Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 37 Life is like a play, it all depends on acting!

After listening to Nina, she quickly explained: "We have no intention of offending the majesty of the Holy Glacier Titan Empire. Our country is at war with the Barbarian Empire..."

"I was instructed to escort a treasure to the front to be handed over to General Memphila, but I didn't expect to get lost in the fog of war and come to this sacred snow, only to meet the barbarian hero Chloe's army on a narrow road... …”

The Holy Glacier Titan Empire (tower camp) is in the northwest corner of the Titan continent, while the Holy Emerald Golden Dragon Empire (barrier camp) is in the west of the Titan continent, just south of the tower camp.

The two countries are neighbors bordering each other, but the wells never run into rivers, neither forming alliances nor fighting wars, and only maintain basic foreign exchanges.

The barbarian camp is located in the desert south of the barrier camp. Historically, the barbarians have always wanted to expand northward, and have fought with the barrier camp for thousands of years, and the two sides have long become mortal enemies.

This is also the real reason why the barbarian hero had scruples about a certain dwarf!

If a diplomatic dispute is caused by this incident, and the tower camp, a neutral power, joins the war and sends troops from the rear to support the barrier camp, it is unacceptable to the barbarians.

Memphila is a female elf general in the barrier camp, who is famous for her defense. She presides over the military affairs in the southern part of the barrier camp and fights barbarians on the front line all the year round.

If Nina was to send treasures to General Memphila, it would be a completely different story to appear on the snowfields in the north.

Perhaps only in the fog of war can such a bizarre thing happen.

Thinking of this, the anger on the dwarf's face softened a little, he nodded in a pretentious manner, and said loudly.

"It turns out that, since I lost my way in the fog of war, then I can't blame you too much!"

"It's just that the war between you led to the death of my soldiers, and even my closest comrade-in-arms, the mage hero Duke, who was innocent, was brutally killed by the dark wolf cavalry!"

The Ranger Love, who was hiding in the snow fairy mage group, almost didn't laugh out loud, this fellow is blackmailing naked!

Soon, he saw a black-hearted dwarf pointing his finger at him——

"And my other close comrade-in-arms, Snow Elf Ranger Hero Love, who was also mercilessly slashed by the dark wolf cavalry's broadsword, and has not been out of danger yet, and even needs to be supported by soldiers to tremble. stand up majestically..."

At this moment, Ranger Love slumped backwards very honestly, as soft as a boneless chicken willow, leaning weakly on a poor Snow Fairy Mage.

"I know that such a thing happened, and it is not your original intention, so I have no other request, but I just hope that your Excellency can help and save Love's life!"

"I'm worried that he won't be able to return to the barracks alive..."

"As for poor Du Ke, the deceased is already dead and cannot be recovered. I will personally go to his home to mourn and mourn for his parents in the future!"

The dwarf's words reminded Nina of her fallen soldiers, and she saw her eyes redden and she whispered to the dwarf.

"I'm sorry, my mistake caused your close comrade-in-arms to lose precious lives, and I will make amends for him."

Immediately afterwards, Nina stretched out her white jade-like left hand, and condensed a ball of emerald green light in her palm, which quickly turned into a healing wave and threw it into Ranger Love's body.

Soon, Ranger Love found that his health was rising slowly, and he opened his mouth and made a weak sound.

"Thank you for your treatment, I feel much better, thank you!"

Nina said sadly: "This is what I should do."

At this time, there was a hint of joy on the face of the dwarf, and he said loudly: "Thank you very much, since Your Excellency saved Love's life, I will hide what happened today for Your Excellency."

"If there is anything I can help with,

Despite opening my mouth, I am very familiar with this terrain, and I can take you to a safe place to rest. "

Nina nodded and declined: "Thank you for your kindness. We don't want to disturb you too much. I believe we will return to our original place when the fog of war clears."

The dwarf nodded and blessed: "My army is in my life, please forgive me for not being able to stay here for a long time. I hope you can get what you want and have a smooth journey."

After speaking, the dwarf turned his body, and made a gesture to prepare to command the army to leave.

Behind him, Nina bit her lavender lips, as if she was making a difficult choice.

Finally, she took off a string of gold necklaces from her fair neck and solemnly handed it to the dwarf.

"Your Excellency Mu Kelong, you are a kind and upright commander. Because of me, you lost a close comrade-in-arms. This makes me feel very guilty, and my heart is uneasy."

"This is a golden Pegasus necklace. I hope you can accept it. Even if it can't compensate for one ten thousandth of Master Duke's precious life, it can at least represent my apology and guilt."

A certain dwarf took the golden Pegasus necklace with both hands, and said with a sad expression on his face.

"I feel your kindness and sincerity from the heart. I believe that Duko's spirit in the sky will rest in peace. May the goddess of the moon bless you."

A certain ranger also chanted a sentence in a weak voice not far away.

"Praise the moon, may the goddess bless you!"


In this way, the two cooperated closely, and they obtained a golden Pegasus necklace from Nina, the commander of the Golden Pegasus Imperial Guard, by means of cheating.

[Golden Pegasus Necklace] (Golden Three Star Quality, Blue Rare Strategic Treasure)

Strategic attributes: Pegasus family favorability +20, Pegasus troops movement speed +200, luck value +2.

Combat Attributes:

1. Agility +15

2. Regular movement speed +200

3. Physical crit level +8

4. Magic evasion level +12

5. Equipment stunt: [Summon Golden Pegasus] (special)

Summons several Golden Pegasus Sky Knights to fight for you. Their level is the same as your strategy class level, and the number is your Dominance value/10.

For every 1 Pegasus clan favorability you have, they will fight for you for 1 more minute.

Each summon consumes 100 magic points, and you can use up to 10 strategic levels per game day, and you cannot stack the summons.


After reading the attributes of this golden Pegasus necklace, Ranger Love swallowed hard and said something faintly.

"Boss, is it really good for us to do this?"

"Miss Nina is so innocent, kind, beautiful and generous, why should we lie to her?"

A black-hearted boss cast a glance at him and asked, "Which word did I lie to her?"

"Is Duko dead and am I sad?"

"You Love is injured and is about to die. Am I also sad and worried?"

"So, I didn't lie to her at all!"

"Besides, she gave it to me voluntarily, and I don't need to force it..."

Ranger Love took a deep breath when he heard the words, and sighed faintly.

"Now I know why you are the boss, and Duco and I are just wage earners!"

"Because we are not thick-skinned enough, our hearts are not dark enough, and the tricks of cheating are not like you!"

After Zhu Hao heard this, he smiled coldly.

"Brother, do you know what line of work I do in reality?"


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