Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 252 The hero has no way out

Heroes of Might and Magic: The Stormlord Chapter 252 The hero has no way

During this process, the eighth prince of the sea monster of the North Sea was not completely helpless. Facing the threat of unexpected terrorist forces, she did everything she could, and all kinds of treasures emerged one after another in an attempt to stop the attack of the great chief Murador.

But in the face of the terrifying power contained in the giant golden lightning transformed by the power of the golden thunder and titan, the efforts of the eight princes of the sea monster of the North Sea cannot be said to be useless, but very limited.

Even the companion treasure of the snow elf used to freeze the world—the Bixueling Orb looted from the body of Jax, the most beloved son of Grand Duke Hazmerk], after enduring three giant golden lightning bolts , suddenly exploded into countless fragments, and turned into powder.

Within a few breaths, the huge body of the North Sea Sea Monster Ba Taizi, which had already been riddled with holes, fell powerlessly from the sky, fell on the ice and snow ground as hard as steel, and turned into debris on the ground.

In fact, at this moment, the Eighth Prince of the North Sea Sea Monster did not die completely, but passively started a new round of Nirvana rebirth because of his serious injuries.

At the same time, after defeating a powerful enemy with continuous bursts of output in just a short moment, Great Chief Murador was also unable to maintain his giant form, and his huge body became smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally returned to the normal dwarf form. body type.

Until then, Mukron was freed from the ice.

Relying on his powerful mental power to "witness" this earth-shattering battle, he immediately ran to help his father, the great chief Murador, as soon as he regained his freedom.

As a result, he was surprised to find that the surface of the black iron crown on the head of Great Chief Murador was covered with almost irreparable fault cracks!

"Father, are you all right?"

As long as some vocabulary is called out for the first time, the second and third times will come naturally.

At this moment, for Mukron, calling the Great Chief Murador, who had just stepped forward to save his life and tried his best to help him defeat his mortal enemy, "father" did not seem to be an embarrassing thing.

After all, this is just a game and a dream, the plot needs it—someone comforted himself in this way in his mind.

At this moment, Great Chief Murador was completely out of strength. Seeing his son Mukron running to help him at the first time, he reluctantly showed a gratified smile.

Immediately afterwards, Great Chief Murador opened his mouth and wanted to say a few words, but he couldn't make a sound, so he nodded slowly, and sat gently on the snow with Mukron's support, closing his eyes and recovering his energy .

Seeing that Great Chief Murador's breathing gradually stabilized after he closed his eyes, Mukron knew that he was not injured, and that nine out of ten it was due to excessive consumption of blood power, so he was relieved.

While guarding the great chief, Mu Kelong secretly released a ray of spiritual power to release his North Sea sea monster third-generation Zerg clone from the thinking space.

As far as the eye can see, the ground is covered with the remaining limbs of the eight princes of the North Sea sea monster. This situation can no longer be said to be the long-awaited situation of the third generation of Mukron, it can simply be called a dreamy gluttonous feast.

So what are you waiting for, hurry up and eat!

The poor eighth prince of the sea monster of the North Sea, the first prince, finally fell into the current miserable situation.

On an uninhabited snowfield in the west of the Titan continent, he was defeated by a powerful dwarf lord first, and then became another young dwarf's meal!

Soon, Mu Kelong found that he was not eating alone——

After the true body of the Eighth Prince of the North Sea sea monster was broken, the main consciousness was shattered, and the scattered physical body passively started a new round of rebirth from Nirvana...

Therefore, countless third-generation insects were born from her flesh and blood scattered on the ground, and began to devour the flesh and blood of the second-generation mother to strengthen themselves.

But there is no doubt that the clone of the third-generation Zerg controlled by Mukron is definitely the most powerful existence among all the third-generation Zerg at present, not one of them!

After all, his avatar of the third generation of Zerg was originally one of the strongest among the top nine circles among the third generation of Zerg.

It is the only remaining existence.

Compared with these newly born weak Zergs, the clones of the third-generation Zergs controlled by Mukron have already devoured the flesh and blood of the second-generation Zergs and their third-generation counterparts!

Not long after, Great Chief Murador opened his eyes again, and was immediately shocked by the bloody slaughter of thousands of Zergs.

He frowned, stood up, and prepared to completely wipe out the ferocious insects that were entrenched on the flesh and blood of the North Sea sea monster.

At this moment, his son Mukron pointed to the biggest Zerg in the field and said to him.

"Father, don't worry, the most powerful zerg has been subdued and controlled by me, and even its soul has been swallowed by me. It is nothing more than a flesh and blood puppet."

"According to the characteristics of the North Sea sea monster family, as long as the Zerg puppets I control can swallow all the flesh and blood of the North Sea sea monster and the Zerg that it spawns, I will be able to control the real body of the North Sea sea monster!"

In order to dispel the suspicion of the great chief Murador, Mukron truthfully told all the grievances and grievances between himself and the eighth prince of the North Sea sea monster.

At the same time, he also confessed to the great chief Murador his bizarre experience in the sacrificial ceremony of passing on the torch.

Anyway, Mukron has a lot of secrets, and it doesn't matter if he confesses a small part to his biological father who has helped him a lot.

At this point, Great Chief Murador finally understood what kind of adventure his son had had!

Immediately afterwards, Great Chief Murador was silent for a long time before he raised his head to look at Mukron, and couldn't help sighing.

"Mu Kelong, my child, you are the chosen one!"

"In the future, you will be the great chief of the Black Iron tribe of the glacier dwarves!"

However, to the surprise of Warchief Murador, Mukron rejected his offer.

"Father, I have no intention of competing with your other sons for the position of the Great Chief!"

"Now I have mastered many secrets of magical skills taught by the dwarf ancestors, and I will soon have the real body of the Eighth Prince of the North Sea sea monster as a puppet..."

"With such a background, even the throne of the entire dwarf clan will be in my pocket in the future. Why should I compete with my half-brother for the position of the great chief of the Black Iron Tribe of the glacier dwarves?"

Immediately afterwards, Mukron raised his finger to the sky and said something that made Great Chief Murador a little confused.

"Father, you don't understand, my journey is far away in the sea of ​​stars!"

Mukron's words, while surprising Great Chief Murador, also made him feel very relieved.

Although this child is his illegitimate child, he has a broad mind and lofty aspirations. He is indeed the best king bestowed on himself by the heavens, and even on the entire dwarf clan!

With his words, even if he forcibly activated the power of the Black Iron Dwarf Crown in this battle, causing this inherited sacrificial weapon with power comparable to that of a quasi-divine weapon to be seriously damaged, and almost lost the possibility of restoring it to its original state, worth it!


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