This is a magic hero, a standard magic turret, and the perfect choice for the leader of the mage group.

The opponent's talent can cultivate a group of terrifying mages.

The strength of the mage group is not comparable to that of ordinary long-range troops, but there should be a lot of restrictions. At the very least, the most important thing is that the cultivation targets can only be elves.

Then there is the heroic skill of primary intelligence, which is a powerful ability to increase the magic power of oneself and the surrounding casters. It is very suitable for the opponent and is simply tailor-made.

Finally, there is Spell Specialization, a very overbearing specialty that allows you to learn professional spells without spending skill points, giving you the foundation of a spell turret.

The potential is endless!

Lin Feng confirmed this again. No wonder there is a limit on the number of Sun Elves. If there was no limit on the number of places, a slightly larger number would be completely invincible.

"Okay, next I will improve my strength and hunt, and I will bring back the nest drawings in a few days!"

After reading the attributes of the new elf hero, he certainly won't waste time. The new hero will naturally be assigned by Lilith to clean up the territory and collect scattered resources.

Today is Wednesday, and the lair drawings will be traded before Monday, which means that in a few days The blueprints can be obtained within a few days.

In the next few days,

Lin Feng did not lead the army, but directly handed it over to Lancelot for hunting.

The leveling efficiency of acting alone was even higher than that of leading an army. Fast.

Because although he is less than level 30, his combat power is completely comparable to that of core creatures, and he also has the ability to fly. Don’t kill hell creatures too fast. In this case, choose the right target to start with, and the benefits will naturally be higher than those of the core creatures. It's faster to go with the army.

He carries the strategic treasure with him, and he will go there during the transaction. If there is only one dragon, there is no need to spend a lot of time on the road.

The transaction time is set on Sunday, and not in the morning. It was at the end of the day when Lin Feng got the lair drawings and finished the transaction, he just saw the end of the week, and the reminder of the beginning of the new week slipped across his field of vision.

【This week is Monster Week, with double the production of monsters! ]

A slightly disappointing week for him.

There are many lairs in his territory now, and the chance of hitting them is not small. This can fail, which naturally makes him speechless. Even if he can't have a week of swordsmen and wood elves, it would be good to have a week of griffins.

However, the emotions in his heart were not revealed. Lin Fenglong's face was still very fierce and he said to the male instructor who came alone, with no trace of frivolity on his face:

"The transaction is successful, our lord will bring the troops this afternoon!"

Now he has to go back to build a lair and prepare to trade goods.

This time his troops will usher in a big explosion. The quota of elite troops was not refreshed last week, but it was only refreshed this week. Cooperating with his next actions, it can completely transform his strength.

"We are also looking forward to the afternoon trading!", the male instructor said it sincerely.

The group of experienced heroes from Tianhai University have arrived and camped not far away since yesterday. At the same time, they have been raising funds frantically this week, purely for the purpose of 'buy, buy, buy' Come, naturally look forward to today's transaction.

The transaction of strategic treasures is done privately, and the transaction of weapons does not need to be secretive.


Lin Feng spread his wings and flew towards the spider forest quickly. Before leaving, he glanced behind Hongfeng. After flying away, a figure slowly rose up behind the trading instructor, a young man with a stern face.

"Did you spot me?", the young man said to himself in a doubtful tone.

"Director, I think the other party must have discovered it. I feel like the way the other party looked before he left was looking at you!"

While the trading instructor was speaking, he handed the strategic treasure in his hand to the other party. It was of course impossible for him to carry such an extremely precious thing based on his strength, and it would be over if it was robbed.

Calling the other party director shows that the other party's strength and status are among them. Above all, and looking at the respectful attitude, it shows that there is more than one thing.

In today's era, you should never judge a person's age by his appearance.

Because of the breakthrough in life span, a large number of strong people are getting stronger and younger, which is simply reverse growth. The rhythm of the young and strong person even more proves his strength.

"Well, I took away the strategic treasure first. You did a good job this time and the points will not be less. Come back as soon as possible after the transaction and prepare to participate in the plan!"The young man took the Werewolf King's Shield and then turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

The opponent was not a hero, but he was a top professional with an incredible ability to protect himself, so he had the confidence to bring the strategic treasure back.

Tianhai No matter how bold the university is, it will not let two tutors take full responsibility for such an important transaction. Naturally, it needs some insurance.

Lin Feng had a vague feeling just now, so he looked here specifically. A glance.

On the other side!

At this time, Lin Feng was flying at a high speed with his wings spread.

Even if there were towering giant trees, he had to slow down a few dozen meters apart, because it was very simple. If he is not careful, his wings may hit something.

After growing in size, the forest that was once so vast has become much smaller for him.

Now he can barely fly in the spider forest. As long as he slows down, he will be able to fly in the future. He might have to fly over the forest, and flying from the sky would mean that he would be discovered from a distance, which would be trouble.

But trouble would be a matter of the future, but the strengthening of the territory would be a matter of now. Now he has two drawings in his hand. But there are two very crucial drawings.

The first is the Arrow Hole Tower, which is the recruitment nest for the Templar's third-level crossbowmen.

In fact, this unit is dressed differently from the castle's third-level archers. There is no violation for both sides. Harmony, that's why they are said to be in the same camp. With the Arrow Hole Tower, the prerequisite for the construction of the monastery will naturally be met. At that time, this building can be built in the territory, and the output of the priestess will explode instantly.

This is the focus of Lin Feng's trade.

After building the barrier, you can recruit seventh-level Pegasus!

This is a type of high-speed flying unit, one that is fast and ten slow. Although its hand-to-hand combat ability is barely higher than that of a fifth-level gryphon, it is not. There are too many, but the dexterity and speed are far above it.

The main thing is that with the magic spring, you can naturally build a core nest and recruit core troops in the territory. This is the key point.

In this lair, the territory can get a large number of core troops every three weeks, and core troops are the tickets for top heroes. Whether they have them or not is two different things. Although he had them before, the number was too small.

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