Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 66: The Thousand Mile Expedition Road (4) The Secret Realm of Snow Mountain?

As the players swept through the centaur lair, the dwarf commander received the latest report from the scout.

However, this time things were a little weird.

Ranger Love: "Boss, you may not believe it, we actually lost the centaur predators!!!"

Mu Kelong: "???"

Ranger Kemen: "Hei Da, it's like this..."

"We followed the centaur raiders all the time, and then we saw them go up a snowy mountain, and after we chased up the mountain, we got lost..."

"Not only are the Centaur Marauders gone, we're lost too!"

Assassin Laurel: "Hei Da, based on my years of game intuition, this snowy mountain feels like a dungeon space!"

Mu Kelong: "It may be a secret space similar to the dungeon. You can report the coordinates of Daxue Mountain, and I will bring people there immediately."

Stalker Utred: "I remember the coordinates of the entrance to Daxueshan—[Eastern Wasteland of Coulombe River] (13579, 24680, 618)..."

Mu Kelong: "Received, you gather together first, and then explore in a small area. I will bring a large army to meet you immediately."



At noon, Mu Kelong brought the main army to the snowy mountain that Ranger Love and the others mentioned.

At the first sight of the big snow mountain, Mu Kelong felt a little strange, because such a large independent snow mountain was not marked on the map of this area.

It is daytime, there is no fog of war, and the world map coordinates can clearly show that the current position has not been accidentally shifted, so the only possibility is—

The snow-capped mountain in front of you should be some kind of mysterious existence, or a kind of fantasy or secret!

As the dwarf commander guessed, after the players knew that the snowy mountain in front of them was likely to be a dungeon-type fantasy and secret realm, they all shouted and asked to rush up...

Soon, Mu Kelong took his army up the snowy mountain.

It didn't take long for them to successfully find the scout team. Through the exploration progress of the scout team, Mu Kelong learned some basic information about the secret realm of Daxueshan.

Stalker Utred: "Hei Da, this big snowy mountain should be in the pass-through mode. We found that there is a city gate on the mountain, and there are a lot of archers in the city gate. We can't get through it at all."

Assassin Laurel: "At that time, I glanced at it from a distance and couldn't see the specific attributes of the archer on the gate, but I guessed that the opponent was probably a three-star version of the second-tier arm of the castle camp [The Archer]. "

Ranger Kemen: "Except for the city gate we dare not approach, I have roughly explored the nearby places and found nothing of value."

Ranger Love: "My exploration is similar, except for the few of us outside the city gate, and I haven't seen the shadow of the centaur raider."

Mu Kelong nodded and smiled: "It seems that there is only one way to attack the city gate."

"We haven't left the castle camp's sphere of influence yet, and it's not surprising to encounter the arms of the archer lineage, but this snow mountain appears strangely, and it shouldn't be a real arm..."

"Then there is nothing to worry about, don't be shy, just do it!"

After speaking, Mu Kelong divided the long-range soldiers into several echelons according to the distance and arranged them under the city gate, and then he carefully approached the ice and snow city gate that guarded the main road up the mountain in front...

100 meters - no response from the city gate!

75 meters - the city gate still does not respond!

50 meters - Mu Kelong was discovered, and many soldiers wearing iron armor and holding triangular heavy crossbows began to appear on the gate, but the other party seemed to be on alert and did not launch an attack.

40 meters - the crossbowmen at the gate seem to be more nervous,

But still no attack.

30 meters - a large rain of arrows suddenly erupted from the city gate, and the crossbow was like a wave, lashing down...

Mu Kelong quickly retreated a few meters, but only a few arrows sparsely landed on his body, and several red damage numbers of no more than 20 points appeared on his head.

The next moment, Mu Kelong took a few steps forward again, triggering the continuous waves of crossbows on the city gate...

In a flash of lightning, Mu Kelong took a serpentine position under the Chengguan. After paying a few hundred health points as the price, he finally figured out the maximum effective range of the crossbowmen on the Chengguan.

Immediately afterwards, he laughed loudly on the Legion channel: "Haha, this wave is stable!"

"Although the attributes of the soldiers on the city gate are blocked by the system, I can be sure that their maximum effective range is no more than 30 meters, which is still the attack distance of the crossbow arrows shot from above."

"The long-range occupations lined up according to their respective ranges, and they all took their places and fired freely!"


There are no absolutely perfect and invincible units and heroes in the game, and the same goes for the crossbowmen on the city gates.

As some unknown mysterious long-range arms, their strong bows and crossbows have a long range and can fire arrows in bursts, but—

When the players' long-range attacks landed on their heads under the influence of the golden guidance technique, the professional characteristics of anemia and crispy skin were immediately exposed.

Ranger Love: [Erren Arrow]!




Ranger Love is a little depressed: "This wave of two consecutive arrows has been lost, such a crispy enemy, just shoot it directly and it's over!"

Mage Duke: [Snowball Technique]!



Stalker Utred: [Poisoned Flying Dagger]!




The actual combat proved that the life value of the mysterious crossbowmen on the gate is between 280 and 300, and the defense value does not exceed 8 points.

At this stage, the player's damage basically reaches 150~200. With the support of its own attack power and the strategic attack of the dwarf commander, normal long-range attacks can cause more than 300 points of actual damage.

Soon, hundreds of crossbowmen on the city gate were slaughtered by the players, and they did not pose a threat to the players until they died.

This battle once again proved that in the confrontation between long-range armies, range is king - truth is always only within the coverage of artillery fire!

Seeing that there was no one in the city gate, Mu Kelong immediately sent a group of agile player soldiers to climb the city to seize the gate, and successfully won the first stage on the snowy mountain.

It is worth mentioning that after the crossbowmen on the city gate were killed, they soon turned into snow piles. This scene was seen by the players, and they became more convinced that they were in a secret realm.

Regrettably, after winning the city gate, everyone, including Mu Kelong, did not gain anything!

Money, experience, equipment, resources, treasures... nothing.

This strange scene made everyone wonder, what kind of secret realm is this?

Why haven't I heard of it before!

Although the game provided an experience stage for a period of time before the server was launched, at that time Bixue Game Company once claimed that it was an unlimited experience.

But after the real server was launched, players still found that there were many things in the game that they had never touched before in the experience stage.

However, some basic game operations and the background of the world plot have not changed much. As for some strange encounters encountered during the game, players also like to hear and hear.

Although land reclamation is very tiring, it is really interesting, and players will have a strong sense of accomplishment after successful land reclamation!

It has to be said that Bixue Games successfully captured the players' mentality.


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