The attributes are completely qualitative changes.

Not to mention the template changes, the health value has also evolved from 50 points per level to 200 points, which is a four-fold increase..

The killing damage is directly off the charts, because it cannot be buffed by heroes. It is not surprising that such a high killing damage is achieved. One claw can easily kill the main force in an instant.

In addition to the panel changes, there are more changes that cannot be seen clearly. The combat power is at least twice as strong as before.

As for Dragon Breath, Lin Feng now feels like he can spray it three times, especially since he has a new hidden ability, which is like Dragon Breath and does not appear on the panel.

Form changes!

If his current state can be considered a combat form, then there is also an energy-saving form.

The huge form of the dragon represents a huge consumption, whether it is food or energy, but sometimes when there is no need to fight, the body can naturally be made smaller.

It turns out that the dragon also has a humanoid form.

Yes, giant dragons can transform into human and elf forms, but Lin Feng did not obtain this ability. The reason is very simple, that is, his talent is limited, and his body will always be in the shape of a dragon.

Fortunately, the energy-saving form is also in the form of a dragon, so this ability can be awakened. If it were in any other form, it would never be possible to awaken it.

Huge improvement!

After reaching level 30, his combat power has completely transformed. Before, Lin Feng did not have the confidence to challenge the Evil God King alone, but now he has absolute confidence to defeat an Evil God King.

Even if it is an ace-level hell creature like a fire elf, because the opponent's strongest ability is restrained, he still has the confidence to fight it.

The body shape has also grown, from the previous three and a half meters tall at the shoulders to the current four meters tall at the shoulders. This is more than one growth, almost several circles.

The shoulder height refers to the height when all fours are on the ground. The head is at least six meters high when squatting. The body is more than ten meters long including the tail. The wingspan is more than twelve meters. It is as huge as a small passenger plane.

If he could spread his wings, he would be like a behind-the-scenes BOSS-level monster in various special effects movies. Even the bus is not as big as him.

With a wingspan of more than ten meters wide, a shoulder height of four meters, and a length of more than ten meters, just imagine that a luxury bus that can seat dozens of people will be shorter or shorter in front of it, and the image will come to your face..

But Lin Feng's body was shining with light, and his body seemed to be bearing some heavy burden.

Not long after, the body began to slowly shrink.

This is when he is using an energy-saving form, or a disguised form. This ability itself requires an adult dragon to awaken, but he is too special to awaken this ability in advance.

The huge body becomes smaller in proportion, which looks extremely weird.

It takes at least ten minutes to finish, and it also requires concentration, making it very troublesome to use.

"It seems that it cannot be used in combat. Fortunately, it returns to combat form quickly, and this form has no combat effectiveness!", Lin Feng murmured to himself while looking at his body.

His appearance has not changed now. He still has red scales, wings, limbs, long tail, and thick flat head.


This is the most important thing.

He was domineering before Incomparable, it is completely in the form of the world-destroying BOSS, but now this doll is about the size of a half-arm.

After shrinking, it feels completely different from before. It has changed from domineering to cute.

The big form and the small form give people a feeling. Quite the opposite.

Just like an adult tiger that gives people a dangerous and bloodthirsty look, there are many people who like it when it is in its cub state. It is as cute as a tabby cat.

At this time, Lin Feng was like this. He was domineering and arrogant now. It's cute and cute.

Especially after the weed-like bone spurs on his body disappeared, there were only a row of neat bone spurs and the top corners of his head. Not only did he lose any domineering look after becoming smaller, but he looked even cuter. Unfortunately, he couldn't notice it.

It just feels like everything around him has become a lot taller, especially the soldiers who needed to look down before, now they have to look up.

It's like a dwarf. Before, he had to lower his head to see the opponent under his feet, but now he looks like one. It's as huge as a giant. This feeling is very interesting. Spread your wings and fly. Of course

, there will be no strong wind this time, and the sound is much smaller.

When flying, it feels like a completely different flying experience from before. Fortunately, it has changed. Xiao has not lost the ability to fly, otherwise this energy-saving state would be too boring.

As long as he can fly, this is said to be energy-saving, but the same state as the camouflage is very useful. He cannot go to many places because it is too eye-catching. , but there is no problem in this posture. Moreover

, in this state, the body feels very light, and the stomach is not easy to get hungry. When he changes to the fighting posture, Lin Feng spends a lot of time filling his stomach.

Climbing into the sky and passing over the heads of the ground army, Lin Feng ordered

"Set off!"

Lancelot and Bedi were both there, and immediately commanded the army to leave with the corpses of hell creatures.

During this period, they worked hard to hunt hell creatures, which caused the growth rate of the World Tree to surge.

Although the size has not changed, the output has soared, directly from every day The birth of five gray elves has turned into ten people being born every day.

Just looking at the change in the number of births, you can see how many corpses of hell creatures have become nutrients for the world tree.

With this output, the number of gray elves in the territory has also increased. Breaking through three digits.

After the Gray Elf broke through three digits, Lilith's hero template also automatically changed from white ordinary to green excellent, and the level limit was raised to level 40.

Therefore, after the elf queen broke through, the upper limit of the canonized knights under her command could also be exceeded. , as long as the test task is completed, the task is set by Lilith, but it must be within a certain range.

For example, the danger level is between 1 and 3. You can give a dangerous task, but it cannot be lower than this number.���As for whether the task is dangerous or not, it is naturally determined by the world consciousness.

Lancelot's test mission was completely a formality, and he passed the test if he was given the task of hunting one hundred hellhounds. Therefore, Lancelot's level was also above level 20.

The army numbered nearly three thousand units and occupied a large area of ground.

In the past two days alone, countless hellish creatures have fallen in their slaughter. In ordinary areas, they would have been slaughtered, but here there is no impact at all.

Spread your wings and patrol your army!

Tall deadwood guards, mighty griffins, dexterous Pegasus... tough swordsmen, one after another troops passed under the wings, making people feel the strength of the army.

After these two days of frantically spawning monsters, even the deadwood guards with the highest template have been upgraded to level 20 or above, and centaurs and the like are around level 40.

Don't think this speed is normal.

This is because there are countless hellish creatures to slaughter, the experience value of monsters is several times that of soldiers, and Lin Feng helps, so most of the time he gets a good rating.

It is the combination of various advantages that can achieve this leveling speed. Otherwise, if it were someone else, it would take at least more than a month to achieve this.

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