...

If it wasn't for the fact that Jax had grown up under his nose, never traveled far, and was surrounded by expert guards all the time, his status would never have been a problem.

Coupled with the rebellious and arrogant behavior of the youngest son, it is also because I have been accustomed to him since I was a child. I am afraid that Grand Duke Hazmerk suspects that his son has changed.

However, this marriage was a rare opportunity for Grand Duke Hazmerk, and he did not compromise because of his youngest son's refusal.

After pondering for a while, Grand Duke Hazmerk said something solemnly to Jax.

"For this marriage, I feel that Prince Silvana of the Golden Dragon Empire is very sincere, and her husband is the Prime Minister of the Golden Dragon Empire, Grand Duke Yin Weisi. The two of them are strong and powerful, and the power is far away from us. Above the Principality of Zimmerk."

"Whether this matter is for our Hazmerk family or Jax yourself, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, so I hope you don't rush to reject the other party's proposal, and then seriously consider it for a few days. "

"As for the hidden dangers caused by using Bixue Lingzhu to treat the seriously injured Princess Nina, I will discuss with the other party's envoy again and try my best to get the greatest compensation for you."

"The Golden Dragon Empire has a profound foundation, and it is not under the Titan Empire. I believe there must be a way to perfectly solve your concerns!"

"In addition, if you, Jax, can heal Princess Nina, become Marquis of Danfeng Bailu in the Golden Dragon Empire, and expand the territory of the Hazmerke family in a peaceful manner, then as your father, I will give Danfeng Xilin County in the north of Bailu County gave it to you as your exclusive fief!"

You know, there are only three counties in the territory directly under the Grand Duchy of Hazmerk!

If Jax really inherited Xilin County, plus Danfeng Bailu County promised by the Golden Dragon Empire, then Jax would actually control two counties!

Even if his eldest brother inherits the position of Grand Duke of Hazmerk in the future, the territory under his jurisdiction is only comparable to that of Jax!

Even Jax, who has the support of the Golden Dragon Empire's royal family, will be even more powerful and powerful than his elder brother!

You must know that Jax, as the youngest son, originally did not have the right to inherit the territory. Even if he is the most beloved youngest son of Grand Duke Hazmerk, it is absolutely impossible for him to inherit a territory as large as a county!

Otherwise, let alone Jax's elder brother would be dissatisfied, even the other brothers would be dissatisfied!

It can be seen from this that Grand Duke Hazmerk attaches great importance and decisive attitude to this marriage!

That is, no matter what, we must win the Danfeng Bailu County promised by the Golden Dragon Empire for the Hazmerke family!

Even if my eldest son and youngest son have conflicts about this in the future, so that they may fight each other in the same room or fight each other in a hundred years, that's not hesitating!

After all, no matter who wins the final victory, the king who unifies the four counties is the heir of the Hazmerk family after all!

The meat that you eat will rot in your own family's stomach!

Hearing what Grand Duke Hazmerk said, after Jax thought about it, he didn't say no again, but nodded silently.

After leaving the study, Jax didn't go back to his room, but went to a large manor outside the Duke's mansion.

This manor is Jax's private property, one of the coming-of-age gifts Grand Duke Hazmerk prepared for his youngest son.

After returning to his private manor, Jax retreated from his servants, walked into the secret room hidden under the study floor alone, and began to think about the marriage that Grand Duke Hazmerk mentioned today.


In the middle of the night, Jax, who was cultivating in the secret room, suddenly opened his eyes and turned to the south. A fiery light flashed in his eyes!

At this moment, if you use Datang's language to describe Jax's mood, it would be——

"If you break through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it!"

"Finally found you—this time, you can't escape!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

In an instant, an indescribably terrifying aura erupted from Jax's body, but it disappeared without a trace from his body immediately!

Soon, a strange shadow that could twist on its own appeared under Jax, and quickly left Jax himself, left the manor through a hidden passage in the secret room, and came to the quiet suburb.

Then, the shadow headed southwards, its speed became faster and faster, its size became more and more inflated, and finally turned into an ice-blue serpentine lightning and disappeared in the wilderness snow field!

As for Jax himself, who was left in the secret room, after the shadow left, his body gradually became stiff...

Regarding the strange changes that happened to Jax in the secret room, neither the patrolling guards in the manor nor the masters who secretly protected Jax knew anything about it!


At the same time, on a certain icy and snowy field on the southwestern border of the Titan Empire, a hundred-foot snow-capped mountain burst open, and two dwarves walked out of it.

Although at the moment when the snow-capped mountains split apart, the surrounding area was filled with dense ice and snow fragments, but the bodies of these two dwarves were not stained with the slightest bit of frost.

One of the relatively young dwarves with a short beard looked at the great dwarf chief in front of him with a strange look, and couldn't help asking.

"Your Excellency the Great Chief, I heard that the prerequisite for the success of the ceremony of passing on the torch is that the relationship between the guide and the sacrificial priest must be blood relatives, but you..."

As a result, before he finished speaking, the great chief on the opposite side burst out laughing.

"Mukoron, there is no doubt that this is true!"

"Actually, I am your biological father, and you are my biological son!"

Although Mu Kelong had expected this, he still couldn't believe that such a bloody life story would happen to him.

So he swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, and couldn't help asking for proof again.

"So, what is the relationship between my original father Musa Hegel and me?"

Hearing Mukron mention Musa's name, the chief raised his head to the sky and sighed, and said something quietly.

"Musa used to be my best brother, but then I fell in love with his only sister, Emily], and I already had a family at that time, so Musa and I had a big fight, so that For this reason, they parted ways, forcibly took Emily away, and never interacted with me again..."

"Later, I heard that Emily gave birth to a child, and that was you!"

"So, Moussa Hegel] is your biological uncle, and your mother's name is Emily Hegel], she is the woman I love the most in my life, Murador Kelsaro], none of them!"


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