Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 27 Happy Snowball

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Hao said something to Gea, who had already changed his clothes.

"Brother Gea, the people from outside are my enemies, but they don't know that this camp is related to me..."

Just when the brothers met to discuss a strategy, Magni also took someone to a place not far from the camp.

Looking at the snow fairy camp standing in the wilderness in front of him, there was a hint of surprise in Magni's eyes.

He said to a group of dog-legs: "This camp is not small. I guess there are at least hundreds or even thousands of snow fairies in it."

"If we can conquer this snow fairy tribe, we will soon be able to dominate the Bluefrost Castle!"

"At that time, I must kill that damn dwarf 10,000 times!"

"Kill until he and Rophis delete their numbers!"

The doglegs nodded and complimented.

At this moment, the gate of the camp opened, and a pig-headed man with a height of more than ten feet and a blue cloth walked out.

He stood at the gate of the camp with his bare hands and asked loudly, "Who are you?"

"Why are you near my camp late at night?"

"This place has been occupied by our Tianzhu people. If you dare to approach the fence within ten meters, you will be at your own risk!"

Immediately afterwards, he said something that seemed strange to him.

"Don't blame me for being unpredictable!"

After saying this, there was a surging crowd behind the fence, and there were many figures of blue-robed snow fairy mages.

But Magni, 30 meters away, was not afraid at all, instead he sneered.

When did the Tianzhu people have the courage to be arrogant in front of the beautiful Chinese?

Also learn from the Tang people, saying "don't blame me for not telling me" - such words, trying to scare me?

When was my beautiful country ever afraid?

After the sneer, Magni suddenly laughed three times.

Then, without saying a word, he ordered a few shield warriors to go up to protect seven or eight archers and mages, preparing to focus fire to kill each other in seconds.

In fact, there is no need for the Tianzhu people to emphasize that, everyone knows that the snowball range of the Snow Fairy is only ten meters.

So the group came to a place that was about ten meters away from the fence and stopped, ready to start.

Sure enough, the pig head three who claimed to be a native of Tianzhu was in a hurry, his face showed a panicked look, he turned around and ran, and quickly hid in the camp.

For a time, there was a cheerful laugh outside the camp.

"It seems that the pig head three must be from Tianzhu!"

"As expected of a strange race that was wiped out by the Tang people in ancient times, it is as timid as a mouse, and it is as big as Bai Chang!"

Suddenly, hundreds of snowballs the size of basins were launched from the camp through the fence.

However, the players outside the camp not only did not panic, they even laughed out loud...

"As we all know, the Snow Fairy Mage can only fire 8 large snowballs!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Hurry up! That Tianzhu pig head three is in a hurry!"

"Cow beer! Can this game be played like this?"

"Sure enough, there are still many fools these days, hahaha—"

But the next moment, everyone's face turned green!

Because the overwhelming snowball did not stop at the position they expected, but hit them like a cannonball quickly!

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"


-123, -111, -118...

-119, -66, -112...

-115, -110, -58...

In an instant, more than a dozen players outside the camp, including seven or eight archers and mages, including five shield warriors, were all killed!

The soul is flying out of the sky,

Die in Yellow Springs!

This scene really fits that old phrase—

While talking and laughing, the turrets vanished into ashes!

Even Magni and others who were standing behind suffered a near-devastating blow!

Five or six people were killed on the spot, and even if the remaining people survived, they were basically disabled!

This scene made Magni, who was lucky enough to escape, terrified!

Without saying a word, he ran away.


"Fake squid!"


After watching the enemy run away, Gea returned to the camp and sighed in front of the dwarf brothers.

"It's a pity that they ran away. If I could command a Black Nuruk cavalry, I could wipe them all out with a single charge just now!"

Zhu Hao was at a loss when he heard the words Heinuruk, and he asked subconsciously with his mind full of question marks.

"Brother Gea, what is the Black Nuruk cavalry?"

Gea sighed faintly, sat on a snowdrift, and slowly told his story.

"Among our wild boar tribes, there will be the most powerful heavy-armored giant pig cavalry under the command of the great Khans of all dynasties..."

"This cavalry is invincible and invincible on the Ruhr Prairie. It can be said that it is famous and famous, and it is known as the Honoluk heavy armored cavalry!"

Zhu Hao nodded. He knew the name of the Honoluk heavy-armored cavalry, but what about the Henuruk cavalry? He hadn't really heard of it.

However, he did not disturb Gea, but listened patiently.

"Although I am only a small tribe of the wild boars and a slave of the Suchahar clan, I have also heard rumors of the Honoluk heavy-armored cavalry."

"It is said that the reason why the Honoluk heavy-armored cavalry is powerful is that the Great Khan of the Boar has mastered a secret medicine, which can cultivate a special giant wild boar with a body like an elephant and a strong rhinoceros as a mount."

"Because I am a beast trainer in the tribe, I once tried to feed some of my fellow brothers with beast blood pills, but when they grew up, they were actually as strong as an elephant and as strong as a rhino..."

At this moment, a certain dwarf suddenly widened his eyes, the hair on his whole body stood on end, his fists were clenched tightly, and his palms were soaked!

After eating a beast blood pill, can a wild boar grow to the size of an elephant? Rhino so strong?

The scene is unimaginable!

It's just so terrifying!

Gea was still immersed in his own memories, not seeing the horror on the dwarf brother's face, he continued.

"At that time, because I was taller and stronger than ordinary wild boar people, the fact that several wild boar brothers who were the same as my mother did not arouse too much suspicion, but made Master Suchahar feel that he should not some ambition..."

In this regard, Zhu Hao can only say that the people of the Suchahar clan are all idiots!

Immediately afterwards, he only heard Gea's voice suddenly drop.

"Later, the Suchahar clan perished, and Master Suchahar and I were escorted to the royal court where the Great Khan was..."

"There, I saw the real Honoluk heavy-armored cavalry, but I found that after my compatriots, the wild boar brothers, ate the beast blood pill, their physique was obviously better than those of the Honoluk giant pig mounts in the royal court. Be big!"

"Even, the mount of the wild boar's sweat, the largest giant pig, although it has fiery red hair and looks majestic, I still don't think it is as strong as some of my wild boar brothers!"

"Although my wild boar brother has black hair all over his body, he doesn't look so majestic and handsome..."

"Later, I was rewarded by the Great Khan to a small nobleman who had made meritorious deeds. On the way, I broke free from the cage, ran out, and obtained the long-awaited freedom..."

"In the process of wandering around, I often think about one thing-"

"If I use the beast blood pill to cultivate a group of the strongest giant wild boars, as mounts for cavalry, and then equip them with black steel heavy armor..."

"Then, such a cavalry can be called the Black Nuruk cavalry?"

"I even think that my Henuruk heavy armored cavalry must be stronger than the Honoluk heavy armored cavalry!"


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