Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 42: Meeting on a narrow road

To everyone's surprise, the war came so suddenly!

Not long after Mu Kelong led the team to leave Cullen City, it was not dark before they encountered an undead army on the west bank of the Culombe River!

Obviously, the opposite side is an army led by players from the enemy camp, and it is roughly estimated that the other side has at least 500 people!

At this stage, the highest strategic occupation level of players is around level 20. Even the most powerful commander-type occupation cannot have so many soldiers alone!

The only explanation is that the undead army on the opposite side is more than one hero with a strategic occupation!

How to play two-on-one?

It was clear that the enemy was outnumbered, and the players in Mukron's team immediately began to panic.

Especially after seeing clearly that there are at least hundreds of skeleton archers in the undead army on the opposite side, an aura of panic fills the hearts of the players.

[Skull Archer] (Tier 1, lvl 19, three-star white common undead)

Health: 180

Attack Power: 7

Defense: 3

Damage: (30~50)

Ammo Capacity: 24

Maximum range: 18 meters

Movement Speed: 500

Skill 1: Undead are not affected by mind control skills.

Skill 2: [Bone Arrow] (primary) When attacking from a distance, there is a 10% chance that the target's bones will become loose and soft, and the physical resistance will be reduced by 1%, at least 1 point.

(If the target has no physical resistance or the physical resistance is less than or equal to zero, it will obtain the negative physical resistance attribute.)


Although you can't see the opponent's attribute information when you are fighting with the player, the skeleton archer, the main first-order long-range arm of the cemetery undead camp, is almost unknown to the players who hang out on the northern battlefield.

Mukron knew the concerns of the players and what the players were afraid of.

After all, in the early stage of the game, the most troublesome thing is to encounter enemies with long-range troops, especially long-range troops commanded by heroes of the enemy camp players, which is really tingling.

"Rapid waves of continuous crossbow, rain of arrows" to understand?

Not only the teammates were flustered, but even the commander Mukron himself felt a little nervous.

The Skeleton Archer has a range of up to 18 meters, nearly double the 10-meter range of the Snow Goblin Mage Snowball.

If the other party also has the Guidance Technique, then this battle will be troublesome!

Even if you can win, it's probably a miserable victory.

As we all know, players do not accept a crushing victory—

Moreover, these players in their own team will not work hard for themselves, and it is not bad to escape before the battle, and they are afraid of surrendering before the battle, that is really cool.

However, Mu Kelong does not feel that he must not be able to fight!

At this stage, there are not many players with strategic careers, and most of them are whiteboard heroes, that is, those who do not have strategic career skills.

Among the few strategic professional players, the proportion of players who master Guidance is even lower.

How could it be such a coincidence that the first time I set out on a mission, I met someone who mastered the Guidance Technique just like me?

Regardless of the number of soldiers on the other side, more than 500 people beat 251 of them, but the real threat is likely to come from these more than 100 skeleton archers.

As long as the hero on the other side has no guidance skills, even with archery skills, Mu Kelong is sure to win this battle!

So he quickly spoke on the legion channel: "Brothers, don't panic, we march faster than the other side, but if we can't beat it, we can move forward strategically!"

"Besides, it's not completely impossible to fight!"

"As long as there is no Guidance on the opposite side, the advantage is greatly on me!"

"Next, let's prepare according to the situation that the enemy does not have a guidance technique, everyone listens to my command..."

Immediately afterwards, Mu Kelong personally accelerated to the front with 100 snow fairy mages.

Then group the other players' mercenaries into groups on the left and right flanks of the rear, forming a strange formation.

This scene was seen by the main hero on the opposite side, he couldn't help but touched the skull crown on his head and laughed.

"Did the hero on the opposite side have a broken brain, and let a crispy remote like Diu Diu stand in front of him, what does he want to do?"

"Give it away for nothing?"

At this time, a caveman hero said beside the skeleton hero, "The other party is not stupid, but helpless!"

"Doudiu's snowball technique is powerful, but it has a short range and has an advantage in moving speed on snow. He wants to hit us and leave!"

The skeleton hero wearing the skeleton crown nodded, the smile on his face restrained a little.

"It makes sense. If the other party hits us with a big snowball first, then turns around and leaves, we really can't catch up with the other party on the snow!"

"But since you and I saw through his mind, he will lose this battle if he doesn't run!"

The next moment, the skeleton hero commanded the 120 skeleton archers under his command to line up, and the rest of the soldiers and player mercenaries scattered from both sides to make way.

In this way, the two armies actually formed a strange formation with almost the same logic. The main force was long-range in front, and the rest of the soldiers supported the rear on the flanks.

As the two armies continued to approach, everyone's hearts were raised.

However, when he saw the other party's skeleton archer approaching his own snow fairy mage about 40 meters away, he still did not make a move. Mu Kelong knew that he had made the right bet!

On the other hand, the skeleton hero was also very cautious, carefully ordering the skeleton archers to stop, and scattered to the left and right in a skirmish formation.

These days, there are very few players who don't know the existence of Guidance, so it is necessary to be jealous of each other.

As everyone knows, this wave of skeleton heroes stopped advancing, and the operation of quickly dispersing the force almost scared Mu Kelong to death.

At this moment, Mu Kelong thought that the other party was ready to shoot!

But soon, a smile appeared on Mukron's face——

Because the enemy's skeleton archers who are in the front army have already entered the range of their own snow fairy mages!

Although the dispersion of the enemy formation can greatly weaken our long-range killing efficiency, it is not important!

As long as you don't have the Guidance Technique, my Snow Fairy Mage has a 700 speed and a 35-meter range on the snow. No matter how you fight, I will win!

The next moment, Mu Kelong also ordered a hundred snow fairy mages to disperse in formation.

In order to maximize the use of the transmission special effects attached to the golden guidance technique, he combined the second-tier long-range professional mercenaries and snow fairy mages to form an arc moon formation in front of the two armies, with the notch facing outward, like a blood basin A huge mouth, as if ready to devour the enemy.

In such a formation, the long-range firepower can be crossed and output, which perfectly exerts the special effect of transmission!

At this moment, the skeleton hero and caveman hero on the opposite side exclaimed at the same time.

"Such a formation?"

"Fuck, it's a trick!"

"The dog thief opposite has a guidance technique!"

But it was too late. When they reacted, the commander of the dwarf who was hiding in the army had already issued a combat order.

"All remotes fire immediately!"

"All arrows fired—"

"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!"

At this moment, a snowball the size of a basin was flying all over the sky, and dozens of sharp arrows were hidden in it. Even the priests in Mu Kelong's team sent out their own light and water magic arrows to attack the enemy.

At this moment, a certain dwarf commander wearing a golden crown told everyone present with the facts—

What is the truth only within the range of artillery fire!


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