In today's era, the president of every professional university is usually the strongest person, and even if he is not, he will definitely be supported by the strongest person. This is almost an unspoken rule.

Of course, it would be different if it were a non-professional university.


Lancelot didn't mean to talk about the price, and directly stated that the transaction was completed.

This kind of trading channel needs to be maintained by everyone, and there will not be any low price or special extortion, unless you only want to trade once, that's fine. What ordinary businessmen do, especially the more powerful they are, the more fair they will be in transactions, because they must try their best to create a good reputation, so that more people will be willing to trade with them privately. One percent of private transactions, so good reputation is really important.

After the transaction was confirmed, Lin Feng felt relieved.

If the other party did not agree to the transaction, he would not have any other channels for a while, and he would not be able to carry the strategic treasure. Let's go straight to the door?

Now that the opponent has shown his strength

, he will definitely be able to produce two nest drawings before next week. This fully shows the opponent's confidence. As for the basic resources, it doesn't matter.

"By the way, I still have a batch of potions in my hand, one bottle costs 100 gold coins. I wonder if you are interested?"After the deal was confirmed, Lancelot, as if he just remembered it, took out a bottle of healing potion fused with the Fountain of Life and Lilith's blood.

A member of the hero team with sharp eyes took it, and after some busy Afterwards, he whispered the identification results.

"No matter how much there is, we can eat it all!"

After hearing the results, the two instructors directly made a promise. No matter how large the quantity of this therapeutic potion is, they must take it!

Not to mention losing money, they must take it even if they lose blood, because this thing is at a critical moment. But if it can save lives, only they know how much a student's death will cost, so they don't even ask about the price.

‘Did I make a loss? Lin

Feng, who was lying on one side to rest, saw the reaction of the two people, and this idea flashed through his mind.

He referred to the market price for this price. He felt that one hundred gold coins per bottle was exaggerated enough. After all, one bottle was worth one thousand Xia Yuan in reality and it was a consumable. The price was indeed exaggerated.

It was just the market price that Lin Feng considered, but the two tutors considered the price that the students had worked hard to zero for many years. The two parties had different ways of thinking, which naturally resulted in different values.

However, the price had already been announced, and Lin Feng didn't feel comfortable raising the price, so he confirmed the deal.

This time it was three thousand bottles because the preparation time given was too long.

They were all carried by the Deadwood Guards. It was because of this kind of transportation that they could easily carry so many.

Because each bottle is pitifully small, a half-person-high box can hold hundreds of bottles, and three thousand bottles can't actually fit into a few boxes.

Three hundred thousand gold coins, both mentors can easily come up with it.

But they also understand that they cannot keep this kind of thing for themselves, and the school will collect most of it, because this transaction is backed by the school and is not theirs to gain privately.

After the transaction was completed, the two parties agreed to trade blueprints and strategic treasures before next Monday, and then trade another batch of troops on Monday.

At the same time, Lancelot also confirmed that the elite troops promised last time will be brought next week.

Lin Feng was very satisfied with this transaction. Not only did he get a large amount of gold coins, but he also found a home for his strategic treasure.

Especially when the other party promised to bring him the two nest drawings he wanted next week, that made him even more excited.

As long as next week comes, his army will be strengthened geometrically.

The remaining few days can be used to hunt hell creatures and upgrade the World Tree. Now the key is to increase the number of gray elves. As long as the number is large, the hunting work can be handed over to the other party.

If there were no gray elves in the World Tree Territory, it would naturally look quiet and empty, and the soldiers could not speak.

But with the presence of the gray elves, the territory naturally gained a lot of vitality. As long as this continues, this place will naturally become a real kingdom, a kingdom that only belongs to Lin Feng.

Hunting can be left to Lancelot. With this powerful army, there is no need to worry about insufficient combat power, as long as they don't enter the mountainous areas.

Of course Lin Feng wanted to quit the game and rest.

After all, almost a day had passed in the real world. During this period, although he occasionally went offline to solve physical problems (toilet), he was already very hungry.

Because those thousands of newly recruited main troops were traded as goods, the size of the army was immediately reduced to only a fraction, and the march became much simpler, taking only two-thirds of the time before, almost half a day. Returned to the territory

"Sir, congratulations on successfully completing the transaction!", who came to greet Lilith seemed to have seen something from Lin Feng, so she congratulated her.


Lin Feng felt speechless, because he was not a human now, but the body of a red dragon. How did the other party see the expression on his face?

Of course Lilith would not say that she was observing her creator all the time, and she knew exactly what each of his movements meant, let alone his expressions - she was obviously confused now, right?

Lin Feng saw the other party standing aside elegantly, with no intention of explaining at all, so he gave up his inquiring thoughts and prepared to log off.

He came to the World Tree and climbed down slowly, then closed his eyes.

The light in the field of vision changed, and after opening it again, I returned to the earth world.

Fortunately, there is something like a system panel in the hero world, otherwise you might forget that you live in the earth world.

The hero world is a real world, and many people will be addicted to it.

After all, although the rules of that world are different from those of Earth, it is a very real world. It is not surprising to be addicted to it. For this reason, the system interface will be forced to pop up every once in a while to remind you of the difference in the world.

Take off the login device and stand up.


The sound of bones sounded, and Lin Feng felt that his smile was a little stiff because he had been lying there for too long.

There is no way. Although his current body is far larger than that of an ordinary person, it does not mean that there is no problem if he does not move for most of the day.

As for the supporting equipment, of course, such as massage chairs, login cabins, etc., if you use those things, this situation will not happen at all.

"you're awake?", a male voice came from the side, and at the same time there was a sound like"sucking" and the aroma of noodles.

Turning around, a young man with a slovenly appearance, short hair, and an indifferent expression was sitting at a small table eating instant noodles, his eyes Just looking here curiously

"Well, I am..."

Lin Feng answered.

Even though he stayed here temporarily for more than a day, it was still the first time he met him. We had never seen each other before in the hero world.

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