Invincible Heroes of Storm Lords

Chapter 77: The Thousand Mile Expedition Road (15) The Ancient Tomb in the Mist

On the other hand, Mu Kelong didn't know that there was a group of tails behind him.

But he also realized that he seems to be surrounded and suppressed by a certain force now, and the situation is not good!

It took only half a day for my army to travel to the hinterland of the elemental camp, and there were bounty hunters who tracked it down in such a short period of time. It can be seen that it is not as simple as having an inner ghost "vermin" in my team. It's better, it's also worth the money outside!

How much hatred? How much hate?

To put it bluntly, a crown of dead bones plus a headshot, as for what!

Among the players under his command, only two old brothers, Love and Duko, who Mukron really trusted, had been following him. If they betrayed him, someone in Storm Valley would have been tossed away, and he was completely powerless. Change the situation.

In addition, Laurel, the Assassin of the Second Investigation Team who reported the attack just now, can also be trusted.

Because if it wasn't for Laurel's warning just now, with the terrifying movement speed of the opponent's army and the high concealment on the snow, he would definitely be able to catch himself by surprise, and the crispy long-range soldiers would probably lose a lot.

At this time, Duko sent a private message to Mukron, and sent it to the three-person group channel as usual.

"Boss, what happened when you almost got into a fight just now?"

Mu Kelong: "There are inner ghosts reporting the coordinates to the outside, and some people outside have spent a lot of money to invite master players from the element camp to encircle and suppress us."

Duke: "Fuck, I can still operate like this across thousands of kilometers. Poverty limits my imagination."

Mu Kelong: "It's good to get used to it, so I sent out more than a dozen sentries to guard the periphery, just for fear of being made dumplings."

Dark Ranger Love, who is on guard on the periphery: "What if there is an inner ghost in the sentinel?"

Mu Kelong was silent for a while, and said something lightly.

"In that case, the identity of the inner ghost will be exposed..."

"For today's plan, we are ready to face the battle at any time, and we must march forward in formation!"

Love: "Got it!"

Duke: "Understood!"

Then, Duco added another sentence.

"Boss, do you want to expose the ghost in the Legion channel?"

Mu Kelong thought about it and rejected the suggestion.

"Don't point out this matter for the time being, so as not to cause players to suspect each other, it will be more troublesome at that time."

"If other players bring this up, let's do it again."

"Good boss!"


Nothing special happened for the next half a day, until the sky turned dark and the fog of war came.

Mu Kelong knew that there was a high probability that there were enemies waiting for the opportunity, and he could not stop and rest for the time being, so he decided to continue marching through the fog of war.

But soon, an ancient tomb suddenly appeared ahead!

At first, everyone thought it was a cemetery treasure house, and the players were all excited.

Because the cemetery treasure house is relatively easy to fight, and the output is stable, there must be money and resources, and higher cemetery treasure houses can even stabilize strategic treasures and top-quality equipment.

Most importantly, the cemetery treasure house is relatively easy to fight!

At this stage, players feel that they have a strong army and a complete set of occupations. They are not afraid of the guards in the cemetery treasure house, even if there are vampires and vampire barons!

Even Mukron, Love, and Duko who had played the cemetery treasure house thought it was some kind of intermediate and advanced cemetery treasure house that they had never seen before, but when the players approached the tomb, they did not find a secret realm similar to the dungeon. The space was generated and did not encounter any attacks.

At this time, the legion commander Mu Kelong walked to the inscription in the ancient tomb and carefully watched the content of the inscription.

However, he found that he could not understand a word.

It's not that some dwarf has no culture,

But the content on the inscription is neither any mainstream text in reality, nor the known text in the game, but a bit like the tadpole text in the legend.

Suddenly, the gray stone tablet in front of the dwarf commander suddenly cracked, revealing a passage leading to the depths of the ancient tomb!

Seeing this scene, the players hurrahed around and shouted.

"This is not a cemetery treasure house, maybe it's the [Tomb of the Warriors]!"

"The legendary [Tomb of the Warriors] is a neutral hidden building that must drop strategic treasures. It is very rare. I didn't expect it to be encountered by us today!"

"Hei Da, what are you waiting for, red duck!"

Mu Kelong rubbed his hands and laughed: "Hehe, since the brothers are so happy, let's go in and be happy?"

"let's go--"


When Mu Kelong took the lead and led the team into the entrance of the dark tomb, everyone felt a space change in front of them...

In this regard, players are not only not worried, but even more excited!

- Into the copy!

Sure enough, in the next second, everyone found themselves in a dark space located underground.

In front of this dark space, stands a magnificent black square tomb.

In front of the black tomb is a wide square with hundreds of clay figurines erected on the square...

At the moment of seeing these clay figurines, three words appeared in the minds of many players in the team——

"Terracotta Warriors???"

"Fuck, the designer is really bad fun, Qin Shihuang has crossed into the game world of the invincible hero of Might and Magic?"


At this moment, the main door of the black tomb slowly opened, and a tall and burly figure in black armor that looked like an ancient general walked out of the tomb. A murderous bronze broadsword.

The next moment, the long sword in General Heijia pointed forward, and a series of low and urgent voices came out of his mouth.

"Temple - turn - up - mud - cave..."

Although everyone present didn't understand the language spoken by the black-armored general on the opposite side, they knew from their butt that 10,000 percent wasn't something like a dinner party.

Sure enough, at the moment when General Hei Jia’s voice fell, the surfaces of the nearly 1,000 soldiers’ clay figurines in the square began to crack at the same time…

Soon, the clay figurines completely took off their outer mud coats, revealing their true inner core.

Witnessing this shocking scene with their own eyes, another word appeared in the hearts of the players—

"Resurrection Legion!!!"

In an instant, this "resurrection legion" began to act!

Under the order of General Heijia, the clay figurines soldiers quickly assembled into nine square formations on the square, arranged in a nine-square grid.

At this time, the players counted the number of clay soldiers.

Each square has six rows and fifteen columns, with exactly ninety people. The total of the nine squares is 810 people, plus the Heijia general himself, a total of 811 people.

Among the nine phalanxes, the arms are further subdivided into three categories, namely the sword and shield soldiers, the long-ge soldiers and the large crossbow soldiers!

The first two rows of soldiers in each phalanx are sword and shield soldiers, the middle two rows are Long Ge soldiers, and the last two rows are large crossbowmen - defense, attack, long-range, trinity, all alive!

At this moment, everyone understands-

War is imminent!


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