Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter fifty-six slip away~

All of a sudden, he obtained five pieces of golden-quality equipment. Although they were not strategic treasures, they all had strategic value. Mu Kelong almost didn't say thank you.

The four pairs of combat boots conflicted with Mukron's snow-fast running boots. It was a pity that they could not be equipped repeatedly, but they could be auctioned or given benefits to employees.

But that ferret belt with a treasure slot is indeed a good thing, and it is hard to come by at this stage.

Especially after loading the magic scroll, you can instantly activate the magic scroll in the treasure slot, which is not too comfortable.

Mu Kelong fastened his belt, patted his stomach, and almost made a sound of comfort.

"The golden belt of murder and arson, the ancients did not deceive me!"

Recall that the four people who were killed were all professionals of the agility system, and their movement speed was very fast after the professional bonus.

And the four of them are all snow race players, with a 100-point movement speed bonus on the snow, plus a pair of fast running shoes, it is not surprising that the speed has reached a high level.

After killing the four, Mukron breathed a sigh of relief.

But he didn't dare to delay too long, recalled the hidden elite hunters of Mughal, and rushed towards the camp in Maple Leaf Ridge anxiously.

If you think about it with your ass, you know that since Magni can lead a large group of people to stand by and wait outside the Bluefrost Castle, the Snow Fairy Camp in Maple Leaf Ridge will most likely be in danger.

When his mastery of the Golden Guidance Technique was exposed on the northern battlefield, Mu Kelong knew that his relationship with the Maple Leaf Mountain Snow Fairy Camp might not be hidden from others for too long.

After all, there are only a hundred or so players in Blue Frost Castle, and there are only a few of them who have strategic careers. How could it be such a coincidence that two golden guidance techniques appeared?

Guess it's a scam!

The so-called pig head Asan is probably just a smoke bomb.

The reason why those people in Magni didn't start early was simply that they couldn't find themselves, and they were afraid that they would run farther away and dare not go back to Bluefrost Castle.

Now that he has re-emerged in Bluefrost Castle, and was discovered, there must be trouble over there in Maple Leaf Ridge.

It's easy to stand by and wait, maybe the Rockefeller family's camp has been surrounded!

Thinking that his army was all in Maple Leaf Ridge, Mu Kelong was instantly anxious.

This time the opponent knows himself and his opponent, and it is impossible to underestimate the enemy and be trapped by himself!

When Mu Kelong drove to Maple Leaf Ridge, he was shocked to find that there were dozens of players on Maple Leaf Ridge, leading hundreds of thousands of soldiers to conduct a carpet search, many of which were powerful long-range troops.

The camp of the snow fairies seems to have been occupied by people.

Not only the whereabouts of Rockefeller and his hundreds of clansmen are unknown, even his own soldiers are also unknown.

Mu Kelong did not dare to approach, and after a glance from a distance, he hid in the fog of war.

Rockefeller is not a player, and there is no way for Mukron to communicate with him through the chat channel, so he can only be anxious.

It didn't take long for Magni to approach Maple Ridge with another army of players and soldiers.

It was obvious that Magni was with the team of players that occupied the Maple Ridge camp.

Mukron knew that he could no longer hesitate and must evacuate this dangerous place.


After Mu Kelong slipped away quietly with the help of the fog of war, the players on Maple Leaf Ridge began to search for each other. It seemed that Mu Kelong was not caught.

After leaving Maple Leaf Ridge, Mukron began to flee in the direction of Storm Valley.

He knew in his heart that in a short period of time, Blue Frost Castle would not be able to return.

The local tyrant players throw money, the big guild takes orders, and they are alone and alone, and there is no way to fight against the enemy.

So he sent a message to the two friends in the Blue Frost Castle.

"Love, Duko, Magni is chasing me near Bluefrost Castle with hundreds of thousands of troops. I will withdraw to Storm Valley first. You must pay attention to safety in Bluefrost Castle.

Let's move to another place after dawn tomorrow. "

The two were speechless: "Why is Magni's dog thing again?"

Mu Kelong posted the four attributes of the boots he obtained in the chat group and laughed.

"Benefits are issued, everyone chooses one."

Ranger Love immediately replied: "I want to add 9 points of agility to the popular boots!"

Mage Duke followed closely: "I want speed boots!"

Mu Kelong smiled and said: "No problem, but there is one point that the two bosses must remember, Storm Valley is our final base, go and don't leak the coordinates."

"The great man said: A single spark can start a prairie fire - I already have a comprehensive plan. Our future starting capital will fall in the Valley of Storms. The three brothers of the first generation, mine are yours, and I won't say more!"

The two of them said in unison, "Don't worry, we won't say anything if we die!"


In the fog, Mu Kelong, who was advancing at full speed, turned off the chat group. Although he was full of pride, he was a little uneasy in his heart.

The camp in Maple Leaf Ridge was taken by the player. Rockefeller's clansmen and their own soldiers will not really be wiped out, will they?

The rest is nothing, the army will come back after dispersing, the key is that Rockefeller himself can't die.

I finally established a friendship with Rockefeller over 80 points of favorability, and it seemed that I was about to win this special snow fairy leader. If it fell short, it would be a real loss.

Suddenly, the fog in front of him fluctuated, and a familiar figure appeared in front of Mu Kelong.

It was none other than the "treasure fairy" Rockefeller that Mu Kelong was thinking of!

After the meeting, Rockefeller said something to Mukron with a lost face.

"Mukron, my brother, my homeland has been occupied by the enemy..."

"At that time, the enemy suddenly appeared, and the heavy army surrounded my camp. I saw that the enemy was outnumbered and the situation was not good. I had to reluctantly use the cloud and fog magic scroll..."

Cloud fog technique is a third-order advanced water magic, which can create a large cloud of fog on the battlefield. Both the enemy and the enemy lose their vision, and they can't see their fingers.

"Relying on the obscuring effect of the cloud and fog technique, I took the entire clan and the soldiers you left behind to quickly move into the fog of war, away from Maple Leaf Ridge..."

"I know that you will definitely consider returning to Storm Valley after you find out that the Maple Ridge Camp is occupied by the enemy, so I took people to hide in the fog of war and wait for you on this only road."

At this moment, Mu Kelong secretly said that he was lucky. Fortunately, he and Rockefeller had almost everything to talk about, and he didn't even hide the news that the enemy had offered him a huge reward.

Therefore, in the first time when the enemy attacked, Rockefeller could quickly judge the situation and make a decisive decision to retreat.

It was because of Rockefeller's wit that his family and his soldiers were able to escape.

Such a result was a fluke!

After meeting and discussing for a while, the two decided to temporarily avoid the enemy's edge and return to the Valley of Storms to develop their wretchedness.

As he walked, Rockefeller felt that something was wrong and said in a low voice.

"We seem to be lost in the fog of war!"

Mu Kelong was stunned and said in surprise: "No way? The fog of war is coming to me again!"

When I opened the current coordinates, it turned out to be an unknown location - no doubt, this was caused by the strange power of the fog of war.

Soon, they left the snow and stepped into a dense forest full of stench.

Mu Kelong snorted and asked, "What smells, so stinky?"


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